Local school nurse is

2013/2014 - Incoming 6th Grade Students
Carrie Palmer Weber Middle School Health Information
All 6th Grade students born on or after 1/1/94 and who are 11years old are required to have a
Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) booster. Documentation of the booster must be
brought to the Medical Office by the first day of school in September, 2012. If your child is not
11 years old yet, documentation of the immunization is required within 1 week of his/her

Students who have no evidence of the booster documented in their record by the start of school
will be precluded from attending school as per New York State Law.

Your child’s Medical Record must have the following immunizations: Any time your child receives an immunization, documentation is required for the Medical Record.
Medications to be taken in school must be in the original container and brought to the Medical
Office with written Parental Consent AND a signed Doctor’s Order. This includes over the counter
medications and topicals. Students are allowed to self-administer Inhalers ONLY, provided the
Doctor’s order indicates that the child is familiar with the use of an inhaler. ALL medication must be
picked up at the end of the school year or it will be discarded. PLEASE consider Tylenol or Advil for
those children prone to headaches, cramps, or after the placement or adjustment of braces.

Please notify the medical office at the beginning of the school year about any food, insect or drug
Please inform the Nurses of what occurs during a reaction and what the first course of action
is: Benadryl, Epi-Pen, 911, etc. A Food Allergy Action Plan form must be filed with the Medical
Please contact the House Office immediately to change any Contact Information ie: new home phone,
work phone or cell. It is important to have up to date info so you could be contacted right away.

Please stop by the nurse’s office the week before school with the diabetic plan and to drop off insulin, snacks, juices etc.

Should an injury occur, please notify the Medical Office right away. A Physician’s medical note is
REQUIRED if a student cannot participate in PE, requires the use of the elevator or has crutches.
Similarly, a Doctor’s note is also required to return to PE, or if he/she no longer requires the elevator
or crutches. Documentation is required as per NY State Law.

Sick Calls:

All parents must call the house office when a child is going to be absent from school.

Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis), Lice, Flu, Chicken Pox, Scabies, Diseases:
Fifth Disease, Mononucleosis, and Ringworm are diseases that are easily transmitted to others and
must be reported to the nurse. Please take your child to the Pediatrician immediately if you suspect
any of these conditions so your child can be treated promptly.

1-Mile Run:
Please contact the PE instructor if your child has Asthma, requires an inhaler prior to activity or can
only walk the mile. If PE is before lunch– please be sure he/she has eaten a healthy breakfast
and is well hydrated.

If you have any questions, please call the Weber Middle School Health Office at 767-5550
Jean Reilly, RN, MBA – Medical Coordinator
Adriane Schlesinger, RN – Professional School Nurse

Source: http://www.portnet.k12.ny.us/cms/lib6/NY01001023/Centricity/Domain/291/MedicalInfofor5thorientationJan2013.pdf


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