Welcome to the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)!
Founded in 1868, the Society is Canada’s largest astronomical group. You have joined more than 4,100 members with 29 local Centers across Canada, the U.S. and internationally who enjoy the many benefits of membership including:
• Observer’s Handbook: As a member you receive a complimentary copy of the
astronomical resource guide found in observatories around the world.
• SkyNews magazine: free subscription to the glossy, full-colour magazine
produced by renowned astronomy writer and RASC member, Terence Dickinson.
• All the information you need with links to local RASC Centres, news on
meetings/events, email discussion groups, and the RASC e-Store.
• RASC General Assembly: Hosted by a different Centre each year, a conference with
workshops, speakers, tours, and the RASC Annual Meeting & Banquet.
• The Journal: The RASC bimonthly magazine contains general-interest articles and
peer-reviewed research papers providing a wide spectrum of information for every astronomical interest. The Journal is available in print or electronically.
• Astronomy Resources & Tools: The Observer’s Calendar; The Beginner’s
Observing Guide; Skyways/Explorons l’astronomie, the handbook for teachers; and Star Finders /Cherche-etoiles, and Moon Gazer’s Guides;
• RASC Members-only Discount Programs – Member savings on Budget rentals
in Canada and the U.S.; Delta Hotels and Resorts across Canada; Group Home & Auto Insurance, and much more;
• RASC Centres: 29 local RASC Centres across Canada where you can meet people who
share your interest in astronomy and enthusiasm for the sky!
Please contact the Society Office if you have any questions. Welcome and best of luck in your astronomical pursuits!
203 – 4920 Dundas St W, Toronto ON M9A 1B7
Phone (416) 924-7973 * Toll Free (888) 924-7272
New Member’s Package WELCOME to the RASC! Your New Member’s Kit includes:
./ Information on RASC Member benefits and services
./ Your Members Only Pass Codes to the RASC National Web site ./ The Beginner’s Observing Guide Discount Coupon
./ Your Observer’s Handbook Discount Coupon
RASC OVERVIEW RASC History The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is a national, charitable organization devoted to the
advancement of astronomy and related sciences. There are 29 local Centres of the Society across the
The Society was founded in 1868 when eight amateur astronomers founded an astronomical club in
Toronto. The growing group received its Royal Charter in1903 with the permission of King Edward VII.
Today there are over 4200 members, both amateur and professional astronomers. By participating at
the national and local level you wil learn new skil s and expand your astronomical network.
The RASC Vision - To inspire curiosity in all people about the Universe, to share scientific knowledge, and to foster collaboration in astronomical pursuits.
The RASC Mission - The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) encourages improved understanding of astronomy for all people, through education, outreach, research, publication, enjoyment, partnership, and community.RASC Membership We have three main classes of membership: Regular, Family and Youth. All classes are ful
members of the Society and local Centre which they may have affiliated (you may also choose to be
an “Unattached member”). Members receive Society and local publications and a host of services,
discount programs, and have voting privileges at both levels of the organization. Youth members
Member’s Only Discount Programs:
Members can save up to 25% on the lowest discountable rates on Budget car rentals in Save 10% off best available rates on Delta Hotels and Resorts across Canada as a NEW - Exclusive RASC Group Home & Auto Insurance Program - save up to 60% Annual General Assembly Each year a different Centre of the Society hosts the General Assembly (GA). Members are invited to
participate in a three-day conference to share astronomical ideas; attend workshops and tours; hear
recognized speakers; Annual Meeting and Banquet. This is a great opportunity to network, learn and
see what other Centres and members are working on. During the General Assembly, we also recognize
the outstanding achievements of our members through our Awards program.
Awards The Society sponsors a number of awards for achievement in Canadian astronomy including the Plaskett Medal (with CASCA), the Chant Medal, the Ken Chilton Prize, and the Simon Newcomb Award. Find out more at RASC Centres There are 29 Centres across Canada which offer local meetings, programs, and services. Find out
more by visiting their Web sites at
Atlantic Canada Western Canada British Columbia Volunteering If you are interested in volunteering on one or more of our working groups or committees, please
contact the RASC Society Office at or cal 888-924-7272. Here are some of the
Insurance The Society extends third-party liability insurance to al of our Centres that engage in public outreach
and astronomy-related activities. Members who volunteer to share the Universe with the public are
covered by this insurance, if the event is sanctioned by your local Centre or the Society. To learn
more, please contact your local Centre Executive. We also offer a new Members-only Group Home and Auto Insurance program! RASC Member E-services Visit the RASC Website at to find information on membership, astronomy and the
Society’s local and national activities including:
• National Newsletter Archive - containing current newsletters from many RASC Centres • Governance- Member information including the Society’s By-Laws and details on the Society’s
governing body, including minutes and reports
• Policy and Procedures -“How to” information for Society volunteers • Resources - tools and materials to assist Centres with their education/outreach programs • Observing Certificate Programs - Download information at E-mail Groups and Discussion Lists
The Society has four major groups which promote discussion and co-operation between members:
• RASCals—this informal “town hal ” links RASC members from across the country. • Education—a specialist group for astronomy educators sharing tips and techniques. • Light Pollution Abatement—this group helps to fight wasteful lighting that damages the night sky. • RASC-AG—the astro-imaging group is a specialty group that focuses on the demanding and rewarding disciplines of astro-imaging using film, CCD cameras, and webcams.
• AstroSketchers—a new forum for people who prefer to draw what they see in the eyepiece.
In addition to national groups, most Centres also have their own local email discussion lists.
Subscriptions are usual y arranged by contacting a member of the Centre Executive.
RASC Membership Publications Centre Publications
Most Centres offer either a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter highlighting local activities.
The Journal
The Journal is a bi-monthly electronic publication with articles on astronomy, the activities of the RASC and its Centres, research and review papers, and articles of interest to the astronomical community.
The Journal can be downloaded from our Web site. The latest issues are available online at: Members may subscribe to the paper version of the RASC Journal for a smal fee.
Bulletin The Bulletin is a monthly electronic news digest with information about the Society and astronomy in
Canada. You must provide a valid e-mail address to the Society to receive this publication.
Observer’s Handbook The Observer’s Handbook was first published in 1907, and is an international y acclaimed annual
reference book. It includes basic data, information on time, optics and observing, the sky month-by-
month, Sun, Moon, planets and satel ites, asteroids, meteors, comets and dust, stars, nebulae, and
Please Note: Members receive one copy per year of the Observer’s Handbook published in the Fall. If you join after January 31 you are entitled to next year’s edition complimentary in the following October. We have enclosed a new member’s discount coupon so you can benefit from the current edition at a substantially reduced price. SkyNews SkyNews is a bi-monthly Canadian magazine of astronomy and stargazing. Published by SkyNews
Inc., this publication is currently included with your Society membership.
Additional RASC Member Publications The Beginner’s Observing Guide
This is an introduction to the night sky for the novice. It includes sections on sky motions,
constel ations, distance, brightness, Moon, planets, aurorae, meteors, comets, and eclipses. There are
maps, charts, and practical information about using binoculars and telescopes.
RASC Observer’s Calendar
The Society produces an annual calendar featuring astro-photos by its members. It also provides data
on sunrise/moonrise and sunset/moonset times and significant astronomical events throughout the
Skyways and Explorons l’astronomie Designed for Canadian teachers and youth-group leaders, this educator’s guide is available in English
and French. It contains hands-on activities that are easy and fun, and that match the needs of
RASC eNews
The RASC Web site provides members with on-going information on amateur astronomy in Canada
including highlights, news from RASC Centres and the professional community at
You can subscribe to the RASC’s RSS feed to have the eNews delivered to your newsreader program
Member Profile Update and Service If you wish to change your personal information or request some information from the Society at any
time, please use the handy reply form available at
For more information, please contact the Society Office: The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
203-4920 Dundas Street W, Toronto ON M9A 1B7
J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 913–916 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01140.xDivision of Periodontics, Section of Oral andDiagnostic Sciences, Columbia UniversityCollege of Dental Medicine, New York, NY,USALalla E. Periodontal infections and diabetes mellitus: when will the puzzle becomplete? J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 913–916. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01140.x. The article in last mont
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