Advantra®Rx Premier Formulary (List of Covered Drugs)
This document includes AdvantraRx Premier’s partial formulary as of September 21, 2005.
For a complete, updated formulary, please visit our website at or call 1-800-882-3822,
8 a.m.–8 p.m., local time, and 8 a.m.–5 p.m. in Hawaii, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-508-9548.
What is the AdvantraRx Premier How do I use the formulary? formulary?
There are two ways to fi nd your drug within the
A formulary is a list of drugs selected by AdvantraRx
Premier in consultation with a team of health care
Medical Condition
providers, which represents the prescription therapies
The formulary begins on page 34. The drugs
believed to be a necessary part of a quality treatment
in the formulary are grouped into categories
program. AdvantraRx Premier will generally cover
depending on the type of medical conditions that
the drugs listed in the formulary as long as the drug
they are used to treat. For example, drugs used
is medically necessary, the prescription is fi lled at an
to treat a heart condition are listed under the
AdvantraRx Premier network pharmacy, and other
category “Cardiovascular Agents.” If you know
plan rules are followed. For more information on how
what your drug is used for, look for the category
to fi ll your prescriptions, please review your Evidence
name in the list that begins on page 34. Then look
This document is a partial formulary and includes
Alphabetical Listing
only some of the drugs covered by AdvantraRx
If you are not sure what category to look under,
Premier. For a complete listing of all prescription
you should look for your drug in the Index
drugs covered by AdvantraRx Premier, please
that begins on page 39. The Index provides an
visit our website at or call
alphabetical list of all the drugs included in this
1-800-882-3822, 8 a.m.–8 p.m., local time, and
document. Both brand name drugs and generic
8 a.m.–5 p.m. in Hawaii, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD
drugs are listed in the Index. Look in the Index
and fi nd your drug. Next to your drug, you will
Can the formulary change?
see the page number where you can fi nd coverage information. Turn to the page listed in the Index
Yes, AdvantraRx Premier may add or remove drugs
and fi nd the name of your drug in the fi rst column
from the formulary during the year. The enclosed
formulary is current as of September 21, 2005. To get updated information about the drugs covered
How much will I pay for AdvantraRx
by AdvantraRx Premier, please visit our website at
Premier covered drugs? or call Customer Service at 1-800-882-3822, 8 a.m.–8 p.m., local time, and
If you qualifi ed for extra help with your drug costs,
8 a.m.–5 p.m. in Hawaii, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD
your costs for your drugs may be different than those
users should call 1-800-508-9548. If we remove
described below. Please refer to your Evidence of
drugs from the formulary, or add prior authorization,
Coverage or call Customer Service to fi nd out what
quantity limits, and/or step therapy restrictions on
a drug or move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier,
The amount you pay depends on which drug tier your
we must notify members who take the drug that
drug is in under our plan. (You can fi nd out which
it will be removed at least 60 days before the date
drug tier your drug is in by looking in the formulary
that the change becomes effective, or at the time
the member requests a refi ll of the drug, at which time the member will receive a 60-day supply of the
The amount you pay depends on whether you fi ll
drug. If the Food and Drug Administration deems
your prescription at a retail pharmacy or at a mail-
a drug on the formulary to be unsafe or the drug’s
order pharmacy. Generally, when you go to a retail
manufacturer removes the drug from the market,
pharmacy you will pay for a 30-day supply. In
we will immediately remove the drug from the
addition, if you fi ll your prescription through the
formulary and provide notice to members who take
mail-order pharmacy, you can get a 90-day supply.
You will pay a copayment for your drugs until your
example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your
total drug costs (the amount you paid, plus the
medical condition, AdvantraRx Premier may
amount AdvantraRx Premier has paid) reach $2,250.
not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A fi rst.
Once your total drug costs reach $2,250, there is a
If Drug A does not work for you, AdvantraRx
gap in your coverage. This means you have to pay the
full amount for your drugs. You pay the full amount until you have paid $3,600 out of pocket. After you
You can fi nd out if your drug has any additional
have paid $3,600 out of pocket, you will generally
requirements or limits by looking in the formulary
• $2 for generic or a preferred brand drug that is a
You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to make an exception
multi-source drug and $5 for all other drugs, or
to these restrictions or limits. See the section “How do I request an exception to AdvantraRx Premier’s
formulary?” below for information about how to
You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to make an
exception to your drug’s tier placement. See the section “How do I request an exception to
What if my drug is not on the formulary?
AdvantraRx Premier’s formulary?” for information
If your drug is not included in this formulary, you
should fi rst contact Customer Service and ask if your drug is covered. This document includes only a partial
Are there any other restrictions on
list of covered drugs, so AdvantraRx Premier may
cover your drug. You can contact Customer Service at 1-800-882-3822, 8 a.m.–8 p.m., local time, and
8 a.m.–5 p.m. in Hawaii, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD
requirements or limits on coverage. These
If you learn that AdvantraRx Premier does not cover
• Prior Authorization: AdvantraRx Premier
requires you to get prior authorization for certain drugs. (You may need prior authorization
• You can ask Customer Service for a list of
for drugs that are on the formulary or drugs that
similar drugs that are covered by AdvantraRx
are not on the formulary and were approved
Premier. When you receive the list, show it to
for coverage through the exceptions process.)
your doctor and ask him or her to prescribe
This means that you will need to get approval
a similar drug that is covered by AdvantraRx
from AdvantraRx Premier before you fi ll
your prescriptions. If you don’t get approval,
• You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to make an
AdvantraRx Premier may not cover the drug.
exception and cover your drug. See below for
• Quantity Limits: For certain drugs,
information about how to request an exception.
AdvantraRx Premier limits the amount of the drug that AdvantraRx Premier will cover. For
How do I request an exception to
example, AdvantraRx Premier provides 4 units
AdvantraRx Premier’s formulary?
per prescription for FOSAMAX per 30 days. This may be in addition to a standard 30- or 90-
You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to make an
exception to its coverage rules. There are several types of exceptions that you can request.
• Step Therapy: In some cases, AdvantraRx
Premier requires you to fi rst try certain drugs
• You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to cover your
to treat your medical condition before we will
drug even if it is not on the formulary.
cover another drug for that condition. For
• You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to waive
For more information
coverage restrictions or limits on your drug. For
For more detailed information about your AdvantraRx
example, for certain drugs, AdvantraRx Premier
Premier prescription drug coverage, please review
limits the amount of the drug that it will cover.
your Evidence of Coverage and other plan materials.
If your drug has a quantity limit, you can ask for the limit to be waived and cover more.
If you have questions about AdvantraRx Premier,
• You can ask AdvantraRx Premier to provide
please call Customer Service at 1-800-882-3822,
a higher level of coverage for your drug. For
8 a.m.–8 p.m., local time, and 8 a.m.–5 p.m. in
example, if your drug is usually considered a
Hawaii, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD users should call
Tier 2 drug, you can ask AdvantraRx Premier
1-800-508-9548. Or visit
to cover it as a Tier 1 drug instead. This would lower the amount you must pay for your drug.
If you have general questions about Medicare
Please note, if your request to cover a drug that
prescription drug coverage, please call Medicare
is not on the formulary is granted, you may not
at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) 24 hours
ask AdvantraRx Premier to provide a higher
a day/7 days a week. TTY/TDD users should call
1-877-486-2048. Or visit
Generally, AdvantraRx Premier will only approve
AdvantraRx Premier’s formulary
your request for an exception if the alternative drugs
The formulary that begins on page 34 provides
included on the plan’s formulary, the low-tiered drug,
coverage information about some of the drugs
or additional utilization restrictions would not be
covered by AdvantraRx Premier. If you have trouble
as effective in treating your condition and/or would
fi nding your drug in the list, turn to the Index that
cause you to have adverse medical effects.
begins on page 39. Remember: This is only a partial list of drugs covered by AdvantraRx Premier. If your
You should contact Customer Service to ask for an
prescription is not in this partial formulary, please
initial coverage decision for a formulary, tiering,
visit our website at or call
or utilization restriction exception. When you
Customer Service at 1-800-882-3822, 8 a.m.–8 p.m.,
are requesting a formulary, tiering, or utilization
local time, and 8 a.m.–5 p.m. in Hawaii, 7 days a
restriction exception, you should submit a statement
week. TTY/TDD users should call 1-800-508-9548
from your physician supporting your request.
Generally, AdvantraRx Premier must make a decision within 72 hours of your request.
The fi rst column of the chart lists the drug name. Brand name drugs are capitalized (e.g., CLARINEX)
What are generic drugs?
and generic drugs are listed in lower-case italics
AdvantraRx Premier covers both brand name drugs
and generic drugs. A generic drug has the same active-ingredient formula as the brand name drug.
The information in the Requirements/Limits column
Generic drugs usually cost less than brand name
tells you if AdvantraRx Premier has any special
drugs and are approved by the Food and Drug
The following abbreviations may be used in the
Generic drugs are listed in lower-case italics (e.g.,
digoxin) within the formulary on page 34. Brand
• PA–Prior Authorization: AdvantraRx Premier
name drugs are capitalized in the formulary (e.g.,
requires you to get prior authorization for
certain drugs. (You may need prior authorization for drugs that are on the formulary or drugs that are not on the formulary and were approved
for coverage through our exceptions process.) This means that you will need to get approval from AdvantraRx Premier before you fi ll your prescriptions. If you don’t get approval, AdvantraRx Premier may not cover the drug.
• QL–Quantity Limits: For certain drugs,
AdvantraRx Premier limits the amount of the drug that AdvantraRx Premier will cover. For example, AdvantraRx Premier provides 4 units per prescription for FOSAMAX per 30 days. This may be in addition to a standard 30- or 90-day supply.
• ST–Step Therapy: In some cases, AdvantraRx
Premier requires you to fi rst try certain drugs to treat your medical condition before it will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, AdvantraRx Premier may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A fi rst. If Drug A does not work for you, AdvantraRx Premier will then cover Drug B.
• *–Drugs marked with an asterisk “*” do
not count towards your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs. Drug Requirements/ Drug Requirements/ Drug Name Drug Name ANALGESICS–PAIN ANTIDEPRESSANTS–DEPRESSION ANTIBACTERIALS–INFECTION ANTIEMETICS–NAUSEA/VOMITING ANTIFUNGALS–FUNGAL INFECTION ANTIGOUT AGENTS–GOUT ANTIHISTAMINES–ALLERGY ANTI-CONVULSANTS–SEIZURE ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES–ARTHRITIS/PAIN ANTIDEMENTIA AGENTS–ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE * These drugs do not count toward your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs.Drug Requirements/ Drug Requirements/ Drug Name Drug Name ANTIVIRALS–VIRAL INFECTION ANTIMALARIALS–MALARIA ANTIMIGRAINE AGENTS–MIGRAINE ANTINEOPLASTICS–CANCER ANXIOLYTICS–ANXIETY BLOOD GLUCOSE REGULATORS–DIABETES ANTIPARKINSON AGENTS–PARKINSON’S DISEASE BLOOD PRODUCTS/MODIFIERS/VOLUME ANTIPSYCHOTICS–BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EXPANDERS–BLOOD THINNERS ANTIRHEUMATIC AGENTS–ARTHRITIS * These drugs do not count toward your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs.Drug Requirements/ Drug Requirements/ Drug Name Drug Name CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS–HEART/BLOOD PRESSURE DERMATOLOGICAL AGENTS–SKIN PREPARATIONS * These drugs do not count toward your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs.Drug Requirements/ Drug Requirements/ Drug Name Drug Name GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS–STOMACH IMMUNOLOGICAL AGENTS INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE AGENTS– GENITOURINARY AGENTS OPHTHALMIC AGENTS–EYE HORMONAL AGENTS–HORMONES * These drugs do not count toward your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs.Drug Requirements/ Drug Requirements/ Drug Name Drug Name RESPIRATORY AGENTS–BREATHING SEDATIVES/HYPNOTICS–SLEEP SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS–MUSCLE THERAPEUTIC NUTRIENTS / MINERALS / ELECTROLYTES–VITAMINS/MINERALS * These drugs do not count toward your total out-of-pocket expenditure, and if you are receiving extra help to pay for your prescriptions, you will not receive any extra help to pay for these drugs.
15-1-2003 — Arrêté n° 188, mode de calcul du prix de vente au public des médicaments Arrêté interministériel n° 188/MSHP/DPM en date du 15 janvier 2003, fixant le mode de calcul du prix de vente au public des médicaments, produits et objets compris dans le monopole pharmaceutique Le Ministre de l’Économie et des Finances ; Le Ministre de la Santé, de l’Hygiène et de la
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