
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Arts and Sciences, College of
Archaeology & Anthropology, SC Institute of
Brooks, Mark
Cultural Resource Management on the SRS - 21300-F110 Sponsor: US Department of Energy (DOE)
Baruch Institute
Quattro, Joseph
MARFIN: Genetic Evaluation of Population Bottlenecks in GAG (Mycteroperca Sponsor: SC Department of Natural Resources/NOAA
Smith, Erik
Determining the Role of Stormwater Ponds as Sources of Bioreactive Organic Carbon and Nitrogen to the Coastal Zone - 21600-FB79 Sponsor: SC Sea Grant Consortium/NOAA
Co-PI: Spicer, Jennifer Saladin, Nicole
Biological Sciences
Showman, Richard (Rich)
UVA Subaward: Improving STEM Retention through Instruction: Leveraging Faculty Sponsor: Univ of Virginia/NSF
Tufford, Daniel
Lake Wateree Water Quality Data Acquisition and Analysis - Extension - 13010-KA59 Sponsor: Lake Wateree Association, Inc.
Waldman, Alan
RecQ Helicases and Genomic Instability - 13010-FB41 Sponsor: National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)/NIH
Co-PI: Waldman, Barbara
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Dawson, John
Editing: Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry - 13020-J400 Sponsor: Elsevier Science, Inc.
zur Loye, Hans-Conrad
Wide Temperature, High Energy Density Capacitors for Power System Conditioning - Sponsor: Luna Innovations/DOD
Jakubs, John
Francis Marion and Sumter National Forest GIS Digital Update - 13540-FA51 Sponsor: US Forest Service/USDA
Jensen, John
Analysis of Closure Cap Remote Sensing - 13540-FA76 Sponsor: SCUREF - South Carolina University Research and Education
Kasakoff, Alice
Modeling Spatial and Family Factors in the Transmission of Wealth Sponsor: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human
Geological Sciences
Kellogg, James
GEGEO-Technical and Scientific Cooperation Between the National University of Equatorial Guinea and the University of South Carolina - 13040-LA02 Sponsor: ExxonMobil Equatorial Guinea, Inc.
Co-PI: Thunell, Robert
Owens, Thomas
Operation of the Mid-America Integrated Seismic Network - 2010-2014 - USC - Sponsor: US Geological Survey/DOI
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Thunell, Robert
Sediment Trapping Program in the Gulf of Mexico - 13040-FB75 Sponsor: US Geological Survey (USGS)/DOI
Physics & Astronomy
Avignone, Frank
CUORE: Phase I Construction and Crystal Bolometer Research and Development - Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Co-PI: Creswick, Richard Rosenfeld, Carl
Johnson, Joseph
Support for Continued Development of Software Support for SC Firefighter Sponsor: SC Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation (SCLLR)
Prinz, Ron
Parenting and Family Research Center - 13580-JA00 Sponsor: Triple P International
Business & Finance
Transportation Services
Evans, Richard
USC Project to Retrofit Trucks, Produce Biodiesel and Reduce Emissions - 66000- Sponsor: SC Department of Health and Environmental Control(DHEC)/EPA
Education, College of
Instruction & Teacher Education
Wilson, Jennifer
Norwegian-American Teacher Exchange - 15250-FL29 Sponsor: US Department of State
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Office of Program Evaluation
Petrulis, Robert
OPE Evaluation for the Safe and Drug Free Schools Steps to Respect Program - Sponsor: Richland County School District 1/USDE
Engineering & Computing, College of
Chemical Engineering
Jabbari, Esmaiel
Biodegradable Scar-Inhibiting Implants for Guided Spinal Cord Regeneration - 15510- Sponsor: South Carolina Spinal Cord Fund/MUSC
Matthews, Michael
Scientific Action Network Track II: Dr. Shelly Peyton, NSF RII Faculty Candidate in Chemical Engineering at the University of South Carolina - 15510-FB69 Sponsor: SC Research Authority (SCRA)\SC EPSCoR\NSF
Pastides, Harris
The South East Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (SEAGEP) - Sponsor: University of Florida/NSF
Co-PI: Amiridis, Michael
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Chaudhry, M.
PIRE: Modeling of Flood Hazards and Geomorphic Impacts of Levee Breach and Dam Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Co-PI: Imran, Jasim
Ziehl, Paul
Testing of Connections between Prestressed Concrete Piles and Precast Concrete Sponsor: SC Department of Transportation/FHWA
Co-PI: Caicedo, Juan Rizos, Dimitris
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Computer Science & Engineering
Eastman, Caroline
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Research in Secure Computing - 15590-FA65 Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Co-PI: Bowles, John
Huang, Chin-Tser
TC: Small: Dynamic Early Filtering of Botnet Garbage Traffic - 15590-FA64 Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Electrical Engineering
Dougal, Roger
Uncertainty-based, Self-configuring Simulation for Design Support - 15530-FA65 Sponsor: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Khan, Asif
Osram Sylvania AlGaN Development - 15530-JA22 Sponsor: Osram Sylvania, Inc.
Mechanical Engineering
Chen, Fanglin
Novel Intermediate Temperature Unitized Regenerative Solid Oxide Cell Technology to Support NASA's Planetary Exploration Missions - 15540-FB46 Sponsor: SC Space Grant Consortium/NASA
Co-PI: Reifsnider, Kenneth
Medicine, School of
Cell & Developmental Biology & Anatomy
Morad, Martin
Electrophysiology of Neonatal and Adult Heart - 18020-FA66 Sponsor: National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI)/NIH
Co-PI: Cleemann, Lars
Price, Robert
IVIS Spectrum Imaging System for the University of South Carolina (ARRA - S10: Shared Instrumentation Grant Program) - 18020-FQ05 Sponsor: National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)/NIH
Co-PI: Berger, Franklin Pena, Maria
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Family & Preventive Medicine
McDermott, Suzanne
Methods to Detect Maternal Exposures and Child Outcomes - 18130-FA13 Sponsor: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)/NIH
Co-PI: Cai, Bo
Internal Medicine
Albrecht, Helmut
A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Group-Sequential Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Immunogencity, and Safety of a Single Dose of Merck 0657 Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine (V710) in Adult Patients Scheduled for Cardiothoracic Surgery - 18190-JA52 Sponsor: Merck & Company, Inc.
Duffus, Wayne
Building a Sustainable Collaborative Platform for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Comprehensive Care, and Clinical Research in South Carolina - 18190-FA04 Sponsor: Medical University of South Carolina(MUSC)/Univ of Miami/NIH
Eleazer, Paul
Donald W. Reynolds Grant (Subrecipient grant: Technical Assistance) - 18190-KL01 Sponsor: MUSC/Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Co-PI: Dever-Bumba, Maureen Stewart, Thomas
Comprehensive Program to Strengthen Physician Training in Geriatrics - 18190-KL05 Sponsor: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Reynolds Subrecipient Grant (University of Texas) - 18190-KL06 Sponsor: University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth/Donald W.
Co-PI: Dever-Bumba, Maureen
Parker, R David
Housing Case Management for Persons with Disabilities - 18190-FL69 Sponsor: The Healing Properties, Inc./HOPWA/HUD
Co-PI: Albrecht, Helmut
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Medicine, School of - (Dean)
Fowler, Stanley
Sharp Curriculum for Health Promotion - 18360-KJ06 Sponsor: USC Education Foundation
Co-PI: Howe, Duncan
Dwyer, R. Gregg
Internet Chat Room Solicitation of Children: A Study of Psychosocial and Criminal Justice Factors as They Relate to Public Safety Risk - 18120-KA02 Sponsor: AAPL Institute for Education and Research
Narasimhan, Meera
An Open-Label, 8-week Flixible Dose Trial of Escitalopram (Lexapro)in Comorbid Major Depression with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis - 18120-JA10 Sponsor: Forest Research Institute
High Dose Risperdone Consta for Patients with Schizophrenia with Unsatisfactory Response to Standard Dose Risperidone or Long Acting Injectible - 18120-JA11 Sponsor: Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific
A Phase 2, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of OPC-34712 as Adjunctive Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder - 18120-JA13 Sponsor: Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development and Commercialization, Inc.
Pathology & Microbiology
Nagarkatti, Prakash
Estrogen-T cell Interactions - 18060-FA51 Sponsor: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)/NIH
Co-PI: Nagarkatti, Mitzi
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Jackson, Malaka
Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet: Natural History of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes - Sponsor: University of South Florida/NIH
(MS 305) Increlex (mecasermin [rDNA origin] injection) Growth Forum Database IGFD Registry: A Patient Registry for Monitoring Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Increlex - 18140-JA17 Sponsor: Tercica, Inc.
Co-PI: Jackson, Malaka
Neuberg, Ronnie
National Childhood Cancer Foundation - 18140-FA12 Sponsor: National Childhood Cancer Foundation/COG/NIH
Research & Special Projects
Howe, Duncan
John T. Stevens Foundation Scholarship - Lora Elizabeth Greene - 18360-KJ05 Sponsor: John T. Stevens Foundation
John T. Stevens Foundation Scholarship - Emily A. Herman - 18360-KJ07 Sponsor: John T. Stevens Foundation
Pharmacy, SC College of
Palmetto Poison Center
Michels, Jill
SC DHEC Environmental Public Health Tracking Project - 11140-FL12 Sponsor: SC Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC)/CDC
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Petkov, Georgi
Identification and Characterization of Potassium Ion Channels as New Therapeutic Targets to Control Overactive Bladder - 11110-GA01 Sponsor: MUSC - South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute (SCTR)
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Provost, Office of the
Provost, Office of the
Spearen, Charlene
Literary Arts Touring Application - 61000-FJ00 Sponsor: Southern Arts Federation/NEA
Public Health, Arnold School of
Center for Health Services & Policy Research
Fore, Margaret
ADRC Expansion Grant 2010 - 11580-FA43 Sponsor: SC Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging/HHS
Leith, Katherine
Evaluation of the State Incentive Grants for Treatment of Persons with Co-Occurring Substance Related and Mental Disorders - Year 4 Continuation - 11580-FA40 Sponsor: SC Department of Mental Health/SAMHSA
Co-PI: Kenison, Kelli
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Fridriksson, Julius
A Unified Neuroanatomical Model of Speech Production and Perception: Implications for Apraxia of Speech and Conduction Aphasia - 11560-FA08 Sponsor: National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders
Co-PI: Rorden, Christopher
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Karmaus, Wilfried
Multiple Modes of Infant Feeding and Trajectories Influencing Infant Health - 11520- Sponsor: Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)/HHS
Co-PI: Zhang, Hongmei
Sponsor: SC Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC)
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Liu, Jihong
The Influences of Immigrant Status and Acculturation on Obesity among US Mexican American Children and Adolescents - 11520-FB01 Sponsor: Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)/HHS
Co-PI: Frongillo, Edward Probst, Janice
Exercise Science
Blair, Steven
Additional Analyses in the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study - 11530-JA04 Sponsor: The Coca-Cola Company
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
Brandt, Heather
Community Navigation for Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Control - 18300-KA32 Sponsor: The Duke Endowment
Co-PI: Adams, Swann Annang, Lucy Swan, Suzanne
Smithwick-Leone, Julie
A Proposal for Partnership Between the SC Research Foundation/PASOs Program and Palmetto Health: Addendum - 11500-LJ00 Sponsor: Palmetto Health
Health Services Policy and Management
Martin, Amy
Healthcare System Profiles for AccessHealth: How Prepared are South Carolina Counties for Meeting the Needs of the Uninsured? - 11550-KL04 Sponsor: SC Hospital Association/Duke Endowment
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Xirasagar, Sudha
Sponsor: SC Cancer Alliance
Sponsor: SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Sponsor: Palmetto Health Childrens Hospital
Public Health, Arnold School of - Dean
Pearson, Joseph
NNPHI Organizational Development Grant - 11500-KJ06 Sponsor: National Network of Public Health Institues/Robert Wood Johnson
Smith, Lillian
Fundamentals in Public Health Program - 11500-KJ05 Sponsor: The Duke Endowment
Research in Nutrition & Health Disparities, Center for
Nichols, Michele
Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) - 11590- Sponsor: George Washington University/NIH
Research & Graduate Education, Vice President
Families in Society, Institute for
Forthofer, Melinda
Best Practices for Community Engagement in Health Research - 10010-KA10 Sponsor: The Duke Endowment
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Social Work, College of
Social Work, College of
Flynn, Cynthia
SC Interagency Deaf Blind Project - 15900-FL40 Sponsor: SC School for the Deaf Blind/USDE
Jones, Johnny
SC Kinship Navigator Program/USC and SC Department of Social Services - 15900- Sponsor: SC Department of Social Services/HHS
Poole, Dennis
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between United Way of Greenville County (UWGC) And USC College of Social Work (COSW) - 15900-KL19 Sponsor: United Way of Greenville County (UWGC)
sinha, sunny
Women in Non-brothel Based Sex Work in Kolkata: Using Cultural Biography to Understand Risk Perceptions - 15900-KA16 Sponsor: Fahs-Beck Fund
Co-PI: Farber, Naomi
Student Affairs, Division of
Student Health
Harring, Holly
Community Based Farmers Markets Specialty Crops Small Grant Program - 71000- Sponsor: SC Department of Agriculture
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
USC Beaufort
USC Beaufort - Finance & Operations
Parrott, Michael
USC Beaufort Stimulus Funded Projects - 17260-FQ00 Sponsor: SC Energy Office/DOE
USC Lancaster
USC Lancaster
Ammons, Robert
Sponsor: Lancaster County School District/USDE
Co-PI: Bailey, Thelathia
USC Salkehatchie
USC Salkehatchie
Carmichael, Ann
Advancing Innovation Project: The Duke Endowment - 17660-KJ01 Sponsor: Allendale County Hospital/Duke Endowment
USC Upstate
USC Upstate
Dowell, Marsha
Utley Nursing Education Endowment - 17880-K121 Sponsor: Carolina Piedmont Foundation
Stockwell, John
Sponsor: Carolina Piedmont Foundation/Various Sponsors
Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
February, 2010 New Awards
Report Total:

Source: https://sam.research.sc.edu/ITDM/_docs/Reports/FY2010/Feb/Feb10_New_Awards.pdf

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SALUTE E VIAGGI L’armadietto dei medicinali Fondamentale scegliere farmaci che, già usati in precedenza, non abbiano scatenato effetti indesiderati e si siano dimostrati efficaci. Altrettanto lo è leggere il foglietto illustrativo del preparato. Prima della partenza Per le donne assicurarsi che non sia in corso una gravidanza. Partire con una scorta sufficiente dei farmaci che si

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