rs10490924 in ARMS2 had a 10-fold
Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Variations in the ARMS2 Gene hakravarthy et al. demonstrated Retinoblastoma and Simulating Lesions were most likely to have Coats disease
rhage (5 percent); those 2 to 5 years of
susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) gene. They
Shields et al. investigated the
cent), or persistent fetal vasculature (7
identify a possible retinoblastoma case,
Myopic Eyes Less Likely to Have AMD
thalmitis. The authors pointed out that and Diabetic Retinopathy
Pan et al. investigated the relation-
AMD. Compared with persons with no lesions. In the pseudoretinoblastoma
Journal Highlights
rior subcapsular cataract, and POAG.
growth and no major collateral effects.
pacting rank lists were resident–faculty
relationships, clinical and surgical vol-
AMD Treatment With Ranibizumab and Reasons for Discontinuation
chart review, Falk et al. evalu-
research and a program’s prestige. American Journal of Ophthalmology
identified within the first two years of
Capillary Hemangioma of the Eyelid Treated With Systemic Propranolol
Of those, 456 patients were still receiv-
Vassallo et al. assessed the efficacy
and safety of systemic propranolol ing treatment at the end of the period,
Factors Impacting Selection of Ophthalmology Residency Program
of disease activity, whereas 113 patients
by Yousuf et al., educational and inter-
within the first two years of treatment,
Tumor Necrosis Factor a Antagonists and the Risk of Optic Neuritis
study, Winthrop et al. evaluated the Journal Highlights
eyes had multifocal “onion signs” in
sitive to ciprofloxacin; 30 percent were
tients, the “onion sign” correlated with
drug exposure and then calculated and files, even though the strains were the
first report of lipid detected in the sub-
lar rates of antibiotic resistance as else-
Continuous Monitoring of IOP Patterns With Contact Lens Sensors
As part of an FDA trial, Mansouri et al. evaluated the safety, toler-
considering current or past anti-TNF
Archives of Ophthalmology OCT Imaging of Subretinal Pigment
among DMARD users. Crude ON rates Epithelium Lipid Antibiotic Resistance in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery
case series, Mukkamala et al. de-
scribed the “onion sign,” an optical
su et al. investigated the antibi-
susceptibility. A surprisingly large pro-
the “onion sign” colocalizes to areas of
Journal Highlights
the two sessions, the authors computed temporal fossa.
Savar et al. reported on the photo-
correlation of 0.59, which indicates fair
after disease onset (morbid) is a useful
left eye, respectively; coefficients for
Grading Eyebrow Expansion Associated means to identify and characterize the the morbid photographs were 0.921 With Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
the investigators reviewed photographs Ophthalmology summaries are written by Lori Baker Schena, EdD, and edited by John Kerrison, MD. American Journal of Ophthal-
mology summaries are edited by Thomas J. Liesegang, MD. Archives of Ophthalmologysummaries are written by the lead authors.Low Vision App for Patients With AMD LASIK With Femtosecond Laser Not Photoactivated Riboflavin Treatment Detrimental to Endothelial Health of Infectious Keratitis Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
n the letters section, Walker de- scribes a new iPad app designed to function as a low vision aid for in-
Klinger et al. compared the differ-
Price et al. evaluated corneal col-
treatment for infectious keratitis. They
infection depth was limited; it was also
text on the iPad one line at a time right
ferent type of radiation might result in
cell density or coefficient of variation
Roundup of Other Journals is written by Lori Baker Schena, EdD, and edited by Deepak P.
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