Download coping with aging, berkeley (emeritus) richard s. lazarus professor of psychology university of california, berkeley (emeritus) bernice n. lazarus professor of psychology university of california, oxford university press, 2005

Coping with Aging, Berkeley (Emeritus) Richard S. Lazarus Professor of Psychology University ofCalifornia, Berkeley (Emeritus) Bernice N. Lazarus Professor of Psychology University of California,Oxford University Press, 2005, 0195346688, 9780195346688, 256 pages. Coping with Aging is thefinal project of the late Richard S. Lazarus, the man whose landmark book Emotion and Adaptationput the study of emotion in play in the field of psychology. In this volume, Lazarus examines theexperience of aging from the standpoint of the individual, rather than as merely a collection ofstatistics and charts. This technique is in line with his long-standing belief that experiences shouldbe looked at in their specific contexts, rather than squeezed into an overly general statisticalviewpoint that loses the subjects' motivations. Drawing on his five decades of pioneering research,Lazarus looks at aging, emotion, and coping, and stability and change in both environment andpersonality. Because Lazarus mixes academic rigor with everyday examples, this volume will beboth useful to scholars and accessible to the lay audience that has so much gain from a systematicunderstanding of aging and emotion. Passion and Reason : Making Sense of Our Emotions Making Sense of Our Emotions, Berkeley(Emeritus) Richard S. Lazarus Professor of Psychology University of California, Berkeley (Emeritus)Bernice N. Lazarus Professor of Psychology University of California, Sep 15, 1994, Psychology, 336pages. When Oxford published Emotion and Adaptation, the landmark 1991 book on the psychologyof emotion by internationally acclaimed stress and coping expert Richard Lazarus .
Problems of aging sociological and social psychological perspectives, Herman J. Loether, 1967,Social Science, 118 pages. .
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GeroPsychology European Perspectives for an Aging World, RocГÂ-o FernГЎndez Ballesteros,Jun 30, 2007, Medical, 254 pages. In this outstanding book, leading experts from throughout Europeprovide a fascinating overview of the most important psychological research into aging, with specialemphasis .
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The Self and Society in Aging Processes , Carol D. Ryff, Victor W. Marshall, Jan 1, 1999, FAMILY &RELATIONSHIPS, 491 pages. This volume focuses on the experience of growing old as it is linkedto societal factors. Ryff and Marshall construct this macro view of aging in society by bridging .
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Lazarus, Jun 15, 1998, Biography & Autobiography, 312 pages. .
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The Long Tomorrow : How Advances in Evolutionary Biology Can Help Us Postpone Aging HowAdvances in Evolutionary Biology Can Help Us Postpone Aging, Michael R. Rose Professor ofEvolutionary Biology University of California at Irvine, Aug 12, 2005, Family & Relationships, 192pages. The conquest of aging is now within our grasp. It hasn't arrived yet, writes Michael R. Rose,but a scientific juggernaut has started rolling and is picking up speed. A long .
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Coping with Aging is the final project of the late Richard S. Lazarus, the man whose landmark bookEmotion and Adaptation put the study of emotion in play in the field of psychology. In this volume,Lazarus examines the experience of aging from the standpoint of the individual, rather than asmerely a collection of statistics and charts. This technique is in line with his long-standing belief thatexperiences should be looked at in their specific contexts, rather than squeezed into an overlygeneral statistical viewpoint that loses the subjects' motivations. Drawing on his five decades ofpioneering research, Lazarus looks at aging, emotion, and coping, and stability and change in bothenvironment and personality. Because Lazarus mixes academic rigor with everyday examples, thisvolume will be both useful to scholars and accessible to the lay audience that has so much gainfrom a systematic understanding of aging and emotion.
activities adults ailments Alzheimer’s Association Alzheimer’s disease anger anxietybecome believe Bernice bladder cancer cancer caregiver Carstensen causal chapter client clinicalcohort problem common consider coping process crisis cross-sectional research deal deathdementia denial depression distress Dorothy effect effort elderly persons emotional emphysemaempty nest especially example experience family and friends feel function Gardner goals guilthappening Harry’s heart attack husband ical illness immune system important individual JoanLazarus learned lives losses and deficits major manage marriage Mestinon myasthenia gravisnegative old age older one’s outlook patient personality change physical positive ProfessorLazarus prostate cancer psychological psychotherapy relationship religious conversion researchdesigns result role Rossmoor seems shame social sometimes Steve stress struggle successfulaging suffering surgery therapist things threat treatment trouble understand urinary incontinence usually variable vigilance well-being wife women young Born March 3, 1922 in New York City, Professor Lazarus graduated from the City College of NewYork in 1942. After serving in the Army for three and a half years, he completed his doctorate in1948 at the University of Pittsburgh, following which he served on the faculties of Johns HopkinsUniversity (from 1948 to 1953) and Clark University (from 1953 to 1957), joining the faculty atBerkeley in 1957. He remained at Berkeley until he became professor emeritus in 1991.
When he began his research and writing at Johns Hopkins, there was little interest in stress oremotion, except on the part of the military. By the 1970s, after interest was stimulated by hisinfluential 1966 monograph, Psychological Stress and the Coping Process, and the work of otheracademic pioneers, it became apparent that emotion and stress were important not only to themilitary, but for all of academia. The 1966 monograph was eventually considered a classic inbehavioral science, and its influence was felt in sociology, anthropology, physiology, and medicine.
In his theoretical approach to stress and emotion, Professor Lazarus proposed that emotions, farfrom being intrapsychic feelings, reflected the fate of one’s goals. He proposed the conceptof appraisal to refer to the impact of events on a person’s strivings, and that different patternsof appraisals accounted for the rich array of different emotional states.
Beginning in the late 1950s at Berkeley, Professor Lazarus began a rich and impactful series ofinvestigations typically using motion picture films to arouse stress and emotion, and instructionalsets designed to bring into play ego defense mechanisms to change the manner by which the filmaffected the viewer, both subjectively and psychophysiologically. By documenting how ego defensessuch as denial and intellectualization changed the way that participants evaluated the meaning offilm events, lowering or raising levels of stress, this celebrated line of work effectively demonstratedthe power of appraisal to influence a person’s emotions, as well as their means of copingwith emotional stress.
Professor Lazarus’s concept of appraisal, which had its roots in the work of Magda Arnold,and before that, in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, eventually became a principal rationalefor cognitive-behavior therapy, which became one of the major approaches to psychologicaltreatment beginning in the 1970s.
Professor Lazarus also emphasized that the way people cope with stress is crucial in their physical,social, and psychological well-being. A basic premise of his was that stress and coping arereciprocals of each other. When coping is effective, stress is usually controlled; when coping isineffective, stress mounts and can get out of control, leading to physiological disturbance, subjectivedistress, and impaired social functioning.
In 1984, in collaboration with Susan Folkman (who had obtained her doctorate as his student),Professor Lazarus published Stress, Appraisal and Coping, which became the most widely read andcited academic book in this field. He published a sequel to it in 1999, entitled Stress and Emotion: ANew Synthesis. There, he made a case for stress as being part of the broader area of emotion, andmade a case for the use of narratives or prototypical stories as an approach to the emotions.
Professor Lazarus also stressed the importance of daily hassles as a source of stress, arguing thatsuch hassles typically cause more human suffering than major life events. This view presented animportant counterpoint to the then-prevalent views about the significance of major life stressors. Healso made clear that daily hassles and major life stressors can be interrelated—major lifestresses can become the source of hassles, and hassles can become life events. Throughout hiswritings on stress, whether of major life events or hassles, Professor Lazarus emphasized theimportance of appraisal—the meaning and impact of an event for the individual.
After his retirement in 1990, Professor Lazarus published five additional innovative books, as well asnumerous chapters and articles. His 1991 book Emotion and Adaptation is considered one of themost significant publications on emotion in recent history and significantly advanced understandingof the concept of appraisal, its relevance for understanding culture and emotion, emotional development, and psychopathology. In 1994, with his wife Bernice, he published a trade book,Passion and Reason: Making Sense of our Emotions. This was followed in 1997 by a compilation ofhis articles, entitled Fifty Years of the Research and Theory of R. S. Lazarus: An Analysis ofHistorical and Perennial Issues, which in addition to describing his own thinking, provided a historyof the changes in psychology and in his own views during the second half of the twentieth century.
His autobiography, The Life and Work of an Eminent Psychologist, was published soon after in1998, and Stress and Emotion: A New Synthesis, noted earlier, appeared in 1999. In 2006, his lastbook on emotion in aging was published; it was written in conjunction with his wife, with editorialassistance from Professor Joseph Campos.
Professor Lazarus received numerous honors during his career. For example, he was awarded aGuggenheim Fellowship in 1969-1970. In 1984, the California Psychological Association gave himspecial recognition for his outstanding contributions, and in 1989, the American PsychologicalAssociation gave him one of its highest awards, for Distinguished Scientific Contribution. ProfessorLazarus was very proud of having received two honorary doctorates, one in 1988 from the JohannesGutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, and a second in 1995 from the University of Haifa, inIsrael.
Professor Lazarus was widely sought after abroad as a visiting professor, often together with hiswife Bernice. Among his visiting appointments were a special fellowship at Waseda University inTokyo, Japan, in 1963-1964; a series of appearances at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm,Sweden, between 1965 and 1976; and visiting professorships at Heidelberg University in 1980, theUniversity of Western Australia in Perth in 1984, and at Aarhus University in Denmark in both 1991and 1997. He also was invited to present numerous lectures in Israel between 1975 and 1995.
Professor Lazarus is survived by his wife of 57 years, Bernice, and their two children, David andNancy, along with four grandchildren. It is noteworthy that on the occasion of his receiving thehonorary doctorate at the University of Haifa, he mentioned that his wife Bernice was equallyresponsible for his professional success and his good fortune. Professor Lazarus leaves a legacy ofover 150 scholarly publications, and 20 books, read all over the world.
When Oxford published Emotion and Adaptation, the landmark 1991 book on the psychology ofemotion by internationally acclaimed stress and coping expert Richard Lazarus, ContemporaryPsychology welcomed it as "a brightly shining star in the galaxy of such volumes." Psychiatrists,psychologists and researchers hailed it as a masterpiece, a major breakthrough in ourunderstanding of the emotional process and its central role in our adaptation as individuals and as aspecies. What was still needed, however, was a book for general readers and health carepractitioners that would dispel the myths still surrounding cultural beliefs about emotion andsystematically explain the relevance of the new research to the emotional dramas of our everydaylives. Now, in The Passions of Life, Lazarus draws on his four decades of pioneering research tobring readers the first book to move beyond both clinical jargon and "feel-good" popular psychologyto really explain, in plain, accessible language, how emotions are aroused, how they are managed,and how they critically shape our views of ourselves and the world around us. With his co-authorwriter Bernice Lazarus, Dr. Lazarus explores the latest findings on the short and long-term causesand effects of various emotions, including the often conflicting research on stress management andlinks between negative emotions and heart disease, cancer, and other aspects of physical andpsychological health. Lazarus makes a strong case that contrary to common assumption, emotionsare not irrational--our emotions and our analytical thought processes are inextricably linked. Whilenot a "how-to" book, The Passions of Life does describe how readers can interpret what lies behindtheir own emotions and those of their families, friends, and co-workers, and how to manage themmore effectively. Exploring fifteen emotions in depth, from love to jealousy, the authors show howthe personal meaning we give to the events and conditions of our lives trigger such emotions asanger, anxiety, guilt, and pride. They provide fascinating vignettes to frame a "biography" of eachemotion. Some are composite case histories drawn from Dr. Lazarus's long career, but most arestories of people the Lazaruses have known over the years--people whose emotional fears,conflicts, and desires mirror readers' own. The Lazaruses also offer a special chapter on the diversestrategies of coping people use in managing their emotions, and another, "When Coping Fails," on psychotherapy and its approaches to emotional stress and dysfunction, from traditional Freudianpsychoanalysis to continuing research into relaxation techniques, meditation, hypnosis, andbiofeedback. Packed with insight and compellingly readable, The Passions of Life will enrich allreaders fascinated by our emotional lives.
action aggression anger angry animal anxiety appraisal aroused attack behavior believe biologicalcancer cerebral palsied Chapter child chimpanzee cognitive cognitive therapy companionate lovecoping strategy culture death denial depression disease dramatic plot dysfunction effectemotion-centered coping emotional distress empathize envy especially example existentialexperience experienced expression fear feel happy goals guilt happening harm heart heart attackhope hormones human husband hypnosis illness immune system important individual jealousyJournalof kind leam lives loss marriage Meichenbaum mother movie negative one's Othelloourselves parents patient pattem pattern perhaps personal meaning positive pride problemprovocation psychoanalytic psychosomatic psychotherapy react reaction reason relationship resultrience role romantic love sadness seems sense shame situation social stress emotions strugglesuffering survivor guilt therapist therapy things thought threat threatening tion trouble understandvulnerable well-being wife York


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