Ibrahim Ethem Bagci1, Mohammad Reza Pourmirza1, Shahid Raza2, Utz Roedig1, Thiemo Voigt2,3
1School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
{i.bagci, m.pourmirza, u.roedig}@lancaster.ac.uk
2Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Kista, Sweden
Abstract—Many Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used to
To secure data stored on nodes it has been proposed to
collect and process confidential information. Confidentiality must
simply encrypt the data before storage using key chains (see,
be ensured at all times and, for example, solutions for confidential
for example, [2], [3]). Such a naive approach ensures confi-
communication, processing or storage are required. To date, the
research community has addressed mainly the issue of confi-
dentiality but at the same time restricts a node’s processing
dential communication. Efficient solutions for cryptographically
capability and does not consider system performance issues.
secured communication and associated key exchange in WSNs
Such existing solutions do not enable nodes to access already
exist. Many WSN applications, however, rely heavily on available
stored data for in-network data processing on nodes and do
on-node storage space and therefore it is essential to ensure
not allow us to balance performance and security concerns.
the confidentiality of stored data as well. In this paper we
present Codo, a confidential data storage solution which balances
Furthermore, existing solutions are not tailored to hardware
platform, performance and security requirements. We implement
specifics such as flash memory layout or available hardware
Codo for the Contiki WSN operating system and evaluate its
support for cryptographic algorithms.
In this paper we present Codo, a framework for efficient
confidential data storage on sensor nodes. Codo addresses
the aforementioned shortcomings present in existing solutions
by enabling confidential data storage and in-network data
In many Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) sensor data is processing on nodes. Security concerns and performance can
transferred immediately to a sink for further processing. In be balanced by deciding how much unencrypted data can
such applications no data is stored on nodes and confidentiality be present on a node at any given point in time. To im-
of stored information is not an issue. A number of (recent) prove performance, encrypted data storage is aligned with
applications use, however, available on-node storage space to flash memory layout and cryptographic hardware support. The
add new features or to improve network performance. For specific contributions of the paper are:
example, on-node storage may be used when the network
• Codo: We give a design specification of the efficient
capacity is insufficient to transport all gathered data from all
confidential data storage framework.
nodes to the sink. Instead, stored data is pre-processed by
• Codo Implementation: We detail the implementation of
nodes and only processing results are transmitted. Moreover,
Codo for the Contiki OS [4] running on a Tmote Sky.
the sink may as well request processing or transmission of
In particular, we show the integration of Codo with the
Contiki flash file system Coffee [5].
An example of such an application is industrial process
• Codo Evaluation: We evaluate the different aspects of
monitoring and control [1] where sensors used to collect
Codo and quantify performance implications. Where
and store vast amounts of data on production processes.
possible we compare results with existing traditional
Nodes process sensor data and transmit results to a sink
node. At times, the sink may request to process sensor data The next section discusses related work. Section III describes
over specific time periods (e.g. to calculate the average of a the proposed confidential storage framework Codo. We de-
sensor reading over a recent set time period) or request all scribe our Codo implementation for the Contiki operating
sampling points in a specific time period. Such specific data system in Section IV. Section V presents the evaluation of
requests may be necessary for error diagnosis or to calibrate Codo and Section VI concludes the paper.
the overall production processes. As sensors store information
about production processes it is of vital interest to a company
to keep such information hidden from competitors. If a node is Bhatnagar and Miller [2], Pietro et al. [6] and Girao et al. [7]
removed from the facility it should not be possible to retrieve present a secure and reliable file systems. All of these solutions
use irreversible key generation methods which prevent nodes
to access data locally. Ren et al. propose a secure, dependable sizes) and to the capabilities of the encryption hardware (e.g.
and distributed storage scheme using public key encryption to buffer size of cryptographic processor).
ensure data confidentiality [3]. Their scheme does not allow DataChunk Size: The DataChunk size SD is determined by a
nodes to access stored data either. In contrast, Codo allows number of factors. These are:
nodes to access stored data for processing. In addition, public
• Cryptographic Algorithm: The cryptographic algorithm
key cryptography requires more processing than symmetric
usually operates on fixed block sizes SB. The DataChunk
size should therefore be aligned with this block size.
Due to higher speed and better security (e.g. resistant to
Thus, the DataChunk size SD must be a multiple of SB.
cold boot attacks) hardware based storage encryption became
• Cryptographic Hardware Support: If cryptographic hard-
available lately by many vendors. For example, the company
ware support is available it is normally operating most
Ironkey [8] manufactures secure USB flash drives in which
efficiently on a block size of SC. The transfer of data to
AES 256-bit encryption in CBC mode is implemented in
and from the crypto processor has a fixed cost element
hardware. Codo is different to these solutions as it does not
(addressing, loading operations, etc.) and a variable cost
element that depends on the data size to be processed. SC is a multiple of SB and in many practical setting
SC = SB. Again, SD must be a multiple of SC.
• Flash Memory: Flash memory is organized in pages of
Existing security solutions focus on optimizing encryption per-
P . Depending on the flash memory hardware the
page size implies different constraints. For example, with
formance (for example, by optimizing encryption algorithms
some hardware it is only possible to read or write a whole
[9] or by employing specialised cryptographic hardware [10]).
page. Other hardware allows to read or write parts of a
However, performance gains that result from looking at secure
page but writing or reading of complete pages is most
storage from a systems perspective are largely ignored. In
efficient (as the fixed cost of addressing has to be paid
existing solutions data is generally encrypted as soon as it
only once for all data associated with the page). It is
produced (for example, in [2], [3], [6], [7]). However, for
therefore reasonable to align the DataChunk size with
many applications it is from a security perspective possible
to cache data unencrypted before performing bulk encryption
P should be therefore a multiple of SD .
and storage. Obviously, the amount of data that can be cached
unencrypted will depend on the specific application.
Current solutions are hardware agnostic which leads to ineffi-
ciencies. Flash memories used on sensor nodes are restricted
in terms of read and write capabilities. It is often only Data Caching: To increase the performance of the system,
possible to access data in chunks rather than in individual unencrypted DataChunks are cached. Write operations are
bytes and it is always more efficient to process data in cached and encryption is carried out after a certain amount
chunks. Thus, crypto mechanisms should operate on chunk of DataChunks are accumulated. Likewise, if previously
sizes that reflect hardware capabilities. Existing solutions also stored data must be read/modified the complete corresponding
ignore that hardware support for cryptographic operations DataChunk is decrypted and cached. Increasing the size of the
exists on WSN nodes. Hardware support is generally available cache leads to better performance, however with this approach
for secure communication but it is possible to re-use these the amount of unencrypted data present in the system would
features for secure storage. Again, this cryptographic hardware be bigger. Decreasing the size of the cache leads to better
is optimised for specific data chunk sizes and if used in the security, but at this time the system performance decreases.
context of storage these hardware restrictions must be taken The number of unencrypted DataChunks N
system at any given time is a configuration parameter.
Key Management: In the current implementation of our frame-
B. Codo: Confidential Data Storage Framework
work, encryption keys are pre-shared. Future implementations
Codo tackles the aforementioned limitations and shortcomings might be enhanced with dynamic key management protocols
of existing confidential data storage solutions. The framework such as IKE [11].
aims to realize confidential data storage with minimal impact
In our storage framework data is organised in DataChunks. Codo is implemented as an extension of Contiki’s [4] Coffee
Some unencrypted data is cached to improve performance; Filesystem (CFS) [5]. CFS organizes files as a collection of
depending on application security and performance needs it similar sized pages (see Figure 1) that have generally the
can be decided how much unencrypted cached data can be same size as the underlying flash memory pages1. For each
present. To improve performance only complete DataChunks
are cryptographically processed. The size of DataChunks is
It is possible to map several Contiki file system pages into one flash
memory page. However, this only makes sense if the flash memory hardware
matched to the capabilities of storage hardware (e.g. page is able to support operations on parts of a page.
from the file. cfs_close() (line 16) is used to close the
With CFS_CRYPT, if data to be read using cfs_read()
(line 9) is not yet available from the micro log file, the security
manager component (see next section for details) is queried to
provide the key required to decrypt the next DataChunk. The
program leaves cfs_read() before completion of the read
process and blocks on ev == KEY_READY. When the key is
provided by the security manager a signal is sent to the waiting
application process. When cfs_read() is now called again
it will be able to decrypt the next data for which the key is now
present. Multiple executions of cfs_read() with following
PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL may be necessary to complete one
read as a sequence of different keys may be used. The call
to cfs_read() with following PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL
Figure 1. The Contiki Coffee File System (CFS)
(line 8 to line 12) can be combined within one C macro
to hide the complexity of multiple function entries from the
new file a header is created and a number of consecutive cfs_write() is used in a similar way to cfs_read().
free pages are allocated. New data is directly written to the cfs_open() supports the additional flag CFS_NO_CRYPT
empty pages in the file. If pages with existing content are to indicate that a specific newly opened file should not
modified a so called micro log file (also simply referred to be encrypted. Thus, the filesystem can hold encrypted and
as log file) is used. For modifications a micro log file is unencrypted files at the same time.
created and linked with the original file which contains a We also add two additional functions to the CFS API:
sequence of log records that have the same size as a page cfs_read_crypt() and cfs_write_crypt(). These
in the original file. Each log record points to the original page two functions can be used to read and write the encrypted
in the file and contains the updated information. If data is data directly. If data is still in unencrypted form in the cache
accessed, the CFS checks first if newer data is available in cfs_read_crypt() will perform encryption of the data.
the log file before accessing the original file. After a certain The security manager may have to be informed to provide
amount of changes the log file is filled and merged with the necessary keys and multiple calls to cfs_read_crypt()
original file to form a new consolidated file. The old file and followed by PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL might be necessary.
micro log file are marked for garbage collection. The micro These two functions are particularly useful for situations in
log structure is used because the flash memory hardware does which encrypted data must be handled by the node. For
not allow us to overwrite pages directly. Before overwriting example, with these functions it is possible to avoid re-
a hardware page it is necessary to format and clear an entire encryption of data for data transport and the already securely
erase sector containing many pages. This would be inefficient stored data can be directly placed in network packets.
when used frequently and the use of a log file reduces erase We provide a cfs_merge() which can be used to execute
sector formats to a minimum performed at convenient times by the processing costly merge of file and log file at a convenient
the CFS garbage collection. The CFS exposes standard func- time (for example, at times the system is idle).
tions such as cfs_open(), cfs_write(), cfs_read(), cfs_close() is modified to ensure that a merge is exe-
cfs_seek() and cfs_close() to the application for
cuted which makes certain that all unencrypted cached data
is encrypted and stored in the file. cfs_close() may
require multiple function calls with PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL
as keys may have to be organized by the security manager for
To implement Codo with Contiki’s CFS it is necessary to (i) encryption.
modify and extend function calls provided by the existing CFS 2) CFS Components:
library and to (ii) modify and extend the behavior of internal Micro Log: As described, the CFS uses the micro log files
CFS components. We detail these necessary modifications in to handle flash memory read/write specifics. For the Codo
implementation we modify the log file such that it becomes
1) CFS Function Calls : Algorithm 1 shows a simple Contiki in addition a cache holding unencrypted DataChunks. In
program that uses the CFS library. The definition in line 7, 13 the standard CFS the log file is used for modifying write
and 15 is used to switch the API semantic between CFS with operations. In our CFS extension also read and initial write
operations are operating on the log file.
Without CFS_CRYPT a file is opened in line 6 using Whenever data is read from the file it is first checked if thecfs_open() for reading which is indicated via the flag
data is present in unencrypted form in the log file. If not,
CFS_READ. In line 14 cfs_read() is used to read data
the key associated with the data is requested via the security
Algorithm 1 A simple Contiki application program using CFS
[01] PROCESS_THREAD(cfs_test_process, ev, data) {
Figure 2. Writing of 2048byte in blocks of 256byte, 64byte, 32byte and
The cryptographic hardware support of the Tmote’s CC2420
manager component and upon obtaining the key the data is radio chip requires a minimum block size of SC = 16byte.
decrypted and transferred to the log file. New data is always The Tmote provides an ST M25P80 flash memory with a
written to the log file. When the maximum size of the log file page size of SP = 256byte. We therefore select a DataChunk
is reached the log file must be cleared and merged with the size of SD = 256byte to obtain a well matched system (see
Section III). We use software (CFS_CRYPT_SW) or hard-
Security Manager: The security manager is implemented as ware (CFS_CRYPT_HW) supported encryption. The filesys-
a Contiki thread that is responsible to (i) generate new keys tem uses a log record size of SL = 256byte to match flash
if needed (ii) communicate with the sink to store and retrieve memory page size. Furthermore, the system is configured to
use NL = 4 log records which means that SL·NL = 1024byte
The CFS can ask the security manager via a function call for of unencrypted data can be present on the system at any given
a key to a specific DataChunk of a file. This request contains point in time.
three parameters: file_id, DataChunk_id and flags. file_id is A. cfs_write() Performance
the filename which is a unique identifier, DataChunk_id is the
number of the DataChunk for which a key is required. flags In this first experiment a file of size 2048byte is writ-
indicates if the requested key is for a portion of the file that has ten using a sequence of cfs_write() calls. With each
never been used before. If this is the case the security manager cfs_write() call SW bytes are written to the file sys-
has two options. First, it can create the requested key, inform tem (SW ∈ {16, 32, 64, 256}). The execution time of each
the filesystem and then transmit the key to the sink for storage. cfs_write() call is measured. The experiments are re-
Second, it can send a request to the sink for a new key and peated using the original CFS in append mode (CFS_APP), the
when a response arrives inform the filesystem. If flags indicate original CFS in modify mode (CFS_MOD) (data is appended,
that a key for a previously used DataChunk is needed and the but the file is assumed as modified and therefore also the log
key is not locally present, the security manager must send a file is used), Codo CFS with software (CFS_CRYPT_SW)
and hardware supported (CFS_CRYPT_HW) encryption
and Codo CFS with additional RAM supported log file
Cryptographic Functions: For encryption/decryption we use (CFS_CRYPT_SW_M and CFS_CRYPT_HW_M). In this ex-
AES in counter mode (CTR) with 128bit key length provided periment the Security Manager holds the required key for the
either by hardware (e.g. via the CC2420 radio chip present on
many sensor node platforms) or by the open source MIRACL 2048byte sized file locally and there is no key exchange with
the sink required. If keys are exchanged over the network key
[12] library if hardware support is not available.
exchange times have to be added to the experiment results.
The experimental results are shown in Figure 2. Using
CFS_APP and SW = 256byte the time to write all 2048byte to
We evaluate the Codo implementation based on Contiki’s the file system is 18.3ms. In this mode the file system does not
CFS using a Tmote Sky sensor node. To evaluate system make use of the log file structure and data is directly written
performance we analyse the execution times of the CFS to the file structure in flash memory. With CFS_MOD the
function calls. Execution times are important indicators as time increases significantly to 54.8ms as the log file structure
they are a measure for system responsiveness and are directly is involved in the writing process. Each write is directed to
proportional to a node’s energy consumption. Furthermore, we a log record in the log file in flash memory and when all
investigate the performance of data caching when the cache is log records are filled a merge is executed to integrate log file
and original file. CFS_CRYPT_SW and CFS_CRYPT_HW are
WRITING OF 2048byte IN 8 BLOCKS OF 256byte.
functionally identical to CFS_MOD but when the log file is
merged with the original file, encryption has to be performed. Figure 3. Reading of 2048byte in blocks of 256byte, 64byte, 32byte and
Thus, with CFS_CRYPT_SW and CFS_CRYPT_HW execu-
tion times are 190.8ms and 112.7ms. With RAM caching,
the execution time reduces further to 151.6ms and 73.2ms
The overall time of writing 2048byte to the file is not
distributed equally among the 8 separate executions of
The first cfs_write() takes for CFS_CRYPT_SW and
CFS_CRYPT_HW slightly more time than the following
three as some time to create the log file structure in flash
memory is needed. The 5th write takes considerable more
READING OF 2048byte IN 8 BLOCKS OF 256byte.
time than previous writes as the log file of size NL = 4
is full and a merge must be executed before a log record
can be written. During merge encryption is performed which the overall system performance.
requires significant processing time. The use of encryption
hardware support improves encryption performance by 47%. B. cfs_read() Performance
With CFS_CRYPT_HW_M the first 4 write operations are In this second experiment the file created in the previous
faster than CFS_APP as data is written to the cache located experiment (2048byte file size) is read using a sequence of
cfs_read() calls. With each cfs_read() call, SR bytes
When decreasing the write size SW to 64bytes, 32bytes and are read from the file system (SR ∈ {16, 32, 64, 256}). The
finally 16bytes the overall time necessary to write the file of execution time of each cfs_read() call is measured. The2048bytes increases (see Figure 2). This is expected as each
time necessary for reading the complete file is shown for all
cfs_write() call is associated with additional overhead.
For example, the overall time to write a file of 2048bytes Using CFS_APP and SR
length increases from 112.7ms to 211.6ms when switching read all 2048byte is 25.1ms. With CFS_MOD this
from SW = 256byte to SW = 16byte with CFS_CRYPT_HW. time increases to 30.6ms. With CFS_CRYPT_SW and
Note that CFS_CRYPT_HW_M outperforms CFS_MOD for CFS_CRYPT_HW execution times are 693.2ms and 381.1ms;SW = 16byte. This means that under this condition Codo,
with CFS_CRYPT_SW_M and CFS_CRYPT_HW_M times
which performs caching and encryption, outperforms the stan- are 608.8ms and 295.1ms. Again, the overall time of reading
dard CFS when operating on files that have been modified.
2048byte to the file is not distributed equally among the 8
Summary: The Codo CFS is relatively expensive in compar- separate executions of cfs_read() with SR = 256byte
ison to CFS. CFS does, however, not provide data confiden- (see Table II). The first cfs_read() of CFS_CRYPT_SW,
tiality and this feature cannot be implemented at zero cost. For CFS_CRYPT_HW and CFS_CRYPT_HW_M requires a
example, the overall execution time for writing SW = 256byte merge as this first read is performed after the previous exper-
increases with Codo CFS (CFS_CRYPT_HW_M) compared to iment in which the file was written and the log file structure
CFS (CFS_APP) by a factor of 4. However, individual write was filled. Also the 5th read requires a merge as the log file
operations that do not require merging and encryption are is filled. All 8 reads require reading from the flash memory
faster with Codo (CFS_CRYPT_HW_M) (by a factor of 1.6 followed by decryption before the decrypted data is placed in
for the first write with SW = 256byte). Furthermore, within the log file structure.
an application scenario it might be possible to schedule costly When decreasing the read size SR to 64bytes, 32bytes and
merge and encrypt operations at times the system is idle and finally 16bytes the overall time necessary to read the file
thus the overhead for providing confidentiality may not impact of 2048bytes increases as shown in Figure 3. However, the
times necessary for individual cfs_read() calls have an recorded data.
uneven distribution. For example, for SR = 16byte with
includes a merge, decryption of 256byte of data and placement Codo is a novel framework for confidential data storage on
of this data in the cache (the log file). The next 15 read sensor nodes. We have described and evaluated a Codo imple-
operations require 0.5ms each as the decrypted data is now mentation for Contiki. As described, Codo addresses a number
available in the cache. The 16th operation requires 14.8ms as of shortcomings in existing secure storage solutions. Codo
a new block of 256byte is decrypted and moved to the cache. matches hardware capabilities with security requirements; in-
Summary: Reading a securely stored file requires consid- network processing capabilities are preserved while providing
erable more effort than reading the file form the original confidentiality.
CFS. For example, the overall time to read a 2048byte Security requires a processing overhead which is considerable.
file in 256byte blocks with CFS_CRYPT_HW_M increases This processing overhead is proportional to the increase in
by a factor of 11.7. However, not every read operation is energy consumption of a node as the CPU is active for
equally expensive. For example, when using a read size of longer. However, the CPU is generally the smallest energyS
consumer (radio and sensors consume far more energy) and
R = 16byte with CFS_CRYPT_HW_M, read operations
increase by a factor of 1.3; only when merge and/or decryption the overall increase in energy consumption is reasonable for
operations are necessary read operations are much more costly. better security. The exact reduction of node lifetime depends
on the particular CPU type and sensor platform.
Instead of using Codo which enables caching of
unencrypted data one could use a simple solution This work is partially supported by CONET, the Cooperating
(CFS_SIMPLE) which encrypts/decrypts data before calling Objects Network of Excellence. cfs_write()/cfs_read() of the original Contiki
file system. CFS_SIMPLE would only be usable if it is
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Pronunciamiento internacional Honduras: Demandan cese a la violencia en el Bajo Aguán e investigaciones efectivas para sancionar a responsables de asesinatos Las organizaciones firmantes condenamos enérgicamente los asesinatos de 11 personas el pasado 14 y 15 de agosto de 2011 en el Valle del Bajo Aguán, Honduras, donde continúan los actos de violencia, las graves v
aSection of Geriatric Medicine, A91 Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue,bCenter for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, A50,9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USAOsteoporosis is a common disease of older adults and is a major public healthproblem worldwide. As the population ages, the incidence of osteoporosis andresulting osteoporotic fr