Preparing for surgery Important information to guide you. Required reading.
Please read this booklet carefully. We want your surgery to gosafely and smoothly. Please highlight any section that you want todiscuss further with your surgeon or the hospital staff.
Please call your surgeon or the surgeon’s staff with any questions orconcerns about your surgery. Pre-operative tests
For your upcoming surgery you will need testing which may include:
+ History and physical+ Labs+ EKG+ X-ray+ Clearance from your physicians for surgery
An appointment is required with your primary care physician as soon as possible, but not greater than 30 days prior to your procedure for the history and physical. If you do not have a primary care physician, contact the Center for Pre-Operative Care (CPOC) to schedule an appointment for a History and Physical and any necessary testing at 773.665.3127. It is preferred that any testing beyond the history and physical be performed at the Center for Pre- Operative Care, but you may choose to receive your testing at your doctor’s office or an outside lab. If you choose to receive your testing at an outside facility this testing information MUST be faxed to the Center for Pre-Operative Care at least 72 hours prior to the day of surgery (fax 773.665.3272) to eliminate any risk of surgery cancellation. Center for Pre-Operative Care hours Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sunday Are you taking medications?
Check with your primary care physician and your surgeon to findout what medications you should stop taking prior to surgery, aswell as what medication you should take on the day of surgery witha sip of water.
Certain medications may need to be stopped seven days beforesurgery. Examples of these medications include but are not limitedto the following:
Pre-procedure screening and nursing assessment
Now that you have been scheduled for surgery, you will receive aphone call from a nurse one week prior to your surgery.
In preparation for this phone call, please have a list of yourmedications readily available including how often you take them;include any over-the-counter drugs you routinely take. The nursewill obtain important information from you about your medicalhistory and will also give you additional information.
You will receive a call the day before your scheduled procedure to confirm your arrival time and answer any questions you may have. If you do not receive this call by 2 p.m. please call the Center for Pre-Operative Care by 6 p.m. at 773.665.3127.
+ Note: Some patients may be given a different arrival time by
their surgeon. Please arrive at the time your surgeon specifiedif it differs from the time you receive during the call the dayprior.
Viewing your Emmi programs will help you prepare for yourupcoming procedure at Presence Saint Joseph Hospital and answerany questions you may have. Emmi programs are online tools thattake complex medical information and make it simple and easy tounderstand. You may get your Emmi login through an e-mail, or thenurse who does your pre-procedure screening may issue it to youover the phone.
Watch the Emmi program as many times as you like, with yourfamily, friends or anyone else who may be involved in your care. Werecommend that you finish watching the program at least 48 hoursbefore your scheduled procedure. Registration
The Patient Access department will contact you to pre-register you prior to surgery. If you do not receive a phone call by noon on the day before your surgery, please call the Patient Access department at 773.665.3054. The hours of operation are 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday - Friday. Financial Information + Health Insurance + No Health Insurance + Self-Pay
Payment arrangements are required at the time of registration. Ifyou have health insurance, your insurance company will be billedfor your surgery and any preoperative tests. Note that someinsurance companies require you to pay a deductible. If you haveany questions regarding what will be covered, the deductible, or ifyour managed care plan is affiliated with Presence Saint JosephHospital, please contact your insurance company.
If you do not have insurance, you will need to make arrangementswith the hospital’s financial counselor as soon as your surgery isscheduled. The financial counselor can also provide information onthe self-pay packages offered by the hospital. Please call ourfinancial counselors in the Admitting and Registration departmentat 773.665.6476.
Preparation for surgery
You will need to make transportation arrangements for the day of your surgery. For your safety and well-being, you will not be discharged unless you have an adult companion with you, due to possible side effects of the anesthesia. Instructions for the day before surgery
+ Do not drink any liquids, including water, or eat anything, including
candy or gum, after midnight the night before your surgery.
+ If you develop a fever, cold/flu symptoms, or if there is a personal
issue that will require you to cancel the day before your surgery,call your surgeon and the Center for Pre-Operative Care.
+ Do not shave the surgical area prior to surgery.
+ The skin around your surgical site must be free of any rash,
blemishes, cuts or insect bites. Please notify your surgeon ifyou develop any of these conditions prior to your surgery. Instructions for the morning of surgery
+ Take a shower or bath before you arrive at the hospital.
+ Remove all makeup, fingernail and toenail polish, as well as
jewelry, including all body piercings.
+ You can brush your teeth, but do not swallow any water.
+ Do not use any lotion, cream, powder or deodorant on
+ Do not eat or drink anything, including water, unless you have
been instructed by your physician to take certain medicationswith a sip of water.
+ Do not chew gum or suck on hard candy or mints.
+ Please wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing.
+ Keep in mind you will need to remove tampons, hairpieces,
dentures, hearing aids, contact lenses, undergarments and anyartificial limbs prior to being taken to the operating room.
Important items to bring the day of your surgery
1. Your driver’s license or state identification card.
2. Your insurance card(s), including supplemental insurance.
3. Referral and precertification forms.
4. Deductible and/or co-payment, if applicable.
5. Recent test results, X-ray films or other relevant forms your
primary care physician or surgeon has asked you to bring.
6. Cases for eyeglasses, contact lenses, dentures and
7. A list of all of your medications, including vitamins and herbal
supplements, how often it is taken and the dose--or you maybring the medications in their original containers.
8. Completed forms for Power of Attorney, Living Will and Advance
Directives, if you have them. (See section on Illinois Law onAdvance Directives.)
What NOT to bring to the hospital
Jewelry, expensive watches, large sums of money, your laptopcomputer and other valuables should be left at home. Personalitems that you need to bring can be locked in the hospital safe. Note that we are unable to store or accept responsibility for yourlaptop computer, tablet or cell phone.Arriving on the day of surgery
Outpatient surgery patients and their visitors coming to the hospitalshould enter the hospital through the front entrance or Entrance B(by the Emergency Room) and proceed to the PatientAccess/Admitting Department on the first floor to register.
+ The time you were told to arrive is typically 1 1/2 to 2 hours prior to the time your surgery will begin so that you will have enough time to complete the registration process and get ready for your surgery.
+ Any changes to your actual surgical time may be due to longer
than expected surgeries prior to yours. Occasionally,emergency surgeries can also delay your actual surgery time. If you have arrived at the hospital and your surgery time isrunning late, we will keep you informed with frequent updatesof your new surgery time and provide you with options to keepyou as comfortable as possible as you wait. Anesthesia
Anesthesia is an extremely important part of your surgicalprocedure. You will meet with your anesthesiologist on the day ofyour surgery and he or she will discuss the anesthetic that will beused. Be prepared to discuss your health, medications and otherissues with your anesthesia provider.
Special safety measures and precautions Throughout your surgical procedure or hospital stay a number of clinical staff will ask to verify who you are, what procedure or test is being done, allergies that you have and other important information. Please understand that this is done as an important safety measure for your protection. Other actions that you must take include:
+ Speak up – Let us know if something does not seem right, if you
have a question, a concern, or if something is being done or saidthat is different than what you have been previously told orunderstand.
+ Tell the physician and staff about any allergies and unusual
reactions you have had to any medicines in the past.
+ Make sure all of the doctors know about everything you are
currently taking, including prescription medicine and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs and health foodsupplements.
+ Make sure you obtain and understand your home care
instructions, including after-effects from the surgery or sideeffects from your medication.
Family and friends – Where to wait during surgery
Family and friends are welcome to wait during your surgery in theOutpatient Surgery waiting room on the third floor. Take the mainelevators to the third floor and follow signs to the OutpatientWaiting Room. They are also free to visit the hospital’s chapel on the11th floor of the hospital. A daily Mass is held at noon. In addition,the hospital café is on the first floor, and available for breakfast,lunch or dinner. Family and friends will be able to see you once youhave returned to the Post Surgery Step Down Area or once youhave been taken to your hospital room if you are going to beadmitted. Returning home – Your discharge instructions
+ You and your family will be given written information regarding
your discharge instructions. You or your family member shouldread your discharge instructions carefully before you leave thehospital to ensure that you understand what is expected. Besure to ask your physician or any staff member regarding anyinstruction that is unclear.
+ Do not drive a car, operate machinery or do anything that
requires your full concentration for at least 24 hours, unlessotherwise instructed by your surgeon. Patient satisfaction
Throughout your stay we will make every effort to ensure that youare receiving excellent care. We encourage you and your family tolet us know if there is anything that we can do to improve your stay. Illinois law on Advance Directives
Presence Health honors and complies with the requirements ofIllinois law regarding Advance Directives, Living Will and/or DurablePower of Attorney for Health Care. These forms provide directionfor the health care staff regarding your decisions about your healthcare now and in the future. Federal law requires that you be told ofyour right to make an Advance Directive when you are admitted toa health care facility. Forms and consultation regarding them isavailable through the Spiritual Services Department located on thesecond floor of the hospital.
As you prepare for surgery, you or your family may have questions. We would be happy to answer them. Write your questions downand bring them with you if you are scheduled for preoperative tests,or contact your surgeon or nursing staff on the morning of yoursurgery prior to receiving any anesthesia, or at any time during orafter your stay.
Call the center for Pre-Operative Care should you have questionsat 773.665.3127. Thank you for choosing Presence Saint Joseph Hospital. Don’t forget.
As a reminder, please tear this sheetout and put it on your refrigerator orsomewhere visible that you will seethe day of your surgery.
Do not eat or drink including: + gum + hard candy + mints or smoke after midnight on the day before your surgery.
2900 North Lake Shore DriveChicago, Illinois 60657773.665.3000
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The Breastfeeding Network PO Box 11126, Paisley PA2 8YB Admin Tel: 0844 412 0995 e-mail: The information provided is taken from various reference sources. It is provided as a guideline. No responsibility can be taken by the author or the Breastfeeding Network for the way in which the information is used. Clinical decisions remain the res