Original papers in peer-reviewed journals
1. Baehni, P., Sudan, J.M., Steube, W. et Cimasoni, G. : Enzymes lysosomiales dans les
produits de rinçage de la région parodontale marginale au cours de la gingivite expérimentale chez l'homme. J. Biol. Buc. 3 : 143-156, 1975
2. McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P. and Taichman, N.S. : Interaction of inflammatory cel s and oral
microorganisms. III. Modulation of rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocyte hydrolase release response to Actinomyces viscosus and Streptococcus mutans by immunoglobulins and complement. Infect. Immun. 14 : 1315-1321, 1976
3. Baehni, P.C. et Cimasoni, G. : La réponse immune et les parodontopathies, une revue de la
littérature. Acta Parodontologica (R.M.S.O.) 87 : 91-103, 1977
4. Taichman, N.S., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P.C., Stoller, N. and McArthur, W.P. : Interaction of
inflammatory cells and oral microorganisms. IV. In vitro release of lysosomal constituents from polymorphnuclear leukocytes exposed to supragingival and subgingival bacterial plaque. Infect. Immun. 16 : 1013-1023, 1977
5. Taichman, N.S., McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and Hammond, B.F. :
Polymorphonuclear leukocytic-bacterial interaction as a pathogenetic mechanism in periodontal disease. J. Endod. 3 : 292-300, 1977
6. Baehni, P., Listgarten. M.A., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Electron microscopic
study of the interaction of oral microorganisms with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Arch. oral Biol. 22 : 685-692, 1977
7. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Interaction of inflammatory cells
and oral microorganisms. V. Electron microscopic and biochemical study on the mechanisms of release of lysosomal constituents from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes exposed to dental plaque. J. Periodont. Res. 13 : 333-348, 1978
8. Tsai, C.C., Hammond, B.F., Baehni, P., McArthur, W.P. and Taichman, N.S. : Interaction of
inflammatory cells and oral microorganisms. VI. Exocytosis of PMN lysosomes in response to Gram-negative plaque bacteria. J. Periodont. Res. 13 : 504-512, 1978
9. Taichman, N.S., Hammond, B.F., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and McArthur, W.P. : Interaction of
inflammatory cells and oral microorganisms. VII. In vitro polymorphonuclear responses to viable bacteria and to subcellular components of avirulent and virulent strains of Actinomyces viscosus. Infect. Immun. 21 : 594-604, 1978
10. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., Norman, M., Stoller, N., McArthur, W.P. and Taichman, N.S. : Studies
of host responses during experimental gingivitis in humans. I. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte responses to autologous plaque collected during the development of gingival inflammation. J. Periodont. Res. 14, 279-288, 1979
11. Norman, M.E., Baehni, P.C., Tsai, C.C., Stoller, N., McArthur, W.P. and Taichman, N.S. :
Studies of host responses during experimental gingivitis in humans. II. Changes in acute phase reactants, serum immunoglobulins and complement during the development of gingival inflammation. J. Periodont. Res. 14 : 361-369, 1979
12. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Hammond, B.F. and Taichman, N.S. : Interaction of
inflammatory cells and oral microorganisms. VIII. Detection of leukotoxic activity of a plaque-derived Gram-negative microorganism. Infect. Immun. 24 : 233-243, 1979
13. Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P.C., Hammond, B.F. and Taichman, N.S. : Extraction
and partial characterization of a leukotoxin from a plaque-derived Gram-negative microorganism. Infect. Immun. 25 : 427-439, 1979
14. Lally, E.T., Baehni, P.C. and McArthur, W.P. : Local immunoglobulin synthesis in periodontal
disease. J. Periodont. Res. 15 : 159-164, 1980
15. Webster, G.F., Leyden, J.J., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and McArthur, W.P. : Polymorphonuclear
leukocyte lysosomal release in response to Propionibacterium acnes in vitro and its enhancement by sera from inflammatory acne patients. J. Invest. Derm. 74 : 398-401, 1980
16. Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P.C., Evian, C., Genco, R.J. and Taichman, N.S. :
Serum neutralizing activity against Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin in juvenile periodontitis. J. Clin. Periodontol. 8 : 338-348, 1981.
17. McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P.C., Genco, R.J. and Taichman, N.S. : Leukotoxic
effects of Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans. Modulation by serum components. J. Periodont. Res. 16 : 159-170, 1981.
18. Baehni, P.C., Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Hammond, B.F., Shenker, B.J. and Taichman,
N.S. : Leukotoxic activity in different strains of the bacterium Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans isolated from juvenile periodontitis in man. Arch. Oral Biol. 26 : 671-676, 1981
19. Lally, E.T., McArthur, W.P. and Baehni, P.C. : Biosynthesis of complement components in
chronically inflamed gingiva. J. Periodont. Res. 17 : 257-262, 1982
20. Baehni, P.C., Payot, P., Tsai, C.C. and Cimasoni, G. : Periodontal status associated with
chronic neutropenia : report of a case. J. Clin. Periodontol. 10, 222-230, 1982
21. Thurre, C., Robert, M., Cimasoni, G. and Baehni, P. : Gingival sulcular leukocytes in
periodontitis and in experimental gingivitis in man. J. Periodont. Res. 19 : 457-468, 1984
22. Taichman, N.S., Shenker, B.J., Tsai, C.C., Glickman, L.T., Baehni, P.C., Stevens, R. and
Hammond, B. : Cytopathic effects of Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans on monkey blood leukocytes. J. Periodont. Res., 19 : 133-145, 1984
23. Kostelc, J.G., Preti, G., Zelson, P.R., Brauner, L. and Baehni, P. : Oral odors in early
experimental gingivitis. J. Periodont. Res. 19 : 303-312, 1984
24. Charlet, G., Jotterand, H., Grosgurin, P., Weibel, M.-A. and Baehni, P. : Effets d'un
ammonium quaternaire sur la plaque dentaire : étude clinique et bactériologique. Acta Parodontologica 15 : 122-130, 1986
25. Thilo, B.E., Baehni, P. and Holz, J. : Dark-field observation on the bacterial distribution in
root canals following pulp necrosis. J. Endodont. 12 : 202-205, 1986
26. Beltrami, M., Bickel, M. and Baehni, P.C. : The effect of supragingival plaque control on the
composition of the subgingival microflora in human periodontitis. J.Clin. Periodontol. 14 : 161-164, 1987
27. Lavanchy, D.L., Bickel, M. and Baehni, P.C. : The effect of plaque control after scaling and
root planing on the subgingival microflora in human periodontitis. J. Clin. Periodontol.14 : 295-299, 1987
28. Thilo, B.E. and Baehni, P.C. : Effect of ultrasonic instrumentation on dental plaque microflora
in vitro. J. Periodont. Res. 22 : 518-521, 1987
29. Huynh, Ch., Charon, J., Joachim, F., Baehni, P. and Meyer, J. : Les concepts actuels en
parodontologie. J. Parodontol. 6 : 311-324, 1987
30. Condacci, I., Cimasoni, G., Rey, M. and Baehni, P. : In vitro synthesis of α2-macroglobulin
by human gingival fibroblasts. Archs oral Biol. 33 : 407-412, 1988
31. Izumi, Y., Nitta, H., Ishikawa, I. and Baehni, P. : Association between HLA system and
periodontal diseases. J. Parodontol. 9 : 145-152, 1990
32. Coudray-Huser, M., Baehni, P.C. and Lang, R. : Effects of orthodontic bands on
microbiologic and clinical parameters. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 97 : 213-218, 1990
33. Thilo, B., Chapuis, B., Pernet, D. and Baehni, P. : Les détartreurs ultrasoniques et soniques
en parodontie. Rev. Mens. Suisse Odontostomatol. 100 : 269-273, 1990
34. Baehni, P., Thilo, B., Chapuis, B. and Pernet, D. : Effects of ultrasonic and sonic scalers on
dental plaque microflora in vitro and in vivo. J. Clin. Periodontol. 19 : 455-459, 1992
35. Baehni, P.C., Song, M., McCulloch, C.A.G. and Ellen, R.P. : Treponema denticola induces
actin rearrangement and detachment of human gingival fibroblasts. Infect. Immun. 60 : 3360-3368, 1992
36. Sugiyama, E., Baehni, P.C. and Cimasoni, G. : An in vitro study of polymorphonuclear
leukocyte-mediated injury to human gingival keratinocytes by periodontopathic bacteria extracts. Archs oral Biol. 37 : 1007-1012, 1992
37. Charon, J., Joachim, P., Sandele, B., Chapotat, B. et Baehni, P. : Un fibroblaste est-il radio-
opaque ? ou réflexions sur la distance théorie-pratique en parodontie. J. Parodontol. 11 : 371-383, 1992
38. Gmür, R., McNabb, H., van Steenbergen, T.J.M., Baehni, P., Mombelli, A., van Winkelhoff,
A.J., and Guggenheim, B. : Seroclassification of hitherto "non-typeable" Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans strains : evidence for a new serotype e. Oral Microbiol. Immunol. 8 : 116-120, 1993
39. Baehni, P. : Diagnostic microbiologique en parodontie. Schweiz. Monatsschr. Zahnmed. 105
40. Rentsch, A., Mojon, P., Roehrich, N., Von der Muehll, D., Baehni, P. et Budtz-Jørgensen, E. :
Situation bucco-dentaire chez les patients hospitalisés à l'hôpital de gériatrie de Genève. Schweiz. Monatsschr. Zahnmed. 105 : 1523-1528, 1995
41. Dubrez, B., Baehni, P. and Cimasoni, G. : A case of localized juvenile periodontitis :
treatment and 3 years follow-up with superimposable radiographs. J. Clin. Periodontol. 23 : 557-562, 1996
42. Baehni, P.C. and Guggenheim, B. : Potential of diagnostic microbiology for treatment and
prognosis of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. 7 : 259-277, 1996
43. Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Mojon, P., Rentsch, A., Roehrich, N., Von der Muehll, D. and Baehni,
P.: Caries prevalence and associated predisposing conditions in recently hospitalized elderly persons. Acta Odontol. Scand. 54 : 251-256, 1996
44. Hassell, T.M., Baehni, P. Harris, E.L., Walker, C., Gabbiani, G. and Geinoz, A. : Evidence for
genetic control of changes in f-actin polymerization caused by pathogenic microorganisms : in vitro assessment using gingival fibroblasts from human twins. J. Periodont. Res. 32 : 90-98, 1997
45. Gmür, R. and Baehni, P.C. : Serum IgG responses to various Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans serotypes in a young ethnographical y heterogeneous periodontitis patient group. Oral Microbiol. Immunol. 12 : 1-10, 1997
46. Baehni, P.C. : Supportive care of the periodontal patient. Current Opinion in Periodontology
47. Butera, S. and Baehni, P.C. : Santé dentaire d’une population préscolaire à Genève. Acta
48. Fujii, T., Baehni, P.C., Kawai, O., Kawakami, T., Matsuda, K., and Kowashi, Y. : Scanning
electron microscopic study of the effects of Er:YAG laser on root cementum. J. Periodont. 69 : 1283-1296, 1998
49. Mojon, P., Rentsch, A., Budtz-Jorgensen, E., and Baehni, P.C. : Effects of an oral health
program on selected clinical parameters and salivary bacteria in a long-term care facility. European J. of Oral Sciences, 106 : 827-834, 1998
50. Vivien Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C. and Gurny, R. : Current status in oral fluoride
pharmacokinetics and implications for the prophylaxis against dental caries. European J. of Pharma. and Biopharma. 45 . 101-111, 1998
51. Kamma, J.J., Nakou, N. and Baehni, P.C. : Clinical and microbiological characteristics of
smokers with early onset periodontitis. J. Periodont. Res. 34 : 25-33, 1999
52. Baehni, P.C. : The present status of pre- and post-graduate clinical training education and
social insurance systems of conservative therapy in Switzerland. Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry 42 : 815-817, 1999
53. Felt, O., Carrel, A., Baehni, P.C. Buri, P. and Gurny, R. : Chitosan as tear substitute: a
wetting agent endowed with antimicrobial efficacy. J. of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 16 : n°3, 261-270, 2000
54. Vivien Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C. and Gurny, R. : Salivary fluoride concentrations following
applications of bioadhesive tablets and mouthrinses. European J. of Pharma. and Biopharma. 49 : 27-33, 2000
55. Oido-Mori, M., Rezzonico, R., Wang, P.-L., Kowashi, Y., Dayer, J.-M., Baehni, P.C.,
Chizzolini, C. : Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain-R enhances interleukin-8 but decreases gamma interferon-inducible protein 10 production by human gingival fibroblasts in response to T-cell contact. Infection and Immunity, 69 : 4493-4501, 2001
56. Karsegard, N., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Schürch, E., Baehni, P.C. : Situation parodontale de la
population des cantons de Genève, Vaud et Neuchâtel. Schweiz. Monatsschr. Zahnmed. 111 : 696-700, 2001
57. Heller, J., Barr, J., Ng, S.Y., Shen, H.-R., Schwach-Abdellaoui, K., Gurny, R., Vivien-
Castioni, N., Loup, P.J., Baehni, P., Mombelli, A. : Development and applications of injectable poly(ortho esters) for pain control and periodontal treatment. Biomaterials 23 : 4397-4404, 2002
58. Schwach-Abdellaoui K., Loup P.-J., Vivien Castioni N., Mombelli A., Baehni P., Barr J., Heller
J., Gurny R. : Bioerodible injectable Poly(ortho ester) for tetracycline controlled delivery to periodontal pockets: preliminary trial in humans AAPS PharmSci, 4 (4), 2002
59. Plagnat D., Giannopoulou C., Carrel A., Bernard J.-P., Mombelli A., Belser U. : Elastase, α2-
macroglobulin in crevicular fluid from implants with and without peri mplantitis. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 13, 227-233, 2002
60. Kamma J.J., Baehni P. : Five-year maintenance follow-up of early-onset periodontitis
61. Baehni P., Takeuchi Y. : Anti-plaque agents in the prevention of biofilm-associated oral
diseases. Oral Diseases, 9 (suppl. 1): 23-29, 2003
62. Vivien-Castioni N., Baehni P. : Teneur en fluorures des eaux de distribution en Suisse. Rev
Mens Suisse Odontostomatol, 113: 1276-1280, 2003
63. Duffau F., Bolivar I., Baehni P.: Presence of periodontal pathogens in a lifetime. Perio, 1, 1:
64. Kamma J.J., Nakou M., Gmur R., Baehni P. : Microbiological profile of early onset /
aggressive periodontitis patients. Oral Microbiol Immunol, 19: 314-321, 2004
65. Ishikawa I., Baehni P. : Nonsurgical periodontal therapy – where do we stand now?.
66. Baehni P., Giovannoli J.-L. : Patient profile and decision-making in periodontal practice.
67. Walker C.B., Karpinia K., Baehni P. : Chemotherapeutics: antibiotics and other
antimicrobials. Periodontology 2000, 36, 146-165, 2004
68. Fujii T., Wang P.-L., Yajima T., Carrel-Geinoz A., Usui S., Otogoto J., Ota N., Baehni P.C. :
Interleukin-8 production by human gingival fibroblasts in response to periodontopathic bacterial lipopolysaccharides and prostaglandin E2 in vitro. J Hard Tissue Biology, 13(1): 29-
69. Fujii T., Wang P.-L., Hosokawa Y., Shirai S., Tamura A., Hikita K., Maida T., Ochi M., Baehni
P.C. Effect of systemical y administered azithromycin in early periodontitis. Perio 2000, 1 (4) 321-325, 2004
70. Brochut P., Marin I., Baehni P., Mombel i A., Predictive value of clinical and microbiological
parameters for the treatment outcome of scaling and root planning. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 32: 695-701, 2005
71. Sanz M., Van der Velden U., Van Steenberghe D., Baehni P., Periodontology as a
recognized dental speciality in Europe. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 33: 371-375, 2006
72. Baehni P., Gianella C., Manga E., Programme de santé bucco-dentaire à Mfou, Cameroun,
Revue Médical Suisse 2, supplement : S19-S21, 2006
73. Takeuchi Y., Bernhard G., Filieri A., Baehni P., Effect of chlorhexidine/thymol and fluoride
varnishes on dental biofilm formation in vitro. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 115 : 465-472, 2007
74. Baehni P., Tonetti M., Periodontal Health, Policy and Education in Europe: A Call for Action.
European Journal of Dental Education 14: 2-3, 2010
75. Troccaz M., Haefliger O., Cayeux I., Beccucci S., Jeckelmann N., Schrenzel J., Baehni P.,
Effects of flavored mouthrinses on oral malodors: a sensorial, analytical, and microbial evaluation, submitted
Papers in journals without editorial policy 1.
Baehni, P. : Prévention de la maladie parodontale, une maladie infectieuse. Le Fait médical n° 15, juin 1991
Baehni, P. König, K. et Saxer, U.P. : L'abrasivité des pâtes dentifrices. Un facteur sans risque en cas de technique de brossage adéquate. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 82 : février 1992
Charon, J.A., Joachim, F., Sandele, P. et Baehni, P. : Conséquences pratiques des nouveaux moyens de diagnostic. L'information Dentaire n° 12, 873-893, 1993
König, K.G. and Baehni, P. : Les dentifrices et la prévention de la carie et des maladies parodontales. Réalités cliniques 4 : 367-373, 1993
Vivien Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C. : Fluoration et carie : changement de stratégie. Paediatrica. 8. 24-25, 1997
Vivien Castioni, N. and Baehni, P.C. : Brochure : Fluor. Commission Romande d’Informaiton de la Société Suisse d’Odonto-stomatologie, 1998
Baehni, P. : Atteintes de l’émail après antibiotiques. Paediatrica, 12 : 42-43, 2001
Bourgeois D., Baehni P.C. : Surveillance, épidémiologie et maladies parodontales. Encycl Méd Chir, Odontologie, 23-444-A-10, p 6, 2002
Gianella C., Baehni P., Baumann F., Programme de santé bucco-dentaire à Mfou, Cameroun, Medicus Mundi Schweiz, Bul etin 99 : 76-77, 2006
10. Duffau F., Baehni P., L’écologie de la bouche. Titane 4 (2) : 4-11, juin 2007
Book Chapters - Proceedings 1.
Taichman, N.S., Baehni, P.C., Tsai, C.C., Passo, S., Hammond, B.F. and McArthur, W.P. : Potential mechanisms of PMN-plaque interactions in the gingival crevice.
Proceedings "Saliva and dental caries", Eds. Kleinberg, I., Ellison, S.A. and Mandel, I.D., Sp. Supp. Microbiology Abstracts, pp. 463-471, 1979
McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Shenker, B.J. and Taichman, N.S. : Noncytolytic effects of Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans. In : Host-Parasite Interactions in Periodontal Diseases. Eds. R.J. Genco and S.E. Mergenhagen, pp. 179-192, Washington, D.C. : American Society for Microbiology, 1982
Taichman, N.S., McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P.C., Shenker, B.J., Berthold, P., Evian, C. and Stevens, R.H. : Leukocidal mechanisms of Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans. In : Host-Parasite Interactions in Periodontal Diseases. Eds. R.J. Genco and S.E. Mergenhagen, pp. 261-269, Washington, D.C. : American Society for Microbiology, 1982
Baehni, P. : Interactions between plaque microorganisms and human oral epithelial cells. In : Borderland between caries and periodontal disease III. pp. 143-153, T. Lehner and G. Cimasoni, ed. Médecine et Hygiène, Genève, 1986
Forgay, M., Aitken, S., Baehni, P. and Ravald, N. : Managing and motivating the oral hygiene needs of independently living older adults. In : Periodontal care for older adults. pp. 173-183, Ed. Richard P. Ellen, Toronto, 1992
Baehni, P. and Tessier, J.F. : Supportive periodontal care. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology, pp. 274-288, N.P. Lang and T. Karring, ed. Quintessence Books, London, 1994
Tessier, J.F. and Baehni, P. : Epidémiologie et étiologie des maladies parodontales. In : Parodontologie du diagnostic à la pratique. Ed. P. Bercy et H. Tenenbaum, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, pp. 25-34, 1996
Baehni, P.C. and Bourgeois, D.: Epidemiology of periodontal health and disease. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mechanical Plaque Control, pp 19-34, N.P. Lang, R. Attström and H. Löe, eds. Quintessence Publishing Co. Chicago, 1998
Bourgeois, D., Baehni, P.: Surveil ance, épidémiologie et maladies parodontales. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale, Odontologie 23-444-A-10, 6p., 2002
10. Ramseyer, C.A., Söder, B. and Baehni, P.: Consensus report of Session E, Smoking
prevention and cessation. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Oral Health Care and General Health. Oral Health Prev Dent, 1 (suppl 1): 440-442, 2003
11. Bourgeois D. and Baehni P: Surveil ance, epidemiology and periodontal diseases European
Global Oral Health Indicators Development Project. 2003 Report Proceedings. Editors DM Bourgeois, JC Llodra. Quintessence International, Paris, France, 2004
12. Baehni P : Periodontal health assessment, periodontal disease severity, A selection of
Essential Oral Health Indicators, European Global Oral Health Indicators Development Project. 2005 Catalogue. Editors DM Bourgeois, JC Llodra, A Norblad, NB Pitts. Quintessence International, Paris, France, 2005.
13. Baehni P, Wiskott HWA : The redesigned undergraduate dental curriculum at the University of
Geneva, In : Mit der Lehre von Heute zum Zahnartz von Morgen – Lehrabstimmung in der PA 2. Workshop der ARPA-Wissenschaftsstiftung, Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH, Berlin, 2006
Abstracts 1.
Baehni, P., Sudan, J.M., Steube, W. and Cimasoni, G. : Lysosomal enzymes in gingival washings during experimental gingivitis. J. Dent. Res. 53 : 742, Abstract 38, 1973
Baehni, P., Listgarten, M.A., McArthur, W.P. and Taichman, N.S. : Electron microscopic study of phagocytosis of oral microorganisms by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). J. Dent. Res. 55 : 864, Abstract 12, 1976
1976. Taichman, N.S., McArthur, W.P. and Baehni, P. : Release of lysosomal enzymes from polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) exposed to whole plaque. J. Dent. Res. 55 : B123, Abstract 604, 1976
Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Lysosomal enzyme release from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) exposed to plaque : an electron microscopic study. J. Dent. Res. 56 : B156, Abstract 417, 1977
Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Non-phagocytosis dependent release of human PMN lysosomes induced by dental plaque and periodontopathogen, Actinomyces viscosus T14. J. Dent. Res. 56 : B156, Abstract 418, 1977
Taichman, N.S., Hammond, B.F., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and McArthur, W.P. : Lysosomal enzyme release from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) exposed to virulent (V) and avirulent (AV) strains of Actinomyces viscosus T14. J. Dent. Res. 56 : B156, Abstract 419, 1977
McArthur, W.P., Taichman, N.S., Baehni, P. and Tsai, C.C. : Modulation of human lymphocyte blastogenesis by soluble constituents from polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). J. Dent. Res. 56 : B157, Abstract 420,1977
Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Cytotoxic effect on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) by a suspected Gram-negative periopathogen, Y4. J. Dent Res. 57 : 263, Abstract 756, 1978
Taichman, N.S., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Stoller, N., Norman, M. and McArthur, W.P. : PMN lysosome release in response to autologous plaque collected during experimental gingivitis. J. Dent. Res. 57 : 263, Abstract 754, 1978
10. Tsai, C.C., Taichman, N.S., McArthur, W.P. and Baehni, P.: Lysosome release from human
PMNs : mediation by soluble factor(s) from serum by dental plaque microorganisms. J. Dent. Res. 57 : 263, Abstract 755, 1978
11. Norman, M.E., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Stoller, N., McArthur, W.P. and Taichman, N.S. :
Humoral (serum) responses during experimental gingivitis. J. Dent. Res. 57 : 136, Abstract 246, 1978
12. Lally, E.T., Baehni, P., Waxman, P., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Local synthesis of
immunoglobulin in periodontal disease. J. Dent. Res. 57 : 135, Abstract 244, 1978
13. Int. Conference on Periodontal Research, 1979. McArthur, W.P., Duncan, R., Tsai, C.C.,
Baehni, P. and Taichman, N.S. : Modulation of lymphocyte functions by polymorphonuclear leukocyte-derived material. J. Periodont. Res. 14 : 259-260, Abstract 13 , 1979
14. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Taichman, N.S. and Genco, R.J. : Inhibition of Y4
leukotoxic activity by sera from juvenile periodontitis patients. J. Dent. Res. 58 : 121, Abstract 116, 1979
15. McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Hammond, B.F. and Taichman, N.S. : Extraction of
soluble leukotoxic factor(s) from a Gram-negative plaque microorganism (Y4). J. Dent. Res. 58 : 204, Abstract 445, 1979
16. Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P.C., Hammond, B.F., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. :
Bacteriocidal/static effects of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) on Strep mutans 6715 (SM). J. Dent. Res. 58 : 319, Abstract 911, 1979
17. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Hammond, B.F., Socransky, S.S. and Taichman, N.S.:
Leukotoxicity of various Actinobacil i actinomycetemcomitans isolates. J. Dent. Res. 59 : 323, Abstract 223, 1980
18. McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P., Genco, R.J. and Taichman, N.S. : Modulation of
Actinobacil us actinomycetemcomitans (Y4) leukotoxicity by serum. J. Dent. Res. 59 : 324, Abstract 225, 1980
19. Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P., Genco, R.J. and Taichman, N.S. : Correlation of serum
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20. Baehni, P., Tsai, C.C., Ginsburg, I., Taichman, N.S. and McArthur, W.P. : Modulation of
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21. Taichman, N.S., Stevens, R., Hammond, B.F., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and McArthur, W.P. :
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22. Tsai, C.C., McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P. and Taichman, N.S : Immunologic patterns of
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23. Shenker, B., McArthur, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Baehni, P. and Taichman, N.S. : Suppression of
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25. Stoller, N.H., Baehni, P. and Cimasoni, G. : The effect of mouthrinsing with various fluorides
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26. Taichman, N.S., Shenker, B.J., Tsai, C.C., Glickman, L.T., Baehni, P.C., Stevens, R. and
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27. Baehni, P. and Cimasoni, G. : Interactions between oral microorganisms and cultured
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28. Stoller, N.H., Baehni, P.C. and Vialle, L. : The efficacy of a mouthrinse containing erythrosin to
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29. Baehni, P. and Cimasoni, G. : Cytotoxic effect of spirochetes for human epithelial cells. J.
30. Gilbert, R J. and Baehni, P. : Uptake and desorption of Triclosan and zinc by gingival tissue. J.
31. Baehni, P., Rey, M. and Guggenheim, B. : Effect of black-pigmented Bacteroides on the
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32. Izumi, Y., Cimasoni, G. and Baehni, P.C. : Inhibition of epithelial cell proliferation by B. gingivalis, B. intermedius and S. mutans. J. Dent. Res. 68 : 619, Abstract 84, 1989
33. Giannopoulou, C., Andersen, E., Baehni, P. and Cimasoni, G. : Proteases, inhibitors and
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34. Baehni, P., Izumi, Y., Cimasoni, G. and Guggenheim, B. : Modulation of human keratinocyte
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35. Izumi, Y., Cimasoni, G. and Baehni, P.C. : Inhibition of epithelial cell proliferation by B. gingivalis, B. intermedius and S. mutans. J. Dent. Res. 68 : 619, Abstract 84, 1989
36. Izumi, Y., Baehni, P.C. and Cimasoni G. : Effects of periodontopathic bacteria on human
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37. Sugiyama, E., Baehni, P.C. and Cimasoni, G. : Detachment of keratinocytes mediated by
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38. Gmür, R., McNabb, H., Mombelli, A., Van Steenbergen, T.J.M., Van Winkelhoff, A.J., Baehni,
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39. Baehni, P., Song, M. McCulloch, C.A.G. and Ellen, R.P. : Treponema denticola induces
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40. Sugiyama, E., Geinoz, A. and Baehni, P.C. : Bactericidal effect of cathepsin G on oral
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41. Sugiyama, E., Baehni, P.C. and Cimasoni, G. : Neutrophil-mediated injury to gingival
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42. Birek, P., Grad, H., Gates, K., Baehni, P. and Lee, P.I. : A bioerodible drug delivery system
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43. Gmür, R. and Baehni, P. : IgG subclass resonses to A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes a-e
in patients with early onset periodontitis. J. Dent. Res. 73 : 158, Abstract 450, 1994
44. Boretti, R.M., Bernard, J.-P., Belser, U., Lang, R. and Baehni, P. : Characterization of the intra-
and peri-implant microflora of non submerged implants in the healing phase. J. Dent. Res. 73 : 373, Abstract 2169, 1994
45. Banon, J. and Baehni, P., 1994. : Evaluation of ultrasonic instrumentation in periodontal
treatment of hospitalized elderly patients. J. Parodontol. (abstracts EuroPerio 1) : 38, 1994
46. Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Mojon, P., Rentsch, A., Von der Muehll, D., Baehni, P. and Roehrich, N.:
Caries prevalence and associated risk factors in recently hospitalized elders. J. Dent. Res. 74: 519, Abstract 950, 1995
47. Mojon, P., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Baehni, P.C. and Rapin, C.-H. : Relationship between oral
health and nutrition in very old people. J. Dent. Res. 74 : 520, Abstract 954, 1995
48. Hassell, T., Geinoz, A. and Baehni, P. : Periodontal pathogens effect cytoskeletal structural
proteins in gingival fibroblasts. J. Dent. Res. 74 : 573 Abstract 1378, 1995
49. Mojon, P., Budtz-Jørgensen, E. and Baehni, P.C. : Oral health and pneumonia in frail
institutionalized elders. J. Dent. Res. 75 : 240, Abstract 1784, 1996
50. Baehni, P.C., Bolivar, I., Wolf, H. and Mombelli, A. : Clusters of selected pathogens in a
population with severe periodontitis. J. Dent. Res. 75 : 241, Abstract 1791, 1996
51. Hassell, T., Belser, U., Giannopoulou, C., Baehni, P., Bernard, J.-P. and Geinoz, A. :
Crevicular fluid enzymes and microorganisms as possible indicators of implant failure. J. Dent. Res. 75 : 368, Abstract 2807, 1996
52. Murati, F., Bourgeois, D., Mojon, P., Braghiroli, M. , Tassinari, M., Baehni, P.C. : Dental status
among institutionalized elderly patients in Italy. J. Dent. Res. 76: 1102, Abstract 61, 1997
53. Fujii, T., Geinoz, A., Kowashi, Y., Baehni, P.C., 1997 : Interleukin-8 production by human
gingival fibroblasts following stimulation with periodontopathic bacterial lipopolysaccharides. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24:849, Abstracvt 14, 1997
54. Giannopoulou, C., Geinoz, A., Cimasoni, G. : Nicotine effects on periodontal ligament
fibroblasts in vitro. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24: 852, Abstract 26, 1997
55. Geinoz, A., Gmür, R., Bolivar, I., Baehni, P.C. : Immunofluorescence and rRNA probes for
detection of periodontal pathogens. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24:857, Abstract 46, 1997
56. Kamma, J.J., Nakou, M., Gmür, R., Baehni, P.C. : Subgingival microflora associated with early
onset periodontitis patients. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24: 858, Abstract 48, 1997
57. Vivien Castioni, N., Gurny, R., Kaltsatos, V., Baehni, P.C. : Prophylaxis of caries. In vivo
evaluation of various oral fluoride containing preparations designed to optimize salivary concentrations. Proceed. Int'l. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 24:905-906,1997
58. Kamma, J.J., Nakou, M., Baehni, P.C. : The relationship between psycho-social factors and
Early Onset Periodontitis. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 1210, Abstract 25, 1998
59. Butera, S., Baehni, P.C. : Parental beliefs and attitudes regarding caries prevention in pre-
schoolers. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 1220, Abstract 110, 1998
60. Bolivar, I., Wolf, H., Baehni, P.C. : Bacterial profiles and treatment outcome in periodontitis
patients. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 1237, Abstract 241, 1998
61. Fujii, T., Baehni, P.C., Kawai, O., Kawakami, T., Matsuda, K. and Kowashi, Y. : SEM study on
the effects of Er:YAG laser on root surface. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 1262, Abstract 447, 1998
62. Fujii, T., Geinoz, A., Oido, M., Kowashi, Y., Baehni, P.C. : Effects of prostaglandin E2 on LPS-
induced production of IL-8 by human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 866, Abstract 1876, 1998
63. Kamma, J.J., Gmür, R., Geinoz, A., Baehni, P.C. : Distribution of A.actinomycetemcomitans
serotypes in a Greek population with Early Onset Periodontitis. J. Dent. Res. 77 . 1210, Abstract 1157, 1998
64. Mojon, P., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Baehni, P.C. : Progression of caries in a frail elderly
population. J. Dent. Res. 77 : 960, Abstract 2625, 1998
65. Baratti Mayer, D., Bornand, J.E., Wunderli, W., Gmür, R., Baehni, P.C. : Prevalence of
suspected periodontal pathogens and viral infections in children with noma. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 : 31, Abstract 56, 2000
66. Carrel, A., Giannopoulou, C., Mori-Oido, M., Baehni, P.C. : Effects of AmF/SnF2 mouthrinses
on the salivary flora and plaque formation. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 : 44, Abstract 104, 2000
67. Loup, P.J., Schwach-Abdellaoui, K., Gurny, R., Vivien Castioni, N., Mombelli, A., Heller, J.,
Baehni, P.C. : Evaluation of a new bioerodible system for the controlled delivery of tetracycline to periodontal pockets. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 : 53, Abstract 139, 2000
68. Kamma, J.J., Baehni, P.C. :Five-year maintenance follow up of early onset periodontitis
patients. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 : 55, Abstract 150, 2000.
69. Oido-Mori, M., Chizzolini, C., Rezzonico, R., Kowashi, Y., Dayer, J.M., Baehni, P.C. :
Porphyromonas gingivalis protease (gingipain) modulates chemokine production of human gingival fibroblasts. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 : 104, Abstract 344, 2000
70. Fujii, T., Ariji, H., Saito, T., Geinoz, A., Mori, M., Kowashi, Y., Baehni, P.C. : Effects of
prostaglandin E2 on cytokine production of human gingival fibroblasts. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27 :
71. Felt, O., Carrel, A., Baehni, P.C. Buri, P. and Gurny, R. : Low viscosity hydrogels based on
chitosan for the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Ocular, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics (ISOPP), November 2000
72. Oido-Mori, M., Rezzonico, R., Baehni, P.B., Dayer, J.-M., Chizzolini, C. : Gingipain, a bacterial
cysteine protease, selectively modulates chemokine production by human fibroblasts. Allergologie 23 : S133, 2000
73. Baehni, P.C. : Etiologie des maladies parodontales et prévention. Proceedings Société
Française de Microbiologie, Section d’écologie microbienne. December 2000
74. Schwach-Abdellaoui, K., Loup, P.J., Mombelli, A., Vivien-Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C., Barr, J.,
Heller, J., Gurny, R. « Local chemotherapy in adult periodontitis using a bioerodible controlled release system containing tetracycline ». Proceedings 3rd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical technology (APGI-APV)
75. Schwach-Abdellaoui, K., Loup, P.J., Mombelli, A., Vivien-Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C., Barr, J.,
Heller, J., Gurny, R. « Adjunctive local application of tetracycline using a bioerodible controlled release system in adult periodontitis ». Proceedings Davos Tissue Engineering Workshop
76. Kamma, J.J., Carrel, A., Gmür, R., Baehni, P.C. “The effect of scaling and root planing in Early
Onset Periodontitis”. J. Dent. Res. 80 : 550, Abstract 187, 2001
77. Loup, P.J., Schwach-Adellaoui, K., Gurny, R., Vivien-Castioni, N., Baehni, P.C., Heller, J.,
Mombel i, A. « New bioerodible system for the controlled delivery of tetracycline ». 31ème congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de Parodontologie (SSP), Zürich, Switzerland, 2001
78. Einmahl, S., Schwach-Adellaoui, K., Behar-Cohen, F., Ponsart, S., Vivien-Castioni, N., Baehni,
P.C., Heller, J., Gurny, R. « Polymères biorésorbables pour la libération contrôlée de principes actifs : applications thérapeutiques » XVIèmes Journées Scientifiques du Groupement Thématique de la Recherche sur les Vecteurs, Lyon, France, 2001
79. Oido-Mori M., Yamazaki A., Chizzolini C., Wang P., Fuji T., Baehni P.C., Kowashi I. :
Lipopolysaccharide and gingipain-R from P. gingivalis coordinately induce interleukin-8 production by gingival fibroblasts. Fédération Dentaire Internationale, Vienne, October 2002
80. Mori M., Baehni P.C. and Kowashi Y. Effect of gingipain-R on IL-8 production by human
gingival fibroblasts. J Clin Periodontol. 30, suppl. 4 : 27, Abstract 90, 2003
81. Takeuchi Y, Ushida Y, Umeda M, Ishikawa I, Baehni P. P. gingivalisfimA genotypes in
periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 30, suppl. 4 : 22, Abstract 69, 2003
82. Duffau F, Bolivar I, Baehni P. Presence of periodontal pathogens in a life-time. J Clin
Periodontol. 30, suppl. 4 : 20, Abstract 62, 2003
83. Kamma J.J., Romanos G.E., Vasdekis V., Baehni P. Diode laser short term effect on
periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 30, suppl. 4 : 55, Abstract 207, 2003
84. Brochut P.F., Marin I., Baehni P., Mombelli A. Status after hygienic phase and final outcome. J
Clin Periodontol. 30, suppl. 4 : 48, Abstract 178, 2003
85. Möl er M, Schwach-Abdellaoui K, Carrel A, Vivien-Castioni N, Gianella C, Ponsart S, Baehni
P, Gurny R. Poly(ortho ester) for injectable, biocompatible and degradable drug delivery systems. Proceedings 7th International Symposium on polymers for advanced technologies, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA, September, 2003
86. Brochut PF, Marin I, Baehni P, Mombelli A. Can microbiological tests 6 weeks after scaling
and root planning predict its clinical outcome after 6 months? J Dent Res 82 (special issue B): B84, abstract 577, 2003
87. Kamma JJ, Romanos GE, Vasdekis V, Baehni P. The short term effect of Diode Laser
(980nm) curettage on aggressive periodontitis. J Dent Res 82 (special issue B): B228, abstract 1738, 2003
88. Takinami H, Takeuchi Y, Filieri A, Baehni P. Effect of antimicrobial agents on early and mature
biofilm in vitro. J Clin Periodontol., supp 7 ; 33 : 55, abstract 7, 2006
89. Takeuchi Y, Guggenheim B, Filieri A, Baehni P. Effect of chlorhexidine/thymol and fluoride
varnishes on dental biofilm formation in vitro. J Clin Periodontol., supp 7 ; 33 : 68, abstract 58, 2006
90. Rioboo M, Baehni P. Bascones A. Distribution of HLA class I antigens in a group of Spanish
subjects with chronic or aggressive periodontitis, J Clin Periodontol., supp 7 ; 33 : 94, abstract 168, 2006
91. Duffau F, Baehni P. Clinical characteristics associated with the presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans – P. gingivalis, J Clin Periodontol., supp 7 ; 33 : 95, abstract 171, 2006
92. Fujii T, Wang P.-L., Baehni P, Shirai S et al. Effects of co-administration of azithromycin during
periodontal treatment for early onset periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol., supp 7; 33:109, abstract 228, 2006
93. Hasegawa M., Fumeaux N., Gatto H, Baehni P, Effect on monosaccharides on dental biofilm
formation in vitro, J Clin Periodontol., supp 9, 36, abstract 84, 2009
94. Ngo N, Duffau F, Doucet P, Baehni P, Giovannoli J L, Management of localized aggressive
periodontitis in monozygotic twins: a case report, J Clin Periodontol., supp 9, 36, abstract 568, 2009
95. Hasegawa M., Fumeaux N., Gatto H., Baehni P., Effect of natural polyphenols on dental
biofilm formation in vitro, J Dent Res 88, Spec. Issue A, abstract 251
Hypertonic saline alters ion transport across theP.G. Middleton, K.A. Pollard, J.R. WheatleyHypertonic saline alters ion transport across the human airway epithelium. P.G. Middleton, K.A. Pollard, J.R. Wheatley. #ERS Journals Ltd 2001. ABSTRACT: Aerosolized hypertonic saline is currently being investigated as a newagent for the treatment of impaired mucociliary clearance which occurs in many
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