TMJ – Facial Pain Questionnaire
Name:________________________________ Referred by:___________________________ Age:______ Date:__________ HISTORY I.Chief Complaint (Describe your problem in your own words): II.Symptoms Total length of time some or all TMJ/Facial pain symptoms present:___________________________________
Pain: Right Left Both Sides Location:
Temporal Region Cheek Region Lower Jaw Ear
TMJ Region (in front of ear) Neck Shoulders Teeth Other________________________
Duration/Timing: worse in the Morning Afternoon Evening
Constant Intermittent Worse after eating/talking
Joint Noises: Popping/clicking: Right Left Bilateral
Grinding: Right Left Bilateral
Limited mouth opening: Persistent Intermittent Difficulty opening mouth Sleeping
Difficulty closing mouth Chewing Yawning or laughing
Jaw locking episodes: Locked open Locked closed How often?__________ Headaches: Right Left Bilateral Frontal (forehead) Temporal (side of head) Occipital (back of head) Ringing in Ears: Right Left Fullness in Ears: Right Left
Dizziness Visual Changes Change in hearing Other__________________________________________________________________________________________ III. Possible Contributing Factors
Facial Trauma/Injury___________________________________________________________________________ Whiplash/Cervical Trauma___________________ ___________________________________________________ Bruxism (grinding teeth)
Sleep Disorder_________________________________________
Stress IV. Other Diagnosis and Treatment Have you tried?
Panoramic Radiograph TMJ Tomograms MRI of TMJ region
Have you been prescribed a bite splint or night guard? Yes No
If yes, do you use it? Always Occasionally Rarely/Never
V. Medications
□ Non steroidals (such as Advil, Tylenol, Aleve)
□ Muscle Relaxers (such as Flexeril, Soma, Robaxin) How often?
□ Sleep Meds/Anti-depressants/Anti-Anxiety? How often?
VI. Previous Treatment
Oral Surgeon:____________________________
“Complete Back Side” Spinal & Sports Care Clinic, 12905 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA (509) 922-0303
1. Put an X on the line to rate your current level of jaw/headache pain:
0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2. Put an X on the line to rate your current level of neck pain:
0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3. On the diagram below, please shade the areas of your pain:
4. Please check medications you are taking for TMJ/facial pain/headaches:
□ Non steroidals (such as Advil, Tylenol, Aleve) How often?
□ Muscle Relaxers (such as Flexeril, Soma, Robaxin) How often?
□ Sleep Meds/Anti-depressants/Anti-Anxiety? How often?
short report Haematologica 1996; 81:152-154 ALL-TRANS-RETINOIC ACID AND PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI IN A YOUNG ADULT WITH ACUTE PROMYELOCYTIC LEUKEMIA: A POSSIBLE DISEASE ASSOCIATION Giuseppe Visani,* Giovanni Bontempo,° Silvia Manfroi,* Alberto Pazzaglia,# Roberto D'Alessandro,° Sante Tura* *Institute of Hematology “L. & A. Seragnoli”, University of Bologna; °Servizio di Neurol
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Pay for Performance Measurement Year 2010 March 2011 MY 2010 P4P Measures Date Posted Encounter Rate by Service Type Question: Table ENR-F, references the CMS website and indicates that CPT codes found in ASC_AddAA.CSV should be used. The zipped file on the CMS website references a text file, titled OCT10_ASC_AddAA.txt, should