Sexual Risk Behaviors in Late Middle Age and Older HIVSeropositive Adults
Lourdes Illa Æ Andrew Brickman Æ Gilbert Saint-Jean ÆMarisa Echenique Æ Lisa Metsch Æ Carl Eisdorfer ÆVictoria Bustamante-Avellaneda Æ Mario Sanchez-Martinez
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
Little is known about the sexual behaviors of
older adults, although the prevalence of HIV/AIDS israpidly increasing in this population. As part of a larger
HIV/AIDS has become a significant national problem among
multi-site study examining secondary HIV prevention, we
older adults (Maes and Louis The estimated number
recruited from an HIV primary care clinic 210 sexually
of persons living with HIV/AIDS reported in 33 states and
active HIV positive individuals aged 45 and over (125 men,
US dependent areas increased from 32% in 2001 to 43% in
85 women) who had engaged in vaginal or anal sex within
2005, including those with an AIDS diagnosis whose num-
the past six months. Twenty percent of the participants
bers increased from 29% to 34 % (Centers for Disease
reported inconsistent use of condoms and 33% had multi-
Control [CDC], ). Despite the increasing prevalence of
ple sexual partners during the previous six months.
HIV and AIDS in older adults, little is known about their
Negative mood and perceived HIV stigma were associated
sexual behaviors. Studies, however, show that older adults
with inconsistent condom use. In addition, multiple sex
are sexually active (Dunn and Cutler ). Results from a
partners and higher level of education were related to
national survey conducted in 2001 by the National Advisory
inconsistent condom use during sex with partners of neg-
Council on Aging to examine sexual activity among persons
ative or unknown serostatus. These findings indicate that
over 60 years indicate that more than 92% of the respondents
contrary to current beliefs, sexually active older adults,
consider sex an important part of life. Notably, responses
similar to younger ones, may be engaging in high risk
were similar for men and women. Additionally, 75% of those
between 65 and 74 considered themselves sexually active(National Bulletin of the National Advisory Council on
Aging ). Research across generations have revealed
differences between older adults and their younger coun-terparts in terms of sexual knowledge, risk behaviors, andbiological factors, signifying the importance of age appro-
priate interventions that target the specific needs of this
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department
unique cohort (Orel et al. ). Increased age has been
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami
associated with having incorrect information concerning
Miller School of Medicine, 1695 NW 9th Ave, Suite 1404 H,Miami, FL 33131, USA
prevention, including the need to protect oneself during high-
risk behaviors regardless of age (Henderson et al. ;Zablotsky ). In contrast to the younger age groups, many
A. Brickman Á M. Echenique Á C. Eisdorfer Á
individuals over 50 do not consider unprotected sex a high-
V. Bustamante-Avellaneda Á M. Sanchez-MartinezDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Miami Miller School
risk behavior because many are no longer concerned about
contraception (Shaw ). This cohort is less likely to beconcerned about HIV and less likely than their younger
counterparts to use condoms. Furthermore, older HIV posi-
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Universityof Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
tive sexually active adults are less likely than younger adults
to change their sexual behaviors based on HIV knowledge
HIV positive diagnosis, being age 45 years or older, and
reportedly having engaged in vaginal or anal sex within the
Older adults also differ from their younger counterparts
last twelve months. Individuals with medical, psychiatric
in terms of biological factors related to transmission and
or cognitive symptoms that limited their ability to partici-
disease process (Mack and Bland ). For example, the
pate in the study were excluded. Two hundred seventy-
progression from HIV to AIDS and the development of
seven HIV-positive individuals were recruited into the
AIDS opportunistic infections are faster in older persons
study between January 2004 and November 2006. All
(Adler and Nagle ). Multiple health problems and age-
research participants enrolled in Project ROADMAP par-
related physiological changes may make elderly persons
ticipated in an informed consent process prior to a baseline
particularly vulnerable to HIV infection (Gaeta et al.
assessment. All procedures were approved by the Institu-
For example, post-menopausal women are at greater risk
tional Review Board (IRB) of the University of Miami
for HIV infection and re-infection during heterosexual
Miller School Of Medicine. Participants were compensated
contact because of the fragility of the vaginal mucosa
for their time for each assessment with a voucher for a local
related to decreased levels of estrogen (Shaw
The need for prevention interventions specifically tar-
geting HIV positive persons is widely recognized since
recent prevention efforts with HIV negative individualsfailed to show effectiveness within the HIV positive popu-
Measures were selected from the multisite evaluation
lation (Mack and Bland ). Specifically, efforts to target
assessment tool developed by the University of California,
high risk behaviors for prevention of HIV infection and re-
San Francisco, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies,
infection may be even more critical in the older population
Enhancing Prevention with Positives Evaluation Center
because of socio-cultural, biological and behavioral vul-
nerabilities. Data are sorely needed to adequately inform thedevelopment of age appropriate secondary HIV prevention
interventions. In response, Project ROADMAP (Re-edu-cating Older Adults in Maintaining AIDS Prevention), was
Demographic variables assessed included age, gender,
developed as part of a multi-site clinical demonstration
ethnicity, education, income, relationship status, and sexual
project examining the efficacy of secondary prevention
behavioral interventions. The intervention is guided by theInformation-Motivation-Behavior Skills (IMB) model of
AIDS risk-behavior change, a psychosocial model ofbehavior change developed specifically to address the
Medical variables assessed included presence or absence of
complexity and interpersonal nature of HIV risk reduction as
HAART medication, age at time of diagnosis, number of
well as other behavioral issues (Fisher et al. ). Since the
years since diagnosis and mode of infection.
initial phase of the study was designed to better understandthe sexual risk behaviors of older HIV positive adults, the
data presented in this paper is considered exploratory.
Sexual risk was measured by asking participants informa-tion regarding their sexual behaviors within the previous
six months: number of partners, partner’s gender, partner’sHIV status, type(s) of sexual act and condom use. Partic-
ipants were asked to report how many oral, vaginal andanal sexual acts they had with each HIV positive, negative
Participants were recruited from a primary care clinic in a
or unknown serostatus partner and of those acts how many
large urban medical center. The University of Miami/
included condom use. For example, ‘‘How many times did
Jackson Memorial Medical Center (UM/JMH) is Miami-
you have vaginal sex with your HIV-positive partner? Of
Dade County’s largest health care facility for HIV/AIDS
the X times, how many times was a condom used?’’
treatment, serving 3,500 patients annually. The clinic
To these measures we added a local evaluation com-
population is ethnically and racially diverse with 57% of
ponent. The following variables were selected because they
participants Hispanic, 21% White non-Hispanic, and 23%
have been associated with HIV transmission/risk behavior
Black non-Hispanic. This latter group is comprised of
in previous research studies (Kalichman and Nachimson
African Americans as well as other Blacks of Caribbean
; Kelly et al. ; Maes and Louis ; Preston
descent. Inclusion criteria for the study were having an
). The instrument has 40 items measured on a 4-pointLikert-type response set. The assessment consists of four
HIV knowledge was measured using 33 items derived from
subscales: personalized stigma, disclosure, negative self
CDC’s Handbook for Evaluating HIV Education (CDC,
image and public attitudes. The HIV Stigma Scale has been
2000), which we adapted to the 45 year and older popu-
found to be reliable and valid with a large, diverse sample
lation. A summary score was calculated by summing item
of people living with HIV. Reliability was 0.96 for the total
scores, with higher scores representing greater knowledge.
scale, 0.93 for the personalized stigma sub-scale, 0.93 forthe disclosure sub-scale, 0.88 for the negative self-image
subscale, and 0.93 for the public attitudes subscale. Asummary score was calculated by summing item scores,
Sexual self-efficacy was measured with a 7-item self-report
with higher scores representing a lower perceived HIV
questionnaire measuring respondents’ beliefs about their
capacities to engage in safe sex (Malow et al. Per-
Measures were administered by a clinical interviewer
ceived self-efficacy was measured in terms of judgments of
using Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) soft-
personal capabilities and the strength of that belief. A
ware. The duration of the assessment session was
summary score was calculated by summing item scores,
with higher scores representing greater sexual self-efficacy.
Analyses were conducted only for the sub-sample of
Mood was measured using the Profile of Mood States
individuals who reported having vaginal or anal intercourse
(POMS), a measure of transient mood states consisting of
within the previous six months (n = 210), referred to
65 items (McNair et al. ). The POMS has six indi-
hereby as sexually active. Descriptive statistical analyses
vidual mood subscales and one overall index of distress
were used to examine the distribution of the sample’s
called Total Mood Disturbance (TMD). The POMS sub-
demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral variables. We
scales have been shown to have internal consistencies near
employed univariate logistic regression analyses to evalu-
.90 or above and test-retest reliabilities ranging from .65 to
ate the unadjusted association of condom use with the other
.74 and to have good predictive and construct validity
variables and multiple logistic regression to independently
(McNair et al., 1971). The POMS has also been used in
evaluate these variables in relation to two behaviors: con-
previous studies with HIV infected samples and has been
sistent use of condoms during sex with all partners and
shown to be sensitive to stressor-related affective responses
consistent use of condoms during sex specifically with
(Antoni et al. Lutgendorf et al. We calculated
negative/unknown serostatus partners. The independent
summary scores for the overall scale as well as its sub-
variables for the logistic regression analysis were: age
scales using the guidelines established in the POMS
(continuous), gender (male/female), education (Higher
Manual, with greater scores representing worse mood for
Education/High School or lower), marital status (commit-
the total mood scale and all subscales except the vigor
ted relationship: married/domestic partnership/committed
subscale, where greater scores signified increased vigor.
Available sets of norms for interpretation of scores include
adults, geriatric adults, college students and psychiatric
partners (yes/no); and the full scales measuring mood, self-
outpatients. Although the POMS is not a diagnostic tool, T
efficacy, knowledge, and perceived HIV stigma, which
scores of 65 or greater are suggested as a common cut-
were entered as continuous variables in the models. The
point for cases warranting special attention. To determine
dependent variable, ‘inconsistent use of condom,’ refers to
what percentage of our participants scored above the
participants who did not use condoms at least once in the
clinical cutoff, we calculated the percentage of participants
preceding six months during anal or vaginal sex; these
between ages 45 and 54 who scored a T score of 65 or
participants were coded 1. Participants who reported using
greater, utilizing the adult norms, and the percentage of
condoms 100% of the time (consistent use of condom)
participants aged 55 and over utilizing the geriatric norms.
were coded 0. We entered into the logistic regressionmodels only variables that were associated with the
dependent variables at P \ 0.20 in bivariate analysis(Hosmer and Lemeshow Variables were removed
Perceived HIV stigma was assessed using the Perceived
from the model through a stepwise backward iterative
HIV Stigma Scale, a self-report instrument measuring HIV
process if their contribution to the overall model was
stigma perceived by people living with HIV (Berger et al.
greater than or equal to a p value of 0.10 (Field
(n = 6) for confusion, 44% (n = 15) for decreased vigorand 14.7% (n = 5) for total mood problems.
Of the 210 sexually active participants, 59.5% (n = 125)were men and 40.5% (n = 85) were women. They had a
mean age of 51 years (range 45–71, SD = 5.23). Eighty-two percent (n = 172) self-identified as Black, 12%
Eighty-four percent (n = 105) of men identified themselves
(n = 26) Hispanic, and 5% (n = 11) White. Sixty-two
as heterosexual, 8% (n = 10) as homosexual, and 8%
percent (n = 131) reported a High school education, of
(n = 10) as bisexual. Forty-six percent (n = 48) reported
which 24% (n = 50) had some higher education. Of our
having more than one partner; 5% had 10 or more partners.
participants, 89% (n = 187) reported a yearly income of
Sixty percent (n = 75) of this HIV-positive sample had sex
$10,000 or less. Only 15% (n = 31) of our sample reported
at least once with a negative or unknown status partner.
being in a committed relationship (married, domestic
Eighty-seven percent (n = 109) had engaged in vaginal sex
partnership or committed relationship not living together).
and 20% (n = 25) in anal sex. The median number of
The majority of participants, 94% (n = 197), reported
sexual acts within the last six months was 6 and the range
being infected through heterosexual contact. The mean age
was 1–240. When asked to report the gender of their sexual
at the time of HIV diagnosis was 39.7 years (range 23–69,
partners during the previous six months, 85.6% (n = 107)
SD = 8.58), with 25% (n = 52) diagnosed at 45 or older.
of the men indicated they had sex exclusively with women,
The mean time since diagnosis was 11 years (range 0–22,
12% (n = 15) exclusively with men, and 2.4% (n = 3)
SD = 6.17). Ninety-two percent (n = 193) of participants
reported having sex with both men and women. No self-
were on antiretroviral therapy (ARV) at the time of
identified heterosexual men reported having sex with men
POMS scores are reported in Table . Among participants
Of the 85 women, 95% (n = 80) identified themselves as
aged 45 to 54, 9.3% (n = 14) scored in the at risk range for
heterosexual, 1% (n = 1) as homosexual, and 5% (n = 4)
depression, 10% (n = 15) for tension/anxiety, 8.6%
as bisexual. Fourteen percent (n = 12) reported having
(n = 13) for anger, 8% (n = 12) for fatigue, 12% (n = 18)
more than one partner and 2% (n = 2) reported more than
for confusion, 27% (n = 41) for decreased vigor and 11.3%
14 partners. All of the women engaged in vaginal sex and
(n = 17) for total mood problems. Among those aged 55
5% (n = 4) in anal sex. Their median number of sexual
and older, 20.5% (n = 7) scored in the at risk range for
acts in the previous six months was 7 (range: 1–202). When
depression, 14.7% (n = 7) for tension/anxiety, 26.5%
asked to report on their sexual behavior with men within
(n = 9) for anger, 11.8% (n = 4) for fatigue, 17.6%
the last six months, 61% (n = 52) mentioned they had sex
Table 1 POMS mean scores and percent with scores above norms, adult norms and geriatric norms
Note: Test statistic: One Sample t-test. P values represent differences between sample means and normative mean values
at least once with a partner whose HIV status was negative
Specifically, of the POMS subscales, depression (OR = 1.05,
P \ 0.01), tension/anxiety (OR = 1.06, P \ 0.10), anger/hostility (OR = 1.06, P \ 0.01), fatigue (OR = 1.06,
P \ 0.05) and confusion (OR = 1.10, P \ 0.01) correlatedsignificantly with condom use. On multivariate analysis
(Table only negative mood emerged as a predictor ofinconsistent condom use (OR = 1.01, P \ 0.01).
Almost 20% (n = 41) of the sexually active participantsreported not using condoms consistently. On bivariate anal-
Sex with Negative/Unknown Serostatus Partners
ysis (Table ), no medical or demographic variables,including gender and sexual orientation, and neither self-
Sixty percent (n = 127) of participants who reported hav-
efficacy nor knowledge was found to be associated with
ing vaginal or anal sex engaged in sexual activity at least
condom use. In contrast, greater perceived HIV stigma (OR =
once with negative/unknown serostatus partners. Of these,
0.98, P \ 0.05) and overall negative mood (OR = 1.01,
17.3% (n = 22) reported not using condoms consistently.
P \ 0.01) were associated with inconsistent condom use.
No significant relationship was found between unprotectedsex with negative or unknown serostatus partners and age,
Table 2 Association of inconsistent condom use during sexual
gender, age at diagnosis, time since diagnosis, HIV
knowledge, and sexual self-efficacy. Inconsistent condomuse during sex with negative/unknown serostatus partners
also had a significant positive association with multiple
sexual partners (OR = 2.20, P \ 0.10), post High schooleducation (OR = 2.81, P \ 0.05), perceived HIV stigma
(OR = 0.97, P \ 0.05) and negative mood (OR = 1.01,
P \ 0.05) on bivariate analysis (Table ). Of the POMS
subscales, depression (OR = 1.04, P \ 0.05), and anger/
hostility (OR = 1.05, P \ 0.10) correlated significantly
with condom use. On multivariate analysis (Table
inconsistent condom use was positively associated with
negative mood (OR = 1.02, P \ 0.05), multiple partners
(OR = 2.69, P \ 0.05) and post High school education
(OR = 3.34, P \ 0.05). Further exploratory analyses
revealed 21.2% shared variance between negative mood
and perceived HIV stigma (r = 0.46, P \ 0.001) which
may partly explain why perceived stigma was not signifi-
cantly related to condom use after controlling for mood.
This study explores sexual behavior among an older sam-
* P \ 0.20, ** P \ 0.10, *** P \ 0.05, **** P \ 0.01
ple of sexually active HIV positive adults. While our
Table 3 Logistic models for inconsistent condom use during intercourse
Note: Variables entered into logistic model for sex with all partners were negative mood and perceived HIV stigma. Variables entered intologistic model for sex with negatives/unknown partners were age, higher education, negative mood, multiple partners and perceived HIV stigma
findings are not reflective of the general older HIV positive
consistent with findings in the literature indicating a pos-
population since participants had to be sexually active
sible relationship between stigma and negative mood (Miles
within the previous year, they do indicate that among those
et al. ). These results suggest that therapeutic inter-
who are sexually active, many engage in high risk trans-
ventions targeting mood state may improve condom use.
mission behaviors. Twenty percent of the sexually active
Such interventions may draw from empirically based
HIV positive older adults reported inconsistent condom use
treatments for depression in HIV positive persons, such as
during the previous six months. Additionally, the findings
cognitive behavioral stress management (Cruess et al. ;
that only 15% of our HIV positive older adults were in a
Lechner et al. and effective secondary prevention
committed relationship and that 33% of the sample had
interventions that address condom use skills including
multiple sexual partners during the previous six month
effective condom negotiation (Kalichman et al. ).
period are notable. This indicates that, contrary to norma-
Finally, individuals who were educated beyond high
tive beliefs, the majority of older sexually active HIV
school were more likely to engage in inconsistent condom
positive individuals may be having sex in uncommitted
use. This finding is counter-intuitive and should be further
relationships. Similar to data from younger HIV positive
explored given that we have very limited data on socio-
adults, having multiple partners was independently related
to inconsistent condom use among sexually active HIV
Our sample may not be representative of the older HIV
positive older adults during sex with partners of negative or
positive national population, therefore possibly limiting the
unknown serostatus (Eich-Hochli et al. ; Heckman
generalizability of our findings. All participants in our
et al. Older adults are often confronted by ageism,
sample were recruited from a primary care clinic serving
even among their health care providers. Studies have
primarily individuals of low socio economic status and of
demonstrated that the majority of physicians do not discuss
African American, Hispanic or White background. Our
sexual behaviors with their established HIV positive
sample was predominantly heterosexual and not active
patients of any age (Metsch et al. ; Morin et al.
drug users. Findings do not speak to the risk behaviors of
Providers may be particularly reluctant to directly discuss
HIV positive older adults who are not seeking medical
sexual matters and HIV risk behaviors with older adults
care. The results were also based on self-report data, which
(Gott et al. ; Lindau et al. ). The CDC (1997)
depend on the veracity of the respondents. Although there
reports that of the 94% of people age 50 and older who
is evidence suggesting that 3, 6 and 12 month recall is less
have seen their doctors in the previous five years, only 15%
biased than shorter periods and that longer time frames are
had discussed HIV risks with their physicians and 72% of
more likely to be representative of an individual’s behavior
these discussions occurred at the patient’s request. Thus,
(Schroder et al. the reader is cautioned since the
health care providers should be aware that sexually active
validity and reliability of retrospective recall is often a
HIV positive older adults may be engaging in risky trans-
concern. However, such limitations are inherent in psy-
chosocial studies and researchers continue to rely on self-
Previous literature suggests that older HIV positive
report methods to assess sexual behavior since ethical and
adults are more vulnerable to disturbances of mood (Rabkin
practical considerations limit the use of more direct
et al. ). Similarly, in our study, participants aged 55 and
assessment methods (Weinhardt et al. ). Recall may
over were more likely to score above the at risk-cutoff point
have been particularly an issue for this older sample given
for mood symptoms than those between the ages of 45 and
the expected challenge to recollect and describe intimate
54. We found an association between negative mood and
behaviors that had happened during the preceding six
inconsistent condom use in our sample. Further analysis
month period. The cross-sectional nature of the data pre-
revealed that within the POMS, the depression, tension/
vented the determination of any temporal relationship
anxiety, anger/hostility, fatigue and confusion subscales
between the predictor variables and the outcomes, thereby
correlated significantly with inconsistent condom use
precluding a causal interpretation of the observed associ-
independent of partner serostatus. The depression and
ations. Finally, we are reporting baseline data for an HIV
anger/hostility subscales were associated with inconsistent
prevention study and it is possible that individuals who
condom use with partners of negative or unknown sero-
were more concerned about condom use self-selected into
status. These findings are consistent with previous research
the study. Nevertheless, the study findings represent a
describing the association between unprotected sex and
contribution to the important issue of understanding the
negative affective states (Marks et al. ) and loneliness
sexual behaviors of sexually active HIV positive older
and instability in self-esteem scores (Martin and Knox
adults. The data suggests that sexually active HIV positive
). Perceived HIV stigma was not associated with
older adults are engaging in high risk HIV transmission
inconsistent condom use in multivariate analysis, probably
behaviors and that negative mood states may be important
because of its shared variance with negative mood. This is
predictors of these behaviors in this population. It
emphasizes, too, the need for mental health screening in the
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Cell Biochem Funct 2009; 27: 205–210. Published online 2 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience( DOI: 10.1002/cbf.1557In vitro effects of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell numbers, morphology,cell cycle progression, and apoptosis induction in oesophagealcarcinoma cellsVeneesha Thaver 1,2, Mona-Liza Lottering 2, Dirk van Papendorp 2 and Annie Joubert 2*1Department of Physiology,
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