Defunding Planned Parenthood is a non-negotiable in any government-funding bil . 1. Planned Parenthood’s financials are suspect:
a. State audits revealed PP overbilled taxpayers by 400% in multiple states and as much as $5 million
b. A 2010 General Accountability Office report indicated that PP only reported $657 million in federal
expenditures from 2002–2008 while PP’s annual reports state that it received over $2 billion infederal funds during the same time period. The $1.3-billion difference remains unexplained.
2. Planned Parenthood does not meet federal contracting standards:
a. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.203–13 (b)(2) requires that every contractor “promote
an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance withthe law.”
b. Life Dynamics, in 2002, surveyed over 900 PP and NAF abortion facilities and found 91% were
willing to ignore laws requiring them to report suspected rape and sexual abuse of minors. Undercover videos taken in 2010 and 2011 have confirmed that PP employees are consistentlywilling to assist child-sex traffickers, ignore statutory rape and provide unreported abortions toprostitutes as young as 13. 3. Planned Parenthood repeatedly misstates its services:
a. PP claimed its government funding is necessary to maintain women’s access to mammograms.
A former PP director and recent citizen investigations have revealed that no PP facility providesmammograms.
b. PP claimed abortion comprises only 3% of its “services.” However, analysis of PP’s own fact sheet
and facilities shows that abortions comprise 97% of its “services” for pregnant women, that there hasbeen a 40% increase in the number of its abortion facilities since 2005, and that as much as 1/3 ofPP clinic revenue comes from 332,000 abortions (or 1 of every 4 committed in the United States). 4. Planned Parenthood uses nonprofit tax status and government funds to build profits at the expense of disadvantaged communities:
a. PP pulled out of disadvantaged communities last year at a record pace, closing 31 of its less
profitable clinics. Meanwhile, PP launched a rebranding campaign and boutique-type facilities to capture up-market clients.
b. Low-income women will not lose access to basic health care. There are thousands of reputable,
law-abiding and scandal-free clinics across the country that offer basic health care services for low-income women. Those clinics deserve access to the funds now held hostage by PP’s friends Congress.
P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555 • 540-659-4171 • •
Planned Parenthood overbills for its services:
1. State audits in California, New Jersey, New York and Washington state have found PP affiliates guilty of
overbilling the government by more than $7 million.
2. State audits revealed that PP overbilled taxpayers by 400% in multiple states and by as much as $5 million
through just one affiliate ( PP has over 80 affiliates nationwide(
Planned Parenthood does not report statutory rape or suspected child predators:
1. In 2002, Life Dynamics conducted an investigation and caught PP employees in 49 states on audiotape
telling underage girls what to say when they came to PP to cover up the fact that they were having sex with a man over 20 years old (
2. Since 2005, PP has been found guilty of breaking the law by a number of judges in cases involving state laws
requiring parental notification, informed consent and abuse reporting:
3. In 2010 and 2011, PP employees in multiple states were caught on videotape aiding people presenting
themselves as traffickers of child sex slaves seeking secret abortions for those young girls(
Planned Parenthood comes between parents and their children:
1. It assures underage girls that their parents will never be informed they were at PP, even if they were raped by
much older men (
2. PP will implant Norplant® in girls as young as 11 years old. The implants stay in place for 5 years, releasing
chemicals, without their parents’ knowledge (
3. PP’s sex education programs teach children things that violate their parents’ religion and moral values, thus
creating parent-child conflict (
4. In most communities, PP has a “code name” it uses to contact minor children without their parents’
knowledge. In the 1990s, in Springfield, Illinois, the code name was “Heather.” In Western Pennsylvania, the current code name is “Toni” (
Planned Parenthood set a record for abortions and runs the largest abortion chain in the nation.
1. It had 318 surgical or medical abortion facilities at the end of 2010 (from ALL’s soon-to-be published
2010 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities at
2. It admitted to committing 332,278 surgical and medical abortions in 2009 (page 2 of
3. Surgical and medical abortions account for 40% of PP’s annual clinic income
( and 98% of its pregnancy services(
4. PP now commits 340 abortions for every 1 adoption referral and 47 abortions for every 1 prenatal care
client (
American Life League • P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555 • phone: 540-659-4171 • fax: 540-659-2586 • e-mail: • web:
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