Hybrid Lodgement AMENDED FOUNDING STATEMENT Close Corporation Amendment MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) Tracking Number: 45766011 Customer Code: AVER22 (POST) CLOSE CORPORATION INFORMATION Full (Proposed) Name MAR K TO WN S EN D A ND A SS OC IA TE S CC Literal Translation of Name (if applicable) Shortened Form of Name (if applicable) Description of Principal Business change d to RE TAIL S UP P LIE RS OF IN FOR MATIO N A ND CO NS UM ER GO OD S O NL E Date of Financial Year End change d to FE B RU AR Y Effective Date of Financial Year End 30/11/1997 Region / province of registered office WE S TER N C A PE P O BO X 15 50 CA PE TOW N Postal Address change d to 18 MIMOS A S TR E ET DU RB AN VILLE TH E PI NN AC LE FIFTH FLOOR CN R S TRA ND AN D BU RG STR EE S Registered Office change d to 18 MIMOS A S TR E ET DU RB AN VILLE Number of members change d to 3 Aggregate member contribution change d to R250 Telephone Number (and code) change d to
(02 1) 9762310 Fax Number (and code) change d to (08 6) 6399878 Email Address change d to AR TH U R@ P A TA T.ZA.N E T Website URL change d to WW W .TE ND ER S CA N.C O.ZA Tax Number 917329020 7 Details of Accounting Officer MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Track ing N umber:4 5766011 Full Name of Accounting Officer G R B U RN ETT change d to Rem oved Date of status change (if applicable) change d to 01/09/2008 Membership / Practice No. Inv alid Profession C ode Profession change d to Chartered A ss O f C ertified Accountants Postal Address of Accounting Officer Telephone number (and code) Fax number (and code) Email address Cell number Appointment date
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Tracking
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Track ing N umber:4 5766011 Full Name of Accounting Officer AR TH U R K EIZE R CA (SA ) Date of status change (if applicable) Membership / Practice No. 00273785 Profession Chartered A ccountants 18 MIMOS A S TR E ET DU RB AN VILLE Postal Address of Accounting Officer Telephone number (and code) (02 1) 9762310 (08 6) 6399878
Fax number (and code) Email address AR TH U R@ P A TA T.ZA.N E T Cell number 082560890 2 Appointment date 01/09/2008
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Tracking
Details of Member(s) LEDE / MEMBERS
Ek/Ons die lid/lede wie se naam/name op hierdie stigtingsverklaring aangeteken is, bevestig deur my/ons handtekening(e) van my/ons gevolmagtigde(s) hiertoe da die besonderhede hierin vervat, korrek is en versoek die inlywing van die korporasie (volmag aangeheg indien van toepassing). *Skrap wat nie van toepassing is nie.
I/We the member(s) whose name(s) is/are recorded on th s founding statement, confirm by m y/our signature(s)/ the signature(s) of my/our proxy(ies) he that the particulars stated herein are correct and request the registration of the corporation (power of attorney attached if applicable). MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Track ing N umber:4 5766011 TO W NS E ND Full Names Initials 500522515 5005 ID Number / Passport number change d to 500522515 5088 Date of Birth 22/05/1950 Member Size Percentage change d to 40% Member Contribution Date of status change (if applicable) 73 P IONE E R R OA D NOR THD E NE Residential Address change d to 9 SE C ON D A VE BOT R IV ER 73 P IONE E R R OA D NOR THD E NE Postal Address change d to PO BO X 70 5
BOT R IV ER Country of residence change d to SO UTH AFR ICA Telephone number (and code) change d to (02 8) 2849937 Fax number (and code) change d to (08 6) 6014937 Cell Number change d to 082337813 5 Email Address Profession change d to TO W N P LAN NE R Effective Date of Membership 03/11/1997
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Tracking
New person added MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Track ing N umber:4 5766011 TO W NS E ND Full Names BA RB AR A W Y NN E Initials ID Number / Passport number 500329001 3084 Date of Birth 29/03/1950 Member Size Percentage Member Contribution Date of status change (if applicable) 9 SE C ON D A VE BOT R IV ER Residential Address PO BO X 70 5 BOT R IV ER Postal Address Country of residence SO UTH AFR ICA Telephone number (and code) (02 8) 2849687 Fax number (and code) (08 6) 6014937 Cell Number 083315921 1 Email Address
Profession Effective Date of Membership 01/09/2008
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Tracking
New person added MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Track ing N umber:4 5766011 TO W NS E ND Full Names LE O CH AR LES Initials ID Number / Passport number 810612517 1089 Date of Birth 12/06/1981 Member Size Percentage Member Contribution Date of status change (if applicable) 120 CH AM BE RLA IN S TR EE T WO ODS TOC K Residential Address 120 CH AM BE RLA IN S TR EE T WO ODS TOC K Postal Address Country of residence SO UTH AFR ICA Telephone number (and code) (02 1) 4477112 Fax number (and code) (08 6) 6014937 Cell Number 083290905 9 Email Address Profession MAR KE TING MA NA GE R Effective Date of Membership 01/09/2008
MARK TOWNSEND AND ASSOCIATES ( 1997/058409/23) . Tracking
Vorm CK2 moet in blokhoofletters geskryf wees of getik steengedruk of gedruk wees in leesbare letters met swaar vaste swart ink, en in drievoud ingedien word. Form CK2 must be written in block capitals or be typewritten, lithographed or printed in legible characters with deep permanent ink, and lod d in triplicate.
Vorm CK2 wat nie aan die vereistes van die Wet, regulasies of hierdie notas voldoen nie, sal verwerp word. Form CK2 which does not comply with the requirements of the Act, regulations or these notes, will be rejected.
Geen geld is betaalbaar ten opsigte van veranderings in besonderhede onder DEEL B nie. No fee is payable in respect of any changes in particu ars under PART B.
Besonderhede wat nie verander nie. moet ook verstrek w rd.
Particulars which do not change should also be furnished.
Verandering(s) van krag vanaf die datum van registrasie of op datum aangedui. Change(s) effective from date of registration or upon date indicated.
Waar 'n persoon namens 'n lid teken, moet volmag aange g word. Where a person signs on behalf of a m em ber, power of a torney m ust be attached.
Minderjarige kinders en ander handelingsonbevoegde persone moet deur hulle ouers, voogde of verteenwoordigers, na gelang van die geval, bygestaan word en die hoedanigheid moet vermeld word.
Minor children and other persons under legal disability must be assisted by their parents, guardians or representatives as the case may e, and the capacity must be stated.
Indien geen identiteitsdokument uitgereik is nie, moet skriftelike verklaring tot dien effekte aangeheg word. If no identity docum ent has been issued, a written sta ement to this effect must be attached.
Vorm CK2A moet vir registrasie ingedien word indien veranderings plaasvind in die besonderhede van die rekeningkundige beampte, sy adres die posadres van die korporasie en die ligging van sy geregistreerde kantoor.
Form CK2A should be lodged for registration if changes cur in the particulars of the accounting officer, his address, the postal address of he corporation and the situation of its registered office.
10 Besonderhede wat onder die opskrif "LEDE" verstrek moe ord:
Particulars to be furnished under the heading "M EM BERS".
(1) (a) Van. (Indien regspersoon, meld naam en hoedanigheid en ndien trustee, meld
ook naam en besonderhede van testamentere trust en ind 'n lid nomine officii as administrateur, eksekuteur, kurator ens. optree, me d hoedanigheid.)
(a) Surname.(If juristic person, m ention name and capacity and if trustee, also mention name and particulars of testamentary trust and f acting nomine officii as trustee, administrator, executor, curator, etc. state capacity.) (b) Volle voorname (b) Full forenames.
Identiteitsnommer. ((i) Indien geen identiteitsdokumen uitgereik is nie, verstrek geboortedatum en sien par.8 hierbo.) (ii) Indien regspersoon, meld registrasienommer.) Identity number. ((i) If no identity document has been sued, state date of birth and see par.8 above.) ((ii) If juristic person, ention registration number.)
Grootte van belang uitgedruk as 'n persentasie. Size of interest expressed as a percentage.
Besonderhede van bydrae en billike geldwaarde daarvan (indien van toepassing). Particulars of contribution and fair monetary value th of (if applicable).
Woonadres / Residential address.
Posadres / Postal address.
Handtekening van lid of verteenwoordiger (waar van toepassing) en datum onderteken.
Signature of m em ber or representative (where applicabl ) and date signed.
Datum van verandering met aanduiding van item 1-6 van verander.
Date of change with indication of item 1-6 which changes.
11 Indien enige verandering plaasvind ten opsigte van die ekenkundige Beampte, heg
asseblief die oorspronklike brief van die Rekenkundige ampte aan vir die verandering van die stigtingsverklaring.
Attach original letter of Accounting Officer for amend founding statement if any
changes of accounting officer occurs.
603.60 Amendment 603.90 Amendment 603.200 A Complete Description of the Subjects and Issues Involved: At its March 13, 2007 meeting, the Board approved the establishment of a threshold level for the drug Pyrilamine, based on a report submitted to the Board by the Medication Task Force. The Task Force recommended to the Board that threshold levels should be established for Isoxsuprine (rulemaking
Dieses Factsheet stellt eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Aspekte zum Thema Rauchstopp und Tabakentwöhnung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf inhaltliche Vol ständigkeit. Warum soll das Rauchen aufgegeben werden? Der wichtigste Grund den Tabakkonsum zu beenden, ist die Gesundheit. Zu den gesundheitlichen Konsequenzen des Tabakkonsums zählen Krebserkrankungen wie Lungen-, Ke