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Slow growing climber for a shady wall.
turn yellow in autumn before falling. Flat heads of white flowers appear in summer on established. For a shady wall, but not east facing or the flowers will be frosted.
positions. Twining stems need support on a flowers in clusters throughout Summer.
Beautiful climber for sun and well drained soil. Golden leaves and highly scented pink flowers thoughout Summer. For a wall, arch Honeysuckle. For sun or part shade and soil leaves make good cover on a fence or over over a long season from mid summer onwards.
Evergreen honeysuckle for sun or part shade leaves eventually make a good screen on a Highly scented yellow flowers over a long season in Summer. Twining growth, suitable for a pergola or trellis. For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry.
positions. Slender, twining stems. Clusters fence. Deep green leaves have purple tints summer. Slow growing until established.
Requires protectoin in cold weather.
falling in Autumn. For a shady wall or to Well known climber for a sunny wall or to 09/05/2013
Evergreen fern for part or full shade and moist but well drained soil. Also excellent in a large container on a shady patio.
which is not too dry. Also suitable for a Category:
Bluestem Grass. For sun and soil which is not too dry in summer. Creamy brown flower turns orange and russet in autumn, before For sun or part shade and soil which is not green and white leaves, topped with plumes shade and dry soil. Also useful in a large container. Beautiful Autumn colours. Prune soil or a container. Tufted, narrow leaves which are bronze throughout the year. Good leaves which are evergreen. Useful for the front of a sunny border, or in a container.
for sun and well drained soil. The leaves emerge bright green in Spring and gradually A beautiful grass to grow in shade where it will brighten dull corners. The leaves are flat, wide and golden yellow. The flowers are borne in the Summer on the ends of fine Deciduous grass for sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Broad upright clumpand in late summer and autumn, the purple plumes of flowers appear above the leaf clumps. Easy to grow. Prune to the green variegated leaves are topped by dusky purple plumes in late Summer and Autumn.
midrib, form an arching, upright clump in sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry. Purple flower plumes in late summer.
For sun or part shade and soil which is not late in autumn. Very striking in a border form an arching clump for the back of the 'feathers', appear in late Autumn. For sun Deep green leaves have an arching habit and form a mound in sun or part shade and soil heads appear on tall, arching stems, from and moist soil. Narrow, deep green leaves Upright growing grass which spreads slowly.
dainty, deep brown flowers appear in late Summer. For sun and soil which does not get and most soil types. The plant slowly makes green leaves. Prune to the ground in late and red before the plant dies back for the flowers appear from late Spring onwards and plant.Suitable for a large container. The soil. Quickly forms fine leaved clumps with from reddish brown through to sandy yellow.
Hardy Geranium
white centre in June and July. The leaves 09/05/2013
spreading mound before the flowers appear.
shade and soil which is not too dry.
Young leaves are golden yellow and trail on long stems. The flowers are magenta with a black centre, appearing through Summer.
evergreen, ground covering mound. Soft pink flowers which have deeper veins appear from Hardy Cranesbil for sun or part shade and Bright gold leaves set off the magenta pink Hardy Cranesbill for sun or part shade and most soil types. Finely cut leaves make a good clump and the fully double, lilac pink flowers appear on strong, upright stems in flowering. Easy to grow and unusual.
Evergreen form with waxy leaves which give protection from cold winds in winter.
Clear, white flowers with yellow stamens in late Spring and early Summer, on tall stems above fresh green leaves. For sun or shade One of the earliest Cranesbills to flower, white centre, on tall stems in Spring and especially under trees. Good cut flower.
flowers which have deeper veins.Flowers for grow in most situations.Looks good with old Semi evergreen Cranesbill for sun or part shade and most soil types. Finely cut, deep green leaves make a low mound. During early magenta pink flowers. Easy to grow and good Beautiful tall growing Cranesbill which is best in some shade and cool soil. The white flowers appear in flat clusters above ferny 09/05/2013
and most soil types. Evergreen leaves make most soil types. Pretty leaves form a good clump and the beautiful deep blue flowers A chance seedling found on the nursery.
Evergreen leaves make a low growing mat in sun or part shade and most soil types.
Evergreen leaves make a huge clump. Hooded purple flower spikes in late Summer.
most soils. Spent flower spikes make good make good ground cover in full sun and well Flat heads of lilac pink flowers on sturdy drained soil. Salt and wind resistant.
off the flat heads of lemon yellow flowers autumn. Looks good planted with grasses and an excellent plant for sea side gardens.
A plant selected and named by ourselves.
Grey green leaves make good ground cover in Selected and named by ourselves. A strong flowers which slowly fade out to brick red with yellow centres, like an intense winter sunset. Blue green leaves. Requires sun and flat heads of deep wine red flowers through Monks Hood. Unusual plant for part or full shade and humus rich soil. Beautiful waxy, deep green leaves are a feature on upright winter. Evergreen leaves make a clump and spread slowly. The bicoloured flowers are 09/05/2013
white with a touch of blue in the throat on winter. Strap like evergreen leaves make a large clump. Enormous heads of blue flowers seed heads. May require winter protection and well drained soil. Large heads of pure summer on established plants. Also suitable Chocolate coloured leaves set off the deep blue flower spikes. For damp soil and full borne in early Summer. Easy to grow in most For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Attractive leaves make a soil. Deep pink, ruffled flowers appear on wiry stems in late summer and early autumn.
appear on tall, wiry stems from August to October, providing valuable late colour in Tall growing, late flowering perennial for sun or part shade and most soil types. Deep single, pure white flowers appear on tall stems from August onwards. Long lived and the Spring the lacy white flowers appear on tall stems. Very pretty in a cool border.
Large flowers in mixed colours. For moist soil and some shade. Spring / early Summer drained soil. Suitable for the front of a leaves make a low mound and the straw like Low growing form of Goat's Beard for sun or part shade and most soil types. Pretty lacy foliage and minature spikes of creamy white Pretty plant for sun and soil which is not flower plumes which appear in Summer.
Vivid cerise pink flower sprays with large, 09/05/2013
and retentive soil. A good plant for flower and soil which is not too dry in summer.
Rounded growth is smothered in deep cerise grow and also suitable for a container.
Michaelmas Daisy for sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Lilac smothered in flowers during late summer and are fully double. Flowers in late September middle of the border in sun and soil which double,deep cerise red flowers, appearing Summer flowering, with dainty greyish white daisies, making a large head of flower held allowed to tumble over the ground. For sun flowers which clothe the plant for weeks in purple flowers, with large yellow centres which is not too dry in summer. Deep green summer and autumn, the plant is smothered in double, deep pink daisies. Useful as a Large flowers of lavender blue, which are fully double and appear in early Autumn.
For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Compact, strong plants.
double and borne in large sprays on sturdy Dwarf Aster for the front of the border or flowers cover the plant through autumn.
Prune old growth to the ground in spring.
flowers from late Summer until late Autumn.
spreading plants. May require staking.
Spring and early summer are set off by the deep red leaves which open to bronze green.
For sun or shade and soil which is not dry.
Ferny, bronze green leaves appear in late spring and show off the fluffy, bright pink summer. For sun or shade and wet soil. Dies which set off the heads of deep pink flower spikes, appearing in late spring and early Evergreen perennial for sun or part shade deepening to green as they age. Spikes of pink flowers in spring and early summer.
Easy to grow and a good plant for coastal flowers appear in spring and early summer.
Beautiful perennial for part or full shade edged with gold and the blue flower spikes are borne from April until early summer.
leaves will not be scorched in sunlight.
blue forget me not flowers in late spring.
heart shaped leaves which have conspicuous not too wet. Excellent in dry shade under trees. Bright silver leaves slowly form a Cottage garden favourite for sun and moist but well drained soil. Nodding, bell shaped fowers on tall, wiry stems in early summer.
Long, narrow evergreen leaves make a basal clump. May seed gently. Excellent as a cut A pretty plant for the wild garden in sun and most soil types.Deep pink 'Cornflowers' throughout Summer on long stems. Attractive and all but dry soils. Coarse leaves form a 09/05/2013
threough the summer, over a long season.
sunny border in most soil types. Deep pink Summer, above ferny leaves. Easy to grow.
A beautiful perennial for shade and moist, leaves create a lacy effect and in Spring unusual electric blue flowers appear.
Summer dormant, reappearing in Winter.
For sun and most soil types. Bright green darker as they age. Golden yellow flowers in summer on wiry stems held well above the leaves. Attractive seed heads follow.
An unusual form which has small, luminous orange pink flowers for weeks through late summer. Deep green leaves make a vigorous Single, bright red flowers are set off by season from early summer onwards. For sun version of Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff.
Beautiful plant for late summer and autumn colour. Also valuable as a cut flower.
season. For sun or part shade and most soil which appear in summer and autumn. Makes a which make strong clumps of jagged leaves in sun and soil which is not too dry. Huge flower spikes on strong stems in summer.
snails. (See label for colour details).
Evergreen perennial for sun or part shade and most soil types. Handsome, olive green through summer, followed by blue berries.
Requires a sunny position & well drained Strongly scented maroon and white flowers suitable for the front of the border or a container. Sun and well drained soil.
'Angel's Fishing Rods'. Evergreen perennial for sun and preferably, humus rich, moist Perennial Foxglove which flowers in Summer.
flowers. Best in part shade and soil which Beautiful perennial for late Summer, which is easy to grow in sun and moist soil. The flowers are huge soft mauve daisies which have a prominent brown middle. Much loved Cone Flower. A long lived perennial for sun and soil that is not too dry in summer.
extra layer of petals in the brown centres.
sturdy stems. Glossy green foliage. For sun and soil which does not get too dry. Much Jagged leaves make a ground covering clump in most soil types and sun or part shade.
perennial that looks good with grasses.
Excellent plant for dry shade where it will spread slowly. Bronze green leaves are semi evergreen and make good ground cover. Short spring and early summer. Remove old leaves young. Light purple flowers open from dark which is not too wet. Excellent plant for Deciduous perennial for part or full shade and dry soil. Dainty, bronze green leaves tiny, deep pink and white flowers held on wiry stems. Spreads slowly to make a ground evergreen and bears club shaped flowers on sturdy stems during Summer. For sun and dry Pretty form of Sea Holly, which has sturdy stems and steel blue flowers with a green ruff. For sun and well drained soil. Good Sea Holly for sun and well drained soil. 09/05/2013
from which the multi headed flower spikes appear in summer. Deep blue flowers with a summer. Easy to grow and a good plant for Evergreen perennial Wallflower for sun and attractive leaves set off the flowers which open purple and fade through pink to burnt leaves set off the cream cones of flowers Evergreen Spurge. The beautiful deep purple flowers which appear in Spring. Grows well in most situations, but especially useful Beautiful structural plant for a dry, sunny border. Evergreen. Huge lime green flower heads with honey coloured 'eyes' in Spring drained soil. The sea green leaves make a during early spring and stay on the plant until summer. Baeutiful in a gravel garden which is not too dry. The luminous orange flower heads appear in clusters on top of tall stems in Spring. Reddish brown leaves Evergreen for sun and well drained soil.
Sea green leaves on trailing stems topped Spring. Excellent in dry soils & in coastal require Winter protection from wet. Prune container. White flowers which have a deep summer and into autumn. Requires protection in winter and a well drained site. Prune to 09/05/2013
For sun or shade and most soil types. Deep, dusky pink flowers in clusters on slender For sun or shade and soil which is not too dry. Dark green leaves make a carpet over orange/red. They are produced over a long yellow flowers over a long season from late Spring onwards. For some shade and all but dry soils, where it will spread slowly to shaped leaves are evergreen but the plant architectural statement in a bog garden or Well known evergreen suitable to trail in root as it spreads. Trim lightly in spring Evergreen climber for sun or shade and soil which is not too wet. Slow growing and self For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Brownish crimson dasies, which have a gold edge, cover the plants in Easy to grow, with a long flowering season.
Evergreen perennial for part shade and most soil types. Handsome, deep green leaves set feature in a dry, shady border. Remove the old leaves as the plants come into flower.
For shade and most soil types. Especially nodding flowers appear in early Spring. Cut flower. These plants are raised from seed, so the colours will vary from white through 09/05/2013
almost black, with or without freckles on some shade. Remove the old leaves in early spring so that the flowers can be admired.
purple, nodding flowers which appear from ground cover. The nodding flowers appear in spring and are either pure white or white with freckles,fading to green. Remove old leaves in spring, to show off the flowers.
Dwarf grower with chocolate brown flowers that have a yellow centre. Easy to grow in sun or part shade and soil which is not too Large, bright yellow flowers which have a over a long season from mid summer onwards.
Easy to grow in sun or shade and most soil Summer. Scented. For sun or shade and soil Summer. Low grower. For sun or part shade tall stems. For sun or shade and soil which reddish orange and golden yellow petals on sturdy stems. Flowers midsummer onwards.
Ivory white flowers on sturdy stems, during flowers of soft yellow appear at midsummer.
These are strongly scented and the plants slowly form a good clump of narrow leaves.
flowers in summer. Deadhead regularly.
types.The beautiful flowers are terracotta pink , with a broad white midrib on every other petal. They appear on strong stems in summer. Divide plants after a few years to 09/05/2013
that have a yellow throat. Later to flower than some varieties, in late Summer. Easy to grow in sun or part shade and soil which Beautiful compact growing Heuchera for sun purple leaves are overlaid with silver and spikes of white flowers appear in summer.
types. Beautiful orange red leaves make a rounded clump and pale pink flower spikes appear through summer. Suitable for borders Evergreen perennial for part shade and most soil types. Jagged leaves are laced white and green and make an attractive clump.
Soft red flower spikes appear in summer.
Evergreen perennial for part or full shade and soil which is not too wet in winter.
spikes of pink flowers appear from spring flower spikes in late summer are held well above the leaves. Guard against slugs and A small to medium grower, with an upright flower spikes in late summer. Best in some For shade and damp or wet soil. Huge lime green leaves make a large clump. The pale lilac flower spikes appear in summer. Can Excellent plant for shade and wet soil.
slowly spread to form good ground cover.
Erica - for all soil types but not too wet.
Calluna - for acid soil but not too wet.
All Heathers are best grown in an open site Erica - for all soil types but not too wet.
Calluna - for acid soil but not too wet.
All Heathers are best grown in an open site For sun or shade and soil which is not too dry. Rounded leaves spread to make a solid clump. In late summer and early autumn, the finely rayed golden yellow daisies appear stems. Makes a good cut flower. May spread 09/05/2013
Icy blue flowers which have a deeper blue beard, in summer. For sun and well drained soil. Plant rhizomes at the same level as in the pot. Spiky, semi evergreen leaves.
dark blue/black flowers appear in May and contrast in sun and well drained soil. Pale appear in mid summer. Plant on grit if the contrasting orange beard and a white flash flowers appear in May and are followed by a second flush later in the summer. For sun Orris Root. Fields of these are still grown which are ground up and used as a fixative for perfumes and in pot pourri. The flowers are very pale blue and scented of violets. Requires full sun & good drainage.
For sun and well drained soil. Pale yellow flowers with a bright gold beard in May and deep blue flowers with white markings.
These appear in mid Summer. Best in moist Beautiful plant for soil which does not dry leaves make a slow spreading clump and the Yellow Flag Iris. For wet soil and sun or part shade. A native plant of the British shaped leaves make an architectural clump Unusual Iris for sun or part shade and soil bog plant, where it will slowly increase to like leaves. Pure white flowers in summer shade. Also suitable for heavy soil on the edge of a bog garden. Sword shaped leaves make a statement and the flowers appear in edge to the petals. Cut old growth to the Beautiful form with deep wine red flowers which have a yellow splash on the falls.
Easy to grow in most situations, especially 09/05/2013
For sun or part shade and soil which does not dry out. Strappy grey green leaves make an upright clump. Deep purple pink flowers For sun and most soil types. Dense heads of lemon yellow flowers from green buds, which are held on tall stems. The plant makes a good clump of narrow leaves. Flowers appear from June to September. Excellent plant for part shade and soil which is not too dry in flowers appear from green buds, on bronze coloured stems. June to August flowering.
orange flowers appear in summer on strong Narrow pokers which are soft salmon peach and appear from July to September. Easy to grow in sun and soil which is not too dry.
which are produced in late Summer. For sun Dwarf Red Hot Poker for sun and most soil types. Vivid red spikes appear in summer, from June to August on established plants.
Easy to grow and a good plant for coastal long season from early Summer. For sun and soil which does not get too dry, where the plant will make a clump of grassy leaves.
Makes a low mound of attractive leaves, in flower racemes appear in early spring. Dies flowers on strong stems through summer.
Excellent at the back of a sunny border in Evergreen with grass like leaves, forming low mounds. Easy to grow in shade and soil which is not too wet in winter. Deep blue appear from late spring onwards, but mainly Deep pink flowers on sturdy spikes through Mixed colours including blue, red, pink, 09/05/2013
flowering throughout Summer. Sun and well For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Attractive, dark green with spires of white, star like flowers in stems, which are topped with greyish white flower spikes in late Summer. The buds open where it will spread along the ground with Pale, rose pink flower spikes from summer to early autumn. For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. A good Evergreen which is excellent in dry shade, spread to form a low mound. Glossy, bronze green leaves. Can be trained as a climber on a shady wall. Suitable for sun or shade drained soil. Pale blue flowers throughout soil or a container. The green leaves are flushed with purple and in summer the hop like flowers appear, with deep pink bracts and tiny pink flowers. Much loved by bees.
form a neat mound. The flat heads of pink and mauve flowers appear in late Summer.
throughout the year. Flat clusters of white flowers in summer, which are attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard in spring.
Evergreen for sun and well drained soil.
top of a hedge, where the deep pink daisy flowers appear for months from late spring drained soil. Ideal for a rock garden, top of a Cornish hedge or a container, where it can spread and trail. White daisy flowers are produced in summer and have a metallic blue reverse to the petals when the flowers 09/05/2013
soil, where it will spread to form a long soft pink flowers appear from strong stems plant will make a slow spreading clump.
Strong stems, from compact plants, produce each petal. Easy to grow and long lived.
Beautiful flowers of bright orange with a Small heads of orange red flowers through container. Remove dead heads regularly to encourage more flowers. Protect from frost.
Tall grower which has mauve flowers with a large white throat. For sun and soil which A pretty Penstemon which has white flowers tinged with pink throughout Summer. For sun and soil which is not too wet in Winter.
Evergreen leaves. Prune hard in Spring.
Not sure of the name of this one, but it is headed. For the front of a sunny border.
stems in summer. Narrow green leaves make a clump which dies down in winter. For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry.
For sun and soil which is not too dry.
Spires of scented, pink and white striped flowers in Summer. Guard against slugs.
Bright pink flowers in clusters on upright plants. For sun and soil which is not too Pink flowers like snap dragons in Summer on the ' Obedient Plant ' because the flowers wire. For sun and well drained soil.
Spreading perennial for sun and soil which border and the semi double flowers appear in early summer. They are deep red with a yellow edge to the petal. Unusual but easy Grey green leaves form a clump in sun and single flowers on trailing stems in Summer.
Easy to grow at the front of the border.
during Summer. For the front of a border in Low grower with eye-catching silver leaves.
The flowers are very dark red, produced on trailing stems throughout Summer. For sun Mixed colours. Flat flowers, often with a later. For sun and well drained soil. Also Bog Primula for sun or part shade and soil summer, above clumps of large, pale green leaves. Dies back completely in winter.
permanently wet soil and some shade.
Scented lemon yellow flowers in late Spring and early Summer. Pretty rounded leaves.
spring and the flower spikes are borne in late spring and early summer. They are pale pink with a deeper centre, held in tiers on Candelabra Primula for soil which does not reddish purple are borne on long stems.
shade and soil which is not too dry.
For shade or part shade and soil which is leaves set off the clusters of violet blue faded, removing old leaves to the ground.
conspicuously spotted with silver, set off clusters of deep blue flowers which appear in spring. For shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Cut back hard when the Silver spotted leaves are a feature in damp shade through the growing season. Clusters early spring onwards. Easy to grow and one of the first flowers to appear in spring.
For sun and well drained soil at the front soft cushion and the mauve flowers appear 09/05/2013
garden in moist, but not wet soil and part shade. Huge, architectural leaves are deep green tinted purple underneath and set off summer. Deciduous. Spread 200 cms (6 feet) Handsome leaves emerge in late spring. They moist soil. Sprays of pinkish white flowers Architectural perennial for part shade and other dry places. Bronze green leaves and reddish stems. The double flowers appear in spring and are deep magenta purple. Easy to Easy to grow in sun or part shade and moist Beautiful plant for the back of a border in sun or part shade and moist soil. The tall stems carry large lemon yellow daisies with Salvia Blue Queen. Beautiful plant for sun deep, violet blue flowers are borne over a long season through Summer. Crinkled leaves For sun and well drained soil. Sage green clumps of leaves spread slowly. During the flowers are produced, over a long season.
Easy to grow. Dies back in winter to appear Unusual perennial for sun and soil which is not too dry in summer. Lacy leaves make a tail' flowers appear on wiry stems through pink for months in summer. Best in sun and well drained soil, where it will spread to give good ground cover, forming a clump of from early summer onwards. Easy to grow.
Well known cottage garden plant for sun and well drained, limy soil. Pale blue flowers on wiry stems, throughout Summer. Good cut Dark purple leaves slowly spread over the 09/05/2013
during the Autumn. For sun and well drained clusters in late Summer and Autumn. For the front of a sunny, well drained border.
Bluish grey leaves form a loose carpet in sun and well drained soil. Clusters of deep Beautiful form of Ice Plant with brightly splashed leaves of yellow and green. Pale pink flowers in late Summer and Autumn.
Remove any shoots which are all green.
A low growing form with large, pale green leaves and huge, flat white flower heads in For sun and well drained soil. Sturdy stems and large leaves which are flushed purple.
Upright growth. Flat heads of pink flowers flower heads are deep wine red. For sun and gardens. Late Summer / Autumn flowering.
Deep greenish bronze leaves make a rounded yellow flower sprays appear in late summer trailing. Useful for flower arranging.
Evergreen, silver leaves which form compact clumps of ground cover. For the front of a sunny, well drained border. Rarely flowers.
Easy to grow at the front of the border, in cornflowers appear in Summer. Unusual.
soil types. Strap shaped leaves form clumps powder blue. They are like flat Cornflowers and appear over a long season from Summer flowers throughout Summer. For sun and well drained soil. Easy to grow at the front of shade and especially under trees. Spreads by under ground shoots, but not invasive.
texture to the back drop of curly leaves.
Beautiful lacy grey green leaves, which are late to appear in Spring, form a good clump in moist shade. The mauve flowers appear in Summer and are held above the plant on tall 09/05/2013
appear through summer. Easy to grow.
Spring, make a clump in cool soil and part Summer and are clouds of mauvish blue. May For shade and dry soil once established.
Ideal as ground cover under trees. Jagged leaves of pale green which are marked with red lines. Small spikes of scented, pinkish red flowers appear in late spring and early bronze markings. Feathery spikes of creamy Strappy leaves make a strong clump in part flowers appear over a long season from June to September on established plants. Guard which is not too dry. Cerise pink flowers flat heads of pale pink flowers. The whole plant is slightly scented of garlic.
and appear up thick stems during summer.
Easy to grow in sun and well drained soil.
and well drained soil. Good ground cover.
soil. Long leaves make a low clump and the tiny deep blue flowers appear over a long season through summer on large spikes.
Low growing form of Periwinkle for sun or part shade and most soil types. Evergreen leaves make a spreading mat and china blue for the front of a border or a container.
Evergreen ground cover for shade and most set off the flat blue flowers, which are 09/05/2013
Spreading, evergreen perennial for sun or flowers over a long season from late Spring spring onwards. For sun or part shade and most soil types. Sweetly scented. Dead head Beautiful variety with olive green flowers which are yellow in the middle, with darker produced from late spring through summer.
For sun or part shade and most soil types.
Best in sun and well drained soil. Purple yellow centres. Flowers through summer, if Sweet Violet for sun or part shade and most ground cover under shrubs. Scented flowers flowers in Spring. Excellent plant in shade very archtectural. Beautiful white flowers in Summer. Grows well in sun or shade and most soils or as a pond marginal. Protect which is not too dry in summer. Large green spring onwards. Suitable for a bog garden very archtectural. Beautiful white flowers in Summer. Grows well in sun or shade and Category:
White Forsythia. Slow growing shrub for a sheltered sunny border or warm, sunny wall.
leaves. Small, pale pink flowers that are scented of almonds, smother the bare wood on established plants in late winter. Easy to grow in moist but well drained soil.
yellow pom pom flowers in March and April.
Killarney Strawberry Tree. Evergreen shrub most soil types. Forms a neat bush and has Lad's Love. Semi evergreen leaves which are sweetly scented. For sun and well drained soil, where it will form an upright bush.
Inconspicuous flowers are produced through the summer. Prune to shape in spring.
Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Deep reddish purple leaves red and purple in autumn before falling.
Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Deep reddish purple leaves red and purple in autumn before falling.
Butterfly Bush. For sun or part shade and spikes that appear in late summer Easy to grow and very attractive to butterflies and Slow growing, upright shrub for sun or part followed by deep purple blue berries which plum purple before falling in autumn. Easy require winter protection in colder areas.
For shade or part shade in acid soil and a protection from cold winds. See individual For shade or part shade in acid soil and a 09/05/2013
protection from cold winds. See individual early summer. Best in a sheltered position.
Evergreen shrub for sun and most soil types in a sheltered position. Deep green leaves set off the clusters of bright blue flowers which appear in late spring. Makes a wide, spreading shrub for the back of the border.
Evergreen shrub with stiff, upright growth.
For sun and most soil types, but dislikes chalk soils. Deep blue flower clusters from mound in sun and most soil types. Best in a sheltered position. Rounded leaves set off established plants in late spring and early border or to grow on a south or west wall.
appear on the bare wood in late winter and Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and mound and has clusters of sweetly scented white flowers in spring and autumn. Prune lightly to shape after spring flowering.
Mexican Orange Bush. Evergreen shrub which situations. Scented white flower clusters drained soil. Wavy edged, grey green leaves early summer. Easy to grow and a good plant for exposed coastal locations or to grow on Locally the Cornish Palm. Evergreen for sun and well drained soil or a large container.
Forms a small tree, with a stout trunk and spikes of white flowers on older plants.
Easy to grow. Requires winter protection in Locally the Cornish Palm. Evergreen for sun and well drained soil or a large container.
Forms a small tree, with a stout trunk and spikes of white flowers on older plants.
Easy to grow. Requires winter protection in Evergreen for sun and well drained soil or 09/05/2013
eventually form a sturdy trunk and a small require winter protectionn in colder parts Dog Wood. Shrub for sun or shade and moist which fall in autumn to reveal bright red stems for winter interest. Prune hard every Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and autumn colours of orange and yellow on the leaves, before they fall. The plant makes a twiggy mound of pale green leaves through Dog Wood. Upright deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and moist soil. Yellow stems growing season and flat clusters of white flowers in late spring. Good yellow autumn colours before the leaves fall. Prune hard every couple of years in early spring.
deep green leaves and white flowers during early summer. The flowers are followed by red berries and the plant provides food for bees and birds. Good ground cover in sun or part shade and most soil types. Can also be For sun and well drained soil. The plant is upright at first and then the slender stems yellow flowers, which are produced during May and June. Prune out old growth once it For sun and well drained soil. Bright green summer. Upright growth, which arches with For sun and well drained soil. Bright green yellow pea like flowers in early summer.
Upright habit, arching with the weight of appear in early summer on arching growth.
Easy to grow in sun and well drained soil.
Spring. For sun and well drained soil. Easy to grow. Prune hard after flowering.
golden yellow pea like flowers clothe the growth back by two thirds immediately after 09/05/2013
Excellent plant for coastal locations.
shoots which are covered in creamy yellow drained soil. Highly scented pink flowers part shade and a sheltered position in most soil types. Handsome, deep green leaves are a feature throughout the year and clusters of scented, creamy white flowers appear in spring followed by black berries in autumn.
Excellent plant for flower arranging.
Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and Beautiful evergreen shrub for sun and most soil types. Deep green leaves set off the appear over a long season from early summer distinctive green twigs through winter.
Greenish yellow flower clusters in spring are followed by attractive seed capsules of bright pink with orange centres. Deep green leaves colour richly to scarlet and red in autumn. For sun or part shade and most soil Evergreen shrub, trailing or climbing form, which makes good ground cover in shade and most soil types. Slowly spreads to form a clump or trained as a ' wall shrub'.
For sun or part shade and a sheltered site.
appear in late summer and autumn. Best in moist but well drained soil. Loved by bees, Well known shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Bell shaped, golden yellow flowers appear along the branches, before Well known shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Bell shaped, golden yellow flowers appear along the branches, before Evergreen shrub for sun and soil which is not too wet in winter. Needle like leaves on plants that make a spreading mound. The 09/05/2013
year. Also suitable for a large container in sun. Best in a sheltered, sunny site.
Mop Head Hydrangea which has huge heads of white flowers in summer and early autumn.
pale blue depending on soil pH. For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in which is not too dry in summer. Deep pink plant loses it's leaves. Prune old flower Easy shrub for sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Large 'mop head' flowers appear in late summer and are a good blue in acid soil. Flowers are pink in soil where lime is present. Remove old Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Large mid green leaves make a rounded bush which is covered in 'mop head' flowers from mid summer onwards on established plants. The flowers are pink in limey soil and blue in and soil which is not too dry in summer.
Upright growth of deep green leaves set off the huge creamy white panicles of flowers established plants to a basic framework in Shrub for sun or part shade and soil which twiggy growth with large panicles of creamy white flowers in late summer, which fade to pale pink and deepen with age. Prune hard to a basic frame work in late spring. Easy Shrub for sun or part shade and soil which twiggy growth with large panicles of creamy white flowers in late summer, which fade to pale pink and deepen with age. Prune hard to a basic frame work in late spring. Easy Oak leaved Hydrangea. For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer.
heads of creamy white flowers in summer.
Prune to a basic framework in spring.
Dwarf Hydrangea for sun or shade and soil which is not too dry. Lace cap flowers are limy soil, flowering in late summer.
Low growing shrub for sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer.
Lace cap flowers change colour from white 09/05/2013
Semi evergreen shrub for sun or part shade position. Good autumn colours of plum and purple before the leaves drop for winter.
Easy to grow and attractive to bees.
Evergreen shrub for sun and well drained, lime free soil or a large container. Bronze flowers which appear in late spring.
Requires shelter from cold winds in winter.
Beautiful evergreen shrub for sun and well drained, neutral or acid soil. Coppery red flowers which clothe the branches in early Slow growing evergreen shrub for part shade and acid soil. Attractively coloured young leaves in spring. The whole plant turns red Evergreen shrub for sun or shade and most soil types. The plant makes a very compact Excellent plant for the front of a border white flowers in winter on the bare wood.
For sun or part shade and most soil types.
Attractive evergreen shrub for sun or part established plants in summer. Excellent for gardens. May require winter protection in part shade and soil which is not too dry in Excellent plant for coastal gardens.
Beautiful semi evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and well drained soil. Spikes of white flowers appear on established plants Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and and bronze green leaves that age to green.
spring and early summer. Easy to grow.
Beautiful shrub for sun or part shade and 09/05/2013
soil which is not too dry in summer.
white flowers appear in June and July. They are highly scented of orange blossom. Best which will light up a shady corner. Best in some shade and soil which is not too dry.
Large, scented white flowers in Summer.
Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Upright bronze leaves form leaves have a reddish stripe to the edges and arch over, making a mound like plant.
mature to salmon pink and yellow, with an green edge and form an attractive, arching mound. Also suitable for a large container.
Evergreen grass like shrub for sun and most soil types. The pink leaves have a red edge and are upright when young, arching later.
Excellent plant for exposed coastl gardens Smoky, grey green leaves with pink striped exposed sites, where they are salt and wind Long, arching leaves which are pale green and bright yellow. The plant makes a clump in sun or part shade and well drained soil.
Looks good in a mixed border or in a large Evergreen for sun and most soil types, but not too wet in winter. Also suitable for a large container. Easy to grow in a border, For sun or part shade and most soil types.
Evergreen, architectural plants which are flower spikes appear on mature plants. Salt soil types. Easy to grow in a border or in appear on mature plants in summer. Remove Large shrub, or small tree. Evergreen for sun or part shade and most soil types.
Mottled foliage is topped by clusters of 09/05/2013
white flowers in Spring and Summer. Quick growing. Easily pruned to required size.
young growths of red leaves. Older leaves are a glossy, deep green. For sun or part Clusters of small, white flowers appear in A beautiful shrub for sun or part shade and green leaves set off the flat clusters of followed by attractive seed capsules. Best which is lime free and not too dry. The new growths are pink and cream, becoming glossy reddish green and the whole plant makes an attractive mound. Panicles of white flowers in Summer. Suitable for a large container.
Compact evergreen shrub for acid soil and sun or part shade. Unusual flowers are rose spring and early summer. Also useful for a Evergreen with silver and green leaves.
white flowers in Summer. For part shade and moist, acid soil, or a large container.
Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and spring. Good plant for flower arrangers.
A dense growing shrub for sun or part shade autumn. Suitable for a border or to grow as Pale green leaves on rounded bushes, which summer. For sun or part shade and most soil and most soil types. Fine, green leaves set off the bright red flowers, which smother the plants through summer. Easy to grow at Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and well drained soil, in a sheltered border.
Makes a handsome foliage plant with upright protection in colder parts of the country.
shade and moist soil which is not too dry in summer. Deep purple leaves make a mound on twiggy shrubs and set off the flat heads of rich pink flowers. The flowers appear in berries. Prune hard in spring to shape or Elegant, golden leaved shrub for some shade and soil which is not too dry in Summer.
Easy to grow. Best pruned hard in Spring to Scented, evergreen, silver leaves for sun and well drained soil. Can be clipped as a low hedge. Golden yellow flowers in Summer.
Also suitable for a large container.
soil which is not too wet. Highly scented white flowers are produced in clusters up onwards. Slowly spreads through the ground Evergreen shrub which makes a mound of long sweetly scented, are borne up the stems in winter. Unusual but easy to grow. Spreads Easy to grow in sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in Summer. Bright gold leaves in Spring and pink flower heads in For sun or part shade and soil which is not yellow, then fresh green. Pink flower heads Excellent shrub for coastal areas. Makes a good hedge. Green leaves create a feathery Spring and Summer. Prune after flowering.
Spreading evergreen shrub for part shade or sun and most soil types. Attractive ridged which appear in June. These are followed by blue berries. Unusual but easy to grow.
dry in summer. Attractive jagged leaves of flowers which are produced on established berries follow the flowers in autumn.
Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Jagged leaves turn yellow in autumn and the 'snowball' flowers appear in spring. They start green and mature to white. Prune after flowering to shape the part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. The plant slowly forms a spreading mound of attractive leaves, which change to 'lace cap' flowers appear in summer on the 09/05/2013
green leaves set off the flat clusters of white flowers which are pink in bud. They appear over a long season from October to March. Easy to grow and also suitable for a Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and through to March and are followed by deep blue berries. Salt and wind resistant.
Deciduous shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Gold and green variegated emerge in early summer from red buds. Prune to shape after flowering. Hardy and easy to Pretty dwarf growing shrub for sun and most soil types. The deep purple leaves set off clusters of pink flowers in Summer. Prune out old wood after flowering to shape.
Dwarf growing shrub for sun and most soil types. Variegated leaves set off the deep summer. Easy to grow and also suitable for For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry in summer. Fresh green leaves set off the clusters of tubular flowers which white and fade to dusky pink. Unusual and Category:
autumn. Easy to grow in a border and also suitable as a hedging plant. Salt and wind tolerant. Excellent in coastal locations.
Upright growing, evergreen shrub or small and salt resistant. For sun or part shade and most soil types. Can be pruned to shape Fast growing shrub rose which makes a good hedge. Highly scented, single pink flowers Category:
gardens. Best in full sun and well drained 09/05/2013
For sun or part shade and soil which is not too wet in winter. Olive green leaves turn flowers through summer and early autumn.
Dies right down in winter and shoots back from underground the following spring.
sun. Evergreen leaves make a bushy habit, covered in deep pink flowers which have a central, dark maroon blotch in Summer.
soil. The knobbly brown flowers appear in Summer and are heavily scented of honey.
Requires winter protection in colder areas.
locations! May require protection in colder areas. Can be grown in a large container.
Evergreen shrub for sun or part shade and most soil types. Ferny, grey green leaves winter and spring. Prune hard to shape in Handsome evergreen shrub for sun or shade and most soil types. Architectural leaves grow. Also suitable for a large container.
Hardy Fuchsia for part shade and soil which sepals and a white corolla. Cut back hard soil which is not too dry. Large flowers of pale pink and deep cerise from late summer growth appears. May require protection in For sun or part shade and soil which is not too dry. Deep green leaves set off the red milder areas of the country. Good plant for dry, where it will produce dark red flowers Compact variety of hardy Fuchsia which has into Autumn. Ideal In containers. Best in part shade and soil which is not too dry.
appear through summer. Suitable for a well 09/05/2013
leaves which are scented. Deep blue flowers French Lavender. Compact variety which has deep blue flowers through Summer. Aromatic foliage. For sun and well drained soil.
Evergreen shrub with highly scented leaves.
summer which are topped with long tufts.
Lavender for sun and well drained soil or a large container. Silver grey scented leaves flowers appear in long spikes on wiry stems through summer. Prune gently to shape after Beautiful architectural plant for sun and leaves are the plants main feature. Curious milder areas.Requires winter protection in Russian Sage. Silvery grey, ferny leaves on upright growth. Deep blue flower spikes in late Summer. For sun and well drained soil.
Prune hard in Spring, once the new growth 423 Records Selected


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