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Hormones, Breast Cancer
EMFs and Cellphones
by Sherrill Sellman, ND
energy fields from external sources of EMFs Htiny amounts that are produced by the can eventually damage our own fields,
resulting in many physiological imbalances, insulin, and melatonin, are made in parts per billion or parts per trillion. Even small products can’t get out and nutrients can’t get in. This leads to free radical damage that alters the DNA and causes cell mutation.
orchestrators of all of life’s processes, Such serious imbalances will also adversely maintaining hormonal balance is imperative impact hormone production and neurological for optimum health. When delicate hormonal balance and rhythms are altered, the body’s This massive infusion of artificial energy ability to regulate fundamental systems goes rapid aging, elevated blood glucose levels, Our modern lifestyle poses many threats to elevated lipid levels, high blood pressure, optimal endocrine function. Stress, toxicity, hormone disruptors. However, there is one particular kind of hormone disruptor that is author of “Cross Currents: The Perils of often the most overlooked: electromagnetic Electropollution”, explains that our bodies energy fields generated from cellphones and a variety of electrical sources and devices.
affected by man-made electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic Fields -
The 21st Century Smog
cellphones, radar, microwaves, satellites,ham radios, computers, video display Modern physics has confirmed what Eastern terminals, electric appliances, and Wi-Fi hot fundamentally a coherent, highly sensitive depression, learning disabilities, Chronic electromagnetic field, known as a biofield.
Fatigue Syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease.
All physical matter, including the earth itself, Melatonin, Breast Cancer & EMFs
radiates electromagnetic energy. Theelectromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) found within the natural world are harmonious with On the other hand, artificially created EMFs The pineal gland is a light-sensitive gland are 100-200 million times greater than what about the size of a pea located deep within the center of the brain. Once dismissed as a minute of every day, whether we are awake useless gland, it is now considered to be Tim Leitch Bioenergy, Independent Biopro Consultant Email: Website: Phone: +64 9 4491750
Hormones, Breast Cancer, EMFs, Cellphones Researchers are increasingly surprised at incidence has been directly linked to the the extent of the physiological processes that melatonin: it regulates our circadian rhythms concerned about EMFs’ causal link to breast (governing our waking/sleep cycle), and it is cancer. In five studies, elevated EMFs have one of the most efficient destroyers of free been implicated in an increased incidence of and cell division to occur. Melatonin not only telephone linemen, in switching stations, or inhibits the release of estrogen but also in the utilities industry were found to have as much as a sixfold increase in breast cancer.
breast cancer. Melatonin’s other anti-cancerproperty is its ability to increase the More Hormone Disruption
cytotoxicity of the immune system’s killer Experimental physiologist, Charles Graham lymphocytes. It is even able to enhance the conducted research that found that magnetic fields had an effect on two other hormones: they increased estrogen levels and reduced In 2001, Masami Ishido, at Japan’s National testosterone, a risk factor for testicular and Institute for Environmental Studies, showed prostate cancer. He also believes that EMFs may actually fit the definition of an endocrine mimicking environmental pollutants because found that magnetic fields disrupt the cells’ magnetic fields appear to elicit their effects how they respond to their environment. This Tamoxifen, the most popular drug given to prevent recurrence of breast cancer, lost its ability to halt the proliferation of cancer cells including breast cancer, prostate cancer, that produced this effect (12mG) is found in It is now known that melatonin suppression vacuum cleaners, or appliances with large occurs at frequencies not far above those of the common household ranges of 50-60 Hz.
If we sleep next to a cordless phone base hormones, include serotonin and dopamine.
station or a digital clock, or we have faulty moods, especially depression. Evidence has exposures are emitted to suppress nighttime and altered serotonin and dopamine levels.
The correlation between breast cancer and EMFs also increase the levels of adrenaline, EMFs continues to strengthen. Dr. Patricia the flight or fight hormone, released from the Coogan, at the Boston University of Public adrenal glands. B. Blake Levitt, author of Health, reported a 43 percent increased risk “Electrical Fields”, states: “Prolonged chronic stress is detrimental to every anatomical system, including the reproductive one.
Subliminal stress may affect fertility and elevate blood pressure, which can lead to electrical jobs, including electricians, tele- electrical engineers, have a greater risk ofdying from breast cancer. This increased Even short EMF exposures, like the use of acordless phone on and off throughout the Tim Leitch Bioenergy, Independent Biopro Consultant Email: Website: Phone: +64 9 4491750
Hormones, Breast Cancer, EMFs, Cellphones What About Cellphones?
The secondary intervention is to minimizethe effect of radiation. BioPro Technology is Cellphones present a double whammy to our body. The microwave energy which radiates technologies to address EMF pollution. One in a circular plume about 6-8 inches from the cellphone’s antenna, penetrates directly into effectively “harmonizes” the stressful EMFs blood brain barrier and causing DNAdamage, free radical production and even brain tumors. Since the master glands of the capacities may be generated from continual where a healthy, organic diet and balanced Then there’s the electrical circuitry from immune system and fight against free radical damage. Some of the most effective include lipoic acid, green tea, lycopene, coenzyme cellphone is clipped onto the belt or kept in a powerfully affects the tissues and organs it is Ginkgo biloba is the first supplement to be closest to, particularly the pelvic area. One users. As more women clip their cellphone oxidative stress and depletion of antioxidant to their belts, female reproductive organs enzymes in rodents. Resveratrol and grape seed extract both protect against the type of oxidative stress induced by cellphones. * Love them or hate them, cellphones, and the ambient radiation from headsets. It is now ever expanding and intrusive EMF world are acknowledged that headsets, far from being here to stay. The responsibility lies with protective, can actually increase radiation each of us to take proactive steps that will exposure into the brain by as much as 300 protect us, our family and future generations.
percent. Bluetooth technology is especiallydangerous.
Sherrill Sellman, ND, is a naturopath,
Solutions --- One, Two, Three
psychotherapist, international lecturer and Protection from EMFs, whatever the source, women’s health advocate, as well as author of - involves a three-tiered approach. Ideally, all “Hormone Heresy: What Women MUST Know three layers of prevention should be utilized.
The primary intervention is to reduceexposure as much as possible. One excellent alternative is to use a safe, hollow Volume 28, No. 1 TOTAL HEALTH
* I recommend Biopro BioProduce, an optimal nutritional with the ERT enhancement giving a real “star burst” of energy.
For more on best quality nutritionals with guaranteed potency, providing optimal cellular nutrition, please contact Tim Leitch.
Tim Leitch Bioenergy, Independent Biopro Consultant Email: Website: Phone: +64 9 4491750


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