2003 admin
Blue Ridge Mountains
Scout Reservation
Unit #: _______ Council: __________________________________ Date Attending Camp: _______________
Camper’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Name of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________ Phone: (____) _______________
Doctor’s Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: (____) _______________
Medication / Strength: _____________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: _____________________________________________________________
When was medication started? ________________________ Temporary: _____ Permanent: _____
Side effects (reactions to food, dehydration, stress, iodine, other medications, decreased balance,motor activity, concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, etc.): __________________________________
Special storage instructions: _________________________________________________________
Medication / Strength: _____________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: _____________________________________________________________
When was medication started? ________________________ Temporary: _____ Permanent: _____
Side effects (reactions to food, dehydration, stress, iodine, other medications, decreased balance,motor activity, concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, etc.): __________________________________
Special storage instructions: _________________________________________________________
Medication / Strength: _____________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: _____________________________________________________________
When was medication started? ________________________ Temporary: _____ Permanent: _____
Side effects (reactions to food, dehydration, stress, iodine, other medications, decreased balance,motor activity, concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, etc.): __________________________________
Special storage instructions: _________________________________________________________
Medication / Strength: _____________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: _____________________________________________________________
When was medication started? ________________________ Temporary: _____ Permanent: _____
Side effects (reactions to food, dehydration, stress, iodine, other medications, decreased balance,motor activity, concentration, drowsiness, lethargy, etc.): __________________________________
Special storage instructions: _________________________________________________________
Blue Ridge Mountains
Scout Reservation
Prescription Medication Card
Prescription Medication Card
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Evening Other: ________
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Evening Other: ________
Name: _________________________ Unit: ______
Name: _________________________ Unit: ______
City/State: _________________________________
City/State: _________________________________
Medications: _______________________________
Medications: _______________________________
Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp Mt. Man
Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp Mt. Man
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: _____________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: _____________
Prescription Medication Card
Prescription Medication Card
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Evening Other: ________
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Evening Other: ________
Name: _________________________ Unit: ______
Name: _________________________ Unit: ______
City/State: _________________________________
City/State: _________________________________
Medications: _______________________________
Medications: _______________________________
Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp Mt. Man
Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp Mt. Man
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: _____________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: _____________
Blue Ridge Mountains
Scout Reservation
(for example: Claritin, Tylenol, sinus medication)
(for example: Claritin, Tylenol, sinus medication)
Name: __________________________ Unit: _______
Name: __________________________ Unit: _______
City/State: ___________________________________
City/State: ___________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Medication: ________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
PROGRAM: Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp
PROGRAM: Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp
Mt. Man High Knoll Voyageur New River Adventure
Mt. Man High Knoll Voyageur New River Adventure
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: ______________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: ______________
(for example: Claritin, Tylenol, sinus medication)
(for example: Claritin, Tylenol, sinus medication)
Name: __________________________ Unit: _______
Name: __________________________ Unit: _______
City/State: ___________________________________
City/State: ___________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Medication: ________________________________
Medication: ________________________________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Proper dosage is: ____________ every: ________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
Distribute as needed for: ______________________
PROGRAM: Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp
PROGRAM: Powhatan Ottari Claytor Fish Camp
Mt. Man High Knoll Voyageur New River Adventure
Mt. Man High Knoll Voyageur New River Adventure
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: ______________
Date: _________ Daytime Phone: ______________
Source: http://www.troop221bsa.org/assets/camp-med_forms.pdf
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF MEDICATION FOR PHARMACY NOTE: Please be aware that all information contained in this pharmacy manual is subject to change based on availability, cost, laws of Honduras, and policy changes of the Honduras Baptist Dental Mission, Inc. 1. Order as many drugs as possible from the following: MAP International International Medical Resources P.O. Box 2
Caffeine is a member of the class of compoundsorganic chemists call alkaloids . Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing basic compounds that are found in plants. Theyusually taste bitter and often are physiologically active inhumans. The names of some of these compounds arefamiliar to you even if the structures aren’t: nicotine,morphine, strychnine, and cocaine. The role or roles thesecompound
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