Optimizing Ruminal Fermentation with Organic Acids
The University of Georgia, Athens 30602-2771
Only some strains of S. ruminantium (subspecieslactilytica) are able to ferment lactate (Stewart and
Much interest has been generated over the
past few years aimed at evaluating alternative means tomanipulate the gastrointestinal microflora in production
Early research showed that S. ruminantium
livestock. Motivation for examining these alternatives
HD4 requires L-aspartate, CO2, p-aminobenzoic acid,
comes from increasing public scrutiny about the use of
and biotin for growth in a lactate-salts medium
antibiotics in the animal feed industry. However,
(Linehan et al., 1978). In addition, the requirement for
compared to the amount of information available
L-aspartate can be replaced by L-malate or fumarate.
detailing the effects of antimicrobial compounds on
Because little work had been done in this area since the
ruminal fermentation, little research has been conducted
report by Linehan et al. (1978), my laboratory initiated
to evaluate alternatives to antimicrobial compounds. In
studies to evaluate the effects of aspartate, fumarate,
the past 10 yr, interest has increased in direct-fed
and malate on growth and lactate uptake by S.
microbial (DFM) products and research has been ruminantium HD4 (Nisbet and Martin, 1990). Growth
conducted to examine the effects of DFM on ruminant
of S. ruminantium HD4 in medium that contained DL-
performance. While some of these products have
lactate was stimulated approximately two-fold by 10
shown promise in favorably altering the ruminal
mM L-aspartate, fumarate, or L-malate after 24 h of
fermentation and improving animal performance, the
incubation (Nisbet and Martin, 1990). Both L-aspartate
effects are variable and inconsistent (Martin and Nisbet,
and fumarate increased L-lactate uptake over 4-fold,
1992). Recent research has shown that organic acids
while L-malate stimulated uptake over 10-fold (Figure
stimulate growth of the prominent ruminal bacterium
1). In addition, different concentrations (0.03 to 10
Selenomonas ruminantium, favorably alter the mixed
mM) of L-malate stimulated L-lactate uptake by S.
ruminal microorganism fermentation, and improve the
ruminantium HD4 in a dose response fashion (Table
performance of feedlot steers (Nisbet and Martin, 1990,
1). D-Lactate uptake by S. ruminantium HD4 was also
1991, 1993, 1994; Callaway and Martin, 1996; Martin et
stimulated by 10 mM L-malate (Nisbet and Martin,
al., 1999). Therefore, the objective of this paper is to
provide an overview of this research with organic acidsand discuss the potential applications in beef and dairy
mM stimulated L-lactate uptake by S. ruminantiumHD4 in the presence of 10 mM L-malate, whereas
Pure Culture Studies
uptake in the absence of L-malate was low regardlessof the Na+ concentration (Nisbet and Martin, 1994;Figure 2). These results suggest that both L-malate
Batch Culture Experiments
and Na+ play a role in stimulating L-lactate utilizationby S. ruminantium HD4. Sodium is the predominant
S. ruminantium is a common gram-negative
cation in the rumen and concentrations range between
ruminal bacterium that can account for up to 51% of
90 to 150 mM (Durand and Kawashima, 1980).
the total viable bacterial counts in the rumen (Caldwelland Bryant, 1966). This bacterium can grow under a
A more recent isolate, Selenomonas
variety of dietary conditions and ferment many
ruminantium H18, also requires organic acids to grow
different soluble carbohydrates (Hungate, 1966).
on lactate (Strobel and Russell, 1991). However, strain
When S. ruminantium is grown in batch culture with
H18 differs from strain HD4 in that lactate could be
glucose, a homolactic fermentation occurs (Hobson,
used to support growth only when Na + and aspartate
1965). However, after the glucose is depleted from the
were added to the medium. Malate or fumarate could
medium, S. ruminantium then utilizes the lactate as a
replace aspartate, but Na+ was not required (Strobel
carbon and energy source (Scheifinger et al., 1975). Uptake (nmol/mg protein per min) Aspartate Fumarate Additions (10 mM) Figure 1. Effects of aspartate, fumarate, and malate on lactate uptake by whole cells of Selenomonas ruminantium HD4 (Nisbet and Martin, 1990).
continuous culture (Evans and Martin, 1997). When S.
dicarboxylic acids that are commonly found in
ruminantium HD4 was grown on lactate at pH 6.8, the
biological tissues because they are intermediates of
primary end products were acetate and propionate with
the citric acid cycle (Lehninger, 1975). Some strictly
all concentrations of lactate. Little succinate or malate
anaerobic bacteria use a reductive or reverse citric
was produced. Even though not all lactate was utilized,
acid cycle known as the succinate-propionate
as the lactate concentration was increased there was a
pathway to synthesize succinate and(or) propionate
corresponding increase in optical density at 600 nm
(Gottschalk, 1986). Both malate and fumarate are key
(OD600), protein, and carbohydrate. These results
intermediates in the succinate-propionate pathway,
suggested that lactate was limiting growth. Lactate
and S. ruminantium uses this pathway (Gottschalk,
utilization ranged between 35 and 50%.
1986). The fact that dicarboxylic acids, especiallymalate and fumarate, stimulate lactate utilization is
S. ruminantium HD4 was unable to grow
consistent with the presence of this pathway in this
(culture washout) on 6 mM lactate at an extracellular
pH of 5.5 (Evans and Martin, 1997). Growth did occuron 30 and 54 mM lactate at this pH and acetate and
Continuous Culture Experiments
propionate were the main end products that wereproduced. Little malate or succinate accumulated. Bacterial protein and OD
In general, the dilution rate within the rumen is
concentration increased and there was a decrease in
between 0.05 and 0.10 h-1 (Hungate, 1966). Most studies
cellular carbohydrate. When 8 mM malate was added
aimed at evaluating lactate utilization by S. ruminantium
to the growth medium, strain HD4 was able to grow on
have been conducted in batch culture, and few
6 mM lactate at pH 5.5 and 80% of the lactate was
experiments have been performed in continuous culture.
utilized. Acetate, propionate, and succinate were the
Therefore, experiments were conducted to examine the
primary fermentation products produced with all three
effects of extracellular pH, lactate concentration, andmalate addition on growth of S. ruminantium HD4 in
Table 1. Effect of increasing concentrations of L-malate on L-lactate uptake by Selenomonas ruminantium (Nisbet and Martin, 1991).
aNanomoles per milligram of protein per minute, mean + SD.
lactate concentrations in the presence of malate.
may be possible to improve the ability of S.
Malate addition increased the amount of lactate utilized
ruminantium HD4 to utilize lactate at pH 6.0.
and OD600, as well as the concentrations of protein andcellular carbohydrate synthesized by strain HD4. Mixed Culture Studies
Lactate utilization ranged between 77 and 80% in thepresence of malate compared to 40 and 70% in theabsence of malate. Malate utilization ranged between
Based on the stimulation of lactate utilization
51 and 64%. Similar effects were seen when strain HD4
by dicarboxylic acids in S. ruminantium and because
was grown at a dilution rate of 0.10 h-1 (Evans and
information was limited detailing the effects of organic
acids on ruminal fermentation, experiments wereconducted to evaluate the effects of L-aspartate,
fumarate, and DL-malate on the in vitro mixed ruminal
cattle) are fed diets high in rapidly fermentable
microorganism fermentation (Martin and Streeter, 1995;
carbohydrates (i.e., cereal grains), lactate can
Callaway and Martin, 1996). Fermentation of cracked
accumulate and decrease ruminal pH (Slyter, 1976;
corn in the presence of 8 or 12 mM DL-malate resulted
Russell and Hino, 1985; Russell and Strobel, 1989).
in an increase in final pH and propionate concentration
Lactate concentrations as high as 29 mM have been
(Martin and Streeter, 1995). Total VFA tended to
observed with these types of diets (Counotte et al.,
increase, while final concentrations of L-lactate
1981). If lactate concentrations remain elevated,
numerically decreased. In the case of soluble starch, 8
ruminal pH will drop below 6.0 and this leads to a
and 12 mM DL-malate caused a decrease in CH4
Project Expenses vs Budget Planned End Through 28 April 2006 (Budget) 100-Physical 1999-037-2-100 Cox 31-Dec-2001 31-Dec-2004 31-Dec-2003 31-Dec-2003 31-Dec-2005 Completed 31-Mar-2005 1-Mar-2006 Project Expenses vs Budget Planned End Through 28 April 2006 (Budget) 200-Inorganic 31-Dec-2002 1-Feb-2003 30-Jun-2003 31-Dec-2004 3
Special Session: California and Australian Aboriginal Burning Practices and Contemporary Fire Management: Restoration of culturally significant habitats. Frank K. Lake FLOOD TRUMPS CULTURAL PRESCRIBED FIRE: DISTURBANCE EFFECTS ON WILLOW COMMUNITY STRUCTURE COMPOSITION AND FUEL LOAD Frank K. Lake USDA Forest Service, PSW Arcata, California. 95521 INTRODUCTION Originally, the goal of