Environmental Declaration
Ericsson considers sustainable development as one of the most important challenges
for the future. Therefore, Ericsson wants to provide environmental information to our
customers. The Ericsson Environmental Declarations give information on the most
relevant environmental aspects of mobile phones. As there is no common international
Ericsson Mobile Phone
industry standard for mobile phone environmental declarations Ericsson has developed
this version and await a common standard. Size 96 x 50 x 18 mm
The requirements in the declaration are based on the standard TR/70 issued by the
European Association for Standardization Information and Communication Systems
(ECMA), legal requirements and market requirements. Weight1 86 grams
More information on Ericsson and the Environment can be found on the Ericsson
environmental site on Internet http://www.ericsson.com/environment/. Requirement Fulfilled Environmental Declaration for Ericsson Mobile Phone T39 Environmental Policy and Management System
The company has a documented environmental policy approved by the management.
The company has, at production sites for mobile phones environmental managementsystems according to:
The company regularly publishes an environmental report.
The company markets the products in accordance with environmental rules in applicablemarketing legislation.
The company has environmental requirements on suppliers and subcontractors.
The company regularly trains employees in environmental management. Environmentally Conscious Design
CFCs or HCFCs are not present in the product.
Asbestos, PCB and PCT are not present in the product.
Mercury is not present in the product.
Brominated flame retardants PBB and PBDE are not present in the product.
Cadmium is not present in the product.
Lead is not present in plastic parts.
Chloroparaffins with chain length 10-13 C atoms, chlorinated greater than 50%, are not present in the product.
Beryllium oxide is not present in the product.
1 W i t h s u p p l i e d b a t t e r y .
E r i c s s o n M o b i l e C o mmu n i c a t i o n s A B , S E - 2 2 1 8 3 L u n d , M a y 2 0 0 1 . E N / L Z T 1 0 8 4 0 8 8 / 8 R 1 A
Batteries defined as hazardous in the EU Directive 91/157/EEC are not used in the product. Energy Consumption
Power consumption of battery charger: Without load/standby 0.1 W
While charging 1.6 W Charging time (full charge) 3 h
Instruction for best energy efficiency is given in the user manual. Electrical Safety, EMC and RF Exposure
The product meets applicable electrical safety standards.
The product meets applicable EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) standards.
The product meets applicable RF (Radio Frequency) exposure standards. Packaging and Documentation
The product packaging material does not contain cadmium.
The product packaging material does not contain CFC or HCFC.
Plastic packaging material is marked according to DIN 6120 or ISO 11469.
Ericsson offers packaging take-back and recycling services in many locations around the
world or participates in public recovery systems where possible. The customers are advised
to contact the local Ericsson representatives for further information.
User manual and product information are printed on non-chlorine bleached paper. Product Recycling
Plastic parts heavier than 25 g or larger than 1 dm2 are marked according to ISO 11469.
Ericsson offers take-back and recycling services for products in many locations around the
world or participates in public recovery systems where possible. The customers are advised
to contact the local Ericsson representatives for further information. Comments: Environmental Policy and Management System 3. Batteries
Ericsson’s Environmental Report is published on
Batteries that contain lead, cadmium and mercury with specified
http://www.ericsson.com/environment/. This site provides
for example information on Ericsson’s environmental
Electrical Safety, RF Exposure and EMC
policy, environmental management systems and
The product shall meet the applicable EU-Directives: 73/23/EEC,
93/68/EEC for electrical safety and 89/336/EEC for EMC,
Ericsson has certified environmental management
systems according to ISO 14001 at the main part of the
The European pre-standard ENV 50166-2 and the corresponding
production sites for mobile phones. At the other sites the
Swedish Standard SS-ENV 50166-2 specify radio frequency
current internal environmental management system are
exposure limits. For mobile telephones these limits are expressed
being developed to fulfil the ISO 14001 standard.
as SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) values. The applicable SAR
Ericsson has initiated an environmental training
limit is 2 W/kg (10 gram mass in average).
programme to give all employees regular environmental
Packaging and Documentation
Refers to substance levels which do not exceed natural
Environmental Conscious Design
Refers to substance levels, which do not exceed natural
Requirements based on the EU directive 94/62/ECC
Product Recycling
Required according to the Montreal Protocol.
Examples of plastic parts are product covers/housings and
According to legislation in several countries mercury is
prohibited for use in certain electronic components.
Requirements based on national legislation as well as the EU
Within the EU and OECD, work is going on to limit and
directive on producer responsibility.
ban the use of certain brominated flame retardants(PBB/PBDE). These flame retardants are
The requirement can be found in national legislation.
Beryllium oxide is a highly toxic substance.
E r i c s s o n M o b i l e C o mmu n i c a t i o n s A B , S E - 2 2 1 8 3 L u n d , M a y 2 0 0 1 . E N / L Z T 1 0 8 4 0 8 8 / 8 R 1 A
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