Direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription drugs: whatare Americans being sold?
Steven Woloshin, Lisa M Schwartz, Jennifer Tremmel, H Gilbert Welch
prescription drug appeared in Reader’s Digest in 1981
billion on direct-to-consumer advertisements for
prescription drugs in 1999. Our aim was to establish what
advertisements were published, and the US Food and
messages are being communicated to the public by these
Drugs Administration (FDA) became worried that
little was known about the potential effect of suchadvertisements on the public. Consequently, in 1983,
Methods We investigated the content of advertisements,
the FDA initiated an advertising moratorium while it
which appeared in ten magazines in the USA. We examined
seven issues of each of these published between July,
options.2,3 Although they concluded that “direct to
the public prescription advertising was not in thepublic interest,”3 the FDA lifted the moratorium in
Findings 67 advertisements appeared a total of 211 times
1985 because of concerns about freedom of speech
during our study. Of these, 133 (63%) were for drugs to
ameliorate symptoms, 54 (26%) to treat disease, and 23
in place were sufficient to protect the consumer.4
(11%) to prevent illness. In the 67 unique advertisements,
promotional techniques used included emotional appeals
(45, 67%) and encouragement of consumers to consider
medical causes for their experiences (26, 39%). More
specifically, that they presented true and balanced
advertisements described the benefit of medication with
vague, qualitative terms (58, 87%), than with data (9,
13%). However, half the advertisements used data to
The FDA monitors compliance with these criteria.
describe side-effects, typically with lists of side-effects that
However, prior approval of drug advertisements is not
generally occurred infrequently. None mentioned cost.
Reaction to direct-to-consumer advertisements for
Interpretation Provision of complete information about the
prescription drugs is mixed. Proponents argue that it
benefit of prescription drugs in advertisements would serve
provides consumers with information about treatment
the interests of physicians and the public.
options, and might help to increase public awareness,and consequently treatment, of serious diseases such
as diabetes, hypertension, or depression.6 Opponents,however,
advertisements might inappropriately increase patientdemand for specific, and generally costly, agents, andthat this demand might have a negative effect onmedical
Over the past few years, investment in direct-to-
consumer advertising in this field has risen, and nowexceeds US$1·8 billion (figure 1).12 Concurrently,many pharmaceutical companies have reduced theamount
which suggests a tactical shift in their focus fromphysicians to patients. Last year, for example, drugcompanies
newspapers and popular magazines than they did inmedical
respectively) ( accessed on Aug25, 1999).
VA Outcomes Group, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
physicians has been researched,13–17 but those aimed
Center, White River Junction, VT 05009, USA (L M Schwartz MD,
at patients has received less attention.18,19
S Woloshin MD, H G Welch MD); Center for the Evaluative Clinical
was to establish what messages are being received
Sciences, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH
(L M Schwartz, S Woloshin, H G Welch); Norris Cotton Cancer
Center, Lebanon, NH (L M Schwartz, S Woloshin); and Department
of Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
American experience might be of relevance in the
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
read or understand it.24–26 We entered codes directly into
a computer database (FileMaker Pro, version 5.0, SantaClara, CA, USA). The codes allowed us to measure
several factors: (1) type of product—we categorised theindications for every medication and then grouped these
indications into those intended to ameliorate symptoms,to treat disease, and to prevent disease; (2) descriptionof benefit and side-effects—we noted whether the
benefit of the product was described with qualitativelanguage (eg, it works) or with quantitative statements
(eg, it lowers the chance of dying by 30%). We codedthe presentation of the product’s side-effects in muchthe same way. We also coded four other aspects of the
presentation of benefit: what studies were cited to
support this benefit, whether the benefit was compared
to that of other similar medications, the use of personal
Figure 1: Amount spent by pharmaceutical companies on
testimonials about benefit, and whether the widespread
use of the drug was mentioned (eg, most prescribed
*Television, print, and other. Amount spent in 1999 was projected on the
medication); (3) emotional appeal—we coded whether
basis of data from first 9 months of the year.
the advertisements appealed to the reader’s desire toavoid a feared outcome (ie, cancer or death) or to get
back to normal (ie, suggest a return to some normal
degree of functioning or being able to do usual daily
We selected ten popular magazines with large
distribution and varied readership in the USA.23 The
advertisements that provided a list of symptoms, or
magazines fell into one of three readership categories:
suggested that a particular symptom implied a specific
those largely read by women (Ͼ70%), by men (Ͼ70%),
diagnosis, as encouraging self diagnosis; and finally (5)
and by the general population (50% women and 50%
cost—we noted whether the cost of the drug was
men) (table 1).24 In terms of circulation, every magazine
mentioned, whether a free trial was offered, and whether
was in the top five in its category. To create a sample
a financial rebate was proffered in the advertisement
with equal numbers of issues of every magazine, and to
Two investigators (SW, JT) independently coded 21
avoid seasonal differences in advertising, we examined
elements of the content of every advertisement. Inter-
the first issue of every magazine in every other month
rater agreement was good for coding the benefit and
between July, 1998, and July, 1999. Thus, we assessed
potential harms of the drugs (average kappa 0·81).27 As
seven issues of every magazine. We found 211 direct-to-
expected, kappa was lower for the more subjective
consumer advertisements for prescription drugs.
judgments, but remained moderate to substantial (0·52
Recommended international non-proprietary names and
for encouraging self diagnosis, and 0·62 and 0·53 for
manufacturer details for all drugs mentioned are shown
emotional appeals relating to fear and getting back to
normal, respectively). Inter-rater agreement was lessthan moderate (<0·4) in only three of the 21 items
coded: if the advertisement suggested anyone who cared
We identified 67 different advertisements and coded
about themselves would use the product, whether the
their content. We did not include in our analysis the
product was life-enhancing, and the overall focus of the
content of the brief summary written in small print on
advertisement. To focus on our most reliable findings,
the advertisement. This text must be present for the
we excluded these three items from analysis. In all other
advert to conform with FDA regulations, but is designed
instances, wherever the coders disagreed, a third
for use by healthcare professionals and few consumers
researcher (LS) did an independent assessment. Wethen resolved disagreements by consensus.
We compared the median number of advertisements per
issue across the three types of magazines with Kruskal-
Wallis tests. This comparison was two-sided and was
judged significant at p<0·05. For all analyses we used
STATA version 6.0 (College Station, TX, USA).
During the 1 year study, we identified 211 direct-to-
consumer pharmaceutical advertisements in 70 issues of
selected magazines (median 2.5 advertisements per
42 000 issue, range 0–12). 59 (84%) issues contained at least
42 000 one advertisement. Advertisements for products
designed for symptom relief were most frequent (133,63%). Drugs for symptoms of allergies and those related
57 000 to menopause (eg, hot flashes and vaginal dryness)
49 000 accounted for most of the advertisements in this
55 000 category. Those for treatment of urinary incontinence,
Table 1: Description of 10 popular magazines studied24
hair loss, Alzheimer’s-related memory loss, erectile
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
Oestrogen/medroxyprogesterone Wyeth-Ayerst, St David, PA, USA
Boehringer Ingelheim, Ridgefield, CT, USA Symptoms of benign
dysfunction, and wrinkles all appeared ten or more
hypercholesterolaemia (three Lipitor), and Lyme disease
times. Other symptoms targeted included migraines
(five), heartburn (five), motion sickness (four), being
Figure 2 shows that advertisements appeared more often
overweight (three), and bedwetting (one).
in magazines targeting women (median 4.5, 25%-75% 3–7)
The second most frequently advertised medications were
than men (2, 0–3) or a general readership (1, 1–2)
those to treat a diagnosed disease (54, 26%), including
(p=0·0001). Figure 2 also shows that the advertisements
Alzheimer’s (ten Aricept), diabetes mellitus (seven
differed by readership category, with advertisements for hair
Glucophage, three humalog insulin, and two Rezulin),
loss the most popular in men’s magazines and those for
HIV-1 (seven Crixivan, one Combivir), otitis media in
allergies most popular in the other two categories.
children (six Zithromax), depression (four Prozac), fungalinfections (two Lamisil, one Diflucan), arthritis (two
Synvisc), and hypertension (one Cardizem CD).
Furthermore, 24 (11%) advertisements promoted drugs as
advertisements. Table 2 shows some examples of the
preventive medicines, including those for prevention of
headlines from 15 advertisements; few explicitly
osteoporosis (six Evista), smoking (four Zyban, three
described the benefits of a product. Instead, most (58,
Nicotrol inhalers), breast cancer (four Nolvadex),
87%) described the benefit of a medication in vague,
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
Overactive bladder is a treatable medical condition.
2 Crixivan, HIV disease3 Claritin, allergy
Everyday they are learning more about estrogen
loss. That's why I'm glad I take my Premarin.
If your heartburn medicine works so well, why do you
Is it just forgetfulness . . . or Alzheimer's disease?
Why cheat? When now, it's OK to dose and eat!
If you are HIV+, Crixivan may help you live a longer,
Your son has another bacterial ear infection. He may
need an antibiotic, and remember, he has to
Cardizem CD and CardiSense may help you live well.
If you're trying to lower your cholesterol, but your
numbers still come up high. Ask your doctor for
"I got Lyme disease last spring and I'm being treated for serious health problems. I couldn't
Figure 2: Direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription
qualitative terms. For example, “Help your child out of
If you care about breast cancer, care more about
the jungle of allergies”, “Naturally, the response has
been positive”, and “If your diabetes is uncontrolled . . .
*Advertisement message that appears in the largest font.
Glucophage can help”. We identified three other
Table 2: Headlines of 15 selected advertisements
techniques used to imply the benefit of a product: 12(18%) advertisements appealed to the drug’s widespread
cited in the Combivir advertisement was published; the
use (eg, “more than 1000 000 people have begun using
Zyrtec advertisements cited unpublished studies done by
Rezulin to help manage diabetes”), 16 (24%) used
phrases such as clinically proven, proven relief, or
By contrast with details about the benefit of a drug,
proven effective, and 8 (12%) used personal
testimonials from ordinary people not experts (eg,
medication’s side-effects (in compliance with FDA
“taking Premarin is something I do for myself every
day” and “John wanted to tell you about Accolate for
asthma . . . but he’s off to the park”).
quantitative data about their frequency. Statements
Even when the benefit was explicit, only nine (13%) of
typically consisted of a list of side-effects, some qualitative
the advertisements actually provided any evidence to
judgment about their frequency or severity, and a
support their claims. Advertisements for two products,
comparison of the occurrence of side-effects with the drug
Propecia and Detrol, presented absolute rates of the
and the placebo (or sugar pills). For example, “[Side-
relevant clinical outcomes for patients taking the drug
effects] which occurred about as often as they did with
compared with those on placebo, thereby allowing the
placebo. Most common were headache occurring in 12%
readers to judge for themselves whether the product
of people, drowsiness 8%” and “Like all prescription
works. None of the other advertisements provided such
products, Propecia may cause side effects. A very small
complete or balanced information. For example, an
number of men experienced certain side effects, such as:
advertisement for Renova provided rates for various
less desire for sex, difficulty in achieving an erection, and a
outcomes for patients on the drug, but did not provide
decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side
effects occurred in less than 2% of men”.
advertisement for Diflucan presented data that suggested
45 (67%) advertisements made one of two emotional
that the drug was as effective as one of its competitors
appeals to readers. The most common appeal (40,
(Monistat), but did not define what clinical cure means.
60%) was to the desire to get back to normal (eg, “a
Furthermore, advertisements for Prempro and Lipitor
pill that helps men with erectile dysfunction respond
presented only relative risk reductions (in hip or wrist
again”). Less frequent, were advertisements (5, 7%)
fractures and cholesterol concentrations, respectively)
that focused on a feared outcome (eg, “if you care
without specifying the base rate—a presentation format
about breast cancer, care more about being a 1·7
than a 36B”). 26 (39%) advertisements encouraged
advertisement for Lipitor told readers by what proportion
their LDL cholesterol might fall, but never mentioned
experiences. These messages ranged from symptom
that it was unknown at the time of the advertisement
whether Lipitor reduced rates of myocardial infarction or
bladder) to the labelling of a specific symptom. Typical
death from myocardial infarction. Additionally, an
statements encouraging self-diagnosis were: “Is it just
advertisement for Crixivan quoted data on intermediate
forgetfulness, or is it Alzheimer’s?”, and “If your
endpoints only (HIV-1 viral load) despite its focus on a
heartburn is persistent and occurs on 2 or more days a
long life. Finally, three advertisements (two for Zyrtec and
week, you probably don’t have ordinary heartburn. You
one for Combivir) referenced studies that appeared in the
may have a potentially serious condition called acid
text in a footnote. These advertisements did not, however,
reflux disease (also known as gastroesophageal reflux
provide any data from the studies cited. Only the study
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
None of the advertisements mentioned cost, two
expenditures increased by almost 19% from 1998 to
(Imitrex and Nasonex) offered free trials, and 16 (24%)
1999. Prescriptions for the top 25 drugs directly
offered a rebate of some sort ($5 for Claritin, Zyban,
marketed to consumers rose by 34% during this time,
Flomax, Flonase, Nasocort, Zomig; $10 for Renova;
compared with 5·1% for all other prescription drugs.32
Direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription
drugs undoubtedly help to educate consumers about
available options. At the same time they encourage
The results of our study suggest that direct-to-consumer
consumers to believe that a problem might exist (where
advertisements are common in popular magazines,
they previously would not) and that a pharmacological
particularly in those aimed at women. Furthermore,
solution is the appropriate way to deal with it. These
they all share a similar structure: they link the advertised
characteristics are shared by advertisements for over-
product with its target condition and invite consumers
the-counter drugs. What is unique in this case, however,
to share in their own health management. Although
is that consumers are also being asked to see their
most advertisements addressed the relief of common
doctor. Does consumer drug advertising therefore
symptoms that many consumers would normally treat
promote the medicalisation of an ordinary experience?
themselves with over-the-counter remedies (eg, runny
Our findings suggest that most prescription drugs
nose), a substantial number targeted more complex
advertised to consumers target common symptoms (eg,
treatment decisions usually made by physicians (eg,
sneezing, hair loss, being overweight), which many
choice of antibiotic or type of insulin). Additionally,
patients would have managed without a physician.
many of the advertisements presented quantitative data
Although a pharmacological approach might be
about potential side-effects, but very few provided any
appropriate for some, the danger is that by turning
ordinary experiences into diagnoses—by designating a
Our study had three limitations. First, we only looked
runny nose as allergic rhinitis—the boundaries of
at popular magazines, and did not assess television,
medicine might become unreasonably broad. That the
radio, or newspaper advertisements. Our results might
advertised medications require a prescription
have differed for advertisements in these other media.
automatically validates the process of medicalisation. If
We chose to focus on magazine advertisements for
you have to see the doctor to get a prescription, the
several reasons. Logistically, the systematic sampling
experience is officially recognised as a symptom of
and analysis of such advertisements is easier than with
disease, and the affected person is now a patient. In
those that are broadcast. For example, whereas there
addition to the difficulties of labelling,33 this process can
might be much discussion about which phrase stood out
result in harm, by exposure of people to medication
in a radio spot, there was no ambiguity about the
side-effects and by starting other medical processes in
headline for a magazine advertisement, which was
motion (ie, testing). When the symptoms being treated
simply defined as the words with the largest font.
are obvious to patients, and they do not need a doctor to
Consequently, we believe that our results are more
ascertain whether the medication helped, the problem of
reliable than they would have been had we examined
medicalisation could be mitigated by reclassification of
other media. Moreover, several studies suggest that
many prescription drugs to over-the counter status.
magazines provide the most effective format for direct-
Our results indicate that few advertisements present
to-consumer advertising, since consumers find
any quantitative data to support claims of benefit.
advertisements for prescription drugs in magazines the
Findings of a study by Moynihan and colleagues34
most memorable and are more likely to ask physicians
suggest that news media coverage about medications
about products advertised in magazines than in other
also frequently lacked information about benefit.
Although the lack of detail is less of a concern for
Second, content analysis involves subjective
products intended to ameliorate symptoms, since
judgments. We tried to make our study as reproducible
patients are reasonably well positioned to judge the
as possible through development of an explicit coding
medication’s effectiveness after a brief trial, it is a major
instrument to characterise the advertisements.
concern for those products meant to treat established
Furthermore, two authors independently coded the
disease, such as diabetes, or prevent them. Because the
advertisements, and we restricted our analyses to
relevant outcomes (eg, end-stage renal disease,
characteristics for which inter-rater agreement had a
development of cancer, myocardial infarction, or dying)
are rare and occur in the distant future, patients have no
Finally, we do not know to what extent consumers
way to judge a medication’s effectiveness for themselves.
were actually affected by the advertisements. However,
The judgment instead requires quantitative data
we do know that pharmaceutical advertisements in
obtained from randomised trials and, ideally, informed
general succeed in reaching consumers. In a nationally
representative survey,31 two thirds of adult Americans
To address this difficulty, the FDA might consider a
recalled seeing a prescription advertised, and about 10%
standardised presentation of benefits and side-effects in
asked their doctor for that prescription (of these, 73%
advertisements. The format might be one with which
said the prescription was made). In another survey,29
consumers are already familiar—ie, a prescription facts
about 70% of respondents said that they had seen at
box similar to the nutrition facts box required on food
least one prescription drug advertisement in the past
products.35 Although the precise structure would require
3 months (on average, respondents reported seeing
input from many sources, three basic areas might be
five such advertisements in that time frame). Results
addressed. First, is the setting. This section would
of a study of physicians31 showed that about 80% of
address the questions: What illness is this medication
dermatologists, cardiologists, internists, and
for? and who should consider taking it? Second, what is
obstetricians or gynaecologists, and 97% of allergists,
the potential benefit? This section would include a
reported that patients had requested at least one brand
standard presentation of data (preferably absolute event
name medication. Sales figures also suggest that direct-
rates) for both treatment and control groups. Clinical
to-consumer advertisements work. Total US drug
endpoints would be required (or explicit statements that
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
clinical endpoints are unknown). Finally, what are the
10 Lipsky M, Taylor C. The opinions and experiences of family
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THE LANCET • Vol 358 • October 6, 2001
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Notes from USDA Climate Hub Webinar (July 19 at 1 pm EDT) Helpful Links: Webinar Q&A Notes from Dr. Wendy Fink, APLU: How can universities get involved? Hubs will be centers of activities but effective partnerships will be necessary to carry out research and create information flow. USDA just recently increased its investment in research on climate change: $60 million in 2008
1836 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; PO Box 90106, Santa Barbara, CA 93190; Telephone (805) 965-7570; fax (805) 962-0651 Jeanine Townsend, Clerk to the Board State Water Resources Control Board 1001 I Street, 24th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Proposed Amendment to the Recycled Water Policy to Incorporate Monitoring Requirements for Constituents of Emerging Concern Dea