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WasteSafe 2013
3rd International Conference on
Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
10–12 February 2013 in Khulna, Bangladesh
Conference Program
Day I: 10 February 2013, SUNDAY
13:00–Onward: Registration & Help Desk (Lawn of CE Building, KUET)
15:00 - 16:00: Inauguration Ceremony at the Auditorium of KUET
Welcome Address: Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir
Chair of WasteSafe 2013 International Conference and Vice-Chancellor of KUET, Bangladesh • Address by the Organizer
Prof. Dr. Echard Kraft , Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany Prof. Dr. Raffaello Cossu, Padova University, Italy and IWWG 15:00 - 16:00
Prof. Dr. Werner Bidlingmaier, ORBIT Group, Europe • Inaugural Speaker: Prof. Liz Bachhuber
Faculty of Art & Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Title: “Entrop(h)y – Environment, Art and Sustainability”
Address by the Chief Guest
Vote of Thanks: Prof. Dr. Kh. Md. Shafiul Islam,Head CE, KUET
16:00 – 16:05
Photo Session (In front of the Auditorium, KUET)
16:05 – 16:30
Tea Break (Auditorium, KUET)
16:30 – 18:00
Keynote Session I (Auditorium, KUET)
Session Chair: Christian Zurbrügg
(Director, Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries, Eawag,

Prof. Dr. Werner Bidlingmaier
How much environmental protection I can get for my money,
Design and evaluation of landfill concepts by means of a C-load
balance and energy input

Prof. Dr. Raffaello Cossu
The Urban Mining concept in Solid Waste Management
Discussion on the Key Note Papers and Remarks by the Chair
18:00-19:00: Welcome Party (Lawn of CE Building, KUET)
Day II: 11 February 2013, MONDAY
08:00 – Onward: Registration & Help Desk (Lawn of CE Building, KUET)
09:00 – 10:30: Keynote Session II (Seminar Room I at CE Building KUET)
Session Chair: Dr. G.N.Chattopadhyay
Institute of agriculture, Visva-Bharati University, Sriniketan-731236,
West Bengal, India

Prof. Dr. Echard Kraft
Combination of Regenerative Energy and Innovative Resource
Management – A Present Challenge
Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir
Lessons Learnt from the Solid Waste Management Projects in Bangladesh 10:00 – 10:30
Discussion on the KeyNote Papers and Remarks by the Chair
10:30-11:00: TEA BREAK
11:00-12:00: Parallel Technical Sessions I & II at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room II
Session I:
Session II
Chair: Prof. Dr. W. Bidlingmaier
Chair: Dr. Tariq Bin Yousuf
Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management, DCC North ID-015 (page-32)
ID-003 (page-193)
Israt Jahan – Bangladesh Bangladesh S. M. Moniruzzaman – Bangladesh ID-027 (page-113)
ID-019 (page-101)
ID-028 (page-129)
ID-026 (page-69)
Christian Zurbrügg - Switzerland ID-141 (page-26)
ID-093 (page-34)
ID-142 (page-171)
ID-128 (page-191)
Q. H. Bari – Bangladesh Aspects Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
12:30-14:00: LUNCH BREAK
14:00-15:30: Parallel Technical Sessions III & IV at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room II
Session III
Session IV
Chair: Prof. Dr. Q. Hamidul Bari
Chair: Nawa Raj Khatiwada
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal ID-039 (page-205)
ID-046 (page-48)
in a University Campus in Bangladesh ID-042 (page-197)
ID-047 (page-81)
Sisir Karmaker - Bangladesh D-043 (page-123)
ID-069 (page-121)
ID-048 (page-125)
ID-074 (page-67)
of Contamination Potential of Pilot Scale ID-070 (page-135)
ID-085 (page-28)
A.K.M. T. A. Khan-Bangladesh Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
15:30-16:00: TEA BREAK
16:00-17:30: Parallel Technical Sessions V & VI at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room II
Session V
Session VI
Chair: A. S. W. Kurny
Chair: Laura Weitze
Professor, Department of Materials ID-055 (page-88)
ID-050 (page-119)
Imatiaz Ahmed - Bangladesh of Landfill Lysimeter ID-057 (page-111)
ID-063 (page-153)
ID-101 (page-73)
ID-113 (page-195)
ID-115 (page-186)
ID-124 (page-183)
Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation Project) in Urban Poverty Alleviation: A ID-125 (page-178)
ID-140 (page-137)
ID-143 (page-40)
ID-133 (page-207)
Emergence Of Comprehensive Policy Sustainability of Waste Management Management of Megacity Region: Case Study Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
19:00 - 21:30
Conference Dinner & Cultural Show
Day III: 12 February 2013, TUESDAY
08:00 – Onward: Registration & Help Desk (Lawn of CE Building, KUET)
09:00-10:30: Parallel Technical Sessions VII & VIII at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room II
Session VII
Session VIII
Chair: Prof. Raffaello Cossu
Chair: Surya Man Shakya
Architectural Engineering Department ID-122 (page-23)
ID-041 (page-165)
Dr. Tariq Bin Yousuf-Bangladesh stakeholders from biogas plants ID-091 (page-50)
ID-072 (page-97)
ID-071 (page-42)
ID-077 (page-30)
ID-081 (page-199)
ID-109 (page-159)
Stefan Salhofer-Austria slowly degradable organic waste ID-076 (page-131)
ID-117 (page-92)
Aysha Akter-Bangladesh Acid in Presence of Mill Scale Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
10:30-11:00: TEA BREAK
11:00-12:30: Parallel Technical Sessions IX & X at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room I
Session IX
Session X
Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft
Chair: Dr. GMA Halim
ID-036 (page-46)
ID-060 (page-133)
Nafiz Ul Ahsan - Bangladesh ID-056 (page-201)
ID-129 (page-65)
ID-139 (page-148)
ID-138 (page-139)
ID-144 (page-90)
ID-054 (page-62)
ID-145 (page-52)
Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
12:30-14:00: LUNCH BREAK
14:00-15:30: Parallel Technical Sessions XI & XII at CE Building, KUET
Seminar Room I
Seminar Room II
Session XI
Session XII
Chair: Ezio Ranieri
Chair: Dr. K. Mahbub Hassan
Engineering, Polytechnic University of Engineering, KUET Bari - Via Orabona, Italy ID-058 (page-105)
ID-045 (page-144)
in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Md. Imran H. Bhuiyan - Bangladesh ID-062 (page-150)
ID-053 (page-142)
ID-068 (page-83)
ID-059 (page-155)
ID-136 (page-79)
ID-064 (page-173)
ID-137 (page-164)
ID-065 (page-162)
Performance Study of Different Waste Color Removal from Landfill Leachate Made Organic Fertilizer Incombination using Chemical Coagulants ID-037 (page-184)
Discussion on the Session and
Discussion on the Session and
closing Remarks by the Chair
closing Remarks by the Chair
15:45 - 16:00: TEA BREAK
16:00 - 17:00: CLOSING SESSION


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