5th sunday in ordinary time - yr c - 100213 - a3.pub
Called by the Holy One PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please keep in your prayers: David Bazley, HOW CAFOD IS SPENDING YOUR FAST DAY DONATIONS
Janice Bird, Nigel Bolton, Russell Bowlds, Philomena Breen, Helga Butler,
Last year's Lent Fast Day appeal on Water and Sanitation raised
Marion Butler, Vicky Carter, Petra Daniels, Derek Faiers, Mervyn Francis,
£18 million which includes £2817 from our parish.
Terry Francis, Amanda Gudge, Sarah Hedges, Sally Herbert, Doreen Hol-
The 16th century Spanish contemplative, St Teresa of Jesus in writ-
man, Serena Hoskyns, George Hutcheson, John & Lena Keane, Michael
These sums were far above what CAFOD expected but have en-
St Michaels Church, (SM) Langdown Lawn, Hythe SO45 5GR
ing of our prayer relationship with God says the following: “you will
Kirwan, Betty Marek, Tony O’Connell, Norma Rudd, Lilly Ricketts, Pauline
abled them to provide clean water to many thousand more peo-
St Bernard’s Church, (SB) Southbourne Ave, Holbury, SO45 2NT
Sharpley, Ronald Stevens. (If you wish someone to be included for prayers
ple. CAFOD have provided information on the projects they
be able to endure the embarrassment of being with One who is so
here please give their name to Fr David.)
have financed and want those who donated so generously to
10th February 2013
different from you when you realise how much God loves you”.
PRAYER POTTERY: The next Prayer Pottery will take 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Psalter Wk.1)
place on Tuesday, 19th February at 11.00am in the Blessed
Copies of the CAFOD Report are available in the porch: please
Mass at St Bernards
Sacrament Chapel in St Michael’s. It is led by Christine Old-
The experience of the Holy is personal to each individual and yet it
en. There will be prayer, music & quiet reflection. All are
11.00am Mass at St Michaels
is always an experience of otherness & uniqueness that can be soul
FAMILY COFFEE MORNING: A Lent Coffee Morning, with
melting, awe-inspiring, enrapturing, humbling and terrifying. It can
Bring-and-Buy stall (outgrown clothes, books and toys especially
be any one of those and all those together too. It completely disman-
SERVICES DURING LENT: Stations of the Cross: Sun-
welcome), will be held in St Bernard’s Hall on Thursday 21st
February, 10.00am to 12.00pm. All welcome, but especially
6.00pm Mass at St Anne’s, Brockenhurst
tles all the ego defences, securities, survival strategies and decep-
day, 17th Feb 3pm at St Michael’s, Tuesday, 26th Feb,
those with babies and/or young children. We hope to provide
tions. The false self is exposed and can only seek to hide or flee.
7.30pm at St Bernard’s; Sunday, 3rd March, 3pm at St
Mon 11th No Service (Liturgy: of the Day)
some child-friendly activities! All proceeds to CAFOD.
“Woe is me” Isaiah says; “Depart from me for I am a sinful man,” is
Michael’s; Tuesday, 12th March, 7.30pm at St Bernard’s;
Tues 12th 10.00am SM Morning Prayer & Mass
Sunday, 17th March, 3pm at St Michael’s, Good Friday,
Peter’s reaction. The only way our little egos can survive is to re-
ECUMENICAL PANCAKES: at St Bernard’s on Tuesday, 12th
main separate from the Holy One! But then what future is there in
Wed 13th ASH WEDNESDAY Service of Reconciliation: Tuesday, 19th March at
Feb at 7.30pm. Fellowship, singing & delicious pancakes. All are
(Day of Fasting & Abstinence) 10.00am Mass at St Anne’s, Brockenhurst
God knows us through and through warts and all. Jesus knows us.
He says: “If you who are evil know how to give good things to your
relationship with Jesus lead us to respond to the world around
children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy
EVELYN JAMES WALKER RIP: Jim’s Requiem Mass will
Thurs 14th 10.00am Mass at Our Lady’s, Lyndhurst
us? Speaker: Bishop Philip Egan. Wed. 20th Feb in Reading;
Spirit to those who ask him”. Our sins and weaknesses are not a
take place at St Michael’s on Friday, 22nd February at
(Liturgy: Feast, Ss Cyril & Methodius)
Thurs. 7th March in Christchurch, Tues, 19th March in Ports-
11.30am followed by burial at Blackfield Cemetery.
problem for God. They are a problem for us and others of course and
mouth. Evenings 7.30pm until 9.00pm. For more details see the
by God’s grace and without guilt or anxiety we must struggle to be
We extend our condolences to all the bereaved families and
16th 10.00am SM Mass then Adoration of Jesus
free. However as long as we are willing to go along with God, God
we pray for those who have died. May they rest in peace
in the Bl. Sacrament and Reconciliation to 11am.
and rise in glory, through Christ our Lord. Amen
is more than happy to befriend us and give us important work to do:
“I will make you fishers of people”.
Ocean Harmony proudly present an evening of musi-
Sun 17th 1st Sunday of Lent YEAR OF FAITH
cal entertainment in support of the Waterside Food-
Jesus chose women disciples from all walks of life, he chose fisher-
Mass at St Bernards Christ – the Light of the Na ons
bank. Saturday, 23rd February, bar open at 7.00pm
men, tax collectors, freedom fighters (or terrorists depending on your
Like the other solemn pronouncements of the Second Vati-
11.00am Mass at St Michaels
point of view). They were uneducated, working people – no theolog-
can Council, Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on
for 7.30pm curtain up at the Hythe Parish Hall, West
ical training – people who were despised by the religious elite and
Street, SO45 6AA. Tickets are £9.50 including supper.
6.00pm Mass at St Anne’s, Brockenhurst
the Church, takes its name from its opening words “Lumen gentium cum sit Christus” - Christ is the light of the na-
the temple authorities. We definitely know that Peter was married
For Showtime tickets contact Annette on 02380-
tions. The opening sentence is so rich in meaning that it is
and probably many of the other apostles too. Paul, in a letter to the
worth quoting in full: “Christ is the light of the nations and
Christians in Corinth wrote: “Do we not have the right to be accom-
consequently this holy synod, gathered together in the Holy
joehayward@btinternet.com. Bookings close on 20th
panied by a believing wife, as do the other apostles and the brothers
Spirit, ardently desires to bring to all humanity that light of
Mass Intentions: For this week:All members of the Parish, All those
Christ which is resplendent on the face of the Church, by
who are unwell, Holy Souls, Deceased Clergy of the Province, Bishop Philip
proclaiming his Gospel to every creature ”. The rest of the
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! Egan, Judith Morrison RIP, Jim Walker RIP, Thomas Weir RIP, Kathleen
The Pharisees prided themselves on separation from sinners. The
opening chapter offers pastoral metaphors to describe the
Quiz night and American supper : Saturday 20th
Church: “sheepfold”, “flock”, “God’s farm” or “field”, God’s
shocking revelation of Jesus was that far from wanting to be separat-
April 7 p.m. @ St Bernard's. Tickets will be on sale at
building” and “a stranger in a foreign land”. It is signifi-
For the week beginning 17th Feb: All members of the Parish, All those
ed from sinners God wants to be involved with sinners and calls
cant that this chapter reflects on the mystery of the Church
both Churches Sundays 7th & 14th April.
who are unwell, Holy Souls, Deceased Clergy of the Province, Bishop Philip
them to work with him. Jesus sought out their company and ate and
rather than its structure or governance; also that the mem-
Egan, Judith Morrison RIP, Jim Walker RIP, Ted Harding RIP Anniv Bingo & fish n' chips supper: Saturday 22nd June 7 p.m. @
drank with them. It was scandalous behaviour.
bers of the Church are described as the “People of God”.
St Bernard's. Tickets will be on sale at both Churches Sundays
So when in the circumstances of our lives we hear a call to prayer or
action of some kind, a call to get involved with God’s work, its no
welcomed me' -prepared this year by the Chris an women of
Pastoral Team: Rev David Adams (Parish Priest)
Skittles & BBQ: Saturday 31st August 7p.m. @ St Bernard's
Rev Steve Bowler (Deacon & Chair Parish Pastoral Council) (023 8020 7449)
use saying to God “I’m not worthy”. First because God knows that
France. Friday March 1st, 2p.m. Cornerstone,United Reformed
Tickets will be on sale at both Churches Sundays 18th & 25th
Church, Hythe. The speaker is Mrs Joan Shewry. Calling all males
long before we do. Secondly because our unworthiness its not an
All correspondence to: The Parish Office, Angel House,
of the species! Although it is called Women's world day of prayer
it does not exclude men. You will be made very welcome.
Quiz night and American supper : Saturday 5th October 7 Tel: 023 8084 3479 e-mail: watersidecp@btinternet.com
When we are ready to follow Jesus we begin to discover that God’s
website: watersidecatholics.org.uk
p.m. @ St Bernard's. Tickets will be on sale at both Churches
holiness is everywhere and everything reflects God’s goodness and
at St Joseph’s Chapel, Geo House, Lyndhurst Rd, Ashurst:
New Forest East Pastoral Area - Sunday Mass Times
holiness in a unique way. As we grow stronger in our conviction that
Saturdays, 10.00am to 4pm. Starts with Mass, bring your own packed
St Theresa, Totton - Sat Vigil Mass 6pm; Sun 10.30am
we are loved unconditionally then without fear, guilt or anxiety we
lunch, tea & coffee provided. Donations welcome to cover the cost of the
day. March 2nd - Geoff & Gina Poulter; April 6th - Fiona Castle, (& more
work to bring our behaviour, attitudes and relationships more and
For the Ideal Gi or Gi Voucher visit
Our Lady & St Edward, Lyndhurst - Sun 9am, (Holy Day Vigil 7pm)
more into harmony with the love that has been lavished on us. This
Faith, Hope & Charity LIVING THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE: John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the New Forest Pastoral Area - Sunday Mass Times Body’ and the language of God’s love in Natural Family Planning & Napro-8 ST JOHN’S STREET, HYTHE SO45 6DA
Saturday Vigil Mass: Lymington and New Milton at 6pm
technology. Day Conference at the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, Sat.
Tel: 023 8020 7882
Milford on Sea at 9.00am, New Milton at 11.30am,
16th March 2013. See poster in church porch for details.
Lymington at 10:30am, Brockenhurst at 6.00pm
Clinical Pearls 1. Nitroglycerin: Use the 0.125% NTG ointment liberal y, particularly with patients with anal sphincter spasm, pelvic floor spasm, and painful hemorrhoids in addition to anal fissures. Caution the patient to lie down when applying the ointment, and if they are hesitant to use their finger to administer the ointment into the anal canal, let them place the pea-sized amount of