Palomar college arboretum checklist

Lecture: Plants Of The Palomar College Arboretum W. P. Armstrong & Tony Rangel, April 2011
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Brief Summary Of The Palomar College Arboretum
By 1970, campus horticulturist Bob Kelly had already begun planting trees in an undeveloped area east of campus (near
the Perimeter Road). ASG President Brian Hawthorne became interested in this area as the site of a future arboretum.
He was impressed with the arboretum of a local university while stationed with the U.S. Coast Guard in New London,
Connecticut, and thought this would be a great addition to Palomar College. The Palomar College Arboretum was
officially established in 1973, largely through the efforts of Bob Kelly and Brian Hawthorne. The original Arboretum
Committee also contained Ben Gill, Tom Stout, Dr. John Schettler, Gene Jackson and myself. Members of the Committee
received a Presidential Ecology Award signed by Gerald R. Ford. The Arboretum was approved by the Board of
Governors and land was set aside east of the campus. During the past three decades, many plants have been acquired,
including original donations from the Huntington Botanical Garden, Los Angeles County Arboretum, San Diego Zoo and
San Diego Wild Animal Park. Please refer to Edna Pulver's "History of the Palomar College Arboretum" at the end of
this summary.

Plants from all major continents are represented in the Arboretum. Our relatively mild climate and generally frost-free
location on a gradual hillside enable many subtropical and tropical species to survive here. The largest families include
the legume (Fabaceae), myrtle (Myrtaceae), palm (Arecaceae) and grass (Poaceae) families. The largest genera are
Eucalyptus (13), Ficus (12), Pinus (11), Agave (11), Acacia (11), Quercus (9), Phoenix (7), Casuarina (6), Melaleuca (6),
Livistona (5), Sabal (5), Phyllostachys (5), Cassia (5) and Erythrina (5). Native countries most frequently represented are
Australia, South Africa, China (E. Asia), Japan, Mexico and South America.

If you consider all the species in the Arboretum (over 600), main campus (at least 1000), Palomar Cactus & Succulent
Garden (at least 3,000), and native coastal sage scrub north and east of campus (approximately 400), the total number of
different species is nearly 5,000. This is one of the greatest concentrations of plant diversity within a relatively small area
in San Diego County, rivaled only by Balboa Park, the Wild Animal Park and Quail Botanical Garden.

The majority of native species in the coastal sage scrub plant community adjacent to the Arboretum are herbaceous
wildflowers that appear in profusion following a disturbance, such as clearing or fire. It is imperative in this time of rapid
urbanization in the San Marcos area that natural areas of coastal sage scrub are preserved. In addition to valuable study
sites for classes in biology, botany and archaeology, this area also provides the ecological niches for a variety of birds,
mammals, reptiles and invertebrates.

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Blue & red abbreviations indicate location of plants on following map: 1. A/Y Agaves & Yuccas
2. AG Australian Garden
7. NA Native American
3. ART Art in the Garden
8. PAL Palm Garden
4. BAM Bamboo Garden
9. PG Primitive Garden
5. CSS Coastal Sage Scrub
10. RIP Riparian Garden
6. H/S Hardwoods &Softwoods 11. SG Stroot Garden
Red M-number:
1. Acer negundo Box Elder (California incl. Palomar Mountain (Doane Creek)
2. Maple (S.W. China) M-88
3. A. rubrum Red Maple (Deciduous Forest E. U.S.)
Some taxonomists have split the Agavaceae into several additional families, including the(Cordyline, Dracaena & Sansevieria), the (Beaucarnea, Calibanus, Dasylirion &
Nolina), and the Xanthorrhoea).

According to Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach by Judd, et al. (2008), members of the Nolinaceae
and Dracaenaceae are now included within the Ruscaceae. The latter family also includes Aspidistra (cast
iron plant), Liriope (border grass) and Ophiopogon (mondo grass). Familiar genera such as Hyacinthus
(hyacinth), Aspholelus (asphodel), Asparagus (asparagus), Allium (onion) and Iris (iris) belong to their
own separate families, the Hyacinthaceae, Asphodelaceae, Asparagaceae, Alliaceae and Iridaceae. The latter
family (Iridaceae) also includes the commonly cultivated Watsonia, Moraea (butterfly lily), Freesia (freesia),
Sisyrinchium (blue-eyed grass), Crocus and Gladiolus. Amaryllis (naked lady) still belongs to the
Amaryllidaceae and also includes many genera that were once placed in the Liliaceae, including Crinum,
Hippeastrum (amaryllis), Hymenocallis (spider lily), Haemanthus (blood lily), and Narcissus (daffodil).
Agapanthus (lily of-the-Nile), Hemerocallis (day lily) and Colchicum (autumn crocus) belong to their own
families, the Agapanthaceae, Hemerocallidaceae and Colchicaceae. Lilium (lily), Tulipa (tulip), Calochortus
(Mariposa lily) and Fritillaria (chocolate lily) are still included in the lily family (Liliaceae). Chlorogalum (soap
lily) is now placed in the agave family (Agavaceae) with Agave, Yucca, Hesperocallis (desert lily) and
Camassia (camas). Death camas and star lilies (Zigadenus) are now placed in the Melanthiaceae along with
Veratrum (corn lily), Trillium (trillium) and Xerophyllum (bear grass) . The cormous genera Brodiaea
(Brodiaea), Dichelostemma (blue dick), Bloomeria (golden stars) and Triteleia are now in the family
Themidaceae. The genus Aloe, formerly of the Liliaceae, is now placed in the family Asphodelaceae, along with
Kniphofia (red hot poker) and Haworthia. These drastic changes in plant classification described by Judd, et
al. 2008 are based on chloroplast DNA (in part) and will be adopted by the new revised Jepson Flora of
From a purely morphological point of view, one of the most astonishing changes is the placement of members of
the Nolinaceae and Dracaenaceae into the Ruscaceae. The type genus Ruscus includes a low-growing
Eurasian shrub called butcher's broom (R. aculeata) that bears no resemblance to Nolina, Dracaena &
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] Beaucarnea.
4. Agave americana Century Plant (W. Mexico) A/Y
5. A. attenuata Agave (Mexico) A/Y
6. A. bracteosa (N.E. Mexico)
7. A. desmettiana & cultivar 'variegata' (E. Mexico)
8. A. fernandi-regis N.E. Mexico
9. A. geminiflora (Nayarit, Mexico)
10. A. 'sharkskin' (hybrid cultivar of A. fernandi-regis)
11. A. schidigera (Mexico)
12. A. victoria-reginae (Nuevo Léon & Coahuila. Mexico)
13. A. vilmoriniana (N.W. Mexico)
14. A. weberi (Mexico)
15. Beaucarnea: See Nolinaceae
16. Calibanus: See Nolinaceae
17. Cordyline: See Dracaenaceae
18. Furcraea foetida? (F. gigantea) Mauritius Hemp (Northern South America)
19. F. selloa False Agave (Central America)
20. Yucca whipplei Chaparral Yucca CSS
21. Xanthorrhoea: See Xanthorrhoeaceae
22. Amaranthus albus Amaranth Tumbleweed23. Amaranthus retroflexus Rough Pigweed AMARYLLIDACEAE: AMARYLLIS FAMILY [Liliaceae]
24. Dichelostemma pulchella Wild Hyacinth CSS
25. Harpephyllum caffrum Kaffir Plum (S. Africa) M-119
26. Malosma laurina Laurel Sumac M-38 CSS
27. Rhus integrifolia Lemonade Berry CSS
28. R. lancea (South Africa) M-39
29. Schinus molle Peruvian Pepper Tree (Andes of Peru)
30. S. polygamus Pepper Tree (W. South America) Top of Hill
31. S. terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper Tree (Brazil)
33. Rauvolfia (Rauwolfia) caffra Rauvolfia (S. Africa) M-212 H/S
34. Thevetia peruviana Yellow Oleander (Trop. America) M-189
35. Vinca major Periwinkle
ARACEAE: ARUM FAMILY (Now includes the Lemnaceae)
36. Acorus gramineus Grassy-Leaved Sweet Flag (China, S.E. Asia)37. Philodendron selloum Philodendron (S. Brazil)38. P. selloum cv. 'xanadu' (Cv. originated in Australia) No aerial roots as in P. selloum39. Zantedeschia sp. (Z. aethiopica?) Calla Lily (Africa) DNA Sequencing & Phylogenetic Changes
40. Cussonia spicata Spiked Cabbage Tree (S. Africa) M-157
41. Dizygotheca elegantissima False Aralia (New Caledonia & Polynesia)
42. Fatsia japonia Japanese Aralia (Japan)
43. Meryta sinclairii Puka (New Zealand)
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 44. Schefflera (Brassaia) actinophylla Queensland Umbrella Tree (Australia) M-127
45. Tupidanthus calyptratus Tupidanthus (W. China & Thailand) M-136 H/S
46. Agathis robusta Dammar Pine (Australia) M-133 H/S
47. Araucaria angustifolia Brazilian Pine (S. Brazil) M-76 PG
48. Puzzle Tree (Central Chile)
49. A. bidwillii Bunya-Bunya (Australia) M-78 PG
50. A. cunninghamii Hoop Pine (Australia) M-42 PG
51. A. heterophylla (A. excelsa) Norfolk Island Pine (Norfolk Is.) M-80 SG
52. A. columnaris Cook Pine (New Caledonia) May be hybrid with A. heterophylla M-84 PG
Note: A. excelsa may apply (incorrectly) to both A. columnaris & A. heterophylla. ARECACEAE: PALM FAMILY
53. Everglades Palm (Florida) M-15 PAL
54. Archontophoenix alexandrae Alexandra Palm (N. Queensland)
55. A. cunninghamiana King Palm (Australia) M-22
56. Beccariophoenix alfredii High Plateau Coconut Palm (Madagascar) Near queen palm
57. Bismarckia nobilis Bismark Palm (Madagascar) [Incl. silver form.]
58. Brahea armata Mexican Blue Palm (Baja California) M-6
59. B. brandegeei San Jose Hesper Palm (Baja California)
60. B. edulis Guadalupe Palm (Guadalupe Island) M-10 PAL
61. B. elegans (Mexico)
62. B. nitida (Mexico) M-13
63. Butia capitata Jelly Palm (S. America) M-3
64. Caryota gigas Giant Fishtail Palm (Thailand)
65. C. urens Fishtail Palm (S.E. Asia) M-7 PAL
66. Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean Fan Palm (Mediterranean) PAL
67. C. humilis var. cerifera Blue Mediterranean Fan Palm (Mediterranean)
68. Copernicia alba Carnaday Wax Palm (S. America)
69. Dypsis decipiens Manambe Palm (Madagascar)
70. D. lastelliana Teddy Bear Palm (Madagascar) PAL
71. Jubaea chilensis Chilean Wine Palm (Chile) 72. Livistona australis Cabbage Palm (E. Australia)
73. L. chinensis Fountain Palm (S. Japan) M-8 PAL
74. L. decipiens (Australia)
75. L. drudei (Australia)
76. L. mariae (australia)
77. L. saribus (syn. L. hoogendorpii) Taraw Palm (S.E. Asia) PAL
78. Neodypsis decaryi (Dypsis decaryi) Triangle Palm (Madagascar) M-9 PAL
79. Parajubaea torallyi Bolivian Mtn. Coconut (Bolivia, Ecuador) Grows at 3400 m in Andes!
80. Phoenix canariensis Canary Island Date Palm (Canary Islands) PAL
81. P. hanceana (P. loureirii) India & China: Similar in appearance to P. roebelenii
82. P. reclinata Senegal Date Palm (Tropical Africa)
83. P. roebelenii Pigmy Date Palm (S.E. Asia) M-21 PAL
84. P. rupicola (India)
85. P. theophrasti Cretan Date Palm (Greece & Turkey) Resembles P. dactylifera PAL
86. P. zeylanica Ceylon Date Palm (Sri Lanka)
87. Raphia australis (South Africa)
88. Ravenea rivularis Magesty Palm (Madagascar)
89. Rhapis excelsa Lady Palm (China)
90. Rhopalostylis sapida Shaving Brush Palm (Norfolk Islands & New Zealand)
91. Sabal causiarum Puerto Rican Hat Palm (Puerto Rico) M-2 PAL
92. S. etonia Scrub Palmetto (Florida)
93. S. minor Dwarf Palmetto
94. S. palmetto Cabbage Palm (Florida)?
95. S. uresana Sonoran Palmetto (Mexico) Near Cassia leptophylla
96. S. yapa? Sabal (W. Cuba, Yucatan, Belize)
97. Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto (Florida) PAL
98. Syagrus picrophylla (South America; Brazil)
99. S. (Arecastrum) romanzoffiana Queen Palm (S. Brazil to Argentina) M-5 PAL
100. S. schizophylla Arikury Palm (Brazil)
101. Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill Palm (Burma & China)
102. Trithrinax acanthocoma (Brazil) M-4 PAL
103. Washingtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm
104. Wodyetia bifurcata Foxtail Palm (N.E. Australia)
105. Asclepias fruticosa Milkweed (South Africa) ASPLENIACEAE: SPLEENWORT FAMILY
106. Asplenium bulbiferum Mother Fern (New Zealand) PG
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] ASTERACEAE: SUNFLOWER FAMILY
107. Acourtia microcephala (Perezia microcephala) Purple Heads
108. Artemisia californica Coastal sagebrush
109. Baccharis glutinosa (B. viminea) Mule Fat
110. B. pilularis (ssp. consanguinea) Coyote Brush
111. B. sarothroides? Broom Baccharis (May occur in nearby hills).
112. Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. monilifera Boneseed or Tick Bush (Africa)
113. Cynara cardunculus Cardoon or Artichoke Thistle (Mediterranean)
114. Encelia californica California Bush Sunflower
115. Encelia californica X E. farinosa Hybrid Encelia
116. Encelia farinosa Desert Encelia (introduced in San Marcos)
117. Eriophyllum confertiflorum Golden Yarrow
118. Hazardia squarrosa ssp. grindeloides Sawtooth Goldenbush
119. Montanoa bipinnatifida Daisy Tree (Mexico) M-150
120. Senecio petasitis Velvet Groundsel (Mexico)
121. Berberis (Mahonia) aquifolium) Hollyleaf Barberry (Oregon Grape) NA
122. B. darwinii Darwin's Barberry (S. Chile & SW Argentina) PG
123. B. nevinii Nevin's Barberry (California) PG
124. B. thunbergii Japanese Barberry (Japan) PG
126. Chitalpa tashkentensis Pink Dawn (Chilopsis linearis x Catalpa bignonioides) M-213
127. Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda (Nw. Argentina)
128. Tabebuia chrysotricha Golden Trumpet Tree (Colombia & Brazil)
129. T. impetiginosa (T. avellanedae & T. ipe) Pink Trumpet Tree (S. America) M-97, M-161 H/S
130. Bixa orellana Achiote or Annatto (Tropical America) BLECHNACEAE: DEER-FERN FAMILY
131. Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady' (New Caledonia) PG
132. B. occidentale Hammock Fern (Tropical America) PG
133. B. spicant Deer Fern (California) PG
134. Woodwardia fimbriata Giant Chain Fern (California) PG
BOMBACACEAE: BOMBAX FAMILY (Now placed in the Malvaceae)
135. Ceiba acuminata Silk Cotton Tree (South America) Related to kapok (C. pentandra).
136. Chiranthodendron pentadactylon Monkey Hand Tree (Mexico & Guatemala)
137. Chorisia insignis White Floss Silk Tree (Peru) M-160
138. C. speciosa Floss Silk Tree (Brazil) M-205
139. Pseudobombax ellipticum Saving Brush Tree (Mexico & Guatemala) M-120
140. Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Yellow Fiddleneck
141. Cordia (Ehretia) anacua [syn. E. elliptica] Anaqua (S.E. Texas & Mexico) M-105
142. Echium fastuosum Pride of Madeira (Canary Is.)
143. Hirschfeldia incana (Brassica geniculata) Perennial Mustard144. Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's Purse BROMELIACEAE: BROMELIA FAMILY
145. Ananas comosus Pineapple (Trop. America)146. Billbergia nutans Frienship Plant (Brazil) file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] CACTACEAE: CACTUS FAMILY [Palomar Cactus & Succulent Garden On Another List]
147. Hylocereus undatus Dragon Fruit (C. & S. America)148. Opuntia ficus-indica Indian Fig149. Opuntia littoralis var. littoralis Coast Prickly-Pear CANNACEAE: CANNA FAMILY
150. Canna indica Indian Shot (Caribbean & Trop. Amer.) See: CAPRIFOLIACEAE: HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY
151. Lonicera subspicata Wild Honeysuckle152. Sambucus mexicana Elderberry CASUARINACEAE: CASUARINA FAMILY
153. Casuarina cristata Beefwood (Australia) M-30, M-36, M-79 SG
154. C. cunninghamiana Beefwood (Australia) M-40 SG
155. C. equisetifolia Horsetail Tree (Australia) M-69
156. C. glauca Beefwood (Australia) M-43 H/S
157. C. species? Beefwood (Australia) M-44
158. C. stricta Beefwood (Australia) M-207 H/S
159. C. torulosa Australian Pine (Australia) M-75 SG
160. Catha edulis Khat or Bushman's Tea (South Africa) CHENOPODIACEAE: GOOSEFOOT FAMILY
161. Atriplex canescens ssp. canescens Four-Wing Saltbush (Calif. deserts) CISTACEAE: ROCKROSE FAMILY
162. Cistus x hybridus Roack Rose (Medit.)163. C. x purpureus Rock Rose (Medit.)164. Helianthemum scoparium var. aldersonii Rockrose CONVOLVULACEAE: MORNING-GLORY FAMILY
165. Calystegia macrostegia ssp. arida Chaparral Morning Glory CRASSULACEAE: STONECROP FAMILY
166. Crassula argentea Jade Plant (S. Africa)167. C. erecta Pygmy Weed168. Cotyledon orbiculata (S. Africa) CUCURBITACEAE: CUCUMBER FAMILY
169. Marah macrocarpus Wild Cucumber CSS
170. Actinostrobus pyramidalis Swamp Cypress (Australia) M-90
171. Callitris columellaris Cypress Pine (Australia)
172. robusta) Cypress Pine (Australia) M-92, M-104
173. Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar (California) PG
174. Chamaecyparis pisifera Sawara False Cypress (Japan) M-163 SG
175. Cupressus cashmeriana Weeping Cypress (Tibet) M-137 PG
176. C. forbesii Tecate Cypress (San Diego Co.] Several specimens near Patron's Pavilion PG
177. C. glabra cv. 'Blue Ice' (C. arizonia ssp. glabra) Smooth Bark Arizona Cypress (Arizona) PG
178. C. goveniana? Gowen Cypress (Monterey Co., CA) Possibly near Patron's Pavilion (Need comes) PG
179. C. lusitanica Mexican Cypress (Mexico) M-102 [May Be Deceased]
180. C. macrocarpa Monterey Cypress (Central Calif.) PG
181. C. montana? San Pedro Martir Cypress (Baja California) Possibly near Patron's Pavilion PG
182. Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain Juniper (N. America) M-164 SG
183. J. scopulorum 'Tolleson's Weeping' Tolleson's Blue Weeping Juniper (N. American cultivar)
184. Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae (E. U.S.) M-103
185. T. (Platycladus) orientalis Oriental Arborvitae (China)
186. Cuscuta californica California Dodder file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] CYCADACEAE: CYCAD (CYCAS) FAMILY
187. Cycas revoluta Sago Palm (S. Japan) PG
188. Cycas thouarsii (E. Africa & Madagascar) PG
189. Cyathea (Sphaeropteris) cooperi Australian Tree Fern (Australia) PG
190. Dicksonia antarctica Tasmanian Tree Fern (Tasmania) PG
191. Microlepia strigosa Lace Fern (Polynesia, Hawaii) PG
192. Cordyline australis Giant Dracaena (New Zealand) SG
193. C. australis var. "red star"
194. C. indivisa Blue Dracaena (New Zealand)
195. C. stricta = Dracaena strica (E. Australia)
196. Dracaena draco Dragon Tree (Canary Islands) M-45 SG
197. D. marginata Madagascar Dragon Tree (Madagascar)
198. Athyrium nipponicum Japanese Painted Fern (Japan) PG
199. Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum' Holly Fern (Japan) PG
200. Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous Sword Fern (Australia) PG
201. N. exaltata Boston Fern (Florida & West Indies) PG
202. Polystichum polyblepharum Japanese Tassel Fern (Japan) PG
203. Elaeocarpus decipiens? Japanese Blueberry Tree (Japan) EQUISETACEAE: EQUISETUM FAMILY
204. Equisetum hyemale Common Scouring Rush (North America) PG
205. E. scirpoides Dwarf Scouring Rush (North America) PG
206. Arbutus glandulosa cv. 'marina' White Madrone (Central Mexico) M-217 H/S
207. A. unedo Strawberry Tree (Northern Europe) M-25 H/S
208. Erica baurii Heather PG
209. E. canaliculata Christmas Heather (S. Africa) Heather PG
210. E. x darleyensis Heather PG
211. E. verticillata Heather S. Africa PG
212. Xylococcus bicolor Mission Manzanita CSS
213. Aleurites fordii Tung Oil Tree (China) M-91 H/S
214. Bischofia javanica (B. trifoliata) Toog (Asia) M-112, M-144 H/S
215. Chamaesyce polycarpa var. polycarpa Sand Mat (native perennial) CSS
216. Euphorbia lathyris Gopher Plant (Europe)
217. E. peplus Petty Spurge (Europe)
218. Homalanthus populifolius Queensland Poplar (Australia) M-125 H/S
219. Ricinus communis Castor Bean (Trop. Africa)
220. Acacia aneura Mulga (Australia) M-141 AG
221. A. auriculiformis Ear-Leaf or Ear-Pod Wattle (N. Australia)
222. A. baileyana Bailey Acacia (S.E. Australia) AG
223. A. cultriformis Knife-Leaf Acacia (E. Australia) AG
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 224. A. decurrens Silver Wattle (E. Australia) AG
225. A. farnesiana Sweet Acacia (S. U.S., Mexico & Trop. America) PAL
226. A. latifolia (N.E. Australia) AG
227. A. melanoxylon Blackwood Acacia (S. Australia & Tasmania) AG
228. A. pendula Weeping Acacia (Australia) M-135 AG
229. A. podalyriifolia Queensland Silver Wattle (Australia) AG
230. A. saligna Willow Acacia (W. Australia) AG
231. A. subporosa River Wattle (Australia) AG
232. A. xanthophloea Fever Tree (South Africa) AG
233. Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Shingle Tree (India & Burma)
234. Albizia distachya Plume Albizia (Australia)
235. Bauhinia forficata White Orchid Tree (Brazil) M-110 PAL
236. B. galpinii (B. punctata) Red Bauhinia (S. Africa) M-114 PAL
237. B. purpurea Orchid Tree (India & China)
238. B. variegata 'candida' White Orchid Tree (India & China) M-122, M-156
239. Caesalpinia gilliesii Bird-of-Paradise Bush (Argentina, Uruguay) PAL
240. C. mexicana (Mexico) PAL
241. C. pulcherrima Pride-of-Barbados (West Indies) P. gilliesii naturalized in San Diego Co. PAL
242. Tree (W. South America) M-190 NA
243. Calliandra californica Fairy Duster (Baja California--Cape region)
244. C. calothyrsus (C. confusa) Calliandra (Central & South America)
245. C. haematocephala (C. inaequilatera) Pink Powder Puff (Bolivia) M-162
246. C. surinamensis Powder Puff (Brazil) M-152
247. C. tweedii Brazilian Flame Bush (Brazil) M-151
248. Cassia artemisioides Wormwood Cassia (E. Australia) PAL
249. C. australis Cassia (Australia) PAL
250. C. bicapsularis Cassia (Tropical America) PAL
251. C. corymbosa Flowering Senna (Argentina & Uruguay) M-77
252. C. didymobotrya (C. nairobensis) Tropical Africa PAL
253. C. leptophylla Gold Medallion Tree (Brazil) M-52 PAL
254. C. nemophila (syn. C. eremophila) Desert Cassia (Australia) PAL
255. C. phyllodinea--syn. C. artemisioides ssp. petiolaris (Australia) PAL
256. C. splendida Golden Wonder Senna (Brazil) Flowers larger than other shrubby species. PAL
257. C. surattensis (S.E. Asia, Australia) PAL
258. C. tomentosa (S. Mexico & Guatemala) PAL
259. Castanospermum australe Moreton Bay Chestnut (Australia) M-68
260. Cercidium microphyllum? Palo Verde (Calif. & Arizona) M-198
261. Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (E. U.S.) M-107, M-108
262. C. occidentalis Western Redbud (Calif.) M-197
263. C. reniformis Oklahoma Redbud M-86
264. Crotalaria agatiflora Canary-Bird Bush (Kenya, Uganda & Rhodesia)
265. Dalbergia sissoo Sissoo (India: An important timber tree) PAL
266. Erythrina caffra Kafferboom (S. Africa) M-33
267. E. coralloides Naked Coral Tree (Mexico) M-174 PAL
268. E. crista-galii Cockspur Coral Tree (S. America) M-173 PAL
269. E. humeana Coral Tree (S. Africa) PAL
270. E. speciosa Coral Tree (S. Brazil)
271. E. x sykesii Australian Coral Tree (Australia) PAL
272. Enterolobium cyclocarpum Guanacaste (Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica) M-210 PG
273. Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust (Midwest & E. U.S.)
274. Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffee Tree (E. U.S.) M-154
275. Inga edulis Ice Cream Bean (Central & S. America) Top of Hill PAL
276. Laburnum anagyroides Golden-Chain Tree (C. & S. Europe) M-149
277. Leucaena leucocephala Wild Tamarind (Mexico & C. America). Pantropical weed. AG
278. Lonchocarpus capassa Lancepod (South Africa) PG
279. Lotus scoparius var. scoparius = Acmispon glaber var. glaber Deerweed
280. Mimosa (Calliandra?) pudica? Woody Sensitive Plant (Trop. America)
281. Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican Palo Verde (Mexico & Tropical America)
282. Prosopis alba (cf. P. nigra) Argentine Mesquite (Argentina) M-64
283. P. chilensis Chilean Mesquite (Chile) M-62, M-171
284. Psoralea pinnata Scurfy Pea Shrub (S. Africa) PAL
285. Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust (E. U.S.) M-61
286. Scizolobium parahybum (American Tropics: S. Mexico to S. Brazil) Top of Hill PAL
287. Schotia brachypetala Tree Fuchsia (South Africa) PAL
288. Sesbania punicea (Daubentonia tripetii) Scarlet Wisteria Tree (South America) BAM
289. Sophora japonica Pagoda Tree (China) PAL
290. Spartium junceum Spanish Broom (Medit.)
291. Tephrosia grandiflora Hoary Pea (South Africa)
292. Tipuana tipu Tipu Tree (S. America) M-130 BAM
293. Wisteria floribunda Wisteria (Japan)
Native Oaks in Ca Native Plant Garden near NS Bldg: Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmannii), blue oak (Q.
douglasii), valley oak (Q. lobata) and possibly black oak (Q. kelloggii). Leaves of latter oak more deeply lobed than
typical black oak.
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 294. Castanopsis cuspidata Japanese Chinquapin (Japan) PG
295. Quercus agrifolia var. oxyadenia Coast Live Oak (S. Calif.) M-216 RIP
296. Oak (California Foothill Woodland) M-211
297. Q. acutidens (not Q. dumosa) Scrub Oak RIP
298. Engelmann Oak (S. Calif.) M-49 RIP
299. Q. ilex Holly Oak M-48 RIP
300. Q. lobata Valley Oak (California) M-166
301. Oak (E. U.S.) M-50 RIP
302. Live Oak (E. Asia) M-145
303. Q. palustris Pin Oak (Central & Eastern United States) M-215 RIP
304. Q. phellos Willow Oak (E. U.S.) M-142
305. Q. shumardii Shumard Red Oak (S.E. U.S.) M-148
306. Q. virginiana Southern Live Oak (S.E. U.S.) M-47, M-147
307. Olmediella betscleriana Guatemalan Holly (Central America) M-23, 124 H/S
309. Erodium cicutarium Filaree
310. Erodium moschatum Filaree
311. Geranium carolinianum Wild Geranium CSS
312. Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree (China) PG
313. Ribes indecorum White Flowered Currant HAMAMELIDACEAE: WITCH-HAZEL FAMILY
314. Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar Tree (E. U.S.) HYDROPHYLLACEAE: WATERLEAF FAMILY

Note: Based on chloroplast DNA cladograms, this family included in the Jepson Manual II (2011).
315. Eriodictyon crassifolium Yerba Santa
316. Wigandia caracasana Mala Mujer (Mexico) M-60
No Families Starting With I On This List
317. Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Toad Rush No Families Starting With K On This List
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 318. Lavandula angustifolia x Hybrid? Lavender (Mediterranean)
319. Marrubium vulgare Horehound (Europe)
320. Prostanthera 'poorinda ballerina' Mintbush (Cultivar of Australian genus) AG
321. Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary (Mediterranean)
322. Salvia apiana White Sage CSS
323. Salvia mellifera Black Sage CSS
324. Westringia 'wynyabbie' hybrid: W. eremicola x W. fruticosa (Australia)
325. Cinnamonum camphora Camphor Tree (China & Taiwan) M-28
326. C. zeylanicum Cinnamon Tree (Tropical Asia)
327. Laurus nobilis European Bay Tree (Europe) M-72
LILIACEAE: LILY FAMILY (Aloe now placed in the Asphodelaceae)
328. Agave: See Agavaceae
329. Asparagus asparagoides Smilax Asparagus
330. A. officinalis Garden Asparagus
331. Aloe arborescens Tree Aloe (South Africa)
332. A. barbadensis Aloe Vera (South Africa) A/Y
333. A. dichotoma Quiver Tree (S. Africa)
334. A. marlothii (South Africa) A/Y
335. A. saponaria Soap Aloe (South Africa)
336. A. striata Coral Aloe (S. Africa)
337. Asphodelus fistulosus Asphodel
338. Beaucarnea: See Nolinaceae
339. Calibanus: See Nolinaceae
340. Calochortus weedii var. weedii Golden Mariposa Lily
341. Chlorogalum parviflorum Soap Lily
342. C. pomeridianum var. pomeridianum Soap Lily
343. Cordyline: See Dracaenaceae
344. Crinum asiaticum Spider Lily (Trop. Asia) M-128
345. Dianella tasmanica Flax Lily (Tasmania) M-129
346. Xanthorrhoea: See Xanthorrhoeaceae
347. Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush (China) LYTHRACEAE: LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY
348. Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle (China) M-121, M-170
349. Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia (S.E. U.S.) M-37 PG
350. Michelia champaca Fragrant Champaca (Himalayas--source of champaca oil used in perfume) PG
MALVACEAE: MALLOW FAMILY (Now includes Bombacaeae, Sterculiaceae & Tiliaceae)
351. Abutilon megapotamicum Trailing Arbutilon (Brazil)
352. A. pictum Redvein Arbutilon (Brazil)
353. A. tridens (Central America)
354. Gossypium barbadense Sea Island Cotton (S. America)? M-169
355. Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Rose (China) AG
356. H. syriacus Rose of Althea (Asia) Nat. Flower of South Korea
357. H. taiwanensis (Taiwan)
358. Lagunaria patersonii Cow Itch Tree (Norfolk Island & Australia)
359. Malacothamnus fasciculatus ssp. fasciculatus Bush Mallow
360. Malva parviflora Cheeseweed
361. Malvaviscus arboreus Turk's Cap (Southern U.S. to S. America)
362. Phymosia umbellata (Mexico) Near James Hubble Structure (resembles Lavatera)
364. Tibouchina urvilleana Princess Flower (Brazil) M-126
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] MENISPERMACEAE: MOONSEED FAMILY
365. Cocculus laurifolius Moonseed (Himalayas) M-115 PAL
366. Broussonetia papyrifera Paper Mulberry (China) M-20 PAL
367. Ficus altissima Council Tree (Malay Archipelago & Philippines) Greenhouse.
368. F. auriculata (F. roxburghii) Roxburgh Fig (Himalayas) M-85 BAM
369. F. barteri Banana Fig (Uganda & N. Zambia; lvs similar to nearby F. macrophylla) AG
370. F. bengalensis 'variegata' Indian Banyan (India, Pakistan; top of hill near red gum) AG
371. F. benjamina Benjamin Fig (India & Malaysia) M-26
372. F. binnendijkii 'alii' Narrowleaf Fig (Java, Philippines; Narrow, drooping leaves.)
373. F. coronata Sandpaper Fig (Queensland, Aust; near silver $ gum) AG
374. F. dammaropsis Syn. Dammaropsis kingiana (New Guinea) BAM
375. F. elastica India Rubber Tree (Nepal to Assam & Burma)
376. F. ingens Red-Leaved Fig (South Africa) Near F. petiolaris?
377. F. macrophylla Moreton Bay Fig (Australia) M-34 AG
378. F. mysorensis Mysore Fig (Southern India) M-87, M-167, M-199 AG
379. F. natalensis Natal Fig (Tropical Africa; near Castanopsis)
380. F. lutea (F. nekbudu) Zulu Fig (Tropical Africa) Above F. sycomorus AG
381. F. palmeri Palmer Fig (Endemic to Baja California) AG
382. F. petiolaris (Mexico); Closely related to F. palmeri. AG
383. F. pumila Creeping Fig (E. Asia: Japan to N. Vietnam) = F. pumila x carica hybrid RIP
384. F. religiosa Bo Tree (India, S.E. Asia) AG
385. F rubiginosa Rustyleaf Fig (Australia) Near F. palmeri? AG
386. F. superba (incl. ssp. henneana) Sea Fig (Coastal Queensland to Northern Territory) Near Tara? AG
387. F. sycomorus Sycamore Fig AG
388. F. virens Spotted Fig (New South Wales, Aust) Top of hill near Angophora M-139 (near Tara?) AG
389. Agonis flexuosa Peppermint Tree (Australia) M-27, M-51
390. Angophora costata Gum Myrtle (Australia) M-214
391. A. melanoxylon Gum Myrtle (Australia) M-139 Top of Hill
392. A. subvelutina Gum Myrtle (Australia) M-55
393. Callistemon citrinus 'Jeffersii' Lemon Bottlebrush (Australia) M-24
394. C. pinifolius Pine-leaf Bottlebrush (Australia) AG
395. C. viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush (Australia) M-56
396. Calothamnus quadrifidus (cf. C. validus) One-Sided Bottlebrush (SW Australia) AG
397. Darwinia citriodora Scent Myrtle (S.W. Australia) Genus commemorates Erasmus Darwin. AG
398. Eucalyptus botryoides (N. South Wales) Fibrous, persist. bark; upper rd near E. cinerea AG
399. E. caesia (Australia) M-143, M-168 AG
400. E. camaldulensis Red Gum (Australia) Top of Arboretum Hill, reproduces by seedlings AG
401. E. cinerea Silver Dollar Tree (New S. Wales) Juvenile lvs; axillary 3-fruit; upper road M-204 AG
402. E. citriodora Lemon-Scented Gum (Australia) Just below top of hill; produces seedlings AG
403. E. deglupta Mindanao Gum (Mindanao, Philippines) AG
404. E. erythrocorys Red-Cap Gum (Australia) Just below top of hill AG
405. E. gunnii Cider Gum (Australia) M-202 AG
406. E. kruseana Kruse's Mallee (W. Australia) M-201 AG
407. E. lehmannii Bushy Yate (Australia) M-123 AG
408. E. leucoxylon 'rosea' White Ironbark (Australia) AG
409. E. nicholii Nichol's Willowleaf Gum (Australia) AG
410. E. perriniana Roundleaf Snow Gum (New S. Wales & Tasmania) M-203 AG
411. E. polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum (Australia) AG
412. E. pulverulenta Silver Mtn Gum (New South Wales) Shrub w/ juvenile lvs; along upper road. AG
413. E. sideroxylon Red Ironbark (Australia) AG
414. E. spathulata Swamp Mallee (Australia) M-196 Top of Hill AG
415. Eugenia (Syzygium) jambos Malobar Plum (S.E. Asia) AG
416. E. (Syzygium) uniflora Surinam Cherry (S. America) AG
417. Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava (South America)
418. Kunzea sericea Kunzea (W. Australia) M-131 AG
419. Melaleuca alternifolia Bottle Brush (New South Wales) AG
420. M. elliptica Bottle Brush (Australia) M-54 AG
421. M. ericifolia Swamp Paperbark (Australia) M-53
422. M. incana Melaleuca (W. Australia) AG
423. M. linariifolia Melaleuca (S. Australia) AG
424. M. nematophylla (Australia) AG
425. M. styphelioides Prickly Paperbark (Australia) AG
426. Psidium guajava Guava (Tropical America) M-111
427. Syncarpia hillii Satinay (An Australian Timber Tree) AG
428. Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum (S.E. Australia) AG
NOLINACEAE: NOLINA FAMILY [Now Placed in the Ruscaceae.]
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 429. Beaucarnia recurvata Elephant-Foot Tree (Mexico)
430. B. stricta Ponytail (Mexico) M-180
431. Calibanus hookeri (Mexico)
432. Dasylirion leiophyllum? Bear Grass (S.W. U.S. & Mexico)M-116
433. D. longissima Mexican Grass Tree (Mexico)
434. Mirabilis californica Wild Four O'Clock OLEACEAE: OLIVE FAMILY
435. Chinese Fringe Tree (China) M-106
436. Fraxinus uhdei Evergreen Ash
437. F. velutina Arizona Ash
438. Jasminum mesnyi Primrose Jasmine (S.W. China)
439. Epilobium brachycarpum (E. paniculatum) Summer Cottonweed440. Gaura sinuata Gaura OXALIDACEAE: OXALIS FAMILY
441. Oxalis californica Oxalis CSS
442. Oxalis pes-caprae Bermuda Buttercup
443. Paeonia californica Calififornia Paeony CSS
444. Pandanus utilis Screw Pine (Madagascar & Mascarene Islands) PAPAVERACEAE: POPPY FAMILY
445. Eschscholzia californica California Poppy446. Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy (S. California) PHYTOLACCACEAE: PHYTOLACCA FAMILY
447. Phytolacca dioica Ombu Tree (Argentina) M-11 PAL
448. P. dioica x weberbaueri (hybrid) M-16, M-41 SG, BAM
449. P. weberbaueri (Peru) M-1 PAL
450. Cedrus atlantica 'glauca' Atlas Blue Cedar (N. Africa) M-89 PG
451. C. deodara Deodar Cedar (Himalayas) M-209
452. Picea glauca 'densata' White Spruce (N. U.S. & Canada)
453. P. glauca 'conica' (N. U.S. & Canada)
454. P. pungens Colorado Blue Spruce (Rocky Mts.)
455. Pinus canariensis Canary Island Pine (Canary Islands) M-58
456. P. chiapensis (P. strobus var. chiapensis) Pino Blanco (Oaxaca & Chisapas, Mex.)
457. P. densiflora Japanese Red Pine (Japan)
458. P. halepensis Aleppo Pine (Mediterranean)
459. P. massoniana (China) M-194
460. P. montezumae Montezuma Pine (Mexico)
461. P. oocarpa (Mexico) M-193
462. P. patula Mexican Yellow Pine (Mexico)
463. P. palustris Longleaf Pine (S.E. United States)
464. P. pinceana Pince Pinyon (Mexico)
465. P. pinea Italian Stone Pine (Mediterranean) M-191 Pinetum
466. P. pithyusa (Europe) M-200
467. P. pseudostrobus Mexico
468. P. radiata Monterey Pine
469. P. roxburghii Indian Longleaf Pine (Himalayas) M-195
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 470. P. strobiformis Mexican White Pine (N. Mexico) [Note: P. reflexa in S. Arizona is apparently a natural hybrid between P. strobiformis and limber pine, P. flexilis.] 471. P. taeda Loblolly Pine (E. U.S.) M-192 NA
472. P. torreyana Torrey Pine (California) M-138, M-208
473. Hymenosporum flavum Sweetshade (Australia) M-67
474. Pittosporum daphniphylloides Pittosporum (Taiwan) M-74
475. P. phillyraeoides Willow Pittosporum (Australia) M-165 PG
476. P. rhombifolium Queensland Pittosporum (Australia) M-71
477. Plantago erecta ssp. erecta Plantain PLATANACEAE: SYCAMORE FAMILY
478. Platanus acerifolia London Plane Tree (Europe) M-63
479. P. racemosa California Sycamore (California) RIP
480. Achnatherum (Stipa) coronatum Giant Stipa (California) CSS
481. Arundo donax Giant Reed M-17 RIP
482. Avena barbata Slender Wild Oat
483. Bambusa beecheyana Beechey Bamboo (S.E. China) M-178 Near Pergola BAM
484. B. dolichoclada cv 'stripe' Striped Blowpipe Bamboo (Taiwan) BAM
485. B. lako Timor Black Bamboo (Timor) Near Large Phytolacca
486. B. malingensis Seabreeze Bamboo (China) BAM
487. B. membranaceus (S.E. Asia) BAM
488. B. multiplex 'Alponse Carr' & 'Silver Stripe' Hedge Bamboo (S.E. China)
489. B. oldhamii Giant Timber Bamboo (China & Taiwan) M-188 BAM
490. B. tulda cv. 'striata' Black-Stemmed Bamboo (India)
491. B. ventricosa Buddha's Belly Bamboo (S. China) BAM
492. B. vulgaris cv 'vittata' Striped or "Barcode" Bamboo (Cultivar)
493. B. vulgaris cv 'wamin' Calcutta Cane or Wamin Bamboo (Cultivar)
494. Bromus diandrus Ripgut Brome
495. B. rubens Foxtail Chess or Red Brome
496. Chusquea pittieri Mountain Bamboo (Central America) BAM
497. Cynodon dactlylon Bermuda Grass
498. Dendrocalamus asper Giant Bamboo (S.E. Asia) M-82 Near N. Entrance BAM
499. Digitaria sanguinalis Crab Grass
500. Gigantochloa atroviolacea Java Black Bamboo (Java, Timor) BAM
501. Melica impefecta Melic Grass
502. Muhlenbergia microsperma Littleseed Muhly
503. Otatea acuminata ssp. aztecorum Mexican Weeping Bamboo (Mexico) Near N. Entrance
504. O. glauca Mayan Silver Bamboo (Mexico)
505. Pennisetum setaceum Fountain Grass
506. Phyllostachys aurea Golden Bamboo (China) M-177 BAM
507. P. aureosulcata Yellow-Groove Bamboo (China) M-185 BAM
508. P. flexuosa Bamboo (China) M-172
509. P. nigra Black Bamboo (China) M-184 BAM
510. P. nigra 'henon' Black Bamboo (China) M-176
511. Pseudosasa japonica Arrow Bamboo (Japan) M-182 BAM
512. Rhynchelytrum roseum Natal Grass
513. Setaria palmifolia (S. palmata) Palm Grass (India)
514. Semiarundinaria fastuosa Narihira Bamboo (Japan) M-175
515. Grass (Asia) BAM
516. Phyllocladus trichomanoides Tanekaha (New Zealand) PG
517. Podocarpus dawei = P. usambarensis var. dawei (Tropical East Africa)
518. P. elongatus African Yellow-Wood (Africa)
519. P. gracilior African Fern Pine (Africa)
520. P. henkelii Long-Leaved Yellow-Wood (Africa)
521. P. latifolius Blue Podocarpus (S. Africa)
522. P. macrophyllus Japanese Yew (Japan)
523. P. macrophyllus cv. 'maki' Shrubby Yew (China)
524. Navarretia hamata Navarretia CSS
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 525. Eriogonum fasciculatum ssp. foliolosum Wild Buckwheat CSS
526. Homalocladium platycladum Centepede Plant or Ribbon Bush (Solomon Islands) PG
527. Polypodium vulgare Polypody Fern (Europe & N. America) PG
528. P. californicum California Polypody (California) CSS
529. Calandrinia ciliata var. menziesii Red Maids530. Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata Miner's Lettuce531. Portulaca oleracea Common Purslane532. Portulacaria afra Elephant Plant (South Africa) PRIMULACEAE: PRIMROSE FAMILY
534. Banksia integrifolia Banksia (New South Wales) PG
535. B. media Banksia (Australia) PG
536. Grevillea hilliana (Australia & New S. Wales) M-132 BAM
537. G. robusta Silk Oak (Australia) AG
538. G. thelemanniana Hummingbird Bush (Australia) M-187 PAL
539. Hakea sp. [Fire-adapted Australian shrubs with serotinous seed capsules.]
540. Isopogon anemonifolius Cone Flower (New S. Wales) AG
541. I. formosus Rose Cone Flower (Australia)
542. Leucospermum reflexum (var. luteum) South Africa [Planted on main campus.]
543. Macadamia integrifolia Queensland Nut (Australia) M-32 AG
544. Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel Tree (Australia) M-134
545. Pellaea mucronata Bird's Foot Fern (California) CSS
546. P. rotundifolia Button Fern (New Zealand) PG
547. Pentagramma triangularis var. viscosa Silverback Fern (California) CSS
No Families Starting With Q On This List
548. Delphinium cardinale Scarlet Larkspur CSS
550. Elegia capensis Broom Reed (South Africa) BAM
551. Restio multiflorus (S. Africa) PG
552. R. tetraphyllus (Australia) PG
553. Rhodocoma foliosa (South Africa) PG
554. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (var. griseus) Calif. Lilac or Blue Blossom (Calif.)
555. Rhamnus crocea Buckthorn CSS
556. Common Jujube (S. Europe to China) M-81
557. Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon (California) CSS
558. Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. asplenifolius Santa Cruz Is. Ironwood M-31
559. Malus floribunda Flowering Crabapple (Japan) M-65
560. Malus species? Crabapple M-59
561. Prunus caroliniana Carolina Cherry (S.E. U.S.) M-66
562. P. ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry (California) M-158
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 563. P. lyonii Catalina Cherry (Catalina Is.) M-159
564. Raphiolepis indica Indian Hawthorne (S. China) M-109
565. Galium aparine Bedstraw
566. Galium nuttallii Climbing Bedstraw CSS
RUSCACEAE: BUTCHER'S BROOM FAMILY {Now Includes Dracaenaceae and Nolinaceae,
567. Ruscus aculeatus Butcher's Broom (Azores, W. Europe to Iran) RUTACEAE: RUE FAMILY
568. Calodendron capense Cape Chestnut (South Africa) M-101
569. Sapote (Mexico) M-155
570. Cneoridium dumosum Bush Rue (California) CSS
571. Fortunella margarita Kumquat (Tropical Asia) Hybrid with lime called limequat.
572. Geijera parviflora Australian Willow (Australia)--Deceased as of 28 Nov. 07 M-18
573. Populus fremontii Fremont Cottonwood (California) RIP
574. S. laevigata? Red Willow (California) RIP
575. Salix lasiolepis Arroyo Willow (California) RIP
576. Alectryon excelsus (New Zealand)
577. Dodonea viscosa Hopseed Bush (Ariz. to S. America)
578. Harpullia arborea Harpullia (India & Malay Peninsula)
579. Koelreuteria bipinnata Golden-Rain Tree (S.W. China)
580. K. paniculata Golden-Rain Tree (China) M-153
581. Sapindus saponaria Soapberry (Hawaii, Mexico, Central & S. America) PAL
582. Ugnadia speciosa Texas Buckeye (Texas)
583. Deutzia scabra Deutzia (Japan) M-113
584. Jepsonia parryi Coastal Jepsonia

Note: Computer generated monophyletic clades based on chloroplast DNA have resulted in drastic changes to the
Scrophulariaceae. Plantago, Penstemon, Veronica, Linaria, Antirrhinum, Keckiella, & Digitalis are now placed
in the Plantaginaceae. Mimulus with its thigmotrophic stigma is placed in the Phrymaceae. Traditional genera retained in
the Scropulariaceae include Verbascum and Scrophularia. Other genera placed in the Scrophulariaceae include
Buddleja and Myoporum. Indian paintbrush (Castilleja), Indian warrior (Pedicularis), and owl's clover
(Orthocarpus) are placed in the parasitic family Orobanchaceae with the broomrapes (Orobanche). Other closely-
related families representing separate clades are the Paulowniaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Acanthaceae and Bignoniaceae.
585. Mimulus puniceus Red Bush Monkeyflower (Syn. M. aurantiacus) CSS
586. Scrophularia californica ssp. californica California Figwort CSS
587. Selaginella bigelovii Club Moss CSS
588. Datura metel cv. 'cornucopaea' Horn-of-Plenty (S.W. China)
589. D. wrightii Jimsonweed (Native to S.W. United States)
590. Nicotiana glauca Wild Tobacco
591. Solanum douglasii White Nightshade CSS
592. S. parishii Purple Nightshade CSS
STERCULIACEAE: CHOCOLATE FAMILY (Now placed in the Malvaceae)
593. Brachychiton acerifolius Flame Tree (Australia) M-94 ART
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 594. B. bidwillii Little Kurrajong (Queensland, Australia)
595. B. discolor Pink Flame Tree (Australia) M-96 ART
596. B. populneus Bottle Tree (Australia)
597. B. rupestris Bottle Tree (Australia) M-95 ART
598. B. species? Bottle Tree (Australia) M-29
599. Firmiana simplex Chines Parasol Tree (S.E. Asia) M-99 SG
600. Dombeya autumnalis Autumn Dombeya (S. Africa)
601. D. cacuminum Strawberry Snowball Tree (Madagascar) M-206 ART
602. D. x cayeuxii Pink Ball (Hybrid)
603. D. spectabilis African Pear (S. Africa) [White flowers like those of pear.]
604. D. wallichii Pink Ball (E. Africa & Madagascar)
605. Fremontodendron mexicanum Flannel Bush
606. Strelitzia nicholai Giant Bird of Paradise (S. Africa) M-46 SG
607. Tamarix parviflora Tamarisk (E. Europe) TAXODIACEAE: TAXODIUM FAMILY
608. Cunninghamia lanceolata Chinese Fir (China) M-140
609. Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood (Central China) M-83 PG
610. Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood (Pacific Coast) M-73
611. Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress (S.E. U.S.) M-70
612. T. mucronatum Montezuma Bald Cypress (Mexico) M-35 PG
TILIACEAE: LINDEN FAMILY (Now placed in the Malvaceae)
613. Sparmannia africana African Hemp (S. Africa)
614. Tilia american American Basswood (E. U.S.) M-93, M-98 ART
615. Celtis australis Mediterranean Hackberry (Mediterranean) M-146 SG
618. Verbena lasiostachys Verbena619. Verbena menthaefolia Mint-leaf Verbena620. Vitex agnus-castus Chaste Tree (S. Europe) VISCACEAE: MISTLETOE FAMILY
No Families Starting With W On This List
622. Xanthorrhoea preissii Grass Tree (Australia) M-118 BAM
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 623. X. quadrangulata Grass Tree (Australia) M-117 BAM
No Families Starting With Y On This List
624. Ceratozamia robusta (Bamboo Cycad (Mexico) PG
625. Dioon edule (Mexico) PG
626. D. spinulosum (Mexico) PG
627. Macrozamia communis (New South Wales) S. of Patron's Pavilion AG
628. M. miquelii (Australia) PG
629. M. montana (New South Wales) PG
630. Zamia furfuracea PG
631. Alpinia zerumbet Shell Ginger (E. Asia)632. A. zerumbet cultivar 'variegata'633. Hedychium sp. Ginger634. Heliconia sp.
635. Renealmia exalata Zingiber (Tropical America) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE: CALTROP FAMILY
636. Tribulus terrestris Puncture Vine (a noxious weed) SOIL LICHENS:
1. Cladonia chlorophaea2. Diploschistes scruposus BARK LICHENS:
3. Candelaria concolor 4. Flavoparmelia caperata 5. Flavopunctelia flaventior Greenish foliose lichen ROCK LICHENS
6. Acarospora bullata7. Acarospora socialis (A. schleicheri)8. Buellia pullata9. Caloplaca bolacina 10. Dimelaena radiata 11. Verrucaria nigrescens 12. Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia13. Xanthoparmelia mexicana THE UNUSUAL BIRD'S NEST FUNGUS
14. Calvatea gigantea 15. Cyathus olla16. Geastrum sp. 17. Lysurus cruciatus 18. Tulostoma brumale "group" (cf. T. berteroanum) file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] Plant Identification References
1. Bailey, L.H. and E.Z. Bailey. 1976. Hortus Third. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York.
2. Barwick, M. 2004. Tropical & Subtropical Trees: An Encyclopedia. Timber Press, Portland Oregon.
3. Benson, L. 1981. Trees and Shrubs of the Southwest Deserts. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
4. Bianchini, F. and F. Corbetta. 1976. The Complete Book of Fruits and Vegetables. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.
5. Bianchini, F. and F. Corbetta. 1979. Health Plants of the World. Newsweek Books, New York.
6. Brickell, C. and J.D. Zuk. 1996. The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedea of Garden Plants. DK Publishing, 7. Brigham, S. 2005. Ornamental Trees For Mediterranean Climates. Ibis Publishing Co., Temecula, California.
8. Dimitri, M.J. (Director). 1976. Libro del Árbol. Vol. 1. Esencias Forestales Indígenas de la Argentina de Aplicación Ornamental. 3rd. Ed. Celulosa Argentina, Buenos Aires.
9. Eliovson, S. 1962. Discovering Wildflowers in Southern Africa. Howard Timmins, Cape Town.
10. Facciola, S. 1990. Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, Vista, California.
11. Fong, C.H. and Y. Hoi-Sen. 1980. Malaysian Fruits in Color. Tropical Press SDH. BHD. 56-1&2 Jalan Maarof, 59100 12. Gault, S. Millar, and G. Kalmbacher. 1976. The Color Dictionary of Shrubs. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.
13. Gentry, H.S. 1982. Agaves of Continental North America. The University of Arizona Press, Tuscon, Arizona.
14. Graf, A.B. 1976. Exotica 3: Pictorial Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants From Tropical and Near-Tropic Regions. Roehrs 15. Graf, A.B. 1978. Tropica: Color Cylclopedia of Exotic Plants and Trees From the Tropics and Subtropics. Roehrs 16. Hay, R. and P.M. Synge. 1969. The Color Dictionary of Flowers and Plants for Home and Garden. Crown Publishers, Inc., 17. Hickman, J.C. (Editor) 1996. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley.
18. Hogan, Sean (Chief Consultant). 2003. Flora: A Gardener's Encyclopedia. Volumes 1 and 2. Timber Press, Portand, 19. Jones, D. 1993. Cycads of the World. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
20. Judd, W.S., Campbell, C.S., Kellogg, E.A., Stevens, P.F., and M.J. Donaghue. 2008. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach (Third Edition). Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts.
21. Kelly, Stan. 1969. Eucalypts. Volumes 1 & 2. Thomas Nelson Australia Limited, Melbourne, Australia.
22. Leonardis, R.F.J. (Director). 1976. Libro del Árbol. Vol. 2. Esencias Forestales Indígenas de la Argentina de Aplicación Industrial. 2nd. Ed. Celulosa Argentina, Buenos Aires.
23. Leonardis, R.F.J. (Coordinator) 1977. Libro del Árbol. Vol. 3. Esencias Forestales no Autóctonas Cultivadas en la Argentina de Aplicación Ornamental y/o Industrial. 1st. Ed. Celulosa Argentina, Buenos Aires.
24. Letty, C. 1962. Wild Flowers of the Transvaal. Division of Botany, Dept. of Agriculture, Pretoria, South Africa.
25. Lewis, W.H. and M.P.F. Elvin-Lewis. 1977. Medical Botany: Plants Affecting Man's Health. John Wiley & Sons, New 26. Llamas, K.A. 2003. Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide To Identification and Cultivation. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
27. Meerow, A.W. 2004. Betrock's Guide To Landscape Palms. Betrock Information Systems, Hollywood, Florida.
28. Palmer, E. and N. Pitman. 1961. Trees of South Africa. A.A. Balkema, Cape Town.
29. Read, B.E. and W. Wagner. 1940. Shanghai Vegetables. The China Journal Publishing Co., Ltd.
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM] 30. Recht, C. and M.F. Wetterwald. 1992. Bamboos. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
31. Ritter, M. 2011. A Californian's Guide to the Trees Among Us. Heyday, Berkeley, California.
32. Smith, N., Mori, S.A., Henderson, A., Stevenson, D.W., and S.V. Heald. 2004. Flowering Plants of the Neotropics.
33. Sunset Book Editors. 1995. Sunset Western Garden Book. Sunset Publishing Corp., Menlo Park, California.
34. Tame, T. 1992. Acacias of Southeast Australia. Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, Australia.
35. Van Aken, N. and J. Harrisson. 1995. The Great Exotic Fruit Book. Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, California.
36. Walters, D.R. and D.J. Keil. 1975. Vascular Plant Taxonomy (4th Edition). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
37. Working List Of All Known Plant Species. 2011. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew & Missouri Botanical Garden.
This list available on-line at:
file:///C|/wayne/pcarbor1.htm[5/11/2011 6:57:46 PM]


Interpretations of a teratogen warning symbol

TERATOLOGY 64:148 –153 (2001) Interpretations of a Teratogen Warning Symbol KATHERINE LYON DANIEL, 1* KAREN DENARD GOLDMAN, 2 SUE LACHENMAYR, 3 J. DAVID ERICKSON, 1 AND CYNTHIA MOORE 1 1 Birth Defects and Pediatric Genetics Branch, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30341 2 Health Education and

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