Department of Health, Social Services and
• Which Ministers are part of the Inter-Ministerial Group on Sexual and
Domestic Violence; and how many times and when it has met in the last 12 months
• How many issues relating to the Inter-Ministerial Group on Domestic and
Sexual Violence that required Ministerial input have been dealt with by written correspondence since the last meeting of the group on 29 June 2010
• On whose advice was an action point for 'Work Place Policies' not included in
the Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence for 2012-13
• Which stakeholders were involved or consulted during the development of the
Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence 2012-13
• Who completed the assessment on the 'Tackling Violence at Home Action
Plan: October 2010 to March 2012' and when was it completed
• How many times the NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence has been
• When the NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence was last reviewed and
• How he is implementing the Human Rights Commission 2009
recommendation that a multi-agency approach led by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, together with the PSNI, should be established to co-ordinate services for victims of trafficking to and within Northern Ireland
• What services his Department provides to support victims of human
• Why detailed records are not available to explain why individual abortions are
• For each of the last five financial years, to detail the number of pregnancies
terminated in each Health and Social Care Trust area, and the reasons for the procedures; for an estimate of the number of pregnancies terminated in the private sector; and the number of patients treated by each Health and Social Trust area in connection with a termination not carried out by Trust
• How many human embryos have been destroyed in each year since the
introduction of publicly funded IVF treatment
• Any plans to update and renew the Sexual Health Promotion Strategy and
Action Plan 2008-2013, given that it expires in 2013
Whether asymptomatic testing for sexually transmitted infections can be integrated into GP practices, given the difficulties for patients accessing genito-urinary medicine services
• Why a replacement consultant has not been sought for the Gay Men's Clinic
• What strategies he intends to introduce to address Action for Children's
annual review 'Child Neglect 2011' which stated that neglect is a primary or contributory reason in 50 percent of child protection registrations, the highest proportion when compared with other regions in the UK
• How many patients have been transferred to England for treatment
associated with eating disorders in each of the last three years
• To provide a breakdown of the prescription medicines that were used; and by
gender; and whether a risk assessment was carried out on each prisoner
• What action he is taking to improve the life expectancy of people living in
• Details of the quangos to which the Department makes appointments; how
many members are appointed; and the remuneration paid to the Chair; and other members
• An update on the on-going review of operational policies and procedures in
relation to tackling adult abuse in nursing homes; and for an estimate of the timescale for the introduction of relevant legislation
• An assessment of the cost of bringing the financial support for nursing and
residential care up to the same standard as that provided in Scotland
• Why the value for money audit of domiciliary care has been cancelled; and
how the cost of domiciliary care will be funded
Inter-Ministerial Group on Sexual and Domestic Violence
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 16/04/2012 Answered On Date: 23/04/2012 Priority Written: No
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (i) which Ministers are part of the Inter-Ministerial Group on Sexual and Domestic Violence; and (ii) how many times and when it has met in the last 12 months. Membership of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) on Domestic and Sexual Violence is comprised as follows: Minister Poots - Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety; Minister Ford - Department of Justice; Minister Wilson - Department of Finance and Personnel; Minister McCausland -Department for Social Development; Minister O’Dowd -Department of Education; Minister Farry - Department for Employment and Learning, and Junior Minister Anderson and Junior Minister Bell - Office of the First and Deputy First Minister. IMG has met on three occasions, 21 May 2008, 30 September 2009 and 29 June 2010. The group has not met in the last 12 months but is due to meet again in May 2012. In the intervening periods between IMG meetings, any issue requiring ministerial involvement is dealt with by written correspondence Inter-Ministerial Group on Sexual and Domestic Violence
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 24/04/2012 Answered On Date: 30/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, pursuant to AQW 10377/11-15, how many issues relating to the Inter-Ministerial Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence that required Ministerial input have been dealt with by written correspondence since the last meeting of the group on 29 June 2010. There have been two issues relating to the Inter-Ministerial Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence that have required ministerial input and which have been dealt with by written correspondence since the last meeting on the 29 June 2010. The issues relate to the endorsement of the “Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse” Action Plan and the “Tackling Violence at Home” Action Plan for the period 2010 to 2012
Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence 2012-13
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on whose advice was an action point for 'Work Place Policies' not included in the Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence for 2012-13. To date, the 5 Domestic Violence Partnerships (DVPs) have been at the forefront in delivering on actions with regard to workplace policy initiatives. DVPs in conjunction with their member organisations and in liaison with employer representative bodies, continue to actively promote workplace policies to offer support to employees who are experiencing domestic violence. As the promotion of workplace policies with employers is now mainstreamed as an integral part of the work undertaken by the DVPs, an action in the Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence Action Plan 2012-2013 was not considered necessary. This allows for new and emerging work to be prioritised and to feature in the Action Plan. All actions for inclusion in the Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence Action Plan 2012-2013 were carefully considered by the relevant governance groups which include representation from key statutory and voluntary stakeholders Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence 2012-13
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety which stakeholders were involved or consulted during the development of the Draft Action Plan on Tackling Domestic and Sexual Violence 2012-13. A joint Action Plan on Domestic and Sexual Violence has been developed to cover the period April 2012 to September 2013.
This Action Plan was developed on a collaborative basis in consultation with key statutory and voluntary sector organisations to ensure continued progression towards achieving the overall aims and objectives contained in the “Tackling Violence at Home” and “Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse” Strategies. Actions for inclusion in the Action Plan were comprehensively considered by the relevant governance groups including the Regional Strategy Group on Domestic Violence; the Prevention and Support Sub Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence; the Protection and Justice Sub Group on Domestic Violence; and the Protection and Justice Sub Group on Sexual Violence. These groups comprise representation from key statutory and voluntary stakeholders Tackling Violence at Home Action Plan
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety who completed the assessment on the 'Tackling Violence at Home Action Plan: October 2010 to March 2012' and when was it completed. The Tackling Violence at Home Action Plan covered an 18 month period from 1 October 2010 to 31 March 2012. Implementation of the Action Plan has been taken forward through various working and sub-groups, comprising key statutory and voluntary stakeholders. The Regional Strategy Group on Domestic Violence is responsible for monitoring progress of actions and associated activities. DHSSPS and DOJ are currently in the process of updating the final status of the actions within the Action Plan NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many times the NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence has been accessed in each of the last five years. The NICS Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy was introduced in 2006. It is not possible to ascertain the number of times it has been accessed in the last 5 years NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence
Mr Robin Swann Ulster Unionist Party North Antrim Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety when the NICS Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence was last reviewed and what amendments were made. The NICS Domestic Violence and Abuse Policy has not been reviewed since it was introduced in 2006 Victims of Human Trafficking
Mr Chris Lyttle Alliance Party East Belfast Tabled Date: 27/03/2012 Answered On Date: 02/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how he is implementing the Human Rights Commission 2009 recommendation that a multi-agency approach led by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, together with the PSNI, should be established to co-ordinate services for victims of trafficking to and within Northern Ireland. Responsibility for implementing the Council of Europe “Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings” in Northern Ireland primarily falls to the Department of Justice. In February 2011, my Department with the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) issued “Working Arrangements for the Welfare and Safeguarding of Child Victims/Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking”.
This Guidance sets out the actions to be taken by the PSNI and Health and Social Care Trusts in relation to lone or unaccompanied children, children in the care of an unsuitable adult and children who are recovered during Police operations where there is reasonable cause to believe that the child may the victim of trafficking. The arrangements outlined in the Guidance are consistent with current child protection and looked after children guidance in Northern Ireland and the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. My Department, in partnership with the Department of Justice, is currently developing guidance with regard to responding to the needs of adult victims of human trafficking. We expect to be in a position to consult on this guidance later in the year Victims of Human Trafficking
Mr Steven Agnew Green Party North Down Tabled Date: 18/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what services his Department provides to support victims of human trafficking. Health and Social Care Trusts (Trusts) have a central role and responsibility with regard to the recovery, support and rehabilitation of child victims of human trafficking and, with the Department of Justice and others, in the recovery and longer term support of adult victims. Recovered child victims of trafficking are deemed to be “children in need” under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 and therefore the responsibility for provision of care and support to these children, including access to health and social care services falls to Trusts. For recovered adult victims, the Department of Justice has a contract with Migrant Helpline, together with their delivery partner Women's Aid, to provide accommodation and a range of support services to the adult victim. Longer term access to health and social care services will be determined by the individual’s immigration status and is subject to human rights considerations Abortions
Mr Jim Wells Democratic Unionist Party South Down
Tabled Date: 20/03/2012 Answered On Date: 02/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety why detailed records are not available to explain why individual abortions are carried out at hospitals. At present, details explaining why abortions are carried out in Northern Ireland are held on the patient’s medical records. This information is not currently recorded on the Patient Administration System (PAS) which provides data for the statistics collected by the Department. Statistics collected by the Department do not currently allow for analysis of the reason that an abortion was carried out. Given the clear public interest in this issue, I have asked officials to bring forward options for developing a new recording system Termination of Pregnancies
Mr Steven Agnew Green Party North Down Tabled Date: 29/03/2012 Answered On Date: 04/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, for each of the last five financial years, to detail (i) the number of pregnancies terminated in each Health and Social Care Trust area, and the reasons for the procedures; (ii) for an estimate of the number of pregnancies terminated in the private sector; and (iii) the number of patients treated by each Health and Social Trust area in connection with a termination not carried out by Trust. The number of pregnancies terminated, in each Health and Social Care Trust, in each of the last five years is shown below. Information on the reasons for the procedures is not collected currently centrally, but I have asked officials to consider how this can be introduced.
Source:- Hospital Inpatient System (HIS) * In line with the Office of National Statistics (ONS) guidance, appropriate cells have been masked to protect patient confidentiality. It is not possible to provide an estimate of the number of pregnancies terminated in the private sector. Information is not available on the number of patients treated by each Health and Social Care Trust area in connection with a termination not carried out by the Trust Human Embryos
Mr Jim Allister Traditional Unionist Voice North Antrim Tabled Date: 22/03/2012 Answered On Date: 02/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many human embryos have been destroyed in each year since the introduction of publicly funded IVF treatment. It should be noted that the most common reasons that embryos are allowed to perish include that embryos are of poor quality and not suitable for transfer to the patient or cryopreservation, the end of the legal consent period for embryo storage has been reached or the couple withdraw consent to continued storage. The figures for the numbers of embryos that have been discarded in the course of publicly funded treatment in Northern Ireland are given below (only available from 2006) –
*Figures given for 2011 and 2012 are provisional
Sexual Health Promotion Strategy and Action Plan
Ms Anna Lo MBE Alliance Party South Belfast Tabled Date: 17/04/2012 Answered On Date: 23/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety whether there are any plans to update and renew the Sexual Health Promotion Strategy and Action Plan 2008-2013, given that it expires in 2013. The Sexual Health Promotion Strategy and Action Plan 2008-2013 was published in December 2008 and contains provision for review of its Action Plan after 5 years. My Department has requested an interim progress report from the Public Health Agency, through the Sexual Health Improvement Network, to assess progress made towards achieving the Strategy’s aim, objectives, targets and actions; identify any issues related to timescales and consider the need for any new objectives, targets or actions. Recommendations made to the Department on the basis of the findings will help inform decisions to update or renew the Strategy Asymptomatic Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Ms Anna Lo MBE Alliance Party South Belfast Tabled Date: 18/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety whether asymptomatic testing for sexually transmitted infections can be integrated into GP practices, given the difficulties for patients accessing genito-urinary medicine services. With advances in testing procedures, it is now possible for GP Practices to perform check-ups on patients who are asymptomatic. In light of these advances a six month pilot, using a new model of sexual health care which will provide a sexual health check, is currently being undertaken in 12 GP Practices in the North Down area. Following an evaluation on its acceptability to patients and cost effectiveness,
consideration will be given to the potential for rolling the service out across a wider area Gay Men’s Clinic at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
Mr Basil McCrea Ulster Unionist Party Lagan Valley Tabled Date: 16/04/2012 Answered On Date: 23/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety why a replacement consultant has not been sought for the Gay Men's Clinic at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. The Belfast HSC Trust recently advertised for a locum consultant to cover maternity leave at the gay men’s clinic, which is part of the genito urinary medicine (GUM) clinic; however, this recruitment exercise was unsuccessful. As an interim measure, until the consultant returns from maternity leave, the remaining GUM consultant staff have taken on additional work to cover the work associated with the vacant post but unfortunately it had not been possible to cover the gay men’s clinic in the evening. All patients are now given appointments for GUM clinics during the day. The Trust has confirmed it intends to reinstate the evening clinic when the consultant returns from maternity leave Action for Children’s Annual Review ‘Child Neglect 2011’
Mr Basil McCrea Ulster Unionist Party Lagan Valley Tabled Date: 16/04/2012 Answered On Date: 23/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, what strategies he intends to introduce to address Action for Children's annual review 'Child Neglect 2011' which stated that neglect is a primary or contributory reason in 50 percent of child protection registrations, the highest proportion when compared with other regions in the UK
Safeguarding children, including children experiencing neglect in Northern Ireland, is a Programme for Government commitment. My department will ensure that account is taken of the findings and recommendations of Action for Children’s report, Child Neglect in 2011: An Annual Review, in the course of developing and implementing a range of child safeguarding strategic initiatives to deliver on that commitment. These include the revision of existing child safeguarding policy and the establishment of a new child Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland, both of which have the potential to begin to address the problem of child neglect in Northern Ireland on a multi-disciplinary and inter-agency basis by ensuring that it identified and responded to at an earlier stage. A new Social Work Strategy for Northern Ireland, launched on 16 April 2012, will also make a significant contribution to this agenda. This will build on a number of other strategies already in place, which are relevant to tackling neglect. These include: Care Matters in Northern Ireland, which outlines a strategic vision for wide-ranging improvements in services to children and young people in and on the edge of care; and Families Matter which gives priority to early intervention and prevention in family support services. In addition, the Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership (CYPSP), which is led by the Health and Social Care Board and includes representation of key children’s agencies at the most senior level, is another mechanism of ensuring that a more integrated, evidence-based approach is taken to planning and coordinating the delivery of early help to families in Northern Ireland. Action for Children is represented on the CYPSP Patients Transferred to England for Treatment Associated with Eating Disorders
Mr Mark Durkan Social Democratic and Labour Party Foyle Tabled Date: 28/03/2012 Answered On Date: 16/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety how many patients have been transferred to England for treatment associated with eating disorders in each of the last three years. The table below shows the number of patients transferred to England for treatment associated with eating disorders in each of the last three years.
Source: HSC Board Prisoners Overdosing on Prescription Medicines
Mr Basil McCrea Ulster Unionist Party Lagan Valley Tabled Date: 16/04/2012 Answered On Date: 25/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, pursuant to AQW 10076/11-15, (i) to provide a breakdown (a) of the prescription medicines that were used; and (b) by gender; and (ii) whether a risk assessment was carried out on each prisoner. The information requested is set out below: (i)(a) the prescription medicines that were used
Betahistine Dihydrochloride, Peptac Liquid, Topiramate, Tramadol,
Diazepam, Co-Codamol, Floxetine, Chloropromazine, Diclofenac,
2009/10 Zispin, Efexor, Paracetamol, Pregabalin, Mitrazapine, Migraleve,
Ventolin Inhaler, Lansoprasole, Lyrica, Phenergan, Seroquel
Naproxen, Paracetamol, Epilim, Co-Codamol, Diclofenac
Tramadol, Diazepam, Sertraline, Tegretol, Amitryptaline,
Chloropromazine, Mitrazapine, Pregabalin, Citalopram, Ventolin
Inhaler, Proprananol, Lyrica, Zopiclone, Thiamine, Buspar,
Co-Codamol, Paracetamol, Pregabalin, Diazepam, Tegretol,
Seroquel, Epilim, Tramadol, Naprosyn, Amitryptaline, Zispin
2011/12 ,Peppermint Oil capsules, Chlorpromazine, Carbocisteine, Ventolin
Mitrazapine, Hyoscine Butylbromide, Quetiapine Fumate
(i)(b) the gender of prisoners who overdosed on prescription medicines1
1These figures include confirmed overdoses along with alleged and suspected overdoes on prescription medicines. (ii) All prisoners who are prescribed medication are subject to a comprehensive risk assessment to determine their suitability to be in possession of their own
medication. The risk assessment takes into account the prisoner, the medication and the location Life Expectancy of People Living in Areas of High Social Deprivation
Mr Dominic Bradley Social Democratic and Labour Party Newry and Armagh Tabled Date: 23/04/2012 Answered On Date: 30/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety what action he is taking to improve the life expectancy of people living in areas of high social deprivation. My Department, through the Public Health Agency, is taking action across the province to improve health and wellbeing, and to reduce inequalities in life expectancy. The PHA is working with the statutory, community and other sectors to take action in the areas of greatest need to address a range of lifestyle issues such as smoking, obesity, home accidents, alcohol and drug misuse, and mental health and suicide. In addition partnership working is seeking to address the factors that affect life expectancy which go beyond the HSC, such as living conditions - for example fuel poverty, working environment, education, community cohesion, and environmental factors
Mr Peter Weir Democratic Unionist Party North Down Tabled Date: 23/03/2012 Answered On Date: 02/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail (i) the quangos to which his Department makes appointments; (ii) how many members are appointed; and (iii) the remuneration paid to (a) the Chair; and (b) other members. In my capacity as Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety I have responsibility for the appointment of the 17 Chairs and 138 Members of Arm’s
Length Bodies as detailed in Table 1 below: in addition, a Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland is to be established in 2012 and a Chair ‘Designate’ has been appointed. Table 1
Mrs Jo-Anne Dobson Ulster Unionist Party Upper Bann Tabled Date: 28/03/2012 Answered On Date: 16/04/2012 Priority Written: No
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for an update on the on-going review of operational policies and procedures in relation to tackling adult abuse in nursing homes; and for an estimate of the timescale for the introduction of relevant legislation. The prevention of adult abuse and ensuring an effective response whenever abuse occurs, is a key priority for my department. Regional Adult Protection Policies and Procedures are currently being reviewed under the auspices of the Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Partnership. The updated policies and procedures are intended to further improve the response of all agencies and establishments to concerns about adult abuse wherever it arises, including in nursing homes. In parallel, my officials are considering the recommendations of the recent Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission report, In Defence of Dignity – The Human Rights of Older People in Nursing Homes, with a view to identifying what changes, if any, are needed in relation to the current regulatory and inspection framework for nursing homes. Also, my department, jointly with the Department of Justice, is leading on the development of an overarching adult safeguarding policy framework. It is intended to consult publicly on the framework by the end of this year. The policy framework will seek to ensure that effective preventative and protective mechanisms are established in relation to adult abuse. In the course of consulting, we will seek views on a range of legislative proposals to underpin the policy framework. Subject to the outcome of consultation on the proposals, it is likely to be 2014 at the earliest before a Bill could be introduced in the NI Assembly Financial Support for Nursing and Residential Care AQW 10563/11-15 Mr Peter Weir Democratic Unionist Party North Down Tabled Date: 18/04/2012 Answered On Date: 25/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for his Department's assessment of the cost of bringing the financial support for nursing and residential care up to the same standard as that provided in Scotland. In 2007, the Assembly debated the possibility of introducing free personal care for care home residents. At that time, the cost of free personal care was estimated to be in excess of £30m and my predecessor in office declared it unaffordable. For my part, while I support the principle behind free personal care, you will appreciate that I have to conclude that it is not affordable within the resources currently available to me
Value for Money Audit of Domiciliary Care
Mr Chris Lyttle Alliance Party East Belfast Tabled Date: 20/04/2012 Answered On Date: 27/04/2012 Priority Written: No To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (i) why the value for money audit of domiciliary care has been cancelled; and (ii) how the cost of domiciliary care will be funded. To commission a value for money audit of domiciliary care at this time would risk duplication and generate confusion due to the extensive work programme currently taking place as a result of Transforming Your Care (TYC). TYC sets out the need to reform the whole of health and social care to improve quality, sustainability and safety for patient and clients. It is wide ranging and will undoubtedly include domiciliary service provision. The funding of domiciliary care provision will be considered as an integral part of the overall service-wide transformational change programme outlined in the TYC report, which includes a focus on increasing the services provided at home and in the community
Recopilación sobre los efectos del Glifosato en agroecosistemas TIPOS DE PESTICIDAS Los pesticidas se refieren de manera general al tipo de objetivo que controlan (insecticidas, herbicidas, funguicidas, etc). Otra manera de entender sobre los pesticidas es considerando si son químicos o derivados de una misma fuente o método de producción. Otras categorías pueden incluir a
Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility by Patricia Santana Its April 1969, and fourteen-year-old Yolanda Sahagún can hardly wait to see her favorite brother, Chuy, newly returned from Vietnam. But when he arrives at the Welcome Home party the family has prepared in his honor its clear that the war has changed him. The transformation of Chuy is only one of the chal enges that Yolanda