Hair loss in women
Hair loss in women is a very common clinical complaint, and is usually associated with severe University of Bologna, Bologna, Italyemotional distress. In this article, the authors review the most common clinical causes of hair Prof. Rubem David Azulay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilloss in women, and emphasize the role of hor- monal changes in the regulation of hair loss and hair growth. Key words: Alopecia - Trichotillomania - Contra- ceptive agents - Postpartum period - Biotin.
Telogen hair loss is due to mild/moderate
insults that induce premature entering of sev-eral follicles in telogen, with shedding of tel-
Hair loss in women is a very common clin- ogen hair after three months.
ical complaint, that is usually associated
The first step for the correct diagnosis of a
Hair cycle
patient with hair loss is to establish if the hair
density is normal or decreased. It is then nec-
Hair follicles have a cyclic activity charac-
essary to evaluate the severity of hair shed-
terized by alternance of hair shaft produc-
ding (pull test, Table I) and to examine the
tion and resting (anagen, catagen, and telo-
lost hair at the microscope 2, 3 (Table II), to
establish if the hair loss involves the anagen
or the telogen phase of the hair cycle.
Anagen hair loss is always dramatic, since
it is due to diseases that acutely interrupt
Grasp a tuft of hairs 2 cm from the scalp emergency and
mitotic activity of anagen follicles (drugs,
gently pull with the thumb and index fingers along thehair shafts toward the distal tip.
alopecia areata). Severe damage to the grow-
ing hair results in hair breaking after scalp
• Diffuse hair loss: the pull should be done in at least
• Patterned hair loss: the pull should be done both in
the androgen- and non androgen-dependent scalp
Accepted for publication on March 25, 2009.
• Patchy hair loss: the pull should be done at the patch
margins and in the apparently unaffected scalp
Corresponding author: A. Tosti, MD, Department of
A pull test producing more than 10 hairs the same day or
Dermatology, University of Bologna, via Massarenti 1, 40138
Bologna, Italy. E-mail:
one day after shampooing indicates increased shedding.
TABLE II.—Examination of lost hair at the microscope.Androgenetic Slowly progressive hair
TE: telogen effluvium; PCOS: polycystic ovarian syndrome; DLE: discoid Lupus erythematosus; FD: folliculitis decalvans.
gen). During the anagen phase the follicles
85-90% of follicles are in the anagen phase
produce the hair shaft. Duration of anagen,
which in the scalp ranges from two to seven
During pregnancy, there is an increase in
years, determines hair shaftlength. Catagen is
the number of hair follicles in anagen phase,
a transitional phase, lasting two-three weeks,
which precedes the resting telogen phase.
phase during the second and third trimesters
During telogen, hair production is absent
of pregnancy and for about a week after birth.
even if the shaft remains within the follicle to
Six weeks after delivery, the anagen rate falls
be shed only when, after three months, the
to about 75%, as many follicles shift to the tel-
follicle re-enters the anagen phase.
ogen phase simultaneously. The level of hair
The hair cycle of adjacent scalp follicles is
follicles in telogen rises sharply to 35%. As the
not synchronized: in normal conditions, about
telogen phase takes about three months, an
be very severe and induce visible thinning.
three months after delivery.4 Available infor-
Patients with postpartum TE are often very
mation indicates that 17-β estradiol may pos-
sibly cause prolongation of the anagen phase
assume that it will lead to baldness. The
during pregnancy and prolactin is involved in
patient should be explained that TE repre-
sents excessive hair shedding rather than
actual hair loss, but that the condition needs
pregnancy that contributes to the large vol-
strict monitoring as it may precipitate the
umes of hair observed during this period is
development of androgenetic alopecia in pre-
the increase of the hair shaft diameter that is
plete in the majority of patients, however, in
some cases, hair regrowth is incomplete and
Clinical evaluation
patients concern about reduction of scalp
hair and deterioration of the hair quality with
A normal hair density suggests a diagnosis
increased loss of telogen hair. It may be acute
decreased postnatal levels of estradiol and
thyroxine. According to this theory, restora-
estradiol, rather than hormone replacement
therapy, should improve clinical symptoms.
temic diseases, drugs, fever, stress, weight
loss, delivery, iron deficiency and inflamma-
tory scalp disorders. In cases where no appar-
Interruption of oral contraceptives is also
ent cause is found, screening for thyroid dis-
frequently followed by TE. This is due to the
ease with T4 and TSH must be done, as both,
fact that the estrogens contained in the con-
hypo- and hyper-thyroidism may cause TE.
traceptives prolong anagen duration and syn-
Syphilis serology and antinuclear antibody
chronize the hair cycle, similarly to what hap-
pens in pregnancy. This is followed by con-
A patient suffering from TE claims that hair
temporary entry into telogen of a large num-
is falling out. In TE, daily shedding increas-
ber of follicles after estrogen interruption. In
es and hair loss is severe with a daily shed-
some cases, however, transitory hair loss is
ding of 100 to 200 telogen hair and patients
seen 3-5 months after beginning of treatment
remember quite precisely when the increased
hair shedding had started. Acute TE does not
usually produce visible alopecia, as about
50% of hair should be lost before noticing
Epidemiology studies show that iron defi-
an evident reduction of the hair density.
ciency is very common in adult females and
At the pull test six or more telogen hairs are
that iron intake with the diet is today scarce
in many developed countries. Screening for
iron deficiency can be done using hemoglo-
bin and serum ferritin. Although most labo-
A typical example of acute TE is postpar-
ratories consider as normal a value of fer-
tum effluvium. Postpartum TE does not occur
ritin of 10-15 ng/ml, this cut off is definitely
not sensitive in detecting iron deficiency in
might not develop TE after each pregnancy.
It usually starts two to four months after deliv-
and UK experts in the hair field believe that
ery and may last as long as one year, even if
it usually resolves after six months. It may
patients maintain a serum ferritin concentra-
tion greater than 70 ng/mL.9 We personally
reduction in the diameter, length and pig-
mentation of the hair. Hair thinning is limit-
ed to androgen dependent scalp regions and
results from the effects of the testosterone
androgen-sensitive hair follicles. Androgen
aggravate TE. A “brain-hair follicle axis” has
sensitivity is genetically determined and
been recently proposed, based on anatomi-
cal and biochemical evidence and on exper-
imental studies in mice.10 According with this
AGA is well known, but the causative genes
hypothesis, stress may increase substance P,
are still undiscovered: variability in the andro-
both systemically and locally. This may lead
by several groups.13 A genetic test that eval-
to mast cell and macrophage activation with
release of inflammatory antiproliferative
cytokines that induce hair follicle apoptosis
introduced to predict risk for androgenetic
with premature termination of hair growth.11
The occurrence of acute reversible TE 2-4
months after a severe emotional stress is well-
sign of hyperandrogenism, together with hir-
known and represents an in vivo evidence of
sutism and acne. Female androgenetic alope-
absence of biochemical and/or clinical evi-
dence of androgen excess; this has been tra-
This condition is characterized by increased
ditionally explained as the result of an exces-
sive follicular sensitivity to androgens. The
months. It mostly affects middle aged women
possibility that non-androgen dependent fac-
tors can be important in female hair loss is
suggested by the moderate efficacy of antian-
than 100 hairs), but patients are very dis-
drogens in the treatment of women with AGA
tressed and complain of progressive tempo-
and by the occurrence of this condition in
ral thinning and decreased hair mass. Scalp
women with genetic disorders characterized
pain (trichodynia) is frequently reported.
Female AGA presents with diffuse hair thin-
patient’s complaint and clinical evidence,
ning of the crown region with maintenance
since these patients usually have a high hair
of the frontal hairline (Ludwig pattern). This
density and feel not considered by the doc-
can easily be appreciated by making a cen-
tor who does not see any clinical abnormal-
tral parting and comparing the hair density at
ity. They may even bring in envelops of shed
the top with hair density at the occipital
hairs to prove the amount of hair loss.
Chronic TE has a chronic course with peri-
Androgenetic alopecia is often precipitat-
ed and worsened by conditions that induce
specific scalp regions (patterned alopecia),
increased hair loss is followed by regrowth of
involve the whole scalp (diffuse thinning), or
thinner hairs, or by drugs with androgenic
present with bald patches (patchy alopecia).
effects. Contraceptives containing androgenic
progestants (nortestosterone-derivatives lev-
onorgestrel) may in fact induce or worsen
androgenetic alopecia.15 Acne, androgenetic
common form of hair loss, affecting up to
effects of levonorgestrel releasing-implants,
50% of women in the course of their life.
due to the androgenic effects of their prog-
estants. These side effects are more common
AA affects both sexes at any age and often
in the initial months of use, when the prog-
starts during childhood. Clinical examination
estin levels are higher, than later on.16
reveals one or multiple well-circumscribed
Androgenetic alopecia has also been report-
smooth patches of non-scarring absence of
ed in children treated with triptorelin for pre-
hair that enlarge in a centrifugal way. The
cocious puberty.17 Goserelin may cause hair
margin of the patches often presents 3-mm
loss and androgenetic alopecia in susceptible
women.18 Tamoxifene and non-steroidal aro-
(exclamation point hairs) that indicate dis-
matase inhibitors utilized for the therapy of
ease progression. AA may affect any hairy
cause or worsen androgenetic alopecia.
whole scalp (AA totalis) or all body hair (AA
common side effects of treatment with the
non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors letrozole
and vorozole.19 Up to 12% of women receiv-
mune diseases, most commonly thyroid dis-
ing oral esterified estrogens-methyltestos-
eases. Other possible associations include
menopause experience alopecia and/or oth-
Trichotilomania is an intriguing psychoso-
er androgen dependent skin signs, such as
matic entity in which there is an irresistible
desire to manipulate and pull out the hair.
AGA is a progressive disease that tends to
The process results in an instant release of
tension, a sense of relief and security. It usu-
ally involves the scalp hair, but may occa-
other parts of the body. On physical exami-
nation, the scalp shows irregular patches of
leading to diffuse alopecia is a typical side
hair loss with typical bizarre borders. Inside
effect of cancer chemotherapy and scalp radi-
the plaques, short broken hair with variable
Hair loss usually starts four-six weeks after
crusts or scales due to follicle damage. The
drug intake and is severe with up to 1 000
development of trichobezoar following inges-
tion of the pulled hair is a rare complication.
Hair regrowth is usually very fast after dis-
continuation of therapy, but hair shape and
are completely devoid of hair (alopecia area-
ta, cicatricial alopecia) or present short bro-
ferritin levels should be at least 40 ng/mL
despite the fact that normal serum ferritin
levels range from 20-70 ng/mL.23, 24 Oral iron
non-cicatricial alopecia, affecting up to 2%
of the population, characterized by patchy
given until a concentration of 70 ng/mL is
hair loss in the absence of skin inflammato-
genetically predisposed individuals, differ-
ent triggering factors (stress, viral infections)
cause an autoimmune T cell-mediated reac-
Biotin is a water-soluble B-complex vita-
tion against the hair follicles that result in
min, present in a variety of foods and is also
synthesized by intestinal bacteria. Biotin is
found in egg yolks and it has very high affin-
strength, making the scaling disappear, and
ity to avidin, which is found in egg whites.25
accelerating the hair growth rate, hence the
It was discovered as a vitamin when it was
recognized that could prevent dermatitis,
alopecia and neurological abnormalities in
been reported that mild degrees of biotin
animals given a diet containing large amounts
deficiency is common in normal pregnancy.
of raw eggs.26 Biotin is required by carboxy-
This finding was interestingly reversible with
lases catalyzing the cellular metabolism of
biotin supplementation 30 during pregnancy.
glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids. The
Biotin supplementation after delivery can be
important role of biotin in human physiolo-
useful to prevent or reduce postpartum TE,
gy has been highlighted by the recognition of
even though controlled studies are needed.
two discovered human inborn errors of the
metabolism of biotin. The molecular defect in
the neonatal-onset disease is in the enzyme
holocarboxylase synthetase and the defect
in the later infantile-onset disease is in the
loss with scalp cooling has been proposed by
enzyme biotinidase. Both disorders present
some authors. Despite the fact that there are
with impressive clinical manifestations involv-
only few case series and no patterned para-
ing the skin and hair. In the neonatal dis-
ease, alopecia totalis is associated with a
chemotherapy-induced hair loss, especially
bright red scaly total body eruption. In bio-
when anthracyclines or taxanes are used.21
tinidase deficiency, alopecia presents as
Minoxidil 2% has also proven to shorten the
patches and the skin lesions resemble acro-
period of baldness caused by chemotherapy.22
dermatitis entheropatica. Diagnosis is straight-
forward, by biotinidase activity determina-
tion in plasma or serum, and the condition
should be considered in any cases of hair
Medical treatments of AGA include 2% top-
loss particularly associated with neurologi-
ical minoxidil and the oral type II 5 alpha
cal, dermatological, or respiratory illness.
reductase inhibitor finasteride at the dosage
Both disorders are rapidly responsive to oral
biotin (10 mg daily), and early diagnosis and
women should be associated with oral con-
traception.31 Treatment should be prolonged
It is also reported that the antiepileptic
drug valproic acid may lead to biotin defi-
ciency and low serum and liver tissue bio-
tinidase enzyme activity. In a recent study,
The fist episode of AA frequently resolves
biotin supplementation decreased the inci-
spontaneously. Effective treatments include
dence of alopecia in rats, from to 40% in the
systemic steroids at high dosages, high poten-
valproic acid group vs. 13% in the valproic
cy topical steroids under occlusion and top-
ical immunotherapy.37-39 Treatment is less
effective in severe alopecia areata and relaps-
to improve the hair quality in patients with
es occur in a high percentage of patients,
“umcombable hair” (pili trianguli et canali-culi) a hair shaft disorder characterized by
dry, unruly, hair (spun-glass) due to abnor-
mal hair shaft shape. Biotin supplementation
at the dosage of 5 mg daily improves clinical
appearance and combing problems,28 despite
eral agents including selective serotonin reup-
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take inhibitors (SSRIs) at high dosage and
microscopy remain. Shelley and Shelley sug-
gested that biotin acts by increasing the root
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