FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONALCopyright 2010 by the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle SocietyDOI: 10.3113/FAI.2010.0090
Current Concept Review: Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Patrick J. McGahan, MD and Stephen J. Pinney, MD, FRCS(C)
source of ankle morbidity.19 Many OLTs can be treated non-operatively. For patients in whom surgery is indicated, a
Osteochondral lesion of the talus (OLT) is a broad term
number of procedures has been described (Table 3). Often,
used to describe an injury or abnormality of the talar artic-
the initial option is marrow stimulation which attempts
ular cartilage and adjacent bone. Historically, a variety of
to a fill the defect with fibrocartilage generated from
terms have been used to refer to this clinical entity including
a local healing response.3,32 This procedure encompasses
osteochondritis dissecans, osteochondral fracture, and osteo-
several techniques including abrasion chondroplasty, curet-
chondral defect. Currently, six characteristics are used to
tage, microfracture, and antegrade or retrograde drilling of
categorize a particular lesion (Table 2). An OLT can be
the subchondral bone. Implantation of osteochondral auto-
described as chondral (cartilage only), chondral-subchondral
graft or allograft using single or multiple cylinders of artic-
(cartilage and bone), subchondral (intact overlying cartilage),
ular cartilage and subchondral bone are techniques that utilize
or cystic. Lesions can then be subdivided as stable or unstable
intact hyaline cartilage to treat OLTs. Autologous chondro-
and non-displaced or displaced. The stability of a lesion can
cyte implantation (ACI) repairs OLTs with “hyaline-like”
be assessed directly with arthroscopy or indirectly with MRI
cartilage produced by a patient’s own chondrocytes harvestedfrom intact articular cartilage and amplified in number by
serial culture in vitro.3 In addition to these reparative tech-
A lesion can also be categorized by its location on
niques, procedures such as lateral ligament reconstruction
the articular surface of the talus as medial, lateral, or
and hindfoot osteotomy or arthrodesis may also be included
central with added subdivisions into anterior, central, or
during surgery to address concomitant problems with the
posterior as advocated by some authors.82 An additional
stability or alignment of the affected joint. The goal of this
description of identifying whether the lesion is contained
Current Concepts Review is to critically evaluate the avail-
or uncontained (shoulder) may also be included. Finally,
able literature on the treatment of osteochondral lesions of
although no accepted definition of lesion size exists, OLTs
the talus and to provide evidence-based recommendations
can generally be considered as either small or large based on
regarding the management of these lesions.
their cross-sectional area or greatest diameter (area greaterthan or less than 1.5 cm2 or diameter greater than or less than15 mm). Although these characteristics provide a scheme to
classify OLTs and to select a therapeutic modality, they donot reliably predict the outcome of treatment.
Although trauma is implicated in many cases, it does not
While the exact incidence of symptomatic OLTs is
account for the etiology of every lesion. The etiology of
unknown, they are quite prevalent and are a significant
OLTs has been debated since Konig recognized them in1888.54 In 1922, Kappis applied the term osteochondritis
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commercial
dissecans to lesions he found in the ankle.51 Wagoner and
party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.
Cohn implicated trauma as the causative agent in 41 of 64
OLTs in 1931.105 However, in the remaining 23 cases, no
clear cause could be identified. Although Rendu84 in 1932
was the first to report that the lesions represent a fracture
of the talus, it was not until many years later that Berndt
San Francisco General Hospital2550 23rd St., Building 9, 2nd Floor
and Harty proposed an anatomic rationale for an association
between OLTs and intra-articular trauma.16 Using a cadaveric
biomechanical model, they demonstrated that axial loading
For information on pricings and availability of reprints, call 410-494-4994, x232. Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010OSTEOCHONDRAL LESIONS OF THE TALUSTable 1: Level of Evidence and Grades of Table 3: OLT Surgical Treatment Options Level of Evidence
— Level I: High-quality prospective randomized
— Level II: Prospective comparative study
— Level III: Retrospective case control study
— Level IV: Case series
— Level V: Expert opinion Grades of Recommendation (given to various
treatment options based on Level of Evidence
D. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI or
— Grade A: Treatment options are supported by strong
E. Concomitant Procedures (i.e. lateral ligament
evidence (consistent with Level I or II studies)
— Grade B: Treatment options are supported by fair
evidence (consistent with Level III or IV studies)
— Grade C: Treatment options are supported by either
of the ankle with the foot in a position of inversion and
conflicting or poor quality evidence (Level IV
dorsiflexion could produce a lateral talar lesion. Similarly,
they showed that loading the ankle with the foot in a
— Grade I: When insufficient evidence exists to make
position of inversion and plantarflexion while simultaneously
externally rotating the tibia resulted in a medial talar lesion. In a review that included 582 patients with OLTs, a historyof ankle trauma was reported in 76% of patients.102 In thisstudy 56% of the OLTs were located medially and 44% were
Table 2: OLT Characteristics
located laterally. Trauma was implicated in 94% of the laterallesions and 62% of the medial lesions.
The etiology of OLTs in patients without a history of
trauma remains unknown. Repetitive microtrauma, vascular
B. Chondral/Subchondral (cartilage and underlying
abnormalities resulting in avascular necrosis, and congenital
factors have been speculated to play a role.20 In an attempt
C. Subchondral (intact overlying cartilage)
to elucidate the etiology of non-traumatic OLTs, several
studies have investigated the morphology of talar articular
cartilage.7,67 One study revealed that the thickest articular
cartilage is located at the medial and lateral shoulders of
the talus where OLTs have been observed to occur mostcommonly. The authors conjectured that this phenomena may
represent an adaptive response to areas of greatest mechan-
ical stress.67 In a biomechanical analysis, tibial cartilage
was found to be significantly stiffer than talar cartilage, and
the authors postulated that this mechanical disparity may
A. Medial (anterior, central, or posterior)
contribute to the development of OLTs due to repetitive
B. Lateral (anterior, central, or posterior)
C. Central (anterior, central, or posterior)
In their investigation to characterize the distribution of
talar dome lesions, Raikin and colleagues82 developed a
novel anatomic grid that divides the talar dome into nine
equal zones. They analyzed 424 MRI examinations of
patients with an OLT using this grid and determined that the
A. Small (area <1.5 cm2 or greatest diameter
majority of lesions were medial (62%) while the remaining
lesions were lateral (34%). In the sagittal plane, most lesions
B. Large (area >1.5 cm2 or greatest diameter
were central (80%) with the remainder either anterior (6%)
or posterior (14%). Overall, the medial-central zone wasthe most frequent location of an OLT (53%) followed
Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010
by lateral-central zone (26%). The authors also noted that
of patients undergoing arthroscopy for anterolateral soft-
medial lesions were significantly larger and deeper than
tissue impingement, 46% had an OLT, and the authors
lateral lesions, which is consistent with observations from
observed that the presence of these lesions was predic-
earlier studies.5,21,85 The results of their study challenged
tive of a poor outcome.103 The reported incidence of OLT
the common perception that the majority of OLTs are located
in patients undergoing surgery for lateral ankle instability
either posterior-medial or anterior-lateral. Also, their findings
ranges from 17% to 63%.23,26,53,74,94 Choi23 identified that
that medial lesions were wider and deeper than lateral lesions
the presence of a chondral lesion was a poor prognostic
appear consistent with the mechanism originally proposed
indicator for lateral ligament reconstruction. However, in
by Berndt and Harty. In their anatomic study, Berndt and
separate studies Okuda74 and Komenda53 reported equiv-
Harty proposed that lateral lesions are caused by shear
alent results after lateral ligament reconstruction in the
between the talus and fibula which causes shallow, displaced,
presence or absence of chondral lesions. These contradic-
“wafer-shaped” lesions on the lateral dome of the talus,
tory findings underscore the difficulty of effectively distin-
while medial lesions result from torsion and impaction of
guishing between an OLT that is symptomatic and one
the tibia on the talus which results in deeper, “cup-shaped”
that is an incidental finding in the setting of concomitant
In summary, although OLTs are prevalent, their clinical
significance and their true incidence remain uncertain. AnOLT may be undiagnosed in the setting of a traumatic event
Symptomatic OLTs typically present with pain, stiffness,
(ankle sprain or fracture) when advanced imaging studies
catching, and swelling of the ankle. While patients often
are not obtained. In addition, they may be over-diagnosed as
report a history of trauma, recurrent sprains, or chronic
a symptomatic lesion when they are actually an incidental
instability, in 24% of cases the patient denies an association
finding in the presence of concomitant ankle pathology.
with acute or repetitive trauma.102 Physical examination
Finally, their precise contribution to a patient’s disability may
may demonstrate tenderness, decreased range of motion,
be difficult to determine when a painful lesion is present in
pain with inversion or dorsiflexion, or an effusion. The
the setting of additional symptomatic ankle pathology such
differential diagnosis includes synovitis, soft-tissue or bony
impingement, lateral instability, and arthritis of the ankleas well as subtalar arthritis, peroneal tendinitis, and occult
fracture of the foot or ankle. A subset of OLTs presents as anasymptomatic lesion discovered incidentally in the context of
Anteroposterior (AP), lateral, and mortise weight-bearing
the workup of concomitant ankle pathology that is the actual
radiographs of the ankle should be obtained as the initial
imaging study. However, after an acute injury with a non-
The incidence of symptomatic OLTs is difficult to deter-
displaced lesion, plain radiographs may be unrevealing.5,29,
mine due to ambiguities with the diagnosis, asymptomatic
64,104 A chronic lesion with displacement, osteonecrosis, or
lesions, and the presence of concomitant pathology. The
cystic change may been seen as a positive, but non-specific,
reported rates of OLTs in patients with acute ankle frac-
finding on plain radiographs.5,104 The limitations of plain
tures ranges from 17% to 79%.1,17,47,63,65,94,96 While one
radiography include a low sensitivity,5,64,104 an inability to
author reported a correlation of ankle fracture severity with
assess the integrity of the articular cartilage, and an inability
rates of osteochondral lesions,63 another author found no
to quantify the extent of the lesion. In the setting of negative
correlation.1 Although OLTs can be diagnosed in associ-
radiographs and a high index of suspicion for intra-articular
ation with acute injuries, such as when they are discov-
pathology, MRI or CT should be considered to further
ered during the operative repair of an ankle fracture, their
diagnosis is frequently delayed until the patient presents
Debate exists regarding the choice of MRI or CT as
in the office with chronic symptoms. The incidence of
the optimal imaging study following plain radiography to
OLTs following an acute ankle sprain has been reported
assess a painful ankle. A recent study compared the utility
up to 6.5%.19 However, this number may underestimate
of MRI, CT, and arthroscopy in the diagnosis of OLTs.104
the true incidence as many lesions remain undiagnosed or
Sensitivity and specificity of MRI were 96% and 96%,
asymptomatic. A study of patients undergoing arthroscopy
CT values were 81% and 99%, and arthroscopy values
for residual pain at an average of 7 months following an
were 100% and 97%. Although these differences were not
ankle sprain revealed an osteochondral lesion in 38% of
statistically significant, each modality clearly demonstrated
cases.97 A similar study found 57% of patients with disability
its benefits and drawbacks. MRI proved very sensitive and
after ankle trauma had an OLT.5 Another study evaluating
specific and allows good visualization of the articular surface.
patients with chronic unexplained ankle pain reported an
However, excessive bone-marrow edema can obscure the
incidence of OLT of 81%.28 OLTs in the setting of concomi-
extent of the lesion and in a separate study was shown to
tant ankle pathology has also been investigated. In a study
underestimate the lesion grade.61 While CT cannot assess
Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010OSTEOCHONDRAL LESIONS OF THE TALUS
the articular cartilage directly, it is more effective than
Of particular interest is the correlation between the appear-
MRI at evaluating the bony defect. Finally, arthroscopy
ance of a lesion on imaging and arthroscopic findings. A
is advantageous for its dual capability to diagnose and
study by Mintz et al.68 attempted to correlate MRI and
treat an OLT. However, one disadvantage is its inability
arthroscopic findings. They compared the Ferkel and Cheng
to characterize subchondral lesions with intact cartilage. In
arthroscopic grade with a modified MRI grading system.
clinical practice, MRI is typically obtained prior to CT to
In their study, MRI appearance coincided with the arthro-
evaluate a patient with unexplained pain because it can
scopic grade for 83% of lesions. A similar study recently
detect a variety of pathologic conditions.25 Frequently, a CT
reported that MRI has an accuracy of 81% when compared
is obtained to characterize bony lesions more fully when
with arthroscopy.61 When the MRI appearance was inconsis-
the MRI findings are inconclusive or when initial plain
tent with arthroscopic findings, both studies found that MRI
radiographs are indicative of an osteochondral lesion.
tends to under-grade the severity of the lesion. Currently,staging systems emphasize distinguishing between an intactand disrupted articular surface, non-displaced and displaced
lesions, stable and unstable lesions, and non-cystic or cysticlesions. These characteristics, as outlined in Table 2, form
The classification system introduced by Berndt and
the basis of determining the clinical significance of a partic-
Harty16 in 1959 still remains the most widely used means
ular lesion and currently guide the discussion regarding the
of describing an OLT (Table 4). It is based on the appear-
ance of the lesion on plain radiographs and includes fourstages. Since its introduction, other classifications have beenconceived based on MRI, CT, and arthroscopic findings. TREATMENT
Several authors have revised Berndt and Harty’s originalclassification to include a fifth stage to describe cystic
Most authors advocate a trial of non-operative manage-
lesions.5,64,91 Ferkel and Sgaglione28 developed a CT-based
ment for non-displaced OLTs in both children and adults.5,11,
staging system that emphasized the bony characteristics of
21,29,39,64,66,70,79 The main contraindication to non-operative
the lesion, specifically the cystic component. Anderson5
management in children and adults are acute injuries with
developed an MRI-based classification system that modi-
displaced osteochondral fragments.15,57 In these cases, imme-
fied Berndt and Harty’s original description by designating
diate operative management is warranted to either resect or
a cystic lesion as Stage IIa. Similarly, Hepple46 devised
reduce and internally fixate the fragment.
a MRI classification that assigned cystic OLTs as Stage 5
A wide variety of non-operative treatment options exists
lesions. DiPaola27 adapted the Berndt and Harty system to
with a recommended duration ranging from 3 to 6 months.
accommodate MRI findings while maintaining the original
Possible options include nonweightbearing with cast immobi-
four stages. Pritsch80 described an arthroscopic classifica-
lization, protected weightbearing in a walking boot, bracing,
tion based on the condition of the overlying cartilage, and
physical therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Ferkel29 expanded this system to include chondromalacia and
A number of retrospective studies (Level IV) have reported
completely displaced osteochondral lesions.
good results with non-operative treatment and most authors
At this time, it is unclear as to whether any of these clas-
recommended a trial of protected weightbearing for all non-
sifications possess good inter- and intraobserver reliability or
displaced lesions.11,66,70,79,92 A recent meta-analysis reported
can serve as a meaningful guide to clinical decision-making.
a 45% success rate with non-operative treatement.102 Despitethese findings, it is unclear whether non-operative treatmentleads to or hastens the onset of arthritis. Several authors have
Table 4: Berndt and Harty Classification of OLTs (1959)
observed arthritic changes in the ankles of patients treatednon-operatively, but they could not determine if degenera-
Stage 1: Focal compression of the subchondral bone
tion of the joint could have been prevented with operative
intervention.21,92 Despite these concerns, it is the general
Stage 2: Focal compression of the subchondral bone
consensus that once a symptomatic OLT has been diagnosed,
with partial detachment of a fragment of cartilage
the physician must confirm that non-operative management
Stage 3: Focal compression of the subchondral bone
has failed before considering operative interventions. The
with a fully detached fragment of cartilage and bone
available data from Level IV studies constitutes fair evidence
still situated in place at the site of injury
(Grade B recommendation) to support a trial of non-operative
Stage 4: Focal compression of the subchondral bone
management for all non-displaced lesions. However, based
with a fully detached fragment of cartilage and bone
on the available literature, no specific conclusions can be
detached from the site of injury and floating in the
made regarding duration of conservative treatment, method
of immobilization, weightbearing status, use of NSAIDS, orthe role of physical therapy. Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010
Although good results may be obtained without surgery,
include saphenous and superficial peroneal nerve injury, pain,
some lesions remain symptomatic after a course of non-
operative management. The indication for surgical interven-
Two studies have reviewed the results of repeat marrow
tion includes symptomatic lesions refractory to conservative
stimulation following failure of a prior arthroscopic proce-
care regardless of stage. After deciding that surgery is indi-
dure. The average AOFAS score was 80.5, and the rate of
cated, the physician faces a plethora of choices from which
good to excellent results was 82% for these two series.87,89
to select the most appropriate procedure for treating an OLT.
In a prospective, non-randomized trial (Level II evidence),
Gobbi39 reported comparable results for OLTs treated with
either chondroplasty, microfracture, or an osteochondralautograft at 2-year followup. The 11 patients treated with
Multiple arthroscopically assisted techniques to stimulate
chondroplasty had a mean AOFAS score of 82.7 while those
the release of cells and cytokines from the marrow to heal an
who underwent microfracture had a mean of 83.8. The mean
OLT have been described in the literature. These techniques
size of lesions treated with chondroplasty was 4 cm2 while
include abrasion chondroplasty, curettage, antegrade and
the microfractured lesions averaged 4.5 cm2.
retrograde drilling, and debridement with microfracture.
For OLTs with the overlying articular cartilage intact,
These techniques have been used to treat lesions of all
several Level IV studies have reported on the results of
grades and sizes. They have been employed as the initial
antegrade or retrograde drilling without debridement of
treatment and as the secondary option following failure of
the lesion.29,35,55,58,93,99 These studies reported mean post-
a previous procedure. Prior to stimulating the marrow, the
operative AOFAS scores between 90 and 97 without any
lesion is inspected arthroscopically. Unstable cartilage flaps
complications. One study reported improved arthroscopic
and fragments associated with a full thickness lesion are
appearance of lesions treated with retrograde compared to
debrided. Once a stable rim of intact articular cartilage
antegrade drilling, but there was no difference in the AOFAS
is defined, a marrow stimulation technique is performed
score.55 Intuitively, the avoidance of drilling through intact
on the exposed lesion bed. For lesions with the overlying
cartilage should improve outcomes. However, no literature
articular cartilage intact, retrograde or antegrade drilling may
exists to support the theoretical advantage of the retrograde
be performed.55 Alternatively, subchondral lesions can be
technique for drilling an OLT. To the contrary of this
treated with debridement of the overlying cartilage followed
assumption, two studies have reported good results with
by marrow stimulation. All of these marrow stimulating
debridement and marrow stimulation of lesions with intact
techniques are designed to penetrate the subchondral bone to
fill the debrided talar lesion with blood containing precursor
OLTs associated with cysts have been treated with a variety
cells and cytokines that will mediate a healing response to
of procedures. Two studies have reported good to excellent
form reparative fibrocartilage. This fibrocartilage has been
results in 74% to 80% of patients treated for small (less than
studied extensively and is composed of Type I and Type
1.5 cm2) cystic lesions with marrow stimulation alone.41,64
II collagen, whereas hyaline cartilage consists primarily
Authors of other studies have recommended against the use
of Type II collagen.3,32 Although fibrocartilage poses an
of marrow stimulation alone in the treatment of cystic lesions
advantage over exposed subchondral bone as a surface for
based on the results of their studies.29,87,88 One obstacle
weightbearing, it has been shown to have inferior stiffness,
to the interpretation of these results is the discrepancy in
resilience, and wear properties compared with normal hyaline
the method of quantifying the extent of the cyst. One
study measured the depth of the cyst,29 one measured the
A number of retrospective studies (Level IV evidence)
diameter,90 and another calculated the area by using the depth
have assessed the results of marrow stimulation techniques to
and diameter of the lesion as measured on an AP X-ray or
treat OLTs.8,9,14,24,29 – 31,41,49,55,59,64,73,75,80,85,87 – 89,95 These
studies report average postoperative AOFAS scores ranging
Another obstacle to interpreting the evidence supporting
from 68 to 97 and good to excellent results in 39% to 96%
the use of marrow stimulation is that most of the literature
of cases. The size of the lesions included in these studies
evaluates the efficacy of a single technique in a heteroge-
ranges from 0.25 to 4 cm2. Although each study reports vari-
neous group of lesions. Due to the retrospective nature of
ations in the postoperative protocol, the regimen generally
these investigations, there is little adaptation in the surgical
consists of early initiation of joint motion, 6 to 8 weeks
technique or the postoperative rehabilitation despite a wide
of limited or nonweightbearing, progression to full weight-
variation in the characteristics of the lesions under review.
bearing by 3 months, and a release to athletic activity by 3 to
Most studies do not correlate the results with any partic-
6 months after surgery. The complication rates reported vary
ular characteristics noted at the time of surgery such as
and range from 0% to 14%. They include superficial and deep
the diameter, depth, or location of the OLT. Without the
infection, deep vein thrombosis, stiffness requiring a reoper-
ability to discriminate, decisions are based on intuition
ation, complex regional pain syndrome, and plantar fasci-
rather than data. For example, it is the consensus that a
itis. Complications associated with the arthroscopic portals
smaller lesion size should correlate with better outcome;
Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010OSTEOCHONDRAL LESIONS OF THE TALUS
however, the evidence has not been uniformly consistent
perform osteochondral autografting of the talar dome.33,69,101
with this assumption. Two studies (Level IV and II evidence)
Although most of the articular surface can be exposed using
reported improved results with smaller lesions,24,39 while
the appropriate osteotomy, 15% of the talus comprising the
two others (Level IV evidence) did not find this relationship
central portion of the dome cannot be accessed perpendic-
to be true.14,41 The situation is the same for lesion grade.
ularly with any osteotomy.69 Osteotomies generally neces-
Several studies have reported better results with lower grade
sitate 6 to 8 weeks of nonweightbearing to heal, and this
lesions,24,29,79,89 while others have not observed a correlation
requirement may prolong the recovery after an autograft
between outcome and lesion grade.14,41,93,99 With respect to
procedure beyond what is typically necessary after a marrow
location, it is a common belief that lateral lesions are more
stimulation procedure. Non-union and delayed union of
frequently associated with trauma than medial lesions.102 As
the osteotomy may occur at a rate reported between 0%
a result, many anticipate a disparity in the outcome between
to 2%.2,10,34,43,56,62,86,101 Two groups have recommended
medial and lateral lesions due this perceived difference in
that the fixation be removed between 9 to 18 months after
etiology. However, this has not been demonstrated in the
the osteotomy regardless of pain or evidence of hardware
literature. In fact, several authors have reported no differ-
ence in outcome based on the location of an OLT.29,73,88
The reported rate of morbidity after harvesting grafts from
Finally, there is no data to determine if the results vary in
the knee ranges from 0% to 55%. The postoperative problems
the treatment of contained versus uncontained lesions after a
include persistent pain, pain on heavy exertion, patellar
instability, giving way, difficulty kneeling or squatting, and
The consistently positive results from numerous Level
the need for additional surgery.6,10,34,39,43,83 A recent study
IV studies and one Level II study constitute fair evidence
reported a relatively low incidence of morbidity after graft
(Grade B recommendation) to support the use of marrow
harvest from the knee, although the authors reported poorer
stimulation in the management of OLTs either as the initial
results in patients with an increased body mass index.77
procedure or as a secondary option after failed arthroscopic
Osteochondral grafts have been harvested locally from the
management. The consistently positive results from Level IV
talus (anterior, medial, or lateral facet) without any reported
studies constitute fair evidence (Grade B recommendation) to
morbidity, but it has been recommended that their diameter
support antegrade or retrograde drilling alone for OLTs with
the overlying cartilage intact. The evidence is insufficient
Several technical points warrant consideration when
(Grade I recommendation) to recommend any marrow stim-
obtaining an osteochondral autograft. Harvest sites should
ulation technique alone for the treatment of cystic lesions of
be located at nonweightbearing portions of the knee (inter-
any size. Finally, there is no evidence (Grade I recommen-
condylar notch or medial/lateral femoral condyle) or talus
dation) to advocate for the use of one particular marrow
(anterior, medial, or lateral facet) because the defect created
stimulating procedure over another based on a particular
by the harvest has been shown to fill with reparative fibro-
cartilage and may possibly become a source of morbiditywithin the joint.44,56 The graft should be inserted flush with
the surrounding articular surface. A graft countersunk greaterthan 2 mm has been shown in animal studies to undergo
Osteochondral autografts have been used to treat OLTs of
cartilage necrosis and fibrous overgrowth, while a graft left
all grades and sizes. The rationale for their use is that an
proud demonstrates micromotion in its bed and fissuring of
articular defect is replaced with hyaline cartilage attached to
its hyaline cartilage.3,48 Several authors have found that up
its subchondral plate to allow bony integration of the graft
to one-third of the total area of an osteochondral autograft
within the lesion bed. Biopsies obtained during second-look
will degenerate into reparative fibrocartilage due to damaged
arthroscopy provide the histological evidence confirming the
cartilage at the periphery of the graft, the filling of gaps at
survival of chondrocytes within the transplanted hyaline
the interface of the graft and the walls of the defect, and
cartilage.10,43 Osteochondral autografts have been used to
chondrocyte death due to the mechanical trauma of graft
treat acute and chronic defects as the initial procedure or
insertion.18,50,76 These points highlight the critical impor-
as a secondary salvage after a failed arthroscopic debride-
tance of careful matching of the size and shape of the auto-
ment. Individual or multiple autografts (mosaicplasty) are
graft to the defect to minimize the amount of fibrocartilage
harvested from the ipsilateral knee or talus. The decision
to acquire one or several osteoarticular cylinders depends
A number of retrospective studies (Level IV evidence)
on the size and location of the OLT as well as the prefer-
assessing the effectiveness of osteochondral autografts to
ence of the surgeon. Access to the defect to permit inser-
treat OLTs have been performed.2,6,10,42,56,60,86 These studies
tion of the autograft perpendicular to the articular surface
report average postoperative AOFAS scores ranging from
often requires an arthrotomy combined with a peri-articular
80 to 90.8 and good to excellent results in 91% to 100%
osteotomy.33,69,101 Medial malleolar, lateral malleolar, and
of patients. The size of the lesions treated in these studies
anterolateral (Chaput) osteotomies have been utilized to
ranged from 0.16 to 5.0 cm2. The duration of recovery before
Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010
returning to full activity ranged from 3 to 12 months. The rate
results of these two techniques. Lastly, there is insufficient
of complications varied from 10% to 100%, which included
evidence (Grade I recommendation) to support the use of
failure of the graft, persistent pain, prolonged swelling or
osteochondral autografting on the basis of the size, location,
stiffness, prolonged time to recovery, painful hardware used
grade, stability, displacement, or containment of a lesion.
to fixate the osteotomy, and problems with wound healingsuch as suture granuloma, incisional neuroma, and wound
dehiscence.2,34,39,56 In a prospective, non-randomized trial(Level II evidence) comparing chondroplasty, microfracture,
In the operative treatment of an OLT, osteochondral allo-
and osteochondral autograft with 2-year followup, Gobbi39
grafts are used for lesions that are not amenable to other
reported an average AOFAS score of 85 in 12 patients
procedures. Structural allografts are typically employed to
with grade 3 or 4 lesions treated with autograft taken
reconstruct collapsed articular surfaces due to avascular
from the ipsilateral knee. The average size of the lesions
necrosis and to fill large (greater than 1 cm diameter and
was 3.7 (range, 1.2 to 5) cm2. They did not observe any
5 mm depth) osteochondral defects where harvesting an auto-
morbidity in the knee from which the graft was harvested.
genous graft of adequate size to restore the anatomy of the
Two patients experienced persistent pain and stiffness in
talus would be difficult. Allografts provide intact hyaline
the ankle requiring arthroscopic debridement for anterior
cartilage to repair the articular surface, typically require a
impingement. Only one of the patient’s symptoms resolved
malleolar osteotomy for insertion, and necessitate graft fixa-
tion with either impaction or small caliber screws.4,40,81,100
The studies that support the use of osteochondral auto-
Typically, an allograft is obtained in bulk from a tissue bank
grafts used standardized protocols for treatment and did
and shaped intraoperatively to fit the defect. Fresh allografts
not consistently correlate their results with specific char-
should be harvested within 24 hours of the donor’s death
acteristics of the lesion. Only one study evaluated the use
and implanted within 1 week to ensure maximal chondrocyte
of osteochondral autografts to treat cystic lesions, and the
viability.100 In cases where fresh tissue cannot be obtained,
authors reported good results.90 Several studies have demon-
fresh-frozen allografts may be used instead as there is no
strated better results treating smaller sized lesions.2,10,39 In
clear evidence at this time that fresh allografts provide supe-
three separate studies comparing the use of solitary versus
rior results to fresh-frozen grafts.81 Postoperatively, patients
multiple (mosaicplasty) osteochondral grafting, two reported
must be kept nonweightbearing for 6 to 8 weeks to allow
better results with solitary grafts10,39 while the third found
the concomitant osteotomy required for insertion to heal. In
no difference between the two methods.2 However, the inter-
cases where very large allografts are used, the patients are
pretation of these results are confounded by the size of
kept protected weightbearing for up to a year to allow graft
the lesion because most solitary grafts are performed on
incorporation. The advantages of using allografts include the
smaller lesions whereas mosaicplasty is utilized for larger
elimination of morbidity from harvesting an autograft, the
lesions. The results of grafting based on the location of the
plentiful intraoperative availability of tissue for graft, and
lesion have not been extensively investigated. Only one study
the use of hyaline cartilage to resurface defects of any size
reported improved outcomes with medial compared to lateral
or shape. Potential drawbacks include failure of the graft to
lesions.2 With respect to lesion grade, one author reported no
heal to the surrounding bone, the risk of disease transmis-
correlation between outcome and the severity of the lesion.2
sion, immunogenicity, and the long time interval necessary
No data exists comparing the use of osteochondral autograft
for graft incorporation. Additional complications pertaining
for contained versus uncontained lesions. Finally, while there
to the use of an osteotomy and arthrotomy are also potential
appears to be a general consensus that the outcomes after
autografting deteriorate in an older patient population,10,34
Two retrospective studies (Level IV evidence) have
little data exists in the literature to support this claim.
assessed the efficacy of osteochondral allografts to treat
The consistently positive results from several Level IV
OLTs.40,81 One study reviewed nine patients who had failed
studies and one limited Level II study constitute fair evidence
previous arthroscopic management and were treated subse-
(Grade B recommendation) to support the use of osteochon-
quently with an osteochondral allograft.40 At an average
dral autografting as a primary or as a secondary procedure to
12-years followup, six patients were satisfied with the func-
treat OLTs. However, when choosing an osteochondral auto-
tion of their ankle. Of the three patients who failed treatment,
graft for treatment of an OLT, the surgeon must appreciate
all of their allografts developed avascular necrosis neces-
the potentially extended recovery time compared to a marrow
sitating an ankle fusion. No complications were reported
stimulation procedure. There is insufficient evidence (Grade I
related to the procedure. In another study, six patients with
recommendation) in the literature to support the use of osteo-
an average lesion size of 4.38 cm3 were treated with an
chondral autograft in the treatment of cystic lesions. Simi-
allograft.81 At an average followup of nearly 2 years, the
larly, there is insufficient evidence (Grade I recommendation)
average AOFAS score was 86. Five patients continued to
to recommend solitary versus multiple autografts for an OLT
function well with an intact graft, while the sixth patient
as the available literature does not differentiate between the
underwent ankle arthrodesis due to pain. Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010OSTEOCHONDRAL LESIONS OF THE TALUS
These two Level IV studies do not provide sufficient
prolonged knee symptoms at 12 months in 0% to 70%
evidence (Grade I recommendation) to support the use of
of patients undergoing this procedure.71,106 Alternatively,
osteochondral allograft for an OLT of any size, location,
the harvest can be performed from the anterior talus with
grade, stability, displacement, or containment.
little reported morbidity.13 A recent study reported a 20%incidence of graft hypertrophy seen during second-look
arthroscopy, the clinical significance of which is unknown.71In addition, a recent review of all adverse events following
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) has been
ACI (all joints included), found an overall graft complication
investigated as a means of repairing OLTs of various grades
rate of 3.8% with graft failure, delamination, or hypertrophy
and sizes. It has been used as the initial and secondary option
being the three most common events observed.107
for acute or chronic lesions. ACI requires two surgical proce-
Like studies investigating other techniques for treating
dures and the use of cell culture. The first procedure harvests
OLTs, the literature evaluating the efficacy of ACI used
hyaline cartilage from the patient’s talus or femoral condyle.
standardized treatment protocols that did not vary according
The chondrocytes are then isolated from the harvested tissue
to the specific characteristics of the lesion. Also, the majority
and cultured in the laboratory for approximately 3 weeks
of papers did not correlate the results of treatment with
to amplify the number of chondrocytes. The second proce-
the specific characteristics of the lesions. Several authors
dure re-implants the chondrocytes into the debrided bed of
reported good results with the “sandwich procedure” to treat
the osteochondral lesion, through a malleolar osteotomy if
cystic lesions with a depth greater than 5 mm.38,71 One study
necessary.13 A periosteal patch from the distal tibia seals the
found no correlation between the outcome and the size or
chondrocytes in the defect.12,13 Over time, the re-implanted
location of the lesion.38 However, this study observed that
chondrocytes fill the defect with new hyaline cartilage. Anal-
outcomes were affected predominantly by the age of the
ysis of biopsies from defects treated with ACI has shown the
patient and this relationship may have masked the detection
novel tissue to be “hyaline-like” and composed of approx-
of additional corrrelations.38 None of these studies reported
imately 42% hyaline cartilage.3,38 This “hyaline-like” carti-
the results comparing the use of ACI in contained versus
lage reportedly has biomechanical properties similar to native
cartilage that may make it more durable than fibrocartilage
Based on these limited number of Level IV studies,
there is insufficient evidence (Grade I recommendation) to
Recently, a report in the literature has described an arthro-
support the use of ACI to treat OLTs as a primary or as
scopic technique that obviates the need for an osteotomy.
a secondary option. Similarly, there is insufficient evidence
The chondrocytes are cultured in a biologic matrix that
(Grade I recommendation) to guide the use of this technique
serves both as a delivery system for the cells as well as
based on the size, location, grade, stability, displacement, or
a scaffold for repair negating the need for a periosteal
patch.36,38 Early results with this so-called matrix-associatedchondrocyte implantation (MACI) have been promising.13,22
However, the safety and long-term efficacy of these newbiologic scaffolds have not been firmly established. When
Although most cystic OLTs are treated with one of
the depth of the lesion is greater than 5 mm, cancellous
the aforementioned techniques, autogenous cancellous bone
bone grafting has been recommended.12,13,36,38,71 This tech-
grafting alone to pack a defect has been evaluated in two
nique is referred to as the “sandwich technique,” consisting
retrospective studies (Level IV evidence).52,88 While one
of cancellous bone graft covered by a “sandwich” of two
study reported an average postoperative AOFAS score of 93,
periosteal patches with the autologous chondrocytes inserted
the other noted good to excellent results in only 46% of
patients with 6 of 13 patients requiring re-operation. Based
A number of retrospective studies (Level IV evidence)
on the limited data from these two Level IV studies, there
assessing the effectiveness of ACI in the management
is insufficient evidence (Grade I recommendation) to support
of OLTs have been performed.12,36 – 38,71,106 These studies
the use of autogenous bone grafting alone to treat a cystic
report average postoperative AOFAS scores ranging from
88.4 to 90.5 with good to excellent results in 82% to 92%
Recently, there have been two case series on the use of
of patients. The sizes of the lesions range from 0.5 to
vascularized bone grafts to treat cystic lesions with intact
6.25 cm2. The time to return to full activity ranges from
overlying cartilage.45,98 Cancellous bone grafts, osteochon-
8 to12 months, and the authors required a strict adherence
dral allografts, and osteochondral autografts are susceptible
to a multi-phase rehabilitation program beginning with non-
to necrosis, collapse, and failure due to the discrete patterns
weightbearing and the use of continuous passive motion.71
of perfusion to the talar dome. Vascularized bone grafts offer
The rates of complication were low in these reviews and
a potential means of avoiding these complications because
included only a superficial infection and donor site morbidity
they are implanted with their own blood supply. One study
of the knee. Tissue harvest from the knee can result in
included two cases in which a vascularized iliac crest bone
Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 1/January 2010
graft was used to replace subchondral bone with intact over-
typically performed with cylindrical plugs of bone and
lying cartilage after the curettage of benign tumors.45 At 10-
cartilage most commonly harvested from the ipsilateral
and 4.5-years followup respectively, both grafts had survived,
knee or talus. This technique offers the advantage of
and the patients reported pain-free function. Another study
replacing the lost cartilage with real hyaline cartilage.
reported the use of a vascularized calcaneus graft to treat
However, disadvantages include a prolonged recovery
large cystic osteochondral lesions on the medial side of the
time compared to marrow stimulation, the potential for
talus with intact overlying cartilage.98 Four patients were
donor site morbidity, and difficulty matching the graft
treated with an average lesion size of 4.31 cm2. At an average
follow-up of 34 months, all grafts had survived without
8. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) offers the
evidence of osteonecrosis and the average AOFAS score was
theoretical advantage of replacing the cartilage defect
83. Although the results from these two level IV studies are
with the patient’s own cartilage cells. However, to
promising, there is insufficient evidence (Grade I recommen-
date there is insufficient evidence to fully assess the
dation) to support the use of a vascularized bone graft to treat
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2. Medial talar lesions are more common than lateral
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lesions. Medial OLTs are thought to result from
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9. Baker, CL; Morales, RW: Arthroscopic treatment of Transchondral
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13. Baums, MH; Heidrich, G; Schultz, W; et al.: The surgical technique
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Nº 170, quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008Art. 1o Autorizar o funcionamento do curso de Adminis- PORTARIA No- 620, DE 2 DE SETEMBRO DE 2008 Por maioria de votos, NEGAR provimento ao recurso. Ven-tração, bacharelado, com 160 (cento e sessenta) vagas totais anuais,cido o Conselheiro Moisés Giacomelli Nunes da Silva (Relator) quenos turnos diurno e noturno, a ser ministrado pela Faculdade
Report of drugs magnesium Sulphate Misoprostol ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the Dr.Yasin, Hargeisa Hospital, Berbera Hospital, Burco Hospital, and Adna Aden Hospital as a whole in Somaliland region for their cooperation, time and provision of information individually and in focus group that helped the survey team get a better understanding of the medical report in We wis