Microsoft word - family mtg minutes - oct 18, 2012.doc
Family Meeting Minutes
Recreation Room – Belvedere Care Centre
Minutes of February 15, 2012 adopted as circulated. NEW BUSINESS
Guest Speaker – Alan Glasser, Pharmacist
“Dementia / Alzheimer’s medication and the use/misuse of anti-psychotics in the elderly
Importance of medication – medication is not absorbed in the stomach:
Do not dry swallow any medication. Drink 6 – 8 ounces of water with medications. Medication can stick in throat and depending on medication can burn the
Reduce effects of upset stomach by taking liquid. You can delay/reduce effects of medications by taking it without liquid.
Handout of medications being discussed was distributed and referred to:
Increased acetylcholine in brain – increased chemical messengers in brain is the
action of the dementia medications that will be discussed.
Need a form advising families re: anti-psychotic drugs for information
Goal is to improve brain function and behaviour thus person feels better:- MMSE - 30/30 = perfect score- 16/30 = medication is no longer effective
Temporary delay in progression of dementia
High blood sugar can do brain damage and research is showing increased blood sugarcan result in Alzheimer’s. - ARICEPT – 5-10 mg. daily
Side Effects = nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- MEMANTINE – may be used in combination with Aricept
Dementia – sometimes results in aggressive behaviour and anti-psychotic medicationswere given. - Side effects of anti-psychotics are serious and may result in increased mortality- Increased heart failure; affects immune system which can result in frail elderly
- Alan explained that most anti-psychotics have been discontinued. However, if a
resident’s behaviour is not controllable there may be instances where anti-psychoticsare prescribed. Consideration given to quality of life, not just quantity.
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Resident & Family Meeting MinutesOctober 18, 2012
MOST – New Protocol for Degree of Intervention
Process for completion of the document; onus is on the Physician to sign the document.
Kathy explained document and responsibilities of families, Physicians and Nurses atBelvedere Care Centre.
“My Voice” – document being introduced to everyone and is the vehicle to express plan ofcare up to and including death. FLU VACCINE
Arrives October 19, 2012. Residents and Staff receive vaccine next week. Pneumovax vaccine will be given to residents who have never had it or had it 5
Staff who do not receive flu vaccine will wear a mask all the time they are at work. Kathy explained education for Staff for Infection Control Week (displayed in Activity
December 15th is the Resident/Family party during the day.
Details included in November statements. OPEN FORUM
If there is a death, how is this handled for the other residents?- Table mates are told gently and comforted. - No notice is posted.
Bring treats to residents at Christmas?- Probably not a good idea as there are several diabetics.
Take family out. Have a sign out sheet on each floor. - Good idea.
Medication changed and all medications thrown out and we were charged for ALLthe medications. - Kathy replied that medication changes may change at next delivery.
Is the cellophane package the best way of packaging drugs? What if medicationfalls on floor from the “little bag”?- Packaging has not been an issue and if a medication is missing (resident noticed),there are ways of replacing it.
Do you ever meet with families one-on-one?- Difference between Care Conference and family conference explained.
want to meet with Kathy and Joy, please call and let us know and we can do that. ADJOURNMENT
C:\Documents and Settings\Belvedere\My Documents\BSL & Intercare\Belvedere\Family Meetings\Minutes\2012\Family Mtg Minutes - Oct 18, 2012.doc
s talking Dedicated to the welfare of Laryngectomees and those with similar vocal disorders ALL CORRESPONDENCE : The Secretary, The Laryngectomee Association of NSW, PO Box 380, BELROSE, NSW 2085 Fax & Phone 02 9451 7926 Email: NEXT MEETING OFFICE BEARERS 2010 PRESIDENT: Brian Gardner, 4 Merelyn Road, BELROSE, VICE PRESIDENT (1): Russell Green, 17/765 Prince
Mwanza Intervention Trials SUMMARY OF RESEARCH STUDIES CARRIED OUT BY THE MWANZA INTERVENTION TRIALS UNIT The Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU) builds on a long history of collaborative research on HIV and related infections in Mwanza and other neighbouring regions in North-western Tanzania. This collaboration involves the Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research (NIM