s talking
Dedicated to the welfare of Laryngectomees and those with similar vocal disorders
ALL CORRESPONDENCE : The Secretary, The Laryngectomee Association of NSW, PO Box 380, BELROSE, NSW 2085 Fax & Phone 02 9451 7926 Email: lansw@bigpond.com NEXT MEETING OFFICE BEARERS 2010 PRESIDENT: Brian Gardner, 4 Merelyn Road, BELROSE, VICE PRESIDENT (1): Russell Green, 17/765 Princes Hwy,
BLAKEHURST, 2221. 02 9547 3669 VICE PRESIDENT (2): Peter McGregor, 21/39 Cook Rd, TREASURER/WELFARE OFFICER: Carol Gardner, PO Box
Fax & Phone - 02 9451 7926. Email - lansw@bigpond.com
Hodges, 31 Clack Rd, CHESTER HILL, 2162. 0404 400 842
Sponsors of “Still talking” SPEECH AIDS COORDINATOR: John Chaloner, PO Box 31, www.mainmed.com.au EDITOR: A.T.Krasnodebski, PO Box 232, BONDI, 2026.
02 9130 2560. Email - atkras@optusnet.com.au
1300 005 279. Importers of Blom Singer, Cooper Rand W H O T O C O N TA C T BLOM SINGER SUPPLIES:David Smith, 27 & Servona Electrolarynx
02 9939 1539 Ask for David personally. MONTHLY MEETINGS SPEECH AIDS, BATTERIES, ADVICE ON NSW Association: 3rd Wednesday of month Sydney REPAIRS: John Chaloner, PO Box 31, SUMMER
Mechanics Institute, 280 Pitt St, SYDNEY, 2000 at 11am. NEW ENGLAND: Meets 2pm 1st Wed. December Conference
Room, Rehab Unit, Tamworth Base Hosp. 02 6767 8369
SHOWER SHIELDS, STOMA COVER MATERIAL NEWCASTLE: 3rd Tues. Monthly Mayfield Bowling Club, Ingall AND WELFARE MATTERS: Carol Gardner, PO
St, Mayfield. Contact John Lovett 02 4954 8308
NORTHERN RIVERS: 4 times annually at rotating venues.
Contact Speech Pathology Lismore Base Hospital 02 6767 8377
ACCOMMODATION ASSISTANCE WHEN ALBURY: Meets alternate months from Feb. Contact Norma NEEDING OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT AWAY FROM HOME: Cancer Council of NSW, 153 CANBERRA: 1st Thu. at 11am Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Canberra
(PO Box 572, Kings Cross, 1340) Phone 02 9334
SOUTHERN DISTRICTS: Last Wed of month 11am. Thomas
Rachael Moore Education Centre, Liverpool Hospital. Contact
Worker at the hospital you will be attending.
Pres. Richard Patman 02 9607 6708 MID NORTH COAST: Port Macquarie Community Health WEBSITES
Centre. Feb. May. Aug. Nov. Contact David McClymont -
ASSOCIATION WEB PAGE: www.stilltalking.org CENTRAL COAST: Meet at Central Coast Leagues Club. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
Contact Speech Pathology Department (Gosford Hospital) 02
LARYNGECTOMEES: www.larynxlink.com
4320 3634 or Bill Byfield 0402 045 048. COFFS/CLARENCE: Coffs Harbour Health Campus, WEB WHISPERS: www.webwhispers.org
Shearwater Lodge. Meets 4 times annually. Contact Melissa
Don NEWBY of Drummoyne (long time member of our
Association and the former LOST CHORD CLUB of
at SMSA, 280 PITT STREET, SYDNEY at 11am
N.S.W. and very regular attendee at our meetings andfunctions). Condolences have been sent to family and
PRESENT: Brian Gardner, Peter McGregor, Antoni
Krasnodebski, “Ser” Norm Fredericks, Victor Stumbles,Ruth Gray, Barry Bunker, Frederick Lee, Bruce Hodges,
Genelle TIERNEY from Sutherland area (daughter of
John Pyle, John Czadrik, Rob Seale, Carol Gardner,
Glenda and Peter TIERNEY) rang and offered her
volunteer support if we required it. We will call on herassistance when appropriate help is needed. APOLOGIES: Ray Chappelow, Glenda & Peter Tierney, John Chaloner, Lilah Walton. THE PRESIDENT opened the meeting at 11 o’clock and GENERAL BUSINESS: Kirsten Fredericks told us that
welcomed our Queensland visitors Norm Fredericks and
the Queensland Association is now defunct. Two years
his daughter Kirsten, also Frederick Lee from Dapto who
ago the Queensland Cancer Council took over the
called into the meeting on his way to St George Hospital
running of the Association and meetings stopped soon
for a swallowing test. The minutes of the March meeting
after. Speech Pathologists are now the only contact with
as appeared in the newsletter were taken as read.
laryngectomees. Heather Winstone’s husband now needsconstant care and they have moved from Brisbane. She
Moved Bruce Hodges, seconded John Czadric.
also gave a graphic description of difficulties experienced
FINANCIAL REPORT: (Carol Gardner) 18/3/10 to 21/4/10
by laryngectomees in Queensland hospitals.
A Queensland Speechie has contacted Carol asking howwe operate here in NSW but hasn’t been back in contact
Talk went onto stoma covers. Norm didn’t know where thematerial in Brisbane came from, but they had at least a
thousand metres which was sewn into stoma covers by
Cwealth Term Deposit 6.3% mat. 7/10/10 = $385000
Our membership is about 260 laryngectomees. We think
Carol Gradner went on to describe the contents of
complimentary packs given to new members. A shave bag
with the Association logo contains tweezers, sponge,
rubber samples. 2 different stoma covers, a mirror, torch,
a windscreen sticker, cook book, stoma care sheets, a
current newsletter, “You Can Say That Again” booklet.
New windscreen stickers are to be made. Yellow with
The meeting approved expenses for Brian and CarolGardner to visit the Newcastle branch to celebrate Dawn
WELFARE REPORT: (Carol Gardner)
Lovett’s 25 years as President of the Hunter Valley
Branch on Tuesday, 18th May at 6:30 pm at the Mayfield
Henry ROACH of Yattalunga (whose family sent
Bowling Club, Ingall Street, Mayfield.
compliments for Bruce Hodges’ visit and thanks for
Frederick Lee asked about looking after batteries for a
Servox. Bruce explained to him about charging systems
to keep batteries going for three years or so and to
contact John Chaloner for an additional battery to use
Shortly after 12:15 pm the meeting closed followed by
Allan KYLE of Crescent Head, Stan IMER of Epping,
The next meeting is on 19th May, 2010. A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together. After the man received the full treatment - shave, manicure, haircut, etc. - he placed the boy in the chair. "I'm goin' to buy a green tie to wear for the parade," he said. "I'll be backin a few minutes."When the boy's haircut was done and the man still hadn't returned, the barber said, "It looks like your daddy forgot allabout you.""That wasn't my daddy," said the boy. "He just walked up, took me by the hand and said, 'Come on, son, we're gonnaget a free haircut!'”PROPOSED VISIT TO COUNTRY BRANCHES BY PRESIDENT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Co-ordinating country visits – As your President
I am endeavouring to co-ordinate visits to the
I am a Laryngectomee of 2 years. In the last6 months I have been using an H.M.E which
Officer/Treasurer) to Port Macquarie, Coffs
I have found to be very helpful. I have also
Harbour, Lismore and Tamworth. It is some 3 or
been using a Free Hands H.M.E which I
4 years since we have visited these Branches. I
must admit I have some trouble trying to
have been in touch by phone with the Speech
Pathologists at those centres and unfortunately
My Speech Pathologist put in an application
have been informed that Lismore and Tamworth
to Enable (formally PADP) for funding of the
Meetings have been poorly attended in recent
H.M.E., 6 months later I received a phone
times, so much so that scheduled meetings
call, the application has been approved. So
have been cancelled. I have spoken to David
now I'm getting Government Funding for my
McClymont (Port Macquarie) and have intimated
Prosthesis and my H.M.E. The more people
to him that our Vice President will visit that
that start using the H.M.E., the more
centre on the last Wednesday in June and I will
Government funding we (laryngectomees)
leave it to Peter to liaise with David as to the
timing of that visit. Insofar as the other centresare concerned I have spoken to the S.P.’s to
Personally I feel the H.M.E. to be of great
co-ordinate times and dates for their meetings,
assistance in the reduction of secretions,
so that Carol and I can make a round trip to
round 60% less, which I find very helpful
Coffs Harbour, Lismore then home via Tamworth
when it comes to cleaning the stoma.
so we can catch up with the members in those
Instead of cleaning the stoma 2-3 times a
areas for mutual benefit. At this stage, I pro-
day and coughing up phlegm all the time, I
pose to visit Coffs Harbour on 30th June, then
now clean my stoma once a day and cough
Lismore and Tamworth on the 1st and 2nd July,
Most speech pathologists should be able to
co-ordinators to let them know if these dates are
help in a trail usage of an H.M.E.
suitable and your intention/ability to attend. (B.C.G. – President)
It was with much sadness that we learnt of Don Newby's passing. Most of our members knewDon as he was one of the longest standing members of the Association. Although Don sufferedmany health problems over the years, he demonstrated his support for the Association for manyyears, and his willingness to help his fellow laryngectomees, by still managing to attend most ofour monthly meetings, where he was always keen to contribute ideas and give his opinions onissues raised, as well as provide helpful advice to others. Don always had something to sayabout just about everything as he was a passionate man and very kind hearted.
Despite his failing health, Don always maintained a sense of humour. He enjoyed telling a yarn. He had once worked as a truck driver and joked about being stopped by the police for breathtesting. When the officer told Don he was going to be breath tested, (unaware that Don was alaryngectomee and therefore couldn't be tested), Don replied sarcastically "I don't think so". Donalso had a comical way of referring to his own health problems, as he was a positive, jolly person. In one issue of Still Talking, where he talked about the problems he had experienced withthe closing up of his stoma, he said that "I do not wear a stoma cover as it restricts my breathing,it would have to be made out of chicken wire".
Don will be missed, not only for his support of the Association but also for his warm heartedness,and the positivity which he imparted to other people around him. Don seemed to cheer everyoneup even when he had his own health concerns, which he tried for many years to overcome. SIDE-EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY Before commencing chemotherapy, most people are required to attend a pre admission clinic where they are told about the chemotherapy drug they are to be treated with, (there are numerous chemotherapy drugs used in different combinations for different cancer types), the possible side effects, and how to manage these side effects. Although not everyone experiences side effects the following guide should be useful for those who do. RED CELLS, WHITE CELLS AND PLATELETS Although chemotherapy drugs are designed to kill cancer cells, some normal cells are also damaged. Because blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets) are often affected by chemotherapy, you will be required to have regular blood tests during your treatment. Platelets - Because platelets help blood to clot and chemotherapy drugs can lower your platelet count you may experience bruising and bleeding. Red cells - If you develop anaemia, (a low red cell count) you may become short of breath, have palpitations or become lethargic. Sometimes a blood transfusion may be needed to help solve the problem. White cells - Chemotherapy often lowers white blood cells (the cells that fight infection). This may happen 10 - 12 days after each treatment. If you develop a fever greater than 38 degrees twice in a 6 hour period, it is advisable to contact your doctor or have yourself checked out at a hospital. NAUSEA Nausea is a common side effect of chemotherapy drugs and because it is easier to prevent than treat, you should take any anti nausea drugs you have been given. They are usually given before each chemotherapy treatment and the type depends on your chemotherapy regimen. Some of the drugs prescribed include Maxalon, Stemetil, Zofran, Kytril, Navoban, Emend Tripack or Dexmethasone. If vomiting is an ongoing problem, your doctor may recommend Stemetil suppositories. If the anti nausea drugs do not work for you, you could try an antacid such as Zantac, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) or ginger capsules. NUTRITION At this time it is very important that you maintain good nutrition as it will help you to cope mentally and physically with the cancer and any side effects of treatment. You should choose foods from all five food groups to ensure a balanced diet. A dietician can assist you with advice if needed. TO HELP PREVENT OR ALLEVIATE NAUSEA Try to avoid very sweet, spicy, oily, fatty and fried food. Eat small regular meals and don't have a very large meal immediately before or after a chemotherapy session. FLUID It is very important to stay well hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid a lot of coffee and tea as they may unsettle your stomach. After a chemotherapy session you should drink 2-3 litres of water a day for 2-3 days. Cont’d From Page 4CONSTIPATIONThe anti nausea drugs Navoban, Kytril and Zofran as well as some anti cancer drugs cancause constipation. To prevent or relieve constipation drink plenty of fluids, eat foods highin fibre and try to exercise regularly. If the problem continues you could try Coloxyl withSenna tablets, Movicol sachets, glycerine suppositories or Durolax suppositories. DIARRHOEASome chemotherapy drugs can cause diarrhoea. To control it you should drink smallamounts of fluids regularly. You should drink fluids that are warm or at room temperatureand leave fizzy drinks to go flat before you drink them. Gastrolyte or Powerade can helpto replace lost electrolytes. Eat small amounts of food frequently and avoid spicy or fried foods, alcohol, fruit juicesand strong tea and coffee. Imodium, Gastro Stop or Lomotil may be helpful. MOUTHCARESome chemotherapy drugs can cause a dry, sore and/or ulcerated mouth, as well astaste changes. To prevent a sore mouth -use a soft, small headed toothbrushbe careful to brush and floss regularlyuse a mouthwash at least four times a day. A simple but effective wash is sodium bicarbonate mouthwash. (Dissolve 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate soda in a glass of warmwater. Rinse your mouth well, then expel. Use after meals and at bedtime.) Do not usecommercial mouthwashes as they contain alcohol and will dry and irritate your gums. Dentures should be cleaned after every meal and rinse your mouth with mouthwashwhen your dentures are removed. TASTE CHANGESIf you find that food tastes bitter or like metal, try eating mints (or sugarless mints) orchewing gum (or sugarless gum) to help get rid of the odd taste. If your food tastes likemetal, you can also try using plastic rather than metal cooking utensils. TREATMENT FOR A DRY MOUTHTry to avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco as they can dry out the mouth. Use Biotene Oral Balance Moisturising Gel to the mouth or tongue, or you can tryToothette mouth moisturiser. For dry lips, Paw Paw ointment or Oralife peppermint lip treatment can help. Use a room humidifier at night. Stimulate saliva flow with sugarless lollies or sugarless gum. Use a mouthwash at least four times a day. Use a room humidifier at night. TREATMENT FOR A SORE MOUTH, ULCERS OR INFECTIONSThe problem of a sore mouth or a white coating in the mouth (a sign of a fungal infection)
can be remedied by using sodium bicarbonate, Biotene or Difflam mouthwash every 2-4
Cont’d From Page 5 Nilstat antifungal drops are useful, as are Fungulin lozenges and Fluconazole tablets (but both of these need a prescription from the doctor). For painful gums you can use Biotene toothpaste. Drinking plenty of fluids, sucking on ice and eating soft moist foods all help. Try to avoid mouthwashes containing alcohol, spicy and salty foods, acidic foods like oranges, rough coarse or dry foods, and hot food. For mouth pain you can use Xylocaine viscous fluid or Gelclair, and for individual ulcers you can use Kenalog in Orabase Paste. LIFESTYLE A good diet, plenty of rest and relaxation, regular exercise and maintaining a positive attitude will help your recovery and take your mind off your illness. SEXUALITY After chemotherapy all your bodily fluids are contaminated with chemotherapy drugs for several days. You should talk to your oncology team about the time it takes for your body to remove your particular chemo drug. You should protect your partner by using safe sex techniques such as condoms and when using the toilet, close the lid and double flush after each use. Carers should wear gloves when handling any body fluids. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES You should discuss any complementary drugs with your team as they may interfere with your chemotherapy treatment. humour removed the furious
J CATARACT REFRACT SURG - VOL 32, JANUARY 2006Transient light sensitivity after femtosecond laserflap creation: Clinical findings and managementKarl G. Stonecipher, MD, Jon G. Dishler, MD, Teresa S. Ignacio, MD, Perry S. Binder, MDPURPOSE: To describe the constellation of subjective and objective findings associated with unusualoccurrences of photosensitivity after laser in situ keratomileusis
When Is the Statute of Limitations a Defense? I) Definition of “statute of limitations.” A statute of limitations sets forth the time within which an accrued cause of action must be asserted in court. If the plaintiff brings a cause of action after the statute of limitations has run,he/she has no legal remedy. The statute of limitations is an affirmative defense that must be pled byt