CLUBS within the BENEFICE & REGULAR MEETINGS HAMPSHIRE FEDERATION OF WI - HERRIARD & LASHAM with BENTWORTH W.I. Rosemarie Bradley John Tubman's talk about the design and construction of Portsmouth's Millennium Project, 'The Spinnaker Tower', was really entertaining; particularly the initially, mysterious and oft repeated mention, of nearly demolishing Burger King's Restaurant as 'The Sail' was erected. During a final phase, just as designed, BKs front window escaped demolition by 2 inches! Upon completion I'm sure a few glasses of Champagne were consumed but in that phase plenty of Aspirin must have been made available to ease the headaches.
We'll have the opportunity to examine this spectacular structure when we visit Gunwharf Quay on 16th July. The brave ones going up the Tower for the magnificent views and the others, keeping their feet firmly on terra firma. HCFWI Science Group. June
in St Gregory's Parish Centre, Alresford at 2pm.
Ian Gledhill will talk about the 'Volks Railway'. Constructed in 1883 this is the oldest operating Electric Railway system that ran from Brighton to Rottingdean along the coastal strip. We hope to arrange a visit to this system later in the year. Non members are very welcome: £3.50 including refreshments. July
- Same time, same place - 'Return of the Otter' a talk by a representative from
the Wildlife Conservation Trust detailing how habitats for wildlife have been unwittingly & sometimes deliberately destroyed but are now being restored. Non members are very welcome: £3.50 including refreshments. MEDSTEAD BOWLS CLUB Wilf Robinson The club has made a very good start to the summer season. Results so far in the Stan Hardman League, which covers the whole of the Basingstoke area, are four matches won and one lost. The first friendly match of the season against Lockswood, a club very near the south coast not far from Fareham, was not nearly such good news. It was a miserable day with strong wind and intermittent rain and we were no match for the local team who beat us on all three rinks. On the social side, we held our annual Ladies' Lunch on Tuesday 19th May. A three- course lunch was served to twenty lady members and guests. This gave the new kitchen its first really thorough testing, and it came through with flying colours Attendance at our Open Day on Saturday 13th June was somewhat disappointing. Unfortunately we chose a day when there were several quite big local events on the calendar, not only in Medstead but also in Bentworth and Alton, and we know that they provided strong competition. For anyone who missed the Open Day, we hope you will find time to visit us on one of our roll-up days. We meet every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon and on Friday evenings and we play on the indoor short mat if the weather is too bad to play on the green. We welcome visitors or casual players at any time. There is plenty of club equipment that newcomers can use, so just turn up a little before 2 o'clock, or 6 o'clock or ring the secretary for more information on 01420 560014.
COMISIÓN DE DISCIPLINA RAMA DE FÚTBOL CTC ARTÍCULO 1º El presente Código de Procedimientos y Penalidades de la Rama de Fútbol Telefónica Movistar, tiene por objeto servir de fundamento para la aplicación de la “Justicia Deportiva” de los campeonatos de Fútbol organizados bajo el amparo de la rama, y tendrá vigencia a partir del 24/04/2010 ARTÍCULO 2° Con la dictación de esta nor
Riverside Health Care Facilities Inc. 110 Victoria Avenue Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 2B7 “Connecting Communities – Committed to Caring” PEDIATRIC SURGERY PRE-OPERATIVE PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS The hospital Surgical Booking Clerk will contact you with a date and time for your procedure. Call a few days prior to reconfirm the arrival time at 274-4846. Chil