Pediatric surgery pre-operative patient instructions

Riverside Health Care Facilities Inc.
110 Victoria Avenue
Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 2B7
“Connecting Communities – Committed to Caring”
The hospital Surgical Booking Clerk will contact you with a date and time for your procedure. Call a few days prior to reconfirm the arrival time at 274-4846. Children 1-14 years of age: Do not eat anything after midnight the day of
surgery. Clear fluids may be taken until 4:00 a.m. the day of surgery (no
milk, no solid food). If your child has had anything by mouth after 4:00
a.m., his/her surgery will be cancelled.

Infants to 1 year of age: Feed your baby as usual the day before the
surgery. No solid foods may be given after midnight the day of surgery.
Up to 4 hours before surgery, your baby may be breastfed or given
formula, your baby then can have nothing to eat or drink. If your baby
has had anything by mouth within 4 hours of surgery, his/her
surgery will be cancelled.

Ask the doctor at your pre anaesthetic assessment (PAA) whether you are to take your regular medications the day of surgery. Aspirin (ASA),
blood thinners (Coumadin, Warfarin) Ticlid, Plavix should be
discussed with a doctor at least 1 week prior to your surgery date.
please clarify insulin/medication orders at this time.
Bring any current medications with you to the hospital. Bathe your child either the evening before or the morning of surgery. Wash the surgical area well with soap and water (if applicable). Do not wear make-up, nail polish, or contact lenses the day of surgery. Wear comfortable, loose clothing the day of surgery. Leave all jewellery Bring all health care information with you (health card, any insurance Riverside Health Care Facilities is a smoke free environment. Only parents or legal guardian to accompany child. Siblings and other Post operative instructions will be given to you before you go home. If your health status changes prior to your surgery date notify your family physician or the surgeon’s office immediately. If you are unable to keep your scheduled procedure date, or if you have any questions or concerns please notify the hospital surgical booking clerk ASAP Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 807-274-4846. If after hours or weekends, contact the hospital at 807-274-3261 ext. 4675 for assistance.


ht p:// . Radiotherapy for DCIS: when and how What have newly published papers added to our understanding of the management of ductalcarcinoma in situ, including the role of radiotherapy?In recent months several important new papers have been published relating to the diagnosis andmanagement of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) – the

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. , Vol. 22, No. 6, 1005, 2011. Editorial Printed in Brazil - ©2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Química A Relevância da Proteção e da Transferência dos Resultados de Pesquisas Acadêmicas Nas três últimas décadas há um crescente esforço que as empresas o utilizem de forma a promover o global de formulação de políticas públicas, marcos desenvolvimento tecn

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