Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases in early childhood assessed longitudinally from birth
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 954–961
Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases inearly childhood assessed longitudinally frombirth
Bønnelykke K, Pipper CB, Tavendale R, Palmer CNA, Bisgaard H.
Filaggrin gene variants and atopic diseases in early childhood assessed
Pipper1, Roger Tavendale2, Colin N. A.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 954–961.
1Copenhagen Studies on Asthma in Childhood;
Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte, Denmark,2Population Pharmacogenetics Group, Biomedical
Copenhagen Prospective Study on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC)
Research Centre, University of Dundee, NinewellsHospital and Medical School, Dundee, UK
was one of the discovery cohorts of the association between eczemaand variants in the filaggrin coding gene (FLG). Here, we study theFLG-associated risk of asthma symptoms in early life and describe thetemporal relationship in the development of the different FLG-asso-ciated atopic outcomes: asthma, sensitization and eczema, assessedlongitudinally from birth. A high-risk cohort of 411 children wasassessed in a prospective clinical study from birth to school-age. Asthma, acute severe asthma exacerbations, sensitization and eczemawere diagnosed prospectively by the investigators. FLG variantsR501X and Del4 were determined in 382 Caucasians. Filaggrin vari-ants increased risk of developing recurrent wheeze, asthma and asthmaexacerbations (hazard ratio 1.82 [1.06–3.12], p = 0.03), which wasexpressed within the first 1.5 yr of life. Children with filaggrin variants
Key words: filaggrin; gene; asthma; sensitization;
had a marked and persistent increase in acute severe asthma exacer-
bations from 1 yr of age (incidence ratio 2.40 [1.19–4.81], p = 0.01)
Klaus Bønnelykke, Copenhagen Studies on Asthma in
and increased risk of asthma by age 5 (odds ratio 2.62 [1.12–6.11],
Childhood, University of Copenhagen, Gentofte
p = 0.03). FLG variants increased the risk of eczema, manifesting
Hospital, Ledreborg Alle 34, DK-2820 Gentofte,
fully in the first year of life (point prevalence ratio for age 0–5 was
1.75 [1.29–2.37]; p-value = 0.0003) contrasting the increased risk of
specific sensitization by age 4 (odds ratio 3.52 [1.72–7.25], p = 0.0007)
but not age 1.5. This study describes a FLG-associated pattern of
atopic diseases characterized by the early onset of asthma symptomsand eczema and later development of sensitization. The association of
Data from this manuscript have been presented as an
filaggrin variants with asthma suggests skin barrier dysfunction as a
abstract at the ATS congress 2009 but not elsewherein abstract or any other form.
novel, and potentially modifiable, mechanism driving early childhoodasthma.
Copenhagen Prospective Study on Asthma in
Such association between skin barrier dysfunc-
Childhood (COPSAC) was one of the discovery
tion and airway disease is intriguing as it
cohorts of loss-of-function variants in the gene
indicates a novel and potentially modifiable
encoding filaggrin (FLG) as major determinants
mechanism in asthma pathogenesis. To under-
of eczema (1) and this has been consistently
stand this mechanism, there is a need for
replicated (2–10). An association with asthma
longitudinal studies in early life describing the
was also suggested in the discovery cohorts (1)
temporal relationship in the development of
and confirmed in subsequent reports on asthma
occurring in association with eczema (2–4, 6, 8–
Also, asthma in early childhood differs from
10) though one study reported no association
separately. The majority of children with asthma
Filaggrin, early asthma and sensitization
symptoms in early life outgrow their symptoms
birth. Wheeze was translated to the parents as
before school-age, but the symptom burden in
wheeze or whistling sounds, breathlessness or
this age-group is high with severe exacerbations
recurrent troublesome cough severely affecting
and hospitalization being more common than
the well-being of the infant, and was recorded
as composite dichotomized scores (yes/no) as
We therefore analyzed FLG variants against
previously described in details (13). The doctor at
the longitudinal clinical diagnoses of recurrent
the clinical research unit reviewed symptom
wheeze, acute severe asthma exacerbations,
definition and the diary entries with the parents
asthma and eczema together with assessments
at the 6-monthly clinical sessions as well as at
of sensitization and describe the temporal rela-
acute severe asthma exacerbations. Recurrent
tionship in the development of the different
wheeze was predefined as five episodes within
FLG-associated atopic outcomes through the
6 months, each episode lasting at least three
first 5 yr of life in the prospective clinical study of
a high-risk birth-cohort ÔCOPSACÕ (12, 13).
four consecutive weeks documented from thediaries.
Asthma was diagnosed according to the inter-
national guidelines as previously detailed (13)based on recurrent wheeze as defined previously;
COPSAC is a longitudinal clinical study of a
research unit doctor to be typical of asthma
birth-cohort of 411 infants born to mothers with
(e.g., exercise-induced symptoms, prolonged noc-
a history of asthma; the recruitment of which was
turnal cough, recurrent cough outside common
previously described in detail (12, 13). Data
cold, symptoms causing wakening at night); in
validity and quality control procedures follow
need of intermittent rescue use of inhaled b2-
ÔGood Clinical PracticeÕ guidelines. History is
agonist; and responding to a 3-month course of
collected online during visits to the COPSAC
inhaled corticosteroids and relapsing when stop-
clinical research unit. Objective measurements
ping treatment. Asthma was also diagnosed
are double-checked against source data and the
without a previous history of wheeze in case of
database subsequently locked. An audit trail is
acute severe asthma exacerbation as defined
The COPSAC clinical research unit provided
regular as well as acute clinical assessments for
defined from need of oral prednisolone or
all participating children, who attended this clinic
high-dose inhaled corticosteroid for wheezy
instead of family practitioners or other health
symptoms prescribed at the discretion of the
care providers for diagnosis and treatment of any
doctor at the clinical research unit or acute
respiratory or skin-related symptoms. Regular
hospitalization for treatment for such symptoms
visits were scheduled at the COPSAC clinical
research unit at 6-monthly intervals, and addi-
tional visits were arranged immediately upon the
defined as onset of any of the previously
onset of symptoms. At every visit, the child was
mentioned diagnoses and this measure was used
seen by both doctor and nurses of the research
clinic and a full physical examination and historywas obtained using structured questions and
Eczema. Skin lesions were described at both
closed response categories focusing on the childÕs
scheduled and acute visits according to prede-
airway and skin symptoms, as well as recent
fined morphology and localization; eczema was
history of medication, health care utilization,
defined based on the Hanifin-Rajka criteria as
The study was approved by the Ethics Com-
Specific IgE at age 1½ and 4 was determined
mittee for Copenhagen (KF 01-289/96) and The
Danish Data Protection Agency (2008-41-1754).
Sweden) against the most common food (egg,
and inhalant allergens (cat, dog, horse, birch,timothy grass, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus,mugwort, molds). Values ‡0.35 kU/l were con-
sidered indicative of sensitization and was ana-
Recurrent wheeze. Respiratory symptoms were
recorded daily by the parents in diaries from
The proportion of the cross-sectional diagnosis
(asthma by age 5 and sensitization by age 4)
attributed to FLG mutations was calculated as
2282del4 was performed as previously described
100*(population prevalence-prevalence in wild-
All analyses were made in sas version 9.1.
The association between FLG variants and end-points were analyzed by a two-level dominant
genetic model combining the two SNPs R501X
The clinical follow-up rate of the COPSAC
cohort was 95% by age 1; 90% by age 2; 85%
by age 3; 79% by age 4; and 76% by age 5.
Of 411 infants from the COPSAC cohort, 382
asthma-related events was explored graphically
Caucasians were genotyped for the loss-of-func-
by Kaplan–Meier plot and judged non-paramet-
tion variants R501x, 2282del4 (1). The mutated
rically by a log-rank test. Quantification was
alleles R501x and 2282del4 were present in 18
performed in terms of hazard ratios in a Cox
regression. P-values correspond to Wald testsand asymptotic 95% Wald confidence intervalswere calculated for the log(hazard ratio) and
Age at onset of recurrent wheeze, asthma and
Incidences of the event of one or more acute
acute severe asthma exacerbations all exhibited
severe asthma exacerbations per child were calcu-
similar profiles (data on file), and diagnoses were
lated in the age-spans (0–1, 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–5) for
closely correlated. We therefore analyzed the
each FLG level. Age-adjusted incidence ratios for
composite end-point asthma-related phenotype
acute severe asthma exacerbations were analyzed
in the survival analysis. Ninety-five of 382
by a log-linear model taking into account within
children developed an asthma-related phenotype
child correlation by an independence working
(Fig. 1). The overall hazard ratio owing to FLG
GEE approach. P-values correspond to robust
variants was 1.82 [1.06–3.12], p = 0.03. The
Wald tests and asymptotic 95% robust Wald
Kaplan–Meier curve shows that differentiation
confidence intervals were calculated for the
in the development of an asthma-related pheno-
log(incidence ratios) and back-transformed.
type was clearly present in the first 18 months of
Point prevalence of eczema was calculated for
life 0- to 1.5-yr hazard ratio 2.44 [1.17–4.71],
ages (½, 1½, 2½, 3½ and 4½) for each FLG
p = 0.02, where after it could no longer be
level. Age-adjusted prevalence ratio for eczema
recognized statistically; 1.5- to 5-yr hazard ratio
was analyzed by a log-linear model taking into
account within child correlation by an indepen-dence working GEE approach. P-values corre-spond to robust Wald tests and asymptotic 95%robust Wald confidence intervals were calculatedfor the log(prevalence ratio) and back-trans-formed.
The associations between FLG variants and
the events current asthma at age 5, sensitizationat age 4, and sensitization at age 1.5 werequantified in terms of odds ratios by logisticregression. P-values correspond to likelihoodratio tests and asymptotic 95% Wald confidenceintervals were calculated for the log(odds ratios)and back-transformed.
For each outcome, effect modification through
eczema was examined by including an interactionin the model between FLG status and eczemastatus prior to registration of that outcome. In
Fig. 1. Asthma-related phenotype. Estimated cumulativerisk of developing asthma-related phenotype with and
addition, analyses stratified on eczema status
without filaggrin coding gene variants, log-rank test
p-value = 0.03. Numbers at risk are given below the graph.
Filaggrin, early asthma and sensitization
Fig. 3. Asthma; point-prevalence. The odds ratio of asthma
Fig. 2. Acute severe asthma exacerbations. Yearly incidence
by age 5 for mutated versus non-mutated was 2.62
of one or more acute severe asthma exacerbations requiring
high-dose steroid intervention or hospitalization stratifiedon age and filaggrin coding gene (FLG) variants. Theoverall age-adjusted incidence ratio owing to FLG variantswas estimated to 2.40 [1.19–4.81], p-value = 0.01.
Yearly incidences of acute severe asthma exacer-bation are shown in Fig. 2. Incidences wereclearly elevated from infancy because of FLGvariants and this elevation persisted throughoutall 5 yr. The overall age-adjusted incidence ratiobecause of FLG variants was estimated to 2.40[1.19–4.81], p-value = 0.01.
Yearly point-prevalence of asthma is shown inFig. 3. Incidences were elevated because of FLG
Fig. 4. Sensitization; point prevalence. By age 4, the odds
variants, and this elevation increased throughout
ratio of sensitization for mutated versus non-mutated was
all 5 yr. The odds ratio of asthma by age 5 for
3.53 [1.72–7.25], p-value = 0.0007.
(1.12;6.11), p-value = 0.03. The proportion of
The profile of the yearly point prevalence of
current asthma attributed to FLG was 12.3%.
eczema suggested a similar profile after 6 monthsof age in children with and without FLGmutations (Fig. 5). The overall age-adjusted
point-prevalence ratio owing to FLG variants
Point-prevalence of specific IgE is shown in
was estimated to 1.75 [1.29–2.37], p-value =
Fig. 4 for age ½, 1½ and 4. The effect from
FLG mutations occurs later than the asthma and
There was no evidence of effect modification
eczema phenotypes with no effect for the first
through atopic dermatitis in any of the end-
2 yr, but by age 4, the odds ratio of sensitization
points. Direct effects adjusted for eczema status
for mutated versus non-mutated was 3.53 [1.72–
were largely comparable in size to the total
7.25], p-value = 0.0007. The proportion of cur-
effects. Stratified analyses based on eczema status
rent specific allergy attributed to FLG was
supported this conclusion except for sensitization
where the effect size seemed larger in childrenwith eczema (Table 1).
FLG variants were strongly associated with thedevelopment of eczema manifesting fully in the
FLG variants conferred clinically significant risk
first year of life as previously reported (1, 16).
of investigator-diagnosed early asthma pheno-
diseases. Also, cross-sectional studies relying on
questionnaire-diagnosed eczema carry a risk of
recall bias with parents of asthmatic childrenbeing more likely to recall early skin symptoms.
Accurate phenotyping is the major strength of
our study and improves the power of the genetic
association analyses. The meticulous prospective
clinical monitoring, diagnoses and treatment of
lung and skin symptoms through the first 5 yr of
life was carried out solely by the investigators.
The cohort was seen regularly at 6-month inter-
vals as well as for acute lung and skin symptoms
controlled diagnosis and treatment according topredefined algorithms. The diagnostic accuracy
Fig. 5. Eczema; yearly point prevalence. The overall age-
from prospective clinical monitoring is the key
adjusted prevalence ratio owing to filaggrin coding gene
difference between this clinical study and tradi-
variants was estimated to 1.75 [1.29–2.37], p-value =
tional epidemiologic cohorts and is of particular
importance in the clinical diagnosis of wheezewhere evaluation and perceptions of the terms
types (recurrent wheeze, acute severe asthma
are variable among practitioners and caregivers
exacerbations and asthma) and sensitization in
and eczema where inter-observer variation is a
addition to eczema. The temporal pattern of
FLG-associated atopic diseases was character-
The statistical power of the study is limited by
ized by early onset of asthma symptoms and
the relatively low number of cases with FLG
eczema, a persistent risk of acute severe asthma
variants. However, we were able to demonstrate
exacerbations, and later development of sensiti-
statistically significant and biologically plausible
zation. This suggests skin barrier dysfunction as
effects. The external validity of the study is
a novel and potentially modifiable mechanism
limited by the high-risk nature of the cohort. A
driving asthma symptoms in early childhood.
recent study reported no parental-of-origin effect
This is the first longitudinal study describing
of FLG, suggesting that the selection of high-risk
the effect of FLG variants on the temporal
mothers and not fathers only did not result in a
clinical expressions of asthma, eczema and sen-
specific maternal FLG effect (5). The carrier
sitization assessed objectively by clinical examin-
ations from birth. The onset and programming
11%, which is slightly higher than the reported
of atopic disease occurs in early life and only
longitudinal studies from birth can provide
between 8.8% and 9.6% (1, 17, 18). Diagnosing
insight into the temporal relationship and poten-
asthma in early life is difficult with differences in
tial causal interrelation of atopic manifestations
diagnostic tradition between doctors and coun-
of genetic variants. The novel contribution of our
tries, so even though the risk of misclassification
study is the prospective day-by-day monitoring
was minimized by the standardized diagnostic
of disease onset. This provides detailed insight
into the age-dependent disease presentations.
Earlier studies relied on cross-sectional assess-
have been reported (19). However, these new
ments of disease rather than exact age of disease
SNPs are substantially less prevalent and qual-
debut and therefore could not appropriately
itatively different with some residual function as
demonstrated by protein immunoreactivity and a
Table 1. Association of filaggrin gene variants with asthma outcomes and sensitization stratified by eczema status (eczema ever from 0 to 5 yr of age)
Filaggrin, early asthma and sensitization
significantly lower penetrance of eczema, and
size but also because of the specific function and
they were therefore not included in this study.
location of FLG in the skin pinpointing skin
FLG loss-of-function variants were associated
barrier dysfunction as an important pathogenetic
with the increased risk of acute severe asthma
step for at least a proportion of atopic disease.
exacerbation in the first years of life. This has not
previously been reported but is in line with a
keratohyalin granules within the stratum corne-
previous report of FLG-associated increased risk
um that provides a physical barrier, which
of exacerbations in older children and adults
reduces water loss and protects the body from
potentially harmful environmental exposures,
FLG variants increased the risk of recurrent
such as allergens, toxic chemicals and infectious
wheeze in infancy and investigator-diagnosed
organisms (22). Two independent variants in the
current asthma by age 5, contributing 10.8% of
FLG gene (R510X and 2282del4), carried by
the cases. Other studies have shown association
approximately 9% of people of European origin,
with asthma symptoms in pre-school-age (3, 5,
result in complete loss of processed functional
21) and others showed association with asthma
FLG in the epidermis (1). Homo- or heterozyg-
later in life (2–4, 6, 8), while one study reported
otes for these FLG variants alleles have varying
no association with asthma (11). Recent meta-
degrees of impaired skin barrier (23). This leads
analyses conclude that FLG is a risk factor for
to increased risk of eczema, which is inherited as
asthma although not as strong as for eczema (9,
a semi-dominant trait with high penetrance in
FLG null homozygotes or compound heterozyg-
FLG variants also increased the risk of sensi-
otes and reduced penetrance in heterozygotes (1).
tization contributing 12.3% of the cases in line
The association with eczema has been consis-
with previous reports (3, 4, 8, 10). Interestingly,
tently replicated (2–10), making FLG the stron-
the risk of sensitization increased after onset of
gest known genetic risk factor for eczema and
asthma symptoms and eczema. This temporal
having changed the paradigm of eczema patho-
relationship has not previously been reported.
genesis from a focus on immunological deviation
We did not find evidence of eczema mediating
the FLG-associated risk of asthma or sensitiza-
tion. Because of the longitudinal diagnosis of
dysfunction to allergic sensitization may be
eczema, we could study the effect of eczema
increased skin permeability to allergens. Recent
diagnosis prior to other atopic traits that has not
animal studies support this mechanism by show-
been performed previously. However, our study
ing increased uptake of intact allergen through
was not powered for such analyses, which can
the skin in FLG-deficient mice and resulting
explain why we find no statistical significant
increased IgE sensitization and skin inflamma-
interaction. Previous studies have only found
tion (24). It is not clear to which extent
increased risk of asthma in association with
FLG-mediated sensitization requires skin inflam-
mation as association with allergic rhinitis has
We previously demonstrated that FLG-associ-
also been shown independent of eczema (8).
ated risk of eczema is specific for the develop-
ment of symptoms during the first year of life
disease is not yet understood. FLG is expressed
(16) and here extend the temporal description to
in the skin (1) and in the outer layers of the oral
asthma symptoms before 2 yr of age and later
and nasal mucosa (25) but not in the respiratory
sensitization. This temporal pattern suggests that
epithelium of the nose (8, 25) or the lower
gene-environmental research targeting FLG-defi-
airways (25, 26). This suggests that FLG-associ-
cient individuals should focus on infancy. In
ated asthma is mediated through a systemic,
agreement with this, we recently demonstrated
possibly immunological, mechanism stimulated
interaction between FLG variants and cat at
through the impaired skin barrier. The late effect
birth on development of eczema (16). Relevant
on sensitization compared to the early increased
outcomes other than eczema will be early asthma
risk of asthma symptoms in this study suggests
symptoms and later sensitization. The strong
that sensitization does not mediate the pathway
effect of FLG mutation resulting in a large
from FLG deficiency to airway disease. This is
proportion of children with risk variants getting
supported by a report of interaction between
disease makes it a useful predictor for future
FLG variants and early sensitization on asthma
mechanistic as well as interventional studies.
risk suggesting that these represent 2 distinct
The association between FLG gene variants
mechanisms in the pathogenesis of asthma (27).
and atopic diseases is intriguing, both because of
One interpretation of our findings is that skin
the consistent replication and considerable effect
barrier defect may have independent effects on
the different atopic traits (eczema, asthma and
sensitization). This is in line with studies showing
The authors thank the children and parents participating in
that the eczema-asthma association is a relation-
the COPSAC cohort as well as the COPSAC study team
ship of co-existence, with asthma symptoms
including Kirsten Mathiesen, Lena Vind Lotte Klansø. Theguarantor of the study is HB who has been responsible for
often debuting together with or before eczema,
the integrity of the work as a whole, from conception and
rather than a progressive Ôatopic MarchÕ leading
design to acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of
data and writing of the manuscript. KB drafted the manu-
The observation of FLG-associated risk of
script, analyzed and interpreted the data, contributed to
early severe asthma exacerbation is novel and
acquisition of data and provided important intellectual
important for this difficult to control disease
input. RT, CP and CBP contributed to the analyses andinterpretation of the data, revising the manuscript critically
entity. Asthma exacerbations in young children
and final approval of the version to be published. All
represent a severe disease burden with major
authors have seen and approved the final version of the
impact on quality of life for patients and
manuscript and none of the authors have any conflicts of
socioeconomic costs for the health care system.
Asthma heterogeneity is pronounced in this age-group as evidenced by observations of different
temporal patterns and association with interme-
COPSAC is funded by private and public research funds.
diate phenotypes. Atopic diseases are likely to
Grants above 100.000 Euro was donated by: The LundbeckFoundation; the Pharmacy Foundation of 1991; Augustinus
represent several specific endotypes, subtypes of
Foundation; the Danish Medical Research Council; The
disease associated with distinct clinical features
and defined functionally by the underlying
The funders did not have any role in study design, data
molecular mechanisms or by treatment response
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation
(29). This heterogeneity is probably a main cause
for inadequate management and there is anurgent need for a better understanding of disease
mechanisms to improve treatment and preven-
None of the authors report any conflict of interest relevant
tion of disease. Genetic risk factors are causally
related to disease and identification of these may
therefore identify endotypes with different etiol-ogy and response to treatment. These FLG
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Esclerosis Múltiple ¿Qué es la esclerosis múltiple? Durante un ataque de esclerosis múltiple, se produce inflamación en áreas de la materia blanca* del sistema nervioso central en partes distribuidas al A este proceso le sigue la destrucción de la mielina, cubierta grasa que aísla las fibras de las células nerviosas en el cerebro y en la médula espinal. La mielina facilita un
Publication summary Efficacy of modified-release versus standard prednisone to reduce duration of morning stiffness of the joints in rheumatoid arthritis (CAPRA-1): a double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Buttgereit F, Doering G, Schaeffler A, et al. Lancet 2008; 371(9608):205-14. Background and key findings It was proposed that by administering glucocorticoids of RA compared w