
Asian Journal of Andrology (2012), 1–3ß 2012 AJA, SIMM & SJTU. All rights reserved 1008-682X/12 $32.00 Incidence rate of prostate cancer in men treated forerectile dysfunction with phosphodiesterase type 5inhibitors: retrospective analysis Anthony H Chavez1, K Scott Coffield1, M Hasan Rajab2,3 and Chanhee Jo2 The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence rate of prostate cancer among men with erectile dysfunction (ED) treated withphosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5i) over a 7-year period vs. men with ED of the same age and with similar risk factors who werenot treated with PDE-5i. In a retrospective review of electronic medical records and billing databases between the years 2000 and2006, men with ED between the ages of 50 and 69 years and no history of prostate cancer prior to 2000 were identified. Theseindividuals were divided into two groups: 2362 men who had treatment with PDE-5i, and 2612 men who did not have treatment.
Demographic data in each group were compared. During the study period, 97 (4.1%) men with ED treated with PDE-5i were diagnosedwith prostate cancer compared with 258 (9.9%) men with ED in the non-treated group (P,00001). A higher percentage of AfricanAmericans were treated with PDE-5i vs. those who were not (10.5% vs. 7.1%; P,0.0001). The PDE-5i group had lower documenteddiagnosis of elevated prostate-specific antigen (10.0% vs. 13.1%; P50.0008) and higher percentage of benign prostatic hyperplasia(38.4% vs. 35.1%; P50.0149). Men with ED treated with PDE-5i tended to have less chance (adjusted odds ratio: 0.4; 95%confidence intervals: 0.3–0.5; P,0.0001) of having prostate cancer. Our data suggest that men with ED treated with PDE-5i tended tohave less of a chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Further research is warranted.
Asian Journal of Andrology advance online publication, ** ** 2012; doi:10.1038/aja.2012.162 Keywords: erectile dysfunction (ED); phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE-5i); prostate cancer; prostatic neoplasms classification of disease (ICD9) code, we identified men between the Several recent studies have suggested an association between sexual ages of 50 and 69 diagnosed with ED with no history of prostate cancer activity and risk of prostate cancer in older men.1,2 Some have pro- prior to 2000. Age was determined at the date of enrollment. Study posed that increased sexual activity was an indicator of increased participants were divided into two groups: those who had received androgenic activity and thus a higher risk for prostate cancer.3 treatment with PDE-5i and those who had not. PDE-5i included tada- However, Leitzmann et al.,2 in a large prospective study, found that high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total and Prostate cancer was confirmed by prostate biopsy with histological organ-confined prostate cancer. One theory is that infrequent ejacu- diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma documented in the EMR.
lation leads to retained carcinogenic secretions in the prostatic acini.4 Demographics and baseline characteristics including age, ethnicity, Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as ‘the inability to attain and/or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and diagnosis of elevated pro- maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual perfor- state-specific antigen (PSA) (.4.0 ng dl21) were compared between mance’. In patients with ED, ejaculatory frequency is expected to be the two study groups. BPH was diagnosed by the physician docu- decreased.5 It would be valuable to assess if treating men with ED with mentation in the EMR, or by current procedural terminology phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5i) has any effect on the that the physician submitted for billing. As in actual practice, this incidence of prostate cancer based on Leitzmann’s findings. Our hypo- was a clinical diagnosis, not based on pathology or specific objective thesis was that the incidence rate of prostate cancer would be higher in the PDE-5i-treated group due to detection bias.
Inclusion criteria for the PDE-5i treatment group required the me- dication documented in all encounters over an one-year minimum per- iod. Due to the limitations of the retrospective design, more strict criteria This was an institutional review board-approved retrospective review for determining inclusion criteria of the PDE-5i group were not feasible.
of electronic medical records (EMR) and billing databases at our in- For categorical variables, a chi-square test was used to compare the stitution between the years 2000 and 2006. Using the international patients with and without PDE-5i. Continuous variables were first 1Departments of Urology, Scott & White Healthcare, Temple, Texas 76508, USA; 2Departments of Biostatistics, Scott & White Healthcare, Temple, Texas 76508, USA and3Deparment of Biostatistics, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh 11533, Saudi ArabiaCorrespondence: Dr KS Coffield (scoffield@sw.org)Received: 30 March 2012; Revised: 6 September 2012; Accepted: 11 December 2012 Table 1 General patient characteristics by PDE-5i treatment status Abbreviations: BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; PDE-5i, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
*P value for African American’s only.
examined for normality and then compared using two-sample t-test for independent samples or Wilcoxon non-parametric two-sample In this retrospective study among men with ED, the use of PDE-5i was test, as appropriate. We used multiple logistic regression in the ana- associated with a decreased incidence rate of prostate cancer. The use lysis of the study, having prostate cancer between 2000 and 2006. A P of PDE-5i, PSA and advanced age were significant predictors of pro- value of less than 0.05 indicated a statistical significance and SAS state cancer. Interestingly, there were more African-American men version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used for the in the PDE-5i treatment group, predisposing these patients to an increased risk of prostate cancer. The number of patient prostatebiopsies varied with PSA elevation and abnormal digital prostate exam. We were unable from this database to determine whether the A total of 4974 men were included in the study, 2362 (47.5%) of patients in the treatment group who had BPH had more severe symp- whom had a record of being prescribed a PDE-5i. Mean age was toms of BPH prior to PDE-5i treatment.
61.264.85 years, ranging from 50 to 69 years. Sixty-nine percent were It is clear from the more recent literature that BPH is common and Caucasians, 8.8% were Africa Americans, 6.6% were Hispanic and that the PDE-5i treatment has been acknowledged as an acceptable 15.7% were classified as others. Mean ages for the treated (PDE-5i) alternative in this frequently diagnosed disease.6 There is no preexist- and non-treated groups were 61.064.8 vs. 61.464.9 years, respectively ing data to suggest that PDE-5i treatment increases BPH risk and these (P50.0044). There was a higher percentage of African Americans in data do not suggest that. Although Krain3 proposed that increased the treated (PDE-5i) group (10.5% vs. 7.1%; P,0.0001) (Table 1).
sexual activity was an indicator of increased androgenic activity and Fewer patients in the PDE-5i group had a documented diagnosis of thus a higher risk for prostate cancer, our results showed that the risk elevated PSA (10.0% vs. 13.1%; P50.0008). Prostate biopsies were for prostate cancer decreased in those who used PDE-5i.
performed in patients with elevated PSA and abnormal digital prostate Several theories may explain the potential association between exams. There was a higher percentage of patients with BPH in the PDE-5i and decreased risk of prostate cancer. Patients with ED treated PDE-5i treatment group (38.4% vs. 35.1%; P50.0149). Out of the with PDE-5i are expected to have a higher ejaculation frequency than 2362 men in the treated (PDE-5i) group, 97 (4.1%) had a record of those who are untreated. Leitzmann et al.’s large prospective cohort prostate cancer vs. 258 (9.9%) out of the 2612 in the non-treated group study2 demonstrated a protective effect of increased ejaculation fre- (P,0.0001). In the multiple logistic regression analysis, use of PDE-5i, quency with regard to prostate cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, there age and elevated PSA were significant predictors of prostate cancer may be a protective effect from the physiological and molecular acti- (Table 2). On the other hand, race and BPH were not significant vity of the PDE-5i. Zenzmaier et al.7 studied the in vitro effects of PDE- predictors of prostate cancer though BPH was on the borderline 5i on prostate cells. They reported that tadalafil at 2.5 mmoll21 had pronounced effect on proliferation of prostate stromal cells though Men with ED who were treated with PDE-5i tended to have less required 25 mmoll21 concentration that notably reduced proliferation chance (adjusted odds ratio: 0.4; 95% confidence intervals: 0.3–0.5; of prostate epithelial cells.7 Zenzmaier et al.7 confirmed that PDE-5 P,0.0001) of having prostate cancer. Treatment univariate and mul- was highly expressed in the stromal compartment of the prostate but tiple logistic regression analyses are summarized in Tables 1–3, not the epithelium. Hypoxia is common in prostate tumors, promot- Table 3 Logistic regression analysis on incidence of prostate cancer Table 2 Logistic regression analysis on incidence of prostate cancer Abbreviations: BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; PDE-5i, phosphodiesterase type Abbreviations: BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; PDE-5i, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
5 inhibitors; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
Prostate cancer and PDE-5 inhibitorsAH Chavez et al ing tumor progression.8 There is evidence that hypoxia plays a pivotal role in cancer adaptive responses leading to poor clinical outcomes for Our data suggest that men with ED who were treated with PDE-5i had patients with prostate cancer.9 Khandrika et al.10 recently presented a reduced risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. We believe that data demonstrating the effects of intermittent hypoxia on prostate cancer. These data suggest that intermittent hypoxia-reoxygenationpromotes an aggressive phenotype of prostate cancer via hypoxia- induced increased androgen receptor activity, increased androgen AHC conceived the study, participated in the study design and drafted receptor responsive promoter activity independent of androgens the manuscript. KSC coconceived the study, participated in the study and increased hypoxia-inducible factor-1a levels and activity.10 It is design and revised the manuscript. MHR participated in the study well known that PDE-5i facilitate circulatory perfusion and reduce design, revised the manuscript and performed statistical analysis. CJ hypoxia by decreasing the degradation of cyclic guanosine monopho- reviewed the statistical analysis of the data. All authors read and sphate.11 PDE-5i may alter the development and progression of pro- state cancer by decreasing intermittent hypoxia-reoxygenation effectand prevention of the formation of a tumor-reactive stroma.
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trial. However, data from this study suggest that an association Hamilton TK, Hu N, Kolomitro K, Bell EN, Maurice DH et al. Potential therapeuticapplications of phosphodiesterase inhibition in prostate cancer. World J Urol; e-pub between the rate of incidence of prostate cancer and PDE-5i may exist.
ahead of print 2 March 2012; doi:10.1007/s00345-012-0848-7.
Journal: Asian Journal of AndrologyPaper: aja2012162Title: Incidence rate of prostate cancer in men treated for erectile dysfunction with phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors:retrospective analysis Please confirm the full form of CPT.
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Source: http://faculty.alfaisal.edu/sites/default/files/hasanrajab/files/chavez__rajab.pdf

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PRODUCT BRIEF DEVELOPMENT S.W.O.T. Analysis In a few words: If you know your strengths and weaknesses and understand the opportunities and threats you have, then you can do something about them. In its simplest form, a SWOT analysis can be understood as the examination of an organization's internal strengths and weaknesses, and its environments opportunities, and threats. I



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