Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH FERMACELL Powerpanel H2O
Samples collected on 18th January 2012 at the principal’s production site and approved by the duly appointed and sworn expert Thorsten Warnecke. IBR received the original sampling protocols for review.
This expert report may only be reproduced and published in unabridged and unaltered form. Any other use, even of
excerpts or quotations, must be explicitly approved by the IBR.
IBR Institut für Baubiologie GmbH D-83022 Rosenheim Münchener Straße 18
Phone +49 (0)8031 / 3675-0 Fax +49 (0)8031 / 3675-30
Page 2 of 16 of the Expert Report No. 3012 - 505
It is the objective of the IBR to identify non-polluting building products for healthy living for the consumer by awarding the seal of approval "TESTED AND APPROVED BY THE IBR".
The seal of approval was created by the Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH in 1982 to enable consumers with awareness for health and ecological matters to protect themselves against health hazards caused by building materials and furniture in their residential environment.
The seal of approval is awarded to products which ensure healthy living with respect to building biology and at the same time protect the environment.
When awarding the seal of approval, we only use scientific and technical analysis methods which are based on normative regulations as well as the current state-of-the-art of laboratory analytics so that they should be understood both by third-party experts and by end consumers.
The aim of awarding the seal of approval "TESTED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE IBR" to as many products as possible is to enable an increasing number of consumers and end users to make criteria related to building biology a critical part of their decision when purchasing products for building and furnishing their homes.
The tests listed in our expert reports are not supposed to supersede the requirements in terms of building physics, supervision, legal regulations, or safety. They are merely a complementary set of tests related to health, physiology, building biology, and ecology aspects which have been neglected.
The seal of approval "TESTED AND APPROVED BY THE IBR" is based on a holistic perspective. Besides its focus on the tests that determine the potential physiological impact of the products on human beings and/or the environment, the expert report associated with granting the seal also honours any product whose production, processing, use, and ecological recycling have no or only a limited, tolerable adverse effect on the environment.
The emission of harmful substances, e.g. with a carcinogenic and/or mutagenic potential, is always to be considered as a criterion for exclusion.
The seal of approval will under no circumstances be awarded to such products.
Any names of companies, products or brands mentioned in our expert reports are protected by copyright. The fact that we mention them is neither to be construed as a valuation nor as a recommendation in this context. The masculine noun for was used in place of the masculine and feminine forms in all texts for purposes of improved legibility.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
The company commissioned us to test their products for construction-biological safety. 4
Biocide, PCB, Pyrethroide, Phthalates . 6
Solvents and odiferous substances (VOC) . 8
Polyvalent alcohols and their ethers . 11
Esters of polyvalent alcohols and their ethers . 11
2.3.10 Ketones . 12 2.3.11 Aldehydes . 12 2.3.12 Carboxylic acids . 12
Determination in the original substance . 14
Notices on awarding and using the seal of approval . 16
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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1. Product Description
The company commissioned us to test their products for construction-biological safety.
The tested construction panel is made of a light concrete core plate, which is sandwiched between reinforcing layers of alkali-resistant glass fibre mesh (5 x 5 mm), which enhance the material strength and form high-tensile surface connections. The tested construction panels consist entirely of mineral components; therefore, the panels are void of any flammable organic materials and are categorized as class A1 construction material (non-flammable construction materials) according to DIN 4102 and DIN EN 13501-1. The covering layer of glass foam granulate is made of recycled glass. A dosing station is used to place the core material on one of the reinforcing layers. The core material is mixed with LECA (light expanded clay aggregate) and placed on one of the reinforcing layers with the help of a dosing station. Then the core material is evenly distributed and trowelled smoothly. The top glass fibre mesh layer is first injected onto a foil substrate and while still fresh, the top layer is placed on the also still fresh core material. After the construction plate has sufficiently hardened, the foil substrate is removed and the panel is taken out of its mould. Technical drying follows the initial hardening of the panels. Finally, horizontal and vertical trimming and edging give the panels their standard size. The panels are then palletised and after proper curing, they are packaged and prepared for shipping.
The panel surfaces are also fit for plastering and stucco work. The panels are mostly used in the construction of wet rooms like bathrooms, building elements in contact with water (toilets, wash facilities, etc.), public and home wellness facilities, home and commercial kitchens, industrially used areas (e. g. areas exposed to chemicals); [ETA 07/0087 (European Technical Approval)]. Usually, the construction panels are coated with water-tight materials and then tiled or covered with ceramic materials.
The gypsum fibreboards are best cut using circular saws in the presence of sufficient dust suction capacity. Alternatively, the panels may be scored and broken like gypsum fibreboard. Regardless the construction-biological rating, always avoid inhaling the dust created while manually processing the gypsum fibreboard panels or other materials.
The need to use personal protective equipment when processing the material within the scope of the standards stipulated by the employer’s liability insurance associations is pointed out explicitly.
Persons charged with processing these materials can make use of readily available assistance. For instance, comprehensive product information and processing regulations can be viewed on the manufacturer’s Internet site or can be found in the product-specific printed documentation.
The production is subject to continuous internal and external monitoring.
Any further examinations exclusively refer to the materials mentioned above and the products manufactured therefrom.
The local application of additives or coating which might be necessary is not part of the examination. The safety data sheets were available for reference. There are no issues with respect to safe disposal. There are no hazardous components to be disclosed. Furthermore, a complete declaration of the component materials was available. For more detailed specifications, please contact the manufacturer.
In the next part of the expert report, the products are examined for harmlessness with respect to building biology. The results disclosed below are valid for all products mentioned above, if not explicitly stated otherwise.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2. Test Results Radioactivity
In the discussion about the risks of nuclear energy, the public’s interest focuses almost exclusively on the population's radiation exposure caused by nuclear plants. Due to this fact, the problem of radiation exposure inside buildings is being neglected. The main part of the natural radiation exposure comes from ambient radiation and the absorption of natural radioactive substances by the body. It must also be considered that the radioactive gas radon may be emitted from building materials into the ambient air. Breathing it in over a long period of time may expose the lungs to radioactive radiation. Human beings absorb this gas and its decay products together with the inhaled air. While most radon particles are exhaled again, its radioactive
Strahlenschutzverordnung (radiation protection ordinance) from 2001 lowered the admissible additional radiation exposure of the population from 1.5 mSv per year to 1 mSv per year. In 1999, the Radiation Protection 112 document issued by the European Commission proposed an Activity Concentration Index (ACI) for building materials. The ACI value for building materials is calculated using a total formula which is based on a dose criterion of 1 mSv per year. Therefore, using the ACI for the evaluation is more stringent than using the previously applied Leningrad formula which is based on a dose criterion of 1.5 mSv per year. The following formula is used to determine the ACI value:
ACI = A(K-40)/3000 + A(Ra-226)/300 + A(Th-232)/200 < 1
where A(K-40) is the activity of potassium-40, A(Ra-226) the activity of radium-226 and A(Th-232) the activity of thorium-232, all given in Bq/kg. Adding the 3 measured values A(K-40), A(Ra-226) and A(Th-232) will yield the total ACI.
The activity of radium 226 can be measured indirectly via the daughter product lead 214 and the activity of thorium 232 via the daughter product lead 212.
Test result: For the tested product, an ACI value of 0.71 was determined.
Artificial radioactivity from Chernobyl or from the above-ground atomic bomb tests carried out in the 1960s could not be identified in the examined sample.
L i m i t o r r e f e r e n c e v a l u e s
Activity Concentration Index (ACI) for building materials stipulated by the
Reference value stipulated by the Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
Reference value stipulated by the Munich Environmental Institute
Evaluation: The tested product complies with the official reference value of ACI ≤ 1 and with the test requirement ACI ≤ 0.75 stipulated by the Institut für Baubiologie. The tested material did not meet the stringent standard of ACI ≤ 0.5 set by the Munich Environmental Institute.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.2 Biocide, PCB, Pyrethroide, Phthalates
With an increasing presence of chemical substances at our workplaces and in everyday life, the ambient air quality in the indoor environment has also continued to deteriorate. For workplaces, TLV values (threshold limit values) reflecting the concentration of harmful substances have been defined. For habitable rooms, however, where people spend much more time, no legally stipulated maximum quantities or limit values for harmful substances in the indoor air have been defined yet, apart from very few exceptions. The quality of the air in homes and other habitable rooms is essentially influenced by the type of the building materials and furniture and by the types of household chemicals used
Test method: Addition of internal standards (alpha-HCH, 2,4,6-tribromophenole, PCB 209) to validate the test procedure. Extraction using n-hexane/acetone and a carbonate solution. Acetylation of the phenols. Fractionation of extracts using silica gel for each specific category of substances. Analysis using capillary gas chromatography and flame ionisation/electron capture detectors (GC/FID/ECD) or mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Calibration and assay using external standards.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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Test method: Addition of internal standards (PCB 209) to validate the test procedure. Extraction using n-hexane. Fractionation of extracts using silica gel for each specific category of substances. Concentration. Analysis using capillary gas chromatography and electron capture detectors (GC/ECD). Calibration and assay using external standards. Determination according to the German PCB-Abfallverordnung (ordinance on the ban of PCB) from 2002.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) no.: 101
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) no.: 138
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) no.: 153
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) no.: 180
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) – total:
Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) – total:
Polychlorinated diphenylmethanes PCDM – total:
Polybrominated diphenylmethanes PBDM – total
Note: Due to their frequency of occurrence, concentrations of phthalic acid esters below 20 mg/kg are assumed to be unspecific secondary contaminations.
Evaluation: A measurable concentration was not detected for any of the tested substances. All measured values are below the specific limit of detection set for each analysis. The tested substances are not expected to have a harmful effect.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.3 Solvents and odiferous substances (VOC)
With an increasing presence of chemical substances at our workplaces and in everyday life, the ambient air quality in indoor environment has deteriorated continually. For workplaces, TLV values (threshold limit values) reflecting the concentration of harmful substances have been defined. For habitable rooms, however, where people spend much more time, there are, apart from very few exceptions, no legally stipulated maximum quantities or limit values for harmful substances in the indoor air. It is the declared objective of the new federal building codes in Germany and the European Construction Products Directive to protect the health of building users. The corresponding board which is responsible for finding and establishing VOC limit values is called ECA (European Collaborative Action). As early as in 1997, this board recommended the use of the so-called LCI (Lowest Concentration of Interest) as an evaluation scheme, i.e. concentrations that are just of interest from a toxicological point of view. With the exception of pesticides, volatile organic substances were classified according to the WHO definitions with respect to their boiling ranges or the volatility resulting from it. The following tested substances are in the boiling range from 50 to 260 °C.
Test Method: Test results are obtained using
measurements. The air exchange rate was adapted to the surface size of the test body. The following test parameters were selected:
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) were concentrated by adsorbing them to activated charcoal. After three days, the VOCs were isolated by gas chromatography following carbon disulphide-mediated desorption. The VOCs were then identified using mass spectrometry. The individual substances were either quantified against an external toluene standard or quantified substance-specifically by mass spectrometry.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.3.7 Polyvalent alcohols and their ethers
Ethylene glycol monoisopropyl ether (EGMiP)
1,2-propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGMM)
1,2-propylene glycol monobutyl ether (PGMB)
1,2-propylene glycol mono-t-butyl ether (PGMtB)
Diethylene glycol monomethyl ether (DEGMM)
Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether (DEGME)
Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (DEGMB)
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPGMM)
Triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TEGMB)
Tripropylene glycol monobutyl ether (TPGMB)
Tripropylene glycol monoallyl ether (TPGMA)
2.3.8 Esters of polyvalent alcohols and their ethers
(PGMMA) Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate (EGMEA)
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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Evaluation: None of the tested substances could be detected in measureable concentrations. All measured values are below the specific limit of detection set for each analysis. The tested substances are not expected to have a harmful effect.
No volatile substances were found in the tested materials. Therefore the tested materials meet the AgBB requirements.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.4 Heavy metals
Metals are basically subdivided into light metals and heavy metals. Contrary to common opinion that only heavy metals have a toxic potential, and light metals do not, the following should be noted: Not all heavy metals are toxic and not all light metals are non-toxic. About 14 of the 80 most common metals are essential to human beings and mammals. With a probability bordering on certainty, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as the heavy metals iron, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt are to be considered as essential.
It is true that an insufficient supply of essential metals results in deficiency symptoms, but an excessive intake of them can cause poisoning symptoms. Nevertheless, intoxication with essential metals is less probable since the human organism has developed control mechanisms which ensure that, up to a certain degree, excessive quantities can be excreted. If, however, that degree is exceeded, a toxic potential develops. The most notorious toxic and environmentally harmful heavy metals are lead, cadmium and mercury. Identifying the metals can shed a light on the base products used as well as on health risks and possible environmental hazards.
Test method: Quantitative determination according to DIN EN ISO 17294-2 using ICP-MS
Principle of analysis: Determination of 62 elements with ICP-MS, using rhodium and rhenium as internal standards;
Calibration of the ICP-MS apparatus using multi-element standards (simple linear).
The ICP-MS (inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry) analysis method allows to detect a large number of elements in a short time and, due to its capability to detect elements reliably, it is one of the most common methods of trace element analytics.
ICP-MS is based on the ionisation of the material to be analysed in a plasma at approx. 5000 °C. To create the plasma, a high-frequency current is induced into ionised argon. The resulting ions are transferred to the vacuum system of the mass spectrometer. Then, the beam of ions is divided in the mass spectrometer to yield ions with different masses.
Each element has at least one isotope with a mass that is unique and does not occur with any other natural isotope. Thus, its mass is a characteristic property of each element.
Digestion of the samples: After the vessel has been cleaned, 10 ml of nitric acid and 2 ml of hydrofluoric acid are added. The exact weight of the sample taken is recorded in the weighing protocol. These protocols are added to the process records and archived along with them. According to the work instructions for microwave digestion, the vessel is loaded into the system. Then, the total digestion process is carried out.
After the vessels have cooled down, they are opened carefully under the exhaust. The digestion vessel is filled with 38 ml water and, after mixing the content, part of the solution may be put aside as a blank value. The rest is discarded. Then, the vessel is flushed three times with ultra-pure water. After each use, the vessel must be cleaned again.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.4.1 Determination in the original substance
As a reference value, we use the limit values according to LAGA (working group of the German Länder on waste issues) in mg/kg: The assignment values Z 0 to Z 2 are the upper limits for each incorporation class when ground material is used for earthworks, road building, landscaping and landfill work (e.g. cap layers), for the filling of building pits and for land reclamation. In this context, the 'solid matter for soil' assignment values are applicable.
Z 1.1: Restricted incorporation of waste material for construction purposes in open sites
Z 1.2: Restricted incorporation of waste material for construction purposes in open sites in areas with favourable hydrogeological conditions
Z 2: Restricted incorporation of waste material for construction purposes with defined technical safety measures
By determining the content in the eluate according to DIN 38414 S 4, a potential hazard to waters caused by metals should be excluded when the material is landfilled after its useful product life. Here, the LAGA values in mg/l are used as stated above. In this context, the 'eluate for soil' assignment values are applicable. In addition, the standards specified in the TVO (German Drinking Water Regulation, as of January 1st, 2008) are used as reference values. Principle of analysis: The sample material is eluted with water under defined conditions and the undissolved parts are separated by filtration. The concentrations of the components to be identified are determined from the filtrate using the methodology of water analytics.
Limit value Limit value Limit value Limit value Limit value Limit value
Evaluation: All measured values are below the permissible limit values. The tested substances are not expected to have a harmful effect.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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2.5 Fine Dust / Respirable Particles
Dusts are defined as dispersed solid particles in gases. Dispersion may be caused by mechanical processes or by forces stirring up particles. Like smoke and mist, dusts are aerosols. Aside from the specific damaging effects inherent in dust particles, the particle concentration, the exposure period and the particle size also influence the assessment of the dust hazard. This distinguishes the assessment of dust hazards from the assessment of gases or steam.
The dust is taken up via the respiratory system. The characteristics of particles in streaming gases largely determine the transport and deposition of the dust inside the respiratory tract. The smaller the particle size is the deeper it can penetrate the respiratory tract where it settles and causes health problems. Dust may cause problems from allergic reactions of the mucous membranes to certain cancers of the respiratory tract. For a long time now, limits exist for the dust exposure at work. As a general rule, by comparison with the home environment, the dust exposure at work is considerably more pronounced. On the other hand, people spend considerably more time at home than at work. It is therefore important to also assess whether a product is liable to be the source of fine dust in the living environment of people.
Definition: The largest respirable particles settle in the nose and throat area. Particles that are smaller than 25 µm can move and settle in the tracheobronchial tree. Fibrous particles up to 10 µm in length are able to move as far as the alveoli (tiny air sacs in which the gas exchange takes place in the lungs) providing the diameters of the fibres are smaller than 3 µm and their densities resemble the densities of minerals. It is this latter portion of the entire dust content, which is assed in the construction biological tests. This portion penetrates all parts of the respiratory tract including the alveoli. While a product may appear to create a lot of dust at first glance, this does not necessary mean that it also contains fine dust, which may move to the alveoli and settle there.
Dependent on the particle size, fine dust is separated into two fractions:
(aerodynamic diameter < 10 µm) – defined as ‘coarse fraction’
(aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 µm) – defined as ‘fine fraction’
The PM 2.5-fraction is a portion of the PM 10-fraction.
Test Procedure: The fine dust content is determined according to the following standards:
Determination of the fibre length – individual fibre measurement
Determination of the longitudinal fibre diameter in micro-projection
Air quality – determination of the PM10-fraction
VDI-Guideline 3866: Determination of asbestos in technical products
Fibre and fine dust assays always include determinations of the fibre length and diameter as well as the statistical assessment of the existing dust mixture. The stream volume determines what measuring device is used, e. g. LVS (low volume sampler), HVS (high volume sampler).
Even after 4 hours exposure, the microscopic examination of the micro-filter used in the assay only revealed large particles.
Evaluation: The use of the tested product is not expected to pose a fine dust hazard. Neither the traces of dust nor the traces of fine dust were present in the fibrous form, which is prerequisite to the inhalation of dust particles into the alveoli.
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH
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3. Notices on awarding and using the seal of approval
In order to ensure neutrality and impartiality, all tests were carried out by independent third parties. We commission the required studies and tests from economically independent laboratories with which we have been maintaining long-standing business relationships. All test results contained in this expert report have been taken from the external test reports. They are archived and can be viewed by the ordering party at any time.
The logo of the seal of approval as shown below is protected by copyright. All rights are owned by the IBR.
This seal of approval must always be used in conjunction with the entire product name. The manufacturer may only use the seal of approval in advertising for the specific products for which it was awarded. The manufacturer is obliged not to try to mislead consumers as to for which products the seal of approval has been awarded and for which not. This also applies to the term "TESTED AND APPROVED BY THE IBR". The "IBR" mark may only be used as a constituent part of the seal of approval.
It is possible to apply for an extension before the period of validity expires. Continued use of the seal of approval depends on the results from the subsequent tests performed by the IBR. Subsequent testing will always be performed according to the seal of approval guidelines valid at the time of testing.
The manufacturers are obliged to inform the IBR in due time of any modification of the product that might have any impact on the product relevant to building biology.
In case of misuse, the institute may prohibit the use of the seal of approval without notice. Employees of the IBR or persons charged by the IBR may at any time, even without prior notice, visit the applicant's production site.
IBR Institut für Baubiologie GmbH D-83022 Rosenheim Münchener Straße 18
DB-NFP-Clario-D-150905 Monoblock Filterpatrone NFP Clario Als NFP Clario verbinden sich die besonderen Eigen- schaften eines gesinterten CARBONIT® Monoblock mit einer Mikrofiltration von 0,15 µm durch die gewickelte X-Flow Kapillarmembran. Selbst hohe Belastungen, die sich im Organismus akkumulierenkönnten, werden zuverlässig entnommen und gespeichert. Dieintegrierte Entlüftung un
LIST OF PUBLICATION Pierre C. Baehni Original papers in peer-reviewed journals 1. Baehni, P., Sudan, J.M., Steube, W. et Cimasoni, G. : Enzymes lysosomiales dans les produits de rinçage de la région parodontale marginale au cours de la gingivite expérimentale chez l'homme. J. Biol. Buc. 3 : 143-156, 1975 2. McArthur, W.P., Baehni, P. and Taichman, N.S. : Interaction of inflammat