Microsoft word - finale rat and mouse wax blocks.doc
Namibian Reg. No. N-AR 0424 Namibiese Reg. Nr. N-AR 0424 Botswana Reg. No. W130374 of Act. No. 18 of 1999 Botswana Reg. Nr. W130374 Wet Nr. 18 van 1999
*Difethialone (anticoagulant)
Contains a bitter ingredient. / Bevat 'n bitter bestanddeel. NET CONTENTS: / NETTO INHOUD: 500 g, 10 kg REGISTRATION HOLDER / REGISTRASIEHOUER:
Bayer (Pty.) Ltd. / (Edms.) Bpk. Reg. No. / Nr. 1968/011192/07 P.O. Box / Posbus 143 ISANDO 1600 SOUTH AFRICA / SUID-AFRIKA TEL: (011) 921 5911 Batch no: / Lotnommer: Date of manufacture: / Datum vervaardig: FINALE® is a registered trademark of Bayer / is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk van Bayer. * A Lipha Product. WARNINGS: Handle with care. Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Store bait in its pack away from food and feedstuffs. Poisonous if swallowed and upon prolonged contact with the skin. Toxic to fish and wildlife. Do not place the bait at random in treated area but use exclusively as given under directions for use. In case of poisoning call a physician and show him/her this label. PRECAUTIONS:
Avoid contamination of any edible commodity, food utensils and drinking water. Set bait where it will be inaccessible to children and domestic animals. Avoid contact with skin. Wear rubber gloves and wash hands after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst handling the bait. Destroy empty container and do not use for any other purpose. Bury or burn dead rodents and any bait not consumed at end of treatment. SYMPTOMS OF POISONING
Bleeding from the gums and nose, bleeding under the skin, pallor, haemorrhage into and around elbow and knee joints. Blood in urine and faeces. FIRST AID TREATMENT
Remove patient from source of poisoning and keep him quiet and reassured. Take patient IMMEDIATELY to the nearest physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN
Administer 5 mg/kg Vit. K1 intravenously on the first day, followed by another administration of the same dose if the Quick time does not normalise a few hours after the first injection. Follow up with 5 mg/kg/day orally on the second and following days. The duration of the treatment is generally between 10 and 15 days. In severe cases give small transfusions of fresh blood. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: USE ONLY AS DIRECTED. Finale® Rat and Wax Blocks can kill rats and mice after a single feed. Death of rodents will occur in 4 - 12 days. Effective against warfarin resistant rats and mice. For use on the farm and industrial premises (outside buildings, warehouses and stores). Before laying bait inspect infested area thoroughly to determine rat or mouse entry, nesting and feeding sites and water sources. Norway- and Roof Rats Place Finale® Rat and Wax Blocks in a covered bait station to prevent access to children and domestic animals. 1.
Place 3 - 4 Finale® Rat and Wax Blocks per bait station every 5 - 10 m (or 50 m2) along walls or ratruns, in rat burrows and in sheltered areas where rats are known to live or feed.
Bait points should be inspected and replenished every 7 days until feeding ceases.
Place 1 block per bait station every 5 - 10 m (or 50 m2) to maintain control.
Mice Place 1 Finale® Rat and Wax Block per bait station every 2 - 4 m (or 10 m2) along walls or runways, in nests and in sheltered areas where mice are known to live or feed. The single feeding action of Finale® Rat and Wax Blocks is particularly effective against mice with their small appetites and sporadic feeding behaviour. If necessary, replenish every 7 - 14 days until feeding ceases. To prevent re-infestation, maintain a few permanent baiting points. S.A. Poison Centre: (021) 931 6129 / 0800 333 444. FINALE® is a registered trademark of Bayer (Pty) Ltd Bayer (Pty) Ltd. All unauthorized reproduction of this label is forbidden. WAARSKUWINGS: Hanteer versigtig. Hou buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone en diere. Bewaar lokaas in verpakking weg van voedsel en voer. Giftig indien ingesluk of tydens langdurige velkontak. Giftig vir visse en natuurlewe. Moenie lokaas oral uitplaas nie, gebruik slegs soos aangedui. In die geval van vergiftiging ontbied ‘n geneesheer en toon hierdie etiket aan hom/haar. VOORSORGMAATREËLS: Vermy besoedeling van enige voedsel, voer, eetgerei en drinkwater. Plaas lokaas buite bereik van kinders en troeteldiere. Voorkom aanraking met vel. Dra rubberhandskoene en was na hantering. Moet nie eet, drink of rook terwyl lokaas hanteer word nie. Vernietig leë houer en moet vir geen ander doel gebruik nie. Begrawe of verbrand alle dooie knaagdiere en lokaas wat oorgebly het na beëindiging van die behandeling. SIMPTOME VAN VERGIFTIGING
Bloeding van die tandvleis en neus, onderhuidse bloeding, bleekheid, bloeding in en rondom die knie- en elmbooggewrigte. Bloed in urine en ontlasting. EERSTEHULP BEHANDELING
Verwyder pasiënt van die bron van vergiftiging en hou hom kalm en gerusgestel. Neem pasiënt ONMIDDELLIK na die naaste geneesheer. Moet nooit enigiets per mond aan 'n bewustelose persoon gee nie. NOTA AAN GENEESHEER
Dien 5 mg/kg Vit. K1 intraveneus toe op die eerste dag, gevolg deur 'n addisionele toediening van dieselfde dosis indien die protrombiene tyd nie normaliseer binne 'n paar uur na die eerste inspuiting nie. Volg op met 5 mg/kg/dag mondelings op die tweede en daaropvolgende dae. Die duur van die behandeling is gewoonlik tussen 10 en 15 dae. In ernstige gevalle klein oortappings vars bloed. GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: GEBRUIK SLEGS SOOS AANGEDUI. Finale® Rot en Muis Wasblokke kan rotte en muise na 'n enkelvoeding dood. Knaagdiere sal binne 4 - 12 dae vrek. Doeltreffend teen warfarinbestande rotte en muise. Vir gebruik op plase en industriële persele (buitegeboue, opbergingspersele en store). Voor lokaas uitgeplaas word, inspekteer besmette area deeglik en bepaal rot- en muisingange, neste en voedingsgebiede asook waterbronne. Noorweegse- en Dakrotte Plaas Finale® Rot en Muis Wasblokke in 'n bedekte lokaashouer ten einde toegang vir kinders en troeteldiere onmoontlik te maak. 1.
Plaas 3 - 4 Finale® Rot en Muis Wasblokke per aashouer elke 5 - 10 m (of 50 m2) al langs mure of rotpaadjies, in rotgate en beskutte areas waar dit bekend is dat rotte bly of eet.
Aashouers moet elke 7 dae ondersoek en aas aangevul word totdat dit nie meer geëet word nie.
Plaas 1 blok per aashouer elke 5 - 10 m (of 50 m2) vir onderhouding van beheer.
Muise Plaas 1 Finale® Rot en Muis Wasblok per aashouer elke 2 - 4 m (of 10 m2) al langs mure of muispaadjies, in neste en beskutte areas waar dit bekend is dat muise bly of eet. Die enkelvoedingsinname van Finale® Rot en Muis Wasblokke is veral effektief teen muise met hulle klein eetlus en sporadiese voedingsgewoontes. Indien nodig, plaas nog lokaas elke 7 - 14 dae uit totdat voeding ophou. Om herinfestasie te voorkom kan 'n paar permanente lokaaspunte in stand gehou word. S.A. Gifsentrum: (021) 931 6129 / 0800 333 444. FINALE® is’n geregistreerde handelsmerk van Bayer (Pty) Ltd Bayer (Edms.) Bpk. Alle ongemagtigde kopiëring van die etiket is verbode.
Dieses Factsheet stellt eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Aspekte zum Thema Rauchstopp und Tabakentwöhnung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf inhaltliche Vol ständigkeit. Warum soll das Rauchen aufgegeben werden? Der wichtigste Grund den Tabakkonsum zu beenden, ist die Gesundheit. Zu den gesundheitlichen Konsequenzen des Tabakkonsums zählen Krebserkrankungen wie Lungen-, Ke
Condições gerais de venda 1. – Âmbito de aplicação 1.1 Todas as propostas, vendas, fornecimentos e prestações de serviços por parte da DENSO GmbH, Felderstraße 24, D-51371 Leverkusen (de seguida: “DENSO”), baseiam-se exclusivamente nas seguintes condições gerais de venda (de seguida: “condições de venda”). Condições gerais de venda, particulares do cliente, n