000831 deliverable.pdf

Finance MR2 Requirements Document
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Finance MR2 Team: Irving Canner, Dave Cosgrove, Ray Foss, Nicole Genco, Pat Madsen, Joe Poulin,
Kerry Scala, Jackie Snow
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Table of Contents
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I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Objective and Approach
The goal for the Finance MR2 requirements gathering phase was to assess USNH’s financial
management reporting requirements and identify data elements that need to be available in a future
reporting environment. To accomplish this task, the Finance MR2 team:
• Inventoried management reporting needs being met by existing reports and reporting tools
including the standard CUFS reports, s1032 datasets, and the HRSR MGRFS and WebIntelligence reporting environments and performed a preliminary grouping of these needs into the ESC approved categories – control, compliance, and standardized query templates. • Interviewed and met with key financial end-users such as process group chairs, central office managers, campus-based financial admini strators, and departmental directors, including the UNH BSC directors, to discuss existing and future needs. A schedule of these meetings is included on page 21 of this document. • Reviewed the findings of previous management reporting assessment efforts, s uch as the original MR reporting requirements packet, and recent end -user surveys. • Analyzed the financial position/modification/issue papers prepared by the process groups to determine key reporting implications of recommended process changes, gaps, etc.
We feel that these efforts were successful in identifying both current and anticipated financial
reporting requirements.
General Principles
During our requirements gathering sessions, several high -level requirements or general principles
were consistently voiced by end-users:
• The future management-reporting tool should support pre -formatted reporting templates and the
majority of end-user reporting needs should be met through the use of such parameter driven templates. Th e required parameters for these templates should incorporate user -friendly terms and descriptions. • The ability to schedule reports is also required. Reports that are needed on a regular basis, e.g. weekly, monthly, etc. should be available for users at these intervals. • Summarization categories leveraged for high -level System-wide reporting, such as those used in Board of Trustee reporting, should be available in the reporting environment and be usable in other levels of reporting. • Terminology within the reporting environment should be consistent and mirror the new Banner • The ability to drill down from summary data is an essential need. The ability to access transaction level detail as well as information on the document that created the financial consequence is desired. • Prior year comparisons at a summary level, e.g. FOAPAL by fiscal month, are required. Computed fields calculating current to prior period differences, variances, and percentages are required . A minimum of three fiscal years of h istory is desired. Concerns regarding the conversion of history data into the MR2 reporting environment are included on page 3. • Access to data, except for specific areas regarding budget availability, does not need to be real - time. Our goal is to support nightly updates of data where applicable. I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc • End user training on the future management reporting environment must be available to all end - users in a timely fashion and combine specific instruction on the reporting tool with a functional understanding of the data and related financial processes.
Scope of MR2
The scope of the Finance MR2 effort is limited to financial data that is captured in SCT Banner. End
user reporting structures that capture this data will be available for Financ e go live. HR data, as
captured in Banner, will be available upon the HR go live date. BusinessObjects WebIntelligence is
the management reporting tool that will be used to create this reporting environment and negotiations
are currently underway to secu re the appropriate licensing.
There are many areas where integration between Finance and HR is required . This integration has
been recognized and although it will not be possible to achieve this functionality until HR goes live,
it is our intent to creat e a reporting environment that will support this need.
In addition to HR data, many users identified the need to combine financial data with the data from
other systems such as student, facilities, endowment, etc. These needs will not be met as part of
MR2. Also out of scope for MR2 is inclusion of InfoEd data that is not captured in the
Banner/InfoEd interface. InfoEd data that is fed to Banner will be captured in the MR2 reporting
environment but data that remains only in InfoEd will not be incorpor ated.
The functionality for several ancillary financial systems will be implemented in Banner within one
year of the July 2001 go live date as recommended in the FIN -ALL -031 – Status of Ancillary
Finance Systems position paper. These systems include fixe d assets, gift stewardship and
endowment management. The finance process teams have not had sufficient time to review these
future processes and accordingly the MR2 team has not concentrated on data requirements for these
Concerns and Issues
There are several areas affecting management reporting that are still outstanding and need to be
addressed. These areas are:
Finalization of Chart of Accounts Structure – The chart of accounts structure is scheduled to be
completed by September 30, 2000. The finalization of the chart of accounts is integral to many
financial processes including the MR2 effort. Having a primarily finalized chart of accounts
structure available during the analysis and design phases will aid these efforts and allow the MR2
team to develop a more meaningful meta-data environment.
Availability of Data for Analysis/Testing Purposes – Access to substantial amounts of meaningful
data will be required during the MR2 Finance analysis phase. The MR2 team needs to work closely
with the Finance functional team to develop a strategy for populating this data. Data availability is
contingent upon t he finalization of the chart of accounts structure.
Attributes – In many areas, the use of attributes is proposed as a recommended solution for specific
reporting needs. Since attributes are not yet installed at USNH, the MR2 tea m has not had an
opportunity to review this functionality. This review will take place during the analysis phase.
Given USNH’s reliance on attributes, it would be beneficial for us to explore this functionality, using
specific examples of proposed attrib utes usage, and incorporate attributes into our preliminary
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc “learning prototype”. The MR2 team is concerned that reporting on attributes could become more complicated, and perhaps more laborious, than initially anticipated. It appears that attributes wil l provide flexibility for reporting, but this flexibility may also cause inherent complexity in report design. History Conversion – The Finance position paper, FIN -ALL -090 - Conversion of Finance History Data, proposes a recommended solution for converting summary and transaction level legacy data. In addition to the open issues identified in the position paper, the MR2 team has the following concerns: • The extent of the technical work required to support access to history data in the MR2 environment should not be minimized and until a more detailed design document is developed, it is not possible to estimate the resources and effort required; • The additional technical work created by the history conversions will redirect re sources from building the future MR2 reporting solution.
In addition, it is our recommendation that the Finance functional/technical team create and populate
the necessary CUFS to Banner crosswalks that are identified in this position paper.
Availability of InfoEd Data in Reporting Solution – The ability to report on data contained in the
InfoEd system, that is not fed to Banner via the proposed interface solution, is essential to the
administration of USNH’s sponsored programs. We understand the importance of this need, and
although it is outside the scope of MR2, it is important that this need is addressed by a future
reporting solution.

Reporting on Workflow – The MR2 team has not had an opportunity to review the workflow
functionality, as this product is not yet installed at USNH. The current recommendation is to limit
the initial workflow implementation to the FOAPAL creation process. Examples of prop osed
workflow reporting needs include the ability to view the status of a workflow document and the
capability to generate statistics on the number of workflow documents processed during a specified
timeframe. The MR2 team will need access to a workflow in stallation in order to accurately gauge
and analyze the reporting requirements for this effort.
Impact of Proposed Modifications – SCT or USNH Developed – The timing of the design and
delivery of all proposed modifications is critical to the MR2 team’s ability to incorporate the
modifications into the reporting environment. In the current best -case scenario, modifications will be
installed and available for review during the Finance MR2 analysis phase. It ap pears unlikely
however that delivery of all requested/contracted modifications will occur during this timeframe.
Late completion and/or installation of any of the modifications could require significant re-work for
the MR2 team and may prohibit inclusion of modifications in the reporting environment at the go
live date.
Data Requirements
The MR2 team has organized the financial data requirements into several content areas. These areas
• Revenues, Expenditures and Other Changes I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc • SPAG/Inception to Date Reporting for Multi -Year Funds For each of the content areas listed above a summary of the data requirements, implications of
proposed modifications/business process redesigns, and a listing of specific reporting needs are
identified for each of the ESC designated categories. This information begins on page 6 of this
document. In addition to the requirement summaries, a detailed requirements matrix that lists the
individual fields required for each content area is included as Attachment A.
There are requirements that are applicable for all financial areas; these include grouping and
selection criteria, and drill capabilities.
Grouping and Selection Criteria
The ability to group and select data by all related dimension fields is required. Users should be able
to group or select data by any element of the FOAPAL string and corresponding hierarchy levels.
Using this approach, and given the proposed chart of accounts structu re, a user could select data for a
specific type of expenditures, for instance supplies, by selecting upon a level of the account code
The ability to access associated attributes is also required. Users should be able to query data
associated with a specific attribute value and/or summarize data by attribute values. If campus is
incorporated in an attribute value then users could select data for a specific campus by querying on
such a field.
Users will also need the ability to group and select data by date ranges or periods. The ability to see
fiscal-year-to-date, month -to-date, inception-to-date, and user defined periods is required. A user
may want to select expenditure transactions for their particular department that occurred from date
“ x” to date “y”.
In addition to grouping and selecting on dimension fields, users also require the ability to select and
group data on measure fields such as all transactions greater than $50,000, etc.

Whenever possible, users should have the ability to select data by using the textual descriptions for a
specific code and not need to rely solely on the code value. A user should be able to select data
based on an actual textual description, such as the description of a fund grouping, and not need to
rely on the related code.
Drilling Capabilities
The ability to drill from summary level views to more detailed information is required. Where
applicable, drill capabilities should also include the ability to access transaction level detail including
the docu ment type, document number, document description, transaction amount, transaction date
and user of entry, etc. This drill capability would allow a user to drill from an expenditure amount at
a fund organization account level, e.g. the KSC English departme nt’s instate travel expenses, to the
transaction level detail that comprised the aggregate number, e.g. the transaction level detail that
created the accounting consequence. Once a user enters a given drill path, the ability to drill back up
to summary level data is required.
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc It is also desirable to be able to drill from the transaction level detail to information on the financial
document that created the accounting consequence. An example of this request is the ability to drill
from the transaction level detail for an encumbrance to information regarding the actual purchase
order that created the encumbrance.
Drill capabilities should also allow users to drill through the hierarchies associated with the chart of
accounts elements. An example of this t ype of drill is the capability to drill through levels of the
account code hierarchy. Using a revenue account code as an example, a proposed drill path may be
50 – Revenue (type 1), to 52 – Fees (type 2), to 520 – Fees (hierarchy level 1), to 5201 – Student
Fees (hierarchy level 2 -data enterable level), to the CR document that resulted in the recording of the
Users should also be able to drill through time dimensions from fiscal year to quarter to month, etc.
Next Steps
The next major activity for the Finance MR2 team is the analysis of the proposed requirements and
determination on how these needs may be met in the future reporting solution. Requirements may be
satisfied through existing on-line query forms, Banner reports, or via the management reporting
environment. One of the key outcomes of the analysis phase, scheduled to be completed November
22, 2000, is the identification of the underlying Banner data sources that will support the
requirements to be met by MR2 and be leveraged for the development of the end -user presentation
In addition to the analysis work described above, the MR2 team, the project’s integration team and
process group chairs should begin prioritizing the specific reporting needs in terms o f control and
compliance reporting. This prioritization needs to be completed by the end of the analysis phase, as
it will help guide the work for the latter project phases.
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Summary of Findings
Management reporting for budgeting includes budget development (including error reports), budget
to actual and budget to projection comparisons, as well as related exception reports. Reporting needs
should include both approved and current modified b udget information. Budget reports will serve all
levels of the University System - system and central administration for the annual Budget Book and
other control and compliance reporting needs as well as campus departmental managers and directors
for budg et status and projection purposes.
Data Requirements
Budget Development:
Budget development reports are required for each campus at the FOAPAL level with the ability to
summarize at higher levels (e.g. department, VP, campus, program). Links to the chart of accounts
hierarchy and associated attributes will enable users to report on financial activity at various levels.
Reports include comparisons of the current fiscal year approved and current budget and year -to-date
and two years of prior actuals (pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, expenditures, and revenue) to the
most recent iteration budget for the budget year under development, with permanent positions
segregated, by FOAP. Summary reports are also needed by Fund -Org and by Fund -Pool by
Hierarchy Level 1 categories.
Other Specific Reporting Needs:
Fiscal year reports are required for each campus at the FOAPAL level with the ability to summarize
at higher levels and link to the chart hierarchy and associated attributes. In order to calculate budget
balances available and budget variances ($ and %), reports will need to include the fiscal year, fiscal
period, original budget, current budget, and year -to-date and year -end budget and actual activity
including separately reported “soft” encumbrances. For grant, plant fund and other multi -year
accounts, inception-to-date actuals will need to be available. This information is reviewed in greater
detail on page 18. In all cases, text descriptions for the FOAPAL elements should be available.
Budget availabi lity reports are needed on a real -time basis with the ability to capture data by the
elements of the FOAPAL and budget pool levels.
Exception reports are necessary as well. One example is a report of negative budget balances
available at a pool or FOAP l evel. Another desired exception (control) report is one that tracks
negative budget balances for grants and tolerance levels by grant or sponsor.
Data needed to do prior year comparisons include prior year budget, prior year -end and year-to-date
actuals (a minimum of 3 years of history).
Transaction level detail will need to be available for research purposes, including the fiscal year,
fiscal month, rule code, transaction type (i.e. “act” or “obd”), transaction number, date, amount
(increase or decrease), user of entry and description of transaction.
Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
FIN-BUD-030 - Budget Controls - Several reporting needs were noted for budget controls including
the need for budget availability reports, reporting off approval queues with or without budget
availability checking, exception reporting, and reporting of sensitive items off approval queues such
as foreign travel for grants. The ability to group accounts other than by the pooling structure is
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc required. If workflow is utilized as a solution for this need, it will be necessary to provide access to
the workflow queues so that users can track the status of a given budget document.
It will be necessary to generate budget related reports with data located in the general l edger
summary, the operating ledger, the grant ledger, and the encumbrance ledger with drilling
capabilities to the detail ledgers/transactions. Access to the budget type noted in the detail records
(approved, current, temporary, permanent) will also be n ecessary.
FIN-BUD-037 - Budget Prep Environment - Periodic status reports during each phase of budget
development are needed to manage the budget process. This information needs to be available at the
campus level or other level of the hierarchy. The su pporting position data behind the budget amounts
needs to be accessible both in summary and detail form. The budget process group is looking to
MR2 for reporting on the download function for spreadsheet budgeting. Due to the required
modification for budget prep, the uncertainty about the spreadsheet budgeting capabilities in a
distributed environment, and the open discussions on this item, the MR2 team is not fully aware of
the reporting requirements at this point.
Specific Reporting Needs within this Area
(Many are also noted in the Revenues, Expenditures and Other Changes section.)
• CUFSA123 – Summary Listing of Obligations vs. Budget • CUFSB123 – Summary Listing of Current Expense Budget • CUFSG210/G210B – Grant Summary Report • USNHA120 – Detail Listing of Obligations vs. Budget • USNHA502 – Negative Budget Balances by Appropriation Units • USNHA523 – Plant Fund Project Report • USNHA623 – Analysis of Repair and Renovation Funds • USNHBD830 – Detail Statement of Expense Budgets (Budget Book fi le) • USNHBD835 – Detail Statement of Estimated Revenues (Budget Book file) • USNHFB22 – Statement of Expenditures - Budget vs. Actual • USNHFB51 – Report for the Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHFB52 – Detail Report for th e Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHFB53 – Report for the Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHF342 – Detail Statement of Transfers • MGRFS4010 – Expenditure Projection by Account and Appropriation Unit • MGRFS4020 – Expenditure History by Object Code • MGRFS4030 – Grant/Contract Account Profile • MGRFS4040 – Account Profile by Fund/Area/Org • MGRFS4050 – Revenue Projection by Revenue Source Code (limited users) I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Net Assets/Balance Sheet
The data elements required to support management reporting on USNH’s assets, liabilities and fund
balances will enable system-wide compliance reporting, support campus-based analysis of balance
sheet and fund balance activity, allow reconciliation of specific balance sheet accounts, and provide
drill capabilities to transaction level detail.
Data Requirements
The ability to access balance sheet activity, representing USNH’s assets and liabilities, is required at
the FOAPAL level. Linkages to the chart element hierarchies and associated attributes are also
required. These linkages will enable users to report on high -level summaries of system-wide assets
and liabilities and also provide the capability to view more specific balance sheet activity related to
an individual balance sheet or group of balance sheet accounts. The linkages to the related chart of
accounts hierarchy or associated attributes should also allow users to view balance sheet activity by
related fund groupings, for a specific campus, departmen t, or RCM unit (UNH specific), etc.
The ability to access transaction level detail for balance sheet accounts is required. Examples of this
detail include the document type, document number, document description, transaction amount,
transaction date, accounting distribution, and user of entry, etc. This detail should allow users to
perform reconciliation of balance sheet accounts such as cash, etc.
Fund balance amounts are also required for applicable FOAPAL elements. Linkages to the chart
hierarchy and associated attributes are also required. In addition to fund balance activity, associated
revenues, expenditures and encumbrances should be made available and a total fund balance field
should be calculated. This requirement would allow a unit to see a beginning fund balance,
associated revenues and expenditures, as well as a total fund balance.
Balance sheet and fund balance activity should be available for fiscal year -to-date, fiscal month-to-
date, and user-defined date ranges. Comparative activity for previous periods, fiscal year-to-date and
final activity, and variances computing current activity to previous activity are also necessary.
Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
The financial position papers did not identify specific reporting implicat ions related to net
assets/balance sheets caused by gaps or process redesign, etc.
Specific Reporting Needs within this Area

• CUFSA613 –Summary Trial Balance By Accounting Distribution - Within Fund • CUFSA614 – Summary Trial Balance By Fund • USNHA601 – Detail Transaction Listing for Accounting Transactions • USNHA611 –Detailed Trial Balance Report by Accounting Distribution. • USNHA682 – 1100 Cash Report By Tran Date • USNHA683 – 1100 Cash Report By TXID • Bank reconciliation reports such as deposits cleared by bank, deposits in transit, etc. • There are also several A/P related control reports that utilize balance sheet accounts; these have been grouped under the Buy/Pay section on page 13. I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc • USNHF303 – USNH Consolidated Balance Sheet • USNHF304 – USNH Balance Sheet By Division • USNHF306 – USNH Balance Sheet By Four Fund Groups • USNHF310 – Balance Sheet (By Balance Sheet Account) • USNHF310.2 – Balance Sheet (By Balance Sheet Account) • USNHF317Q – Current Fund Balances With Net Of Transfers • USNHF317.1 – Current Fund Balances • USNHF317.2 – Comparative Fund Balances • USNHF318 – General Ledger Snapshot - FY Activity • USNHF319 – Analysis Of Fund Groups Standardized Query Templates None currently identified. I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Revenues, Expenditures and Other Changes
The data elements required to support management reporting for USNH’s revenues, expenditures and
other changes will enable system-wide compliance reporting, support campus-based financial
administration, produce departmental views of revenues and expenditures, and provide drill
capabilities to transaction level detail.
Data Requirements
Revenues, expenditures and other changes (transfers) are required at the FOAPAL level with
linkages to the corresponding chart hierarchy levels and associated attributes. These linkages to the
chart hierarchy and associated attributes will enable users to report on financial activity at various
levels of summary from departmental views, at the fund organization account level, to campus -based
views using the organization hierarchy, as well as higher -level system-wide rollups based on the
program element. The textual descriptions for all FOAPAL elements and associated reporting
attributes should also be available to users.
Original and current budget amounts for revenues, expenditures and other changes are required and
should be available at all applicable FOAPAL levels and associated hi erarchies. Encumbrance
activity is also necessary at these summary levels. Fields indicating the unobligated or budget
balance available and percentage of available/expended budget are also required.
These revenue, expenditure and transfer activities should be available for fiscal -year-to-date, fiscal
month to date, inception to date, and user-defined date ranges, in the case of transaction level detail.
Inception to date activity is reviewed in greater detail on page 18.
Comparative budget and actual activity for previous periods, fiscal year or fiscal month, and
variances computing current budgets or activity to previous periods are necessary.
Transaction level detail for revenues, expenditures and transfers is also required. This need includes
access to the document type, document number, document description, transaction amount,
transaction date, accounting distribution and user of entry, etc.
The need to combine summarized revenue and expense information with detailed information on
open items, purchase orders and invoices, is also required. An example of this requirement is the
ability to display summarized budget, expenditure and commitment amounts as well as line item
detail on open commitments or receivables.
Fields calculating projected activity for revenue, expenditures and transfers are required. Projections
will be based on the comparison of prior year -to-date to prior-year-final activity. A minimum of two
years of prior activity should be used in the projection calculation. A pr ojected budget balance
available should also be calculated based on the period’s final projected activity.

Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
The financial position papers did not identify specific reporting implications related to revenues,
expenditure s or other changes caused by gaps or process redesign, etc.

I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Specific Reporting Needs within this Area
(Many are also noted in the Budgeting section.)

• CUFSA123 – Summary Listing of Obligations vs Budget • CUFSA223 – Summary Listing of Revenues vs Budget • CUFSA601 – Detail Transaction Listing For Accounting Transactions • USNHA120 – Detail Listing of Obligations vs Budget • USNHA220 – Detail Listing of Revenues vs Budget • USNHF325.2 – Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds Organizations With • USNHFB12 – Statement Of Revenue - Estimated Vs Actual • USNHFB22 – Statement Of Expenditures - Budget Vs Actual - By Function • USNHFB22.2 – Statement Of Expenditures - Budget Vs Actual - By Function • USNHFB25 – Statement Of Distribution For Unrestricted Expenditures • USNHFB25.2 – Statement Of Distribution For Unrestricted Expenditures Compliance • GASB35 – Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets • USNHA526 – Statement Of Changes In Auxiliary Enterprise Funds • USNHA526.2 – Summary Statement Of Changes In Auxiliary Enterprise Funds • USNHA527 – Statement Of Changes In Internally Designated Funds • USNHA528 – Summary Statement Of Changes In Internally Designated Funds • USNHF320 – Consolidated Statement Of Changes In Fund Balances • USNHF321 – Statement Of Changes In Fund Balances By Div • USNHF321C – Consolidation Of University System Of New Hampshire Transfers • USNHF321T – Summary Of University System Of New Hampshire Transfers • USNHF322 – Detailed Statement Of Changes In Fund Balances • USNHF323 – Statement Of Changes In Fund Balances By Fund Group/Div • USNHF324 – Schedule Of Changes In Restricted Fund Groups By Fund Class And Source Of • USNHF325 – Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds Organizations By Fund • USNHF326 - Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds Organizations By Campus, Area, And Category Of Restriction • USNHF326.2 – Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds Totals By Campus, • USNHF327 – Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds • USNHF327.2 – Schedule Of Changes In Fund Balances - Restricted Funds Organizations With Deficit Balances By Fund Class And Function • USNHF331 – Statement Of Current Funds Revenues , Expenditures And Other Changes - Total • USNHF332 – Statement Of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures And Other Changes By • USNHF332.2 – Statement Of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, And Other Changes • USNHF333 – Statement Of Current Unrestricted Revenues, Expenditures, And Other Changes I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc • USNHF333.2 – Statement Of Revenue Transfers • USNHF341 – Detailed Schedule Of Non-Mandatory Transfers • USNHF342.1 – Detail Statement Of Transfers For The University System Of New Hampshire • USNHF342.2 – Unbudgeted Transfers For The University System Of New Hampshire • USNHFB50_USNHFB50.LS1 – USNH Quarterly Report • USNHFB50_USNHFB50.LS2 – USNH Quarterly Report • USNHFB50_USNHFB50.LS3 – USNH Quarterly Report • USNHFB51_USNHFB51.LS1 – Report For The Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHFB51_USNHFB51.LS2 – Report For The Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHFB51_USNHFB51.LS3 – Report For The Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • USNHFB53 – Report For The Trustee Financial Affairs Committee • Campus, Departmental or RC Unit (UNH specific) P&L Reports • Income Over Budget – to monitor flexibility accorded to presidents by USNH income over • MGRFS4000 – Revenue History – FAO/RSCD • MGRFS4010 – Expense Projection - FAO/AU • MGRFS4020 – Expense History – FAO/OBJNO • MGRFS4040 – Account Profile by FAO • MGRFS4050 – UNH Budget Office Revenue I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Buy/Pay Process
Management reporting on the buy/pay process entails the ability to report on each step of the
requisition to check process, including adjustment invoices, at all levels of the University System.
Reports are also required to support reconciliation of the AP liability account. The ability to refer to
and link back to vendor history is required.
Data Requirements
Buy/Pay reports are required at the transaction level with the ability to summarize at the System,
campus, fund group, departmental and FOAPAL levels. Access to the data elements for all open
requisitions, purchase o rders, invoices, and checks linked to detailed vendor information, the textual
descriptions of the general purchasing codes such as the buyer, commodity, discount, shipping codes,
etc., FOAPAL elements, and associated attributes is imperative. Access to 1099 and PCard/ACard
information is also required.
Data elements required to support reporting on open documents include, but are not limited to: fiscal
year, fiscal period, transaction information (type, code, number, line description, etc.), reference
transaction information, status, and associated dollar amounts (original, expended, open, cleared,
voided, etc.). Data elements required to report on detailed vendor information include vendor code,
vendor name, vendor address, vendor contact, discount type , 1099 reportable indicator,
minority/women-owned indicator, tax id, etc.
Access to fixed asset information to facilitate reporting on equipment purchases and on all purchases
that exceed the capitalization threshold is required upon the implementation of the Banner Fixed
Assets module.
Users have requested the ability to retain and access purchase order/requisition line item detail, as
this data was lost when the document was converted to a specific PO type in the current financial
system. Users have also requested the ability to view all associated change orders when reporting on
the most recent version of a purchase order.
Detailed payment history by vendor is also required; however, it is unclear whether legacy vendor
history data will be converted into Banner. Data elements required to support vendor history
reporting include vendor name, vendor code, transaction information, FOAPAL, check information,
invoice number, reference transaction information, total invoice amount, etc.
AP check files and registers are required at the FOAPAL level, with the ability to summarize at the
system, campus and vendor level. Data elements include, but are not limited to: disbursement group
(or some equivalent field in Banner), check information, FOAPAL elements , bank account, invoice
date and number as well as vendor information.
Validation/exception reports include the ability to report on all approval queues to determine the
status of all open documents while in process. This reporting requirement should ena ble users to
query on the approval status of a requested document.
Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
PCard Modification - Monthly reporting on PCard/ACard activity at all levels of USNH is required;
however, the data elements required to support this h ave yet to be determined as the PCard baseline
modification is not yet developed.
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc
FIN-B/P & SPAG -013 - Multiple Contacts per Vendor/Agency - There is a gap in Banner that does
not allow for multiple contacts per vendor. If additional tables and forms are created to support
multiple contacts, the information contained in these new structures will need to be incorporated into
the reporting solution.
FIN-B/P-010 – Check selection process - Banner does not provide the capability of selecting
payments that are due independently from the date printed on the actual check. If the recommended
solution, an addition of new dates to the check printing process, is implemented then the check date
will need to be available in MR2.
FIN-B/P-047 – Finance Forms & Distribution – The selection process in Banner for the printing of
purchase orders and checks is inadequate. The recommended solution is for MIS to create both a
purchase order print process and a check print process that would offer additional selection criteria as
well as facilitate distributive printing. If this solution is implemented the reporting solution will need
to capture all data elements required to generate check registers.
FIN-B/P-049 – Zero Dollar Payment Vouchers – There is no zero dollar payment voucher equivalent
in Banner. If a journal voucher is used there is no audit trail and the vendor history is not updated.
The recommended solution is the creation of a new form and document type as well as associated
processing logic. A new invoice would be generated to reverse the charges to the original accounting
lines and book the charges to the new accounting lines. There is no mention of reporting
requirements in the position paper; however, if this solution were implemented, the data captured in
the additional forms/tables needs to be included in the reporting environment. This modification is
desired but not essential for go -live.
FIN-B/P-051 – Vendor Creates & Maintenance – If a workflow solution is implemented to
streamline vendor creates, the d ata elements from the electronic documents need to be incorporated
into MR2. This data needs to be accessible to report on outstanding items and metrics on the
FIN-B/P-021 (Misc Vendor Codes & Related 1099 Issues) & FIN -B/P -083 (1099 Processing) –
Banner does not support vendor history or 1099 reporting for one -time miscellaneous vendors. One-
time vendors in Banner are not assigned a vendor code, and are consequently not captured for 1099
reporting (since a vendor code is needed to capture requi red payment information). There are
concerns about how to access data related to payments for one -time miscellaneous vendors who have
not been established in the system as a vendor. The management reporting solution needs to
facilitate research on these p ayments.
Specific Reporting Needs within this Area

Control – System Generated Reports:
• CHECKS2_USNHCD02.LS1 – AP Check File • CHECKSZ_USNHCD02.LS1 – Zero Dollar Check File • CUFSW001 – Outstanding Warrant Listing • CUFSW002 – Cleared/Void/Stop Payment/Cancelled Warrant Listing • CUFSUCD2_A657RPT.LS1 – Voucher Payment Check Register • CUFSUCD2_USNHA657.LS1 – Voucher Payment Check Register (by vendor name) I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc • CUFSUCD2_USNHA657B.LS1 – General Disbursement Check Register (by check amount) • USNHA625 – Detail Fund by Transaction Date • USHNA653 – Open Payment Vouchers by Vendor • USNHA654.LS1 – Open Payment Vouchers by Fund Group/Fund Class/Fund • USNHA654.LS2 – Summary of Open Payment Vouchers by Fund Group/Fund Class/Fund • USNHA658 – Open Payment Vouchers by Vendor • USNHA659.LS1 – Open Payment Vouchers by Fund Group/Fund Class/ Fund • USNHA659.LS2 – Summary of Open Payment Vouchers by Fund Group/Fund Class/ Fund • USNHA711 – Accounts Payable Vendor History Register • USNHZCH_A657RPT.LS1 – Voucher Payment Check Register • USNHZCH_USNHA657.LS1 – Voucher Payment Check Register (by vendor name) • USNHZVS_USNHA655.LS1 – Zero Payment Voucher Turnaround Report • PCFR8020A.0AP – Purchase-Order Carry Forward Detail Report • USNHCKSM – OCHT Table Summary Report Control - Reports desired but not currently system generated (CUFS): • Aging Report on payables and uncleared checks. • Automate check review process – the ability to produce a parameterized report that provides information for every x check, 25 “random” checks, and every check over x dollars. • Outstanding credit from vendor report • Projection report on dollar amount of next couple of check runs to plan cash needs (based on PVs already in the system and the scheduled payment date) • Report that prints check information including the accounting distribution (if necessary) Compliance • Abandoned Property Report, including all checks that have not cleared, vendor detail information, type of check (A/P, payroll, student rebate, etc.), amount, what t he payment was for, etc. • Minority, women-owned, and small business reporting, including purchases made on PCards. • Report on new individual or SSN related vendors that have been entered into the system for a • Report on time between when a payment voucher hits the systems and when the check “goes out the door” – need FOAPAL, specified dates, scheduled payment date, PV information, etc. • W2G Report to capture payments made to individuals who have received prizes, awards, raffles, etc – currently a manual process but hoping to flag these payments in Banner. • Year-End Only Audit reporting to determine in which year to book transactions, need report on list of vouchers and checks over x dollar amount since year end. • Check Disbursement Report – need to identify campus, checks on hold, check with enclosures, • Contract/PO Tickler reports – report listing contracts within x days of expiration date, including vendor, FOAPAL, responsible person, etc. • Statistical/Analytical reports (document counts by type, user -defined groupings and time periods) I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc AR/Billing
The financial position paper FIN -AR-046 – General Non -Student A/R recommends that non-student
non -grant billing functionality be implemented no more than one year after the July go live date.
Given this recommendation, the reporting focus for AR/Billing is to enable a grants billing process.
Management reporting for grants billing entails the ability to support reporting on receivables , both
billed and unbilled, for sponsored programs including the ability to produce aging and open invoice
reports, delinquent account listings, and retrieve data suitable for collection analysis.
Data Requirements
Requirements for grants billing includ e information related to the grant and its specific billing
parameters, the associated agency, receivable amounts including invoiced amounts, unbilled
amounts, outstanding and paid amounts, and associated FOAPAL elements, etc. Transaction level
detail on invoices and payments is also necessary. Examples of required data include invoice
number, invoice date, invoice amount, type of bill, accounting distribution, collected amount, balance
due, agency, etc. The textual descriptions for these data requiremen ts should be available where
The ability to produce reports of invoices with amounts still due by user -defined date ranges and by
aging periods is required. In addition the ability to group or sort this data by related grant, sponsor or
other associated dimensions, such as the chart of accounts elements, is necessary. In addition, it is
also necessary to generate a list of sponsors who are eligible for dunning or past due notices.
The capability to produce cost reimbursable and fixed price invoices as well as standard billing
formats such as the SF270, SF272, SF269, SF1034 and SF1035 reports is required. The ability to
capture sponsors with fixed priced agreements is also necessary.
Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
FIN-AR-020 – Letter of Credit Processing – The existing Letter of Credit and SF272 processes do
not meet USNH’s need to create fully compliant reports and summary sheets . The recommended
solution is to create an Excel extract that can merge with the current OSR solution and utilize
BusinessObjects to create the extract. If a solution using BusinessObjects is approved, then the MR2
environment will need to contain the necessary data elements to support the SF272 extract file.
FIN-AR-028 – Detail Codes Assignment – Detail codes are used in Banner to support charges or
payments. In order to have sufficient explanation of billings and payments the detail codes need to
be available when reporting on invoices, payments or the accounting consequences of such
FIN-AR-039 – Grants Billing – Non -Letter of Credit – This position paper recommends creating
generic and fixed price bills and SF269, SF270, SF1034 and SF1035 reports using Banner’s existing
processes and perhaps supplementing this functionality with the inclusion of third -party forms
generation software. The position paper does not recommend using MR2 as an alternative solution so
at this time the MR2 team is not anticipating having to support this need.
FIN-AR-046 – General Non -Student A/R – This position paper recommends delaying the
implementation of any non-grant non -student accounts receivable system until after the July 1 go live
date. Given the delayed implementation date, the finance process groups have not thoroughly
reviewed the non -grants account s receivable processes. Likewise, the MR2 team has not determined
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc specific requirements for this area. We do anticipate reviewing accounts receivable data structures
during the analysis phase and hope to incorporate these items into the reporting environ ment.
FIN-AR-085 – NH Dept of Ed Form 4 – A recommendation is proposed for creating an extract file
from Banner that will be merged with the existing OSR spreadsheet solution for NHED billing -
NHED Form 4. The position paper also proposes alternate solutions that require the use of the
management reporting environment to create the extract file. If an alternate solution is accepted, then
the MR2 environment will need to capture the elements required to support the extract file.

Specific Reporting Needs with this Area

• USNHA671 – Accounts Receivable Aging Report • USNHA672 – Accounts Receivable Aging Report • OSR has developed its own aging, receivables reports and dunning letter. • Analysis of Unbilled Receivables Compliance • Cost Reimbursable/Fixed Priced Bills • SF269, SF270, SF1034, SF1035 Reports • NHED Form 4 Standardized Query Templates • Outstanding Invoices vs. Expenditures I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc
SPAG/Inception to Date Reporting for Multi-Year Funds
Management reporting for inception to date activities is required for all multi -year projects in
Banner. These include sponsored programs, construction and repair projects, federal appropriations,
and other miscellaneous funds within other fund groupings.
Data Requirements
Grant and other multi-year funds require inception to date summary and detailed transaction
information on a grant or project basis. Multi-year reports need to be available at the FOAPAL level
or by grant and provide both fiscal year and inception to date budget, revenue, and expenditure
information. In addition to a need for the FOAPAL specific requirements identified for fiscal year
based reporting, the ability to summarize information at system, campus, department or by other fund
groupings is required. Linkages to the corresponding chart hierarchy levels and associated attributes
are also required.
Grant reporting data elements include Code of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) infor mation,
including code, title, federal agency code, federal agency name, etc. and grant description
information, including grant code, proposal code, grant title, funding amounts, agency information,
indirect cost rate information, etc. Some summary information on vendor/FOAPAL, etc. from the
purchasing area will also be needed for reporting on subcontractor information. The ability to group
or summarize these reports by grant, principal investigator, or discipline is required.
User defined data values associated with specific grants will also be needed for control reporting.
This requirement would include information on the allowability of normally indirect costs. It would
also include the budget control limitations imposed by a particular sponsor or prog ram of a particular
sponsor. If these data requirements are not included in user -defined fields by grant, they would be a
characteristic captured in attributes. Either way, the MR2 environment needs to include this data.
In addition, some compliance reporting will require sponsor summarization of information.
Most of the data for reporting on proposals, facilities and administrative costs waivers, sub -awardee
information, and cost sharing commitments will be captured in the InfoEd system. Consequently,
data elements from this subsystem will also be required for control and compliance reporting. This
data will only be available in the MR2 environment if it is fed to Banner via the interface. All data
resident only in InfoEd is outside of the scope of this p roject.
Data requirements also include data to capture cost sharing, program income, and NFE information,
separate from other grant funds.
The MR2 team will perform additional review with key sponsored programs administration staff to
follow up on these reporting requirements and gain a better understanding of the implications of the
InfoEd to Banner interface.
Modification/BPR Implications on MR2
FIN-B/P & SPAG -013 - Multiple Contacts per Vendor/Agency - There is a gap in Banner that does
not allow for multiple contacts per vendor. If additional tables and forms are created to support
multiple contacts, the information contained therein will need to be incorporated into the data
elements available for grant billing and reporting.
I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc FIN-COA-016 - Faciliti es & Admin Rate Calculation and FIN -GR-027 – F&A Processing –The FIN-GR-027 - F&A Processing position paper recommends that USNH utilize Banner’s facilities and administration processing capabilities indicating no specific reporting requirements. The calc ulation of the F&A rate does have MR2 implications however. The FIN -COA-016 – Facilities & Admin Rate Calculation position paper recommends the use of attributes as a proposed solution to determine USNH’s F&A rate. Sum-024 -025-026-029-053 – Summary of Cost Sharing and Prog. Inc. – This position paper provides a summary of the cost sharing and related issues position papers. It recommends that USNH not use the Banner cost sharing mechanism, and instead proposes that USNH use a separate fund for all cost sharing, both internal and external, and program income. For all except external cost sharing, these funds would be linked to the same grant as the primary grant -operating fund. External cost sharing would be set up as a separate grant as well as a separa te fund. The detailed position papers recommend that a fund attribute be used to flag cost share and program income funds. In the case of external cost sharing, FIN -GR-053 recommends that an attribute, or user-defined field on the grant table be used to link the two grants together. The attributes and/or user -defined field will need to be made accessible in the reporting environment. Another reporting requirement specified in FIN -GR-024 (Cost Sharing – General) is that data needed to support the annual A -133 (Schedule of Federal Expenditures) needs to be accessible through MR2. FIN-GR-044 – Award/Budget Initiation/Processing – It is anticipated that award information will be fed from InfoEd to Banner. A separate fund will be established for each piece o f the agreement that will be budgeted/controlled separately. MR2 will support the ability to query grants exclusive/inclusive of cost -sharing fund and program income funds as well as the ability to include/exclude related external cost-sharing grants. It is also required that the reporting solution provide the ability to compare approved grant budgets vs. adjusted grant budgets and generate exception reports when a grant’s adjusted budget exceeds its approved budget by a predetermined tolerance. FIN-GR-045 – Award Closings – The recommended solution is a workflow process to aid in award closings. The reporting environment would need the ability to produce a ‘closing’ report to provide a summary of the pieces of financial and administrative data the need t o be reviewed at closing (open encumbrances, invoices, reporting requirements, etc.) as well as a report to display grants that are in various stages of the closing process (within 90, 30 days, terminated). FIN-GR-048 – Sub-Award Agreements – The recomme nded solution is to use Banner to enter a subaward as a purchase order and to manage the payables while the subcontracting information will be maintained in InfoEd and that reports will capture data simultaneously. The inclusion of InfoEd data into the reporting solution is out of scope. MR2 will only capture data that exists in Banner and in the Banner/InfoEd Interface. FIN-GR-054 – NFE Processing – If the recommended solution, to use the status field on the grant form to capture NFE awards and to create an additional value on the system data maintenance form, is implemented, the reporting solution will need to capture this additional value. I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Specific Reporting Needs within this Area
Control – University System Generated Reports:
• A-133 (Schedule of Federal Expenditures) • Budget Control Reports (currently generated by OSR) • Exception reports on NFE grant to determine if exceeded or within a certain tolerance of NFE • CUFSG210B – Grant Summary Report by Fund • USNHA523 – Plant Fund Project Report • USNHA623(1A, 2, 3) – Analysis of Repair & Renovation Funds • USNHA671 – Accounts Receivable Aging Report • USNHA672 – Accounts Receivable Aging Report Compliance • Facilities & Administration Rate Calculatio n • Minority, women-owned business, and small business reporting, including purchases made on • MGRFS4030 – Grant Account Profile Report • Cross Reference Listing of Awards, by Grantor, Org-Manager, FOAPAL • Fiscal Year Awards by Director, Grantor, Department • Fiscal Year Expenditures by Director, Grantor, Department • Fiscal Year F&A Expenditures by Director, Grantor, Department I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc Schedule of MR2 Requirements Gathering Meetings

Linda Bisson, Carol Mitchell, Lisa Shawney, Sara Vogel Kerry Atherton, Jim Draper, Tammy Hastings, Karen House, Jay Kahn, Jean Kerry Atherton, Eric Blumenthal, Diane Cotter, Barbara Fahey, Dwight Fischer, John Griffith, Karen House, Judy Landry Bill Crangle, Barb Fahey, Cathy Bates, Judy Landry, Pat Campbell August 10, 2000 Stephanie Behan, Carol Mitchell August 16, 2000 Erick Berglund, Jim Miller August 18, 2000 Eric Blumenthal, Kristie Camacho, Kathi Cannon University of New Hampshire Business Service Centers & Others Academic Affairs Karen Bushoold, Jeanne Bartlett, Pat Stevenson, Suki Easter, Mariellen Carpenter-Lee Frankie Dinneen, Polly House, Michele Mathews Donna Brownell, Linda Wood, Pat Neff, Tammy McGlone Kate Roberts, Taylor Eighmy, Colleen Mi tchell Kim Roundy, Rob Hare, Donna Arsenault, Audra Coons, Barbara Forcier Extension UNH – Manchester July 21, 2000 Libby Powers, Diane Plante, Linda Wozniak, Nilda Jannell I:\System_Replacement\Processes\MR2\ Finance\ Requirements Doc\000831 deliverable.doc

Source: http://www.fresh.unh.edu/mr2/MR2_Requirements_000831.pdf

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