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Schriftenverzeichnis 2012, Trotter A, Steinmacher J, Kron M, Pohlandt F. Neurodevelopmental Follow-up at 5 Years Corrected age of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants after Postnatal Replacement of
Estradiol and Progesterone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab: 95; 1041-10472010, Trotter A, Pohlandt F. Aktuelle Ergebnisqualität der
Versorgung von Frühgeborenen < 1500g Geburtsgewicht als
Grundlage für eine Regionalisierung der Risikogeburten. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol: 214; 55-61.
2009, Trotter A, Maier L. Computergestütztes Verordnungssystem
bei pädiatrischen Patienten. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd: 157; 160-
2009, Trotter A, Larsch FJ, Hannekum A, Pohlandt F. [Thoracic
alterations after surgical closure of the ductus arteriosus botallo in
preterm infants]. Klin Padiatr: 221; 227-231.
2009, Trotter A, Kipp M, Schrader RM, Beyer C. Combined
application of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone enhance vascular
endothelial growth factor and surfactant protein expression in cultured embryonic lung cells of mice. Int J Pediatr: 2009; 170491.
2009, Trotter A, Hilgendorff A, Kipp M, Beyer C, Kueppers E,
Kiossis E, Stuplich J, Pohlandt F, Thome U. Gender-related effects of prenatal administration of estrogen and progesterone receptor
antagonists on VEGF and surfactant-proteins and on alveolarisation in the developing piglet lung. Early Hum Dev: 85; 353-359.
2007, Trotter A, Maier L, Kron M, Pohlandt F. Effect of oestradiol
and progesterone replacement on bronchopulmonary dysplasia in
extremely preterm infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: 92; F94-98.
2006, Trotter A, Ebsen M, Kiossis E, Meggle S, Kueppers E, Beyer
C, Pohlandt F, Maier L, Thome UH. Prenatal Estrogen and
Progesterone Deprivation Impairs Alveolar Formation and Fluid Clearance in Newborn Piglets. Pediatr Res: 60; 60-64.
2002, Trotter A, Pohlandt F. Calcium and phosphorus retention in
extremely preterm infants supplemented individually. Acta 2002, Trotter A, Maier L, Pohlandt F. Calcium and phosphorus
balance of extremely preterm infants supplemented with estradiol
and progesterone. Am J Perinatol: 19; 23-29.
2002, Trotter A, Maier L, Kohn T, Böhm W, Pohlandt F. Growth of
the uterus and mammary glands and vaginal cytology features in
extremely premature infants with postnatal replacement of estradiol and progesterone. Am J Obstet Gynecol: 186; 184-188.
2001, Trotter A, Mück K, Grill H, Schirmer U, Hannekum A, Lang
D. Gender-related Plasma Levels of Progesterone, Interleukin-8
and Interleukin-10 during and after Cardiopulmonary Bypass in
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Infants and Children. Crit Care: 5; 343-348.
2001, Trotter A, Bokelmann B, Sorgo W, Bechinger-Kornhuber D,
Heinemann H, Schmücker G, Oesterle M, Köhntop B, Brisch K, Pohlandt F. Follow-up examination at the age of 15 months of
extremely preterm infants after postnatal estradiol and progesterone replacement. J Clin Endocrinol Metab: 86; 601-603.
1999, Trotter A, Maier L, Grill HJ, Wudy SA, Pohlandt F. 17ß-
estradiol and progesterone supplementation in extremely low-birth-
weight infants. Pediatr Res: 45; 489-493.
1999, Trotter A, Maier L, Grill HJ, Kohn T, Heckmann M, Pohlandt
F. Effects of postnatal estradiol and progesterone replacement in
extremely preterm infants. J Clin Endocrinol Metab: 84; 4531-4535.
1997, Trotter A, Grill H, Hemmer W, Hannekum A, Lang D. Sex
steroids in cardiopulmonary bypass. Crit Care: 1; 85-87.
1996, Trotter A, Stoll M, Leititis JU, Blatter A, Pohlandt F. Circadian
variations of urinary electrolyte concentrations in preterm and term
infants. J Pediatr: 128; 253-256.
2006, Thome UH, Bischoff A, Maier L, Pohlandt F, Trotter A. Amiloride-sensitive nasal potential difference is not changed by estradiol and progesterone replacement but relates to BPD or
death in a randomized trial on preterm infants. Pediatr Res: 60; 619-623. 2003, Beyer C, Küppers E, Karolczak M, Trotter A. Ontogenetic Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in the Mouse
Lung. Biol Neonat: 84; 59-63.* * Biology of the Neonate seit 2007 umbenannt in Neonatology
2012, Mihatsch W, Trotter A, Pohlandt F. Sensitivity and specificity of urinary calcium and phosphate concentrations to screen for
adequacy of mineral intake in preterm infants. Klin Padiatr: 224; 61-65. 2006, Kajta M, Trotter A, Lason W, Beyer C. Impact of 17beta- estradiol on cytokine-mediated apoptotic effects in primary
hippocampal and neocortical cell cultures. Brain Res: 1116; 64-74. 2006, Hilgendorff A, Doerner M, Rawer D, Leick J, Trotter A, Ebsen M, Ruppert C, Gunther A, Gortner L, Reiss I. Effects of a recombinant surfactant protein-C-based surfactant on lung function
and the pulmonary surfactant system in a model of meconium aspiration syndrome. Crit Care Med: 34; 203-210. 2005, Kajta M, Trotter A, Lason W, Beyer C. Effect of NMDA on staurosporine-induced activation of caspase-3 and LDH release in
mouse neocortical and hippocampal cells. Brain Res Dev Brain Res: 160; 40-52.
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D: Wissenschaftliche Briefe als Erst-, Letzt- oder Co-Autor
2011, Trotter A, Pohlandt F Versorgung sehr kleiner Frühgeborener in Deutschland international führend gut.
Säuglingssterblichkeit ist ein ungeeigneter Surrogatparameter. Das Krankenhaus; 240-241. 2010, Trotter A, Pohlandt F Stellungnahme zu "Aktuelle Ergebnisqualität der Versorgung von Frühgeborenen <1500g
Geburtsgewicht als Grundlage für eine Regionalisierung der Risikogeburten. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol: 214; 126-127.
2001, Trotter A, Maier L, Pohlandt F Management of the extremely low birth weight neoante, is the replacement of estradiol and
progesterone beneficial. Pediatr Drugs: 3; 629-637. 2000, Trotter A, Pohlandt F The replacement of oestradiol and
progesterone in very premature infants. Ann Med: 32; 608-614.
F: Weitere Arbeiten (Fallpublikationen, publizierte Abstracts, Sonstige)
2011, Trotter A, Pohlandt F Versorgung sehr kleiner
Frühgeborener in Deutschland international führend gut.
Säuglingssterblichkeit ist ein ungeeigneter Surrogatparameter. Das Krankenhaus; 240-241. 2005, Trotter A, Maier L, Kron M, Pohlandt F Postnatal Replacement of Estradiol and Progesterone To Prevent Chronic
Lung Disease in Extremely Preterm Infants. Pediatr Res: 57; 3374 (Abstract).
2003, Trotter A, Thome UH, Pohlandt F, Kiossis E, Stolla R, Maier
L, Ebsen M Diminished Prenatal Alveolarization in Piglets Treated
with Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor Blocking Agents. Pediatr Res: 53; 439A (Abstract).
2002, Riexinger M, Galm C, Trotter A, Lang D Restrictive interatrial
communication with protein-losing enteropathy and coagulopathy
in hypoplastic left heart syndrome after norwood palliation. Pediatr Cardiol: 23; 84-86.
2001, Trotter A, Pohlandt F The need for individualized Ca and P
supplementation in preterm infants. Pediatr Res: 49; 182A
2000, Trotter A, Maier L, Pohlandt F Calcium and phosphorus balance of extremely preterm infants supplemented with estradiol
and progesterone. Pediatr Res: 47; 298A (Abstract).
2000, Trotter A, Maier L, Grill H, Kohn T, Heckmann M, Pohlandt F
Effects of postnatal estradiol and progesterone replacement in
extremely preterm infants. Eur J Pediatr: 159; R3 (Abstract).
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2000, Trotter A, Kaestner M, Pohlandt F, Lang D Unusual electrocardiogram findings in a preterm infant after fetal
tachycardia with hydrops fetalis treated with flecainide. Pediatr Cardiol: 21; 259-262.
1999, Trotter A, Mück C, Schirmer U, Hemmer W, Hannekum A, Lang D Progesterone and interleukin-8 during and after
cardiopulmonary bypass in infants and children. Crit Care: 3; 8-9 (Abstract). 1998, Trotter A, Maier L, Grill H, Pohlandt F Effect of 17ß-estradiol and progesterone supplementation on postnatal bone
mineralisation in extremely low birthweight infants. Pediatr Res: 43; 199A (Abstract).
1997, Trotter A, Pohlandt F Umbilical cord estradiol concentration and bone mineral status in very low birthweight infants at birth. Pediatr Res: 41; 183A (Abstract).
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