Anesthesia and postoperative analgesia after percutaneous hallux valgus repair in ambulatory patients
Anesthesia and postoperative analgesia after percutaneous hallux valgus repair in
Anesthe´sie et analge´sie postope´ratoire apre`s chirurgie de l’hallux valgus par voie percutane´e en
F. Adam E. Pelle-Lancien , T. Bauer N. Solignac D.I. Sessler M. Chauvin
a De´partement d’anesthe´sie-re´animation, hoˆpital Ambroise-Pare´, Assistance publique–Hoˆpitaux de Paris, 9, avenue Charles-de–Gaulle, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
b Service de chirurgie orthope´dique, hoˆpital Ambroise-Pare´, Assistance publique–Hoˆpitaux de Paris, 9, avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
c Department of Outcomes Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
d Inserm U987, service du de´partement d’anesthe´sie-re´animation, hoˆpital Ambroise-Pare´, Assistance publique–Hoˆpitaux de Paris, 9, avenue Charles-de-Gaulle,
Background. – Postoperative pain is often severe after hallux valgus repair. Sciatic nerve blocks with long-
acting local anesthetics have been recommended for surgical anesthesia and postoperative analgesia.
However, a novel percutaneous approach may require less analgesia and make the procedure suitable for
ambulatory care. We thus tested the hypothesis that mid-foot block and sciatic nerve blocks provide
comparable surgical anesthesia and postoperative analgesia, but that patients ambulate independently
Study design. – Prospective, randomized study.
Methods. – Forty patients scheduled for ambulatory percutaneous hallux valgus repair were randomly
assigned to two anesthesia and analgesia blocks: foot infiltration achieved by a mild foot block, or sciatic
nerve block (30 mL of 7.5% ropivacaine for each block). Surgery was performed without sedation or
additional analgesia. Both groups were given oral paracetamol/codeine and ketoprofene systematically;
tramadol was added if necessary. Walking ability and pain scores were assessed for 48 postoperative
hours. Results. – Demographic and morphometric characteristics, and duration of surgery were similar in each
group. Pain scores were comparable and low in each group at rest and while walking. The time to
ambulation without assistance was significantly less for patients in the infiltration group
(3.8 Æ 1.4 hours) than patients in the sciatic group (19.2 Æ 9.5 hours; P < 0.0001).
Conclusion. – After percutaneous hallux valgus repair, mid-foot block and sciatic nerve block provided
comparable postoperative analgesia. However, mid-foot block seems preferable since the time to
ambulation without assistance is much reduced.
ß 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of the Socie´te´ franc¸aise d’anesthe´sie et de re´animation
Objectif. – Ce travail visait a` e´valuer l’analge´sie postope´ratoire du bloc sciatique versus des blocs
me´tatarsiens dans la chirurgie de l’hallux valgus par voie percutane´e en ambulatoire.
Type d’e´tude. – E´tude prospective et randomise´e.
Patients et me´thodes. – Apre`s accord du comite´ d’e´thique et consentement e´claire´ e´crit, 40 patients
devant eˆtre ope´re´s d’un hallux valgus par voie percutane´e sous anesthe´sie locore´gionale pe´riphe´rique ont
e´te´ inclus dans cette e´tude. Apre`s randomisation, 20 patients ont e´te´ ope´re´s sous blocs me´tatarsiens et
20 patients sous bloc sciatique. Dans les deux groupes un volume de 30 mL de ropivacaı¨ne a` 7,5 % a e´te´
utilise´. L’analge´sie postope´ratoire comportait du parace´tamol code´ı¨ne´ et du biprofe´nid en prise
syste´matique, et du tramadol en traitement de secours. La douleur, la reprise de la marche, la qualite´ du
0750-7658/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of the Socie´te´ franc¸aise d’anesthe´sie et de re´animation (Sfar).
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