Microsoft word - dxcart-e.doc

Hilti (Canada) Corporation
Product identifier:
DX Cartridges (Also called shots, loads, powerloads, safety cartridges, or safety boosters)
Product description / use:
22, 25 and 27 calibre blank cartridges for use in powder actuated tools Supplier:
Hilti (Canada) Corporation, 2360 Meadowpine Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6S2 Originator
Hilti, Inc., P. O. Box 21148, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA 74121 Emergency phone number:
Chem-Trec: 1 800 424 9300
CAS Number
LC50, (rat)
LD50 (rat)
Appearance / Physical state:
Specific gravity (at 20ºC):
Odour threshold:
Vapour pressure (at 20ºC):
Vapour density:
Evaporation rate:
Boiling point:
Freezing point:
Coefficient of H20 / oil distrib:
Solubility in water:
Flash point / Method:
Flammable limits:
Conditions of flammability:
Auto-ignition temperature:
Means of extinction:
Special fire fighting
Flood area with water or keep cartridges cool with water spray. procedures:
Hazardous combustion
Oxides of nitrogen, oxides of carbon, oxides of lead, metallic lead and acrid fumes. products:
Sensitivity to mechanical
impact / static discharge:
Conditions of reactivity:
Incompatible materials:
Conditions to avoid:
Acids, excess heat, crushing and electrical currents. Hazardous decomposition
Oxides of nitrogen, oxides of carbon, oxides of lead, metallic lead and acrid fumes. products:
Routes of exposure:
Exposure limits:
Acute effects of exposure:
Excessive exposure to gases might cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Adverse health effects are not expected from acute exposure to fumes and gases; however, adequate ventilation, personal protective equipment, and/or good personal hygiene practices are essential to keep exposure to a minimum.
Chronic effects of exposure:
Chronic (long-term) overexposure to lead can result in damage to blood-forming, nervous, urinary and reproductive systems. Organic lead compounds are not classified by IARC or NTP as carcinogens. Lead styphnate is converted to metallic lead and lead oxide during combustion. Metallic lead and lead oxide have not been tested adequately. A study by Goyer and Rhyne (1973) concluded that "there is no evidence that lead produces cancer in man". Synergistic materials:
HILTI ® is a registered trademark of Hilti Corp. FIRST AID MEASURES
If irritation occurs, flush with plenty of water. Consult a physician if symptoms persist. Practice good hygiene; i.e. wash with soap and water after using and before meals. Inhalation:
Move victim to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Ingestion:
Seek prompt medical attention if physical injury occurs from pins, rivets, debris, etc. For bleeding wounds, place a clean cloth or similar absorbent material on the wound and apply firm pressure. Elevate the wound and transport immediately to a medical facility. PREVENTIVE MEASURES
Engineering controls:
General (i.e., natural or mechanically induced fresh air movements). Eye protection:
Suitable safety glasses with side-shields, or safety goggles. Skin protection:
Cleaning powder actuated tools can result in some exposure to lead compounds. Impermeable gloves are recommended for cleaning, otherwise wash hands thoroughly when finished and before eating or smoking.
Respiratory protection:
Not normally required. Where air movement is inadequate to maintain exposure below recommended levels, wear a high efficiency particulate respirator. Hearing protection should be worn when firing powder actuated tools Handling procedures and
For industrial use only. Keep out of reach of children. Use with adequate ventilation. Use only in equipment:
powder actuated tools designed to handle these boosters. All employees should be familiarized with the safe operating procedures and requirements for powder operated tools as described in ANSI A10.3. Practice good hygiene; i.e. wash after using and before eating or smoking. Storage requirements:
Store in a cool dry place. Do not crush or drop. Keep away from excessive heat (such as extremely hot surfaces and flames), electrical current, strong acids and oxidizers. Spill, leak or release:
Waste disposal:
Misfires should be stored in a closed container until disposal or as otherwise required by local, state, and provincial safety, health and environmental regulations. The recommended disposal method is in a burner specifically designed to destroy ammunition. Consult with regulatory agencies or your corporate personnel for disposal methods that comply with local, provincial, and federal safety, health and environmental regulations.
Special shipping instructions:
WHMIS classification:
HMIS codes:
Health 1, Flammability 1, Reactivity 3, PPE B (Glasses with side-shields, Gloves) ICAO/IATA Shipping Name:
Cartridges, power device, Class 1.4S, UN0323 TDG shipping name:
Cartridges, power device, Class 1.4S, UN0323 PREPARATION INFORMATION / CONTACTS
Prepared by:
Emergency phone
Customer Service:
Hilti (Canada) Corporation, Mississauga, Ontario; 1 800 363 4458 Health / Safety contacts:
Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK USA; 1 800 879 6000, Jerry Metcalf (x1003704) Abbreviations used:
N/E = None Established. N/A = Not Applicable. N/Av = Not Available. (S) indicates exposure
should be controlled for the cutaneous routes including the mucous membranes, eyes, and skin.
Airborne exposures as well as direct contact must be considered. IARC: International Agency for
Research on Cancer. HMIS: Hazardous Materials Identification System
The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon data believed to be correct; however, no guarantee or warranty of any kind expressed or implied is made with respect to the information provided.


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