Recommended Maryland Treatises for the Core Collection Compiled by Outreach Services, Maryland State Law Library
The materials listed below are the recommended core collection for Maryland county law libraries. Generally, it is recommended that titles be retained while current. Once a subscription has been cancelled, a new edition has been published, or the timeliness of a publication has lapsed, it is recommended that the title be discarded or labeled appropriately as superseded, no longer updated, or retained for historical purposes. This list will be revised periodically. Materials are arranged by topic: Administrative Law
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Principles and Practice of Maryland Administrative Law. Arnold Rochvarg. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2011. APPELLATE PROCEDURE Appellate Practice for the Maryland Lawyer: State and Federal. Paul Mark Sandler and Andrew D. Levy, eds. MICPEL, 2007. ATTORNEY & CLIENT Legal Representation and Fee Agreements for the Maryland Lawyer: Forms and Comments. Christopher L. Beard, C. Michael Bradshaw and Richard C. Goodwin. MICPEL, 2009.
BANKRUPTCY Gordon on Chapter 7. Alexander Gordon, IV. MICPEL, 1995. This title was last updated in 1999. CIVIL PROCEDURE Civil Pre-Trial Practice. Neil J. Dilloff. MICPEL, 2011. Also under Trial Practice.
Maryland Civil Procedure Forms: With Practice Commentary. Robert D. Klein. Lexis, 2000.
Maryland Litigation Forms and Analysis. Gary I. Strausberg, general editor. West, 1998. Maryland Practice: Civil Procedure Forms, Volumes 3 & 4. West, 1984. Maryland Practice Forms, 6th ed. MICPEL, 2009. Maryland Rules Commentary. Paul V. Niemeyer. Lexis, 2003. Modern Maryland Civil Procedure. John A. Lynch, Jr. and Richard W. Bourne. Lexis, 2004. Pleading Causes of Action in Maryland, 4th ed. Paul Mark Sandler and James K. Archibald. MICPEL, 2008. Practice Manual for the Maryland Lawyer. Young Lawyer's Section, Maryland State Bar Association and MICPEL, 1993. COLLECTION LAWS The Art of Getting Paid: The Business Owner's Guide to Managing Receivables and Collecting Debts in Maryland. Eliot M. Wagonheim. Blue Point, 2003. Gordon on Maryland Foreclosures, 4th ed. Alexander Gordon, IV. MICPEL, 2004. Mechanics’ Liens and the Maryland Trust Fund Law and the Maryland Prompt Pay Statute. MICPEL, 2005. COMMERCIAL LAW Borek’s Maryland Business Planning Guidebook. Charles A. Borek. MICPEL, 2009.
Maryland Intellectual Property and Technology Transactions: Forms and Practice Manual. 1st ed. William S. Galkin. Data Trace Publishing, 2008. Maryland Secured Transactions Under Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Forms and Practice Manual. Carla Stone Witzel. Data Trace Publishing, 2000. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW The Maryland State Constitution. Dan Friedman. Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 2011. CORPORATION LAW Maryland Corporate Practice and Forms: The DLA Piper Manual. 2nd ed. William David Chalk. Data Trace Publishing, 2008. Maryland Corporation Law. James J. Hanks, Jr. Prentice Hall Law & Business, 1990. Maryland Limited Liability Company Forms and Practice Manual. Robert M. Ercole, et al. Data Trace Publishing, 1999. CRIMINAL LAW / PROCEDURE
Criminal Homicide Law. Honorable Charles E. Moylan, Jr. MICPEL, 2002. Criminal Trial Manual, Maryland. William D. Paton and Russell E. Hamill, Jr. Hanford Publishing Co., 1979; supplement current to 2011. Defending allegations of sexual child abuse in Maryland / by Thomas P. Bernier. Baltimore, MD: MICPEL, 2004. Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary, 3rd ed. David E. Aaronson. LexisNexis, 2009. Maryland Criminal Procedure Forms and Analysis, 2nd ed. Jonathan Scott Smith. West, 1995. This title was last updated in 1999.
Maryland Law of Confessions. Thomson/West, 2010-2011. Published annually. Maryland Trial Judges' Benchbook. MICPEL, 1999. Also under Trial Practice
Maryland’s Consolidated Theft Law and Unauthorized Use. Charles E. Moylan. MICPEL, 2001. DRUNK DRIVING Maryland DUI Manual: An In-Depth Guide to the Complexities of DUI Law. William D. Paton; Leonard R. Stamm, Contributing Editor; Leonard H. Shapiro, Contributing Editor. Hanford Publishing Co., 2002. OR Maryland DUI Law, 2011-2012 ed. (Maryland Practice Series, volume 8). Leonard R. Stamm. Thomson West, 2008-. ELDER LAW Elder Law in Maryland, 3rd ed. Jason A. Frank. Lexis, 2005. The Guardianship Bench Book: The Practitioner's Guide to Adult Guardianship and Guardianship Alternatives in Maryland. Joan L. O'Sullivan and Andrea Imredy Saah. MICPEL, 2001. Maryland Medicaid: Long Term Care. Jason A. Frank. George T. Bisel Company, 2008. EMPLOYMENT LAW. Maryland Employment Law, 2nd ed. Stanley Mazaroff. Lexis, 2001. Maryland Employment Law: Forms and Practice Manual. Carla N. Murphy. Data Trace Publishing, 2006. ESTATES & WILLS
Gibber on Estate Administration, 5th ed. Allan J. Gibber. MICPEL, 2008. Maryland Estate Planning, Will Drafting, and Estate Administration Forms: Practice, 2nd ed. Albert S. Barr III, A. MacDonough Plant, and Adena W. Testa. Michie, 1995. Maryland Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts Library: Forms and Practice Manual. Aryeh Guttenberg. Data Trace Publishing, 1998. EVIDENCE (LAW) Maryland Evidence: Courtroom Manual. Alan D. Hornstein and Glen Weissenberger. Anderson Publishing, 2011. Published annually. Maryland Evidence Handbook, 4th ed. Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. Michie, 2010. Maryland Practice: Maryland Evidence: State and Federal, vols. 5, 6, 6A. Lynn McLain. West, 2001. FAMILY LAW Family Law Manual, Maryland. William D. Paton and William C. Staley. Hanford, 1984. Marital Settlement Agreement - Form. Thomas C. Ries, et al. MICPEL, 2009. Maryland Child Welfare Benchbook. Administrative Office of the Courts, 2009. Maryland Divorce & Separation Law, 9th ed. MICPEL, 2009. Maryland Domestic Relations Forms: With Practice Commentary. Ann M. Turnbull and Joseph J. Wase. Butterworth Legal Publishers, 1979. Maryland Family and Juvenile Law: Practice Manual and Forms. Natalie H. Rees. Data Trace Publishing, 2003. Maryland Family Law, 4th ed. John F. Fader, II and Richard J. Gilbert. Lexis (Bender), 2006. Maryland Family Law Forms. Baltimore MD: MSBA, 2011.
Maryland Judge’s Domestic Violence Resource Manual. Administrative Office of the Courts, Department of Family Administration, 2010. Available online from the State Law Library’s catalog or at INSURANCE, AUTOMOBILE Maryland Motor Vehicle Insurance, 2nd ed. Andrew Janquitto. Michie, 1999, w/2008 supplement. INSURANCE, UNEMPLOYMENT Maryland Unemployment Decisions Digest. Regina Tabackman. MICPEL, 1996.
JURY INSTRUCTIONS Maryland Civil Jury Instructions and Commentary. Rosalyn B. Bell. Michie, 1993. Last updated 1996. Maryland Civil Pattern Jury Instructions, 4th ed. Prepared by the Maryland State Bar Association, Standing Committee on Pattern Jury Instructions. MICPEL, 2002. Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary, 3rd ed. David E. Aaronson. LexisNexis, 2009. Also listed under Criminal Law / Procedure Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions. Prepared by Maryland State Bar Association, Committee on Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions. MICPEL, 1991. LANDLORD AND TENANT Maryland Landlord-Tenant Law, Practice, and Procedure, 4th ed. Douglas M. Bregman. Lexis, 2009. LAW ENFORCEMENT Administrative Manual, 2nd ed. Maryland State Police, Maryland Dept. of Transportation, Transportation Safety Division, 1977. Updated 2011. LEGAL ETHICS Maryland Judicial Ethics Handbook. Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics, Maryland Judicial Conference. Administrative Office of the Courts, 1989. This title is no longer updated in print; information formerly contained in the handbook is now available online at LEGAL RESEARCH. Legal Research in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, 2nd ed. Lea F. Chanin, Pamela J. Gregory, and Sarah K. Wiant. W.S. Hein, 2000. LOCAL GOVERNMENT Maryland Local Government Law and Structure. Mark M. Viani. MICPEL, 1999. MEDIATION Mediation: A Handbook for Maryland Lawyers. Daniel E. Klein, Kaye A. Allison, and Perry F. Sekus. MICPEL, 1999. REAL PROPERTY Maryland Real Estate Forms: Practice. Russell R. Reno, Jr. and Wilbur E. (Pete) Simmons, Jr. Rykim International Pub. Co.,1983. The Maryland Title Searcher's Handbook. Bayard H. Waterbury, III. Michie, 1990.
Residential Real Estate Transactions, 4th ed. J. Paul Rieger, Jr., Thomas D. Gibbons, editors. MICPEL, 2004. Title Law in Maryland. National Business Institute, 2008. TAXATION Maryland Taxes, 4th ed. MICPEL, 2005. TORTS Maryland Automobile Accident Deskbook, 2nd ed. MICPEL, 2002. Maryland Product Liability Law, 2nd ed. Joel A. Dewey, Leslie Hayes Russo. MICPEL, 2003. Maryland Tort Damages, 6th ed. Patrick G. Cullen, et al.; George W. Shadoan, ed. MICPEL, 2006. Maryland Tort Law Handbook, 3rd ed. Richard J. Gilbert, Paul T. Gilbert. Lexis, 2000. The Medical Malpractice and Managed Care Law of Maryland. Marcus Z. Shar, David E. Manoogian. MICPEL, 2001. TRIAL PRACTICE Civil Pre-Trial Practice. Neil J. Dilloff. MICPEL, 2011. Also under Civil Procedure.
Electronically Stored Information in Maryland and Federal Courts: Discovery, Admissibility, and Ethics. Paul W. Grimm and Lisa M. Yurwit. MICPEL, 2008. Maryland Discovery Problems and Solutions. Paul W. Grimm, Charles S. Fax and Paul Mark Sandler. MICPEL, 2008. Maryland Elements of an Action (Maryland Practice Series, volume 11). Thomson West, 2009-2010 ed. Maryland Summary Judgment and Related Termination Motions (Maryland Practice Series, volume 9). Lisa J. McGuire. ThomsonWest, 2010-2011 ed. Published annually.
Maryland Trial Judges' Benchbook. MICPEL, 1999. Also under Criminal Law / Procedure Pattern Examinations of Witnesses for the Maryland Lawyer, 4th ed. Paul Mark Sandler and James K. Archibald. MICPEL, 2006. Trial Handbook for Maryland Lawyers, 3rd ed. Jacob A. Stein. West, 1997. WORKERS' COMPENSATION At least one of the following:
Maryland Workers' Compensation Handbook, 3rd ed. Richard P. Gilbert and Robert L. Humphreys, Jr. Michie, 2007. or Workers' Compensation Manual, 15th ed. Theodore B. Cornblatt, H. George Meredith, and Bernard J. Sevel. MICPEL, 2011. or Maryland Workers’ Compensation (Maryland Practice Series, volumes 1-2). Clifford B. Sobin. ThomsonWest, 2011-2012 ed. ZONING LAW
Guide to Maryland Zoning Decisions. Stanley D. Abrams. Lexis, 2002.
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