Investigating auditory fear memory erasure in the basolateral amygdala
Rachel Spevack* , Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Karim Nader
Department of Psychology, McGill University, 1205 Avenue Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1B1 Canada
Abstract New memories are initially fragile and need protein synthesis in order to be stabilized for long-term storage, a mechanism called cellular consolidation. When recalled, memories are re-activated and become unstable again. They therefore need to be re-stored through a process called reconsolidated. Behavioural studies in rats using auditory fear conditioning have demonstrated that propranolol, a E-adrenergic receptor antagonist, administered following memory reactivation can reduce fear expression (freezing), which has been interpreted as amnesia for the fear memory. It was recently discovered that GluR1-containing AMPA receptors are recruited into the post-synaptic membrane of the basolateral amygdala during auditory fear conditioning, suggesting that synaptic GluR1 increase may be a molecular correlate of long-term memory. The present study aims to investigate what molecular mechanisms accounts for the observed amnesia following a reconsolida- tion blockade by propranolol. Rats were trained in an auditory fear conditioning task, and fear memory reactivation was followed by systemic propranolol administration. Rats were then euthanized and GluR1 protein levels in baso-lateral amygdala synaptoneurosomes were quantified. We report preliminary evidence to suggest that a reconsolidation blockade by propranolol reduces fear expression with a concomitant reduction in GluR1. Such evidence suggests that a reconsolida- tion blockade might, at a molecular level, erase a component of the fear memory, providing support for the clinical utility of this treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Memory, the ability to acquire, store and recall learned infor-
lar reactions that are thought to lead to the growth of new
mation, is a fundamental feature of human experience. Ob-
synapses and to the insertion of receptors into the post-sy-
servations that new memories are initially sensitive to disrup-
naptic membrane (for review see Milner, Squire, & Kandel,
tion but strengthen over time laid the foundations for the
1998). Specifically, the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylsoxazole-
consolidation hypothesis (Muller & Pilzecker, 1900, as cited in
4-propionic acid receptor (AMPAr), another type of glutami-
Dudai, 2004). This theory holds that memories pass through
nergic receptor, is inserted into the post-synaptic membrane
two qualitatively different states (Ebbinghaus, 1885 as cited
and increases the neuron’s sensitivity to glutamate, increasing
in Squire & Kandel, 2000). At the time of learning, a fragile
the likelihood of synaptic transmission (for review see Malen-
memory trace is formed in short-term memory (STM) and
said to be labile as it is sensitive to disruption. By way of the
AMPAr are composed of four subunits, known as GluR1 to
consolidation process, a short term memory is converted into
GluR4, that have different relative levels of insertion into post-
a lasting and stable memory trace which exists in long-term
synaptic membranes during LTP (Passafaro, Piech & Sheng,
2001; Rumpel, LeDoux, Zador, & Malinow, 2005; Yeh, Mao, Lin,
The most striking evidence supporting consolidation
& Gean, 2005). Both in vitro and in vivo rodent studies have de-
theory comes from animal studies; amnesic agents such as
monstrated increased insertion of only the GluR1-containing
protein synthesis inhibitors (Flexner, Flexner, De La Haba, &
AMPAr in the basolateral amygdala (BLA), the brain structure
Roberts, 1965) or electro-convulsive shock (Duncan, 1949) ad-
thought to be responsible for fear learning, following auditory
ministered to animals shortly after learning resulted in amne-
fear conditioning (Yeh et al, 2005; Rumpel et al, 2005). Moreo-
sia, while the same treatment after a delay caused no memory
ver, it was shown that blocking the synaptic incorporation of
impairment. These results suggest that new memories must
GluR1 (Rumpel, 2005) or knocking out the gene that codes
undergo a time-dependent process to persist in LTM stores.
for the GluR1 subunit (Humeau, Reisel, Johnson, Borchardt,
Consolidation is thus defined as a stabilization process that
Jensen, Gebhardt et al, 2007) impedes associative fear condi-
renders a newly acquired memory stable and lasting.
tioning. These findings indicate that GluR1 may provide an es-
At the cellular level, consolidation occurs as a result of sy-
sential contribution to the molecular mechanism of memory
naptic changes following acquisition of newly learned infor-
formation and maintenance, and thus may be a molecular
mation. The synaptic plasticity hypothesis (Hebb, 1949) holds
that the encoding of new memories results in structural modi-
Previously, scientists believed that once the synaptic modi-
fications of synaptic connections, causing persistent changes
fications necessary for consolidation were made, the memory
in synaptic strength. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is currently
was permanently hardwired into the brain. Misanin, Miller &
the leading model for this plasticity. LTP was first demonstra-
Lewis (1968) challenged this hypothesis when they found that
ted in vivo in rabbits, where it was shown that successive test
24 hours after the acquisition of a passive-avoidance task, a
pulses in the neural pathways leading to the hippocampus
cueing-procedure followed by electroconvulsive shock (ECS)
were shown to increase the strength of active synapses (Bliss
resulted in memory loss. This study was the first to suggest
& Lomo, 1973). Numerous subsequent studies (Rogan, Ursula,
that a consolidated memory could be susceptible to amnesic
Staubli, & LeDoux, 1997) have shown that learning and LTP in-
treatments. Recently, Nader, Schafe & LeDoux (2000) confir-
volve similar cellular mechanisms, suggesting that LTP may be
med these results using auditory fear conditioning. This robust
the mechanism by which new memories stabilize over time.
learning paradigm involves the pairing of a tone, the conditio-
LTP is a process triggered by the activation of the excita-
ned stimulus (CS), with a footshock, an aversive unconditio-
tory glutaminergic N-methyl d-aspartate receptors (NMDAr).
ned stimulus (US). As such, rats learn that the CS predicts the
Activation of the NMDAr results in an influx of Ca2+, which
footshock, and eventually fears the CS when it is presented
initiates a cascade of protein synthesis dependent intracellu-
alone. Nader et. al. (2000) demonstrated that post-training
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
MSURJ • Volume 3, Issue 1
hormones at the time of a traumatic event may contribute to
an ‘over-consolidation’ process that renders fear memories hi-ghly resistant to extinction (Orr, Metzger, Lasko, Macklin, Peri, & Pitman, 2000). Following from this, being a b-receptor an-tagonist, propranolol was used to block the memory-enhan-cing effects of stress hormones during consolidation in both
rats (McGaugh, 2000) and humans (Chamberlain et al., 2006).
Pitman, Sanders, Zusman, Healy, Cheema, Lasko et al (2002)
administered propranolol to humans immediately following an acute traumatic event, and found that this administration reduced subsequent PTSD symptoms.
Since propranolol blocks consolidation in both rats and
humans it was believed that perhaps propranolol might block memory reconsolidation. Indeed, Debiec & Ledoux (2004, 2006) used auditory fear conditioning in rats and found that
administration of propranolol following reactivation blocked the expression of fear memories, suggesting that proprano-
Figure 1: The dynamic nature of memory
lol blocked reconsolidation. Their study provides an animal model for the treatment of traumatic memories by way of
infusion of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin into
reconsolidation blockade by propranolol, and suggests that
the BLA immediately following memory reactivation produ-
propranolol may be an effective treatment for PTSD.
ced amnesia. Interestingly, anisomycin infusion in the ab-
Our study aims to investigate the molecular processes
sence of reactivation did not produce amnesia, suggesting
that might account for the observed amnesia, as the me-
the observed amnesia hinges on memory reactivation. The
chanism by which reconsolidation blockade reduces fear
authors concluded that if a protein synthesis inhibitor in-
expression in rats is currently not clear. Although it has been
fused after reactivation causes amnesia, then reactivation
proposed that blocking reconsolidation actually removes
must destabilize a well-consolidated memory and instigate
a part of the memory (Nader, 2007), this has not yet been
a second stabilization process requiring de novo protein
validated at a molecular level. Furthermore, since GluR1 is
synthesis in order for the memory to persist in LTM. This
thought to represent a component of the memory trace,it
process, termed reconsolidation, suggests that persistence
is apt to examine whether a blockade of reconsolidation by
of memory involves not only the storage of memories fol-
propranolol can decrease this molecular memory tag. This
lowing their acquisition, but also the re-storage of these
would validate the hypothesis that the reduction of free-
zing observed by reconsolidation blockade can be directly
Reconsolidation has been demonstrated across species
ranging from C. elegans to humans, and for different types
Using an auditory fear conditioning paradigm, three hy-
of learning, from aversive to appetitive conditioning (Nader,
potheses were tested. Firstly, when propranolol is injected
2007). The memory process is therefore believed to be dyna-
following memory reactivation, can it reduce freezing beha-
mic in nature, where a memory cycles between being in an
viour? Secondly, does fear conditioning cause a measurable
active and an inactive state. As such, reconsolidation studies
increase in synaptic GluR1 three days after training? Lastly,
suggest that it is not the time delay following encoding that
does a blockade of reconsolidation by propranolol reverse
determines the durability of a memory, but its qualitative
the conditioning-induced increase in GluR1? In order to test
state; memories are in an active state when they are acquired
these hypotheses, 12 rats were randomly assigned to four
and recalled, following which they require a time-dependent
experimental groups (n=3) (Table 1). The rats in the propra-
stabilization process to persist in LTM (see Figure 1).
nolol group (CS+P) were habituated, trained, and were gi-
The discovery of reconsolidation has important theoretical
ven a propranolol injection immediately following reactiva-
implications, as it challenges the long-standing notion that
tion. The rats in the vehicle group (CS+V) were habituated,
memories are fixed when consolidated, but also introduces a
trained, and given a saline injection immediately following
novel clinical treatment for disorders associated with debilita-
reactivation. The rats in the non-reactivated propranolol
ting traumatic memories, such as post-traumatic stress disor-
group (No CS+P) were habituated, trained, and given a pro-
der (PTSD). Anisomycin, the amnesic agent used by Nader et.
pranolol injection without memory reactivation. This group
al. (2000), cannot be administered to humans, and as a result
is a necessary control to determine that propranolol, in the
drugs with a similar amnesic effect that can be administered
absence of reactivation, does not affect memory proces-
to humans have been investigated to determine the validity
sing. The rats in the naïve group were habituated and admi-
nistered saline. This last group provides a baseline measure
Propranolol, a β-receptor antagonist, has been examined
because of the involvement of endogenous stress hormones in the memory system and because propranolol can safely be
administered to humans. When a rat experiences a footshock,
or when a human undergoes a traumatic experience, stress
Twelve adult male Sprague-Dawley rats from Charles River
hormones are released (McGaugh, 2000). Also, β–adrenergic
Laboratories, weighing 275-300g on arrival, were individually
agonists infused into the amygdala in rats (Cahill & McGaugh,
housed and maintained on a 12/12-hour light/dark cycle, with
1996) and injected in humans (Chamberlain, Muller, Blac-
lights on at 7:00 a.m. All testing was performed during the li-
kwell, Robbins & Sahakian, 2006) enhance memory storage.
ght period. Rats were handled once a day for three consecu-
Put together, these findings suggest that the release of stress
March 2008 • Can fear memories be erased?
minimize generalization between the two contexts, and to
eliminate any contextual conditioning, ensuring that the CS
is the primary predictor of US exposure.
Training. On the fourth day, only rats in the CS+P, CS+V
and No CS+P were transported to a brightly lit waiting area
and remained there for five minutes before training began in
Context A. Rats were then individually placed in a chamber,
and after a two minute acclimatizing period, they were given
three forward-presented pairings of the CS-US. The CS was a
5 KHz, 65 dB, 30 s tone that co-terminated with the US, a 1.5
Table 1: Drive efficiency of the SNOM probe as indicated by the ratio
mA , 1 s footshock delivered through the metal grid floor. The
between the drive amplitude and the amplitude of the cantilever tunes
inter-trial interval (ITI) between each tone-shock presenta-
tion was 60 s. Rats were then returned to their home cages.
Two distinct test chambers were used for this study (Med-As-
Reactivation. On day five, twenty-four hours after trai-
sociates). The first chamber, (context A) was used for training.
ning, when the fear memory is thought to have completed
It had a metal grid floor (1.5 cm bar spacing), stainless steel si-
cellular consolidation (Nader et al., 2000), rats in the CS+P,
dewalls, a transparent Plexiglas front wall, and was enclosed
CS+V and no CS+P groups were transported to a dimly lit
in a custom-built sound-attenuating isolation cubicle. During
room and remained there for five minutes. Rats in the CS+P
training, all lights and ventilation fans in each cubicle were on.
and CS+V groups were then placed in Context B. After 120 s of
The second chamber (context B) was used for habituation
acclimatization, a single tone (5 KHz, 65 dB, 30 s) was played,
and tone testing. These chambers were located in a second
but no shock was given. Immediately following the memory
room of the laboratory. Each chamber was 30 x 25 x 30 cm;
reactivation, the animals in the CS+P group received an intra-
two sidewalls were stainless steel and two were Plexiglas with
peritoneal injection of propranolol (Sigma Aldrich, Ontario),
an opaque sheet of alternating 2 cm-wide vertical black and
while animals in the CS+V group received a saline injection.
white stripes. The floor was a Plexiglas opaque white surface,
Rats in the no CS+P group received the propranolol injection
scented with peppermint before each rat was inserted. Each
at this time, without undergoing the memory reactivation
conditioning chamber was enclosed in a sound-attenuating
session. Propranolol was dissolved in a saline solution at a
isolation cubicle. The house lights were dimmed while the
dose of 10 mg/ml and administered at a dose of 20 mg/kg,
ventilation fans remained off. The amount of time each rat
as used in Debiec & Ledoux (2004, 2006). Freezing behaviour,
spent freezing during the 30 s interval preceding the CS pre-
operationally defined as the cessation of all movement ex-
sentation for each test, as well as the time spent freezing du-
cept respiratory-related movements (LeDoux, 2000), is a spe-
cies-typical fear response, and is used as a measure of fear. Freezing behaviour was scored with Freeze-View software
(Actimetrics) by an experimenter blind to the experimental
A Cryostat (Microm Instrumentation, Germany) was used to
collect amygdala slices. A Teflon homogenizer was used to
Post-reactivation short-term memory test (PR-STM). On
homogenize tissue samples in a buffer to fractionate cells.
day five, four hours following reactivation, rats in the CS+P,
Millipore filters were used to filter the cell fractions from other
CS+V and no CS+P group underwent the PR-STM test. These
cellular components. A microcentrifuge was used to separate
rats were transported to a dimly lit room and remained there
the heavier fractions, enriched with synaptoneurosomes,
for five minutes. Rats were then placed into Context A, and
from lighter ones (less than 5 μm). An electrophoresis module
after a 120 s acclimatization period three tones with the same
(Bio-rad) was used in the present study to further separate sy-
parameters as used in the reactivation trials were delivered,
naptic GluR1 from other cellular proteins. A transfer module
(Bio-rad) allowed a current to run through the polyacrylamide
Typically, PR-STM tests are performed as an internal
gel apposed to a PVDF (Millipore) membrane, and was used
control in order to rule out any nonspecific effects of the
to transfer proteins from the gel to the membrane. The Storm
drug, in this case the effects of propranolol on the memory
Laser scanner (Storm 860, Amersham Biosciences) was used
abilities of the rats (Nader et al, 2000). The rats in the CS+P,
to quantify GluR1 proteins in the PVDF membrane via Image
CS+V, and no CS+P groups should show no significant dif-
Quant software (Blot Imaging System).
ference in freezing on this test, indicating that propranolol is affecting long-term memory storage without interfering
Habituation. All rats were habituated for 15 minutes on
Post-reactivation long-term memory test (PR-LTM). On day
three consecutive days in Context B. This was intended to ac-
six, twenty hours after the PR-STM test, rats in the propra-
climate the rats to the lab and the behavioural chambers, to
nolol, vehicle and non-reactivated propranolol group were
MSURJ • Volume 3, Issue 1 Rachel Spevack , Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Karim Nader Figure 3: Averaged freezing data for the three experimental groups (CS+V, CS+P,
No CS+P) in each experimental condi-tion (Reactivation, PR-STM and PR-LTM).
transported to a dimly lit room and remained there for five
zed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant
minutes. Rats were placed into Context A, and after a 120 s
interactions for both behavioural and molecular data were
acclimatization period, three tones with the same parameters
further analyzed using Tukey’s post-hoc test. Type one error
as used in the reactivation and PR-STM trials were delivered
rate was set at 0.05. Statistica version 6.0 statistical software
Euthanasia. On day seven, twenty-four hours after the
PR-LTM test, the animals were deeply anesthetized with
urethane (1 ml/kg) and decapitated. Brains were dissected,
For both the PR-STM and PR-LTM tests, the average freezing
immediately frozen on dry ice, and stored at -80 ºC for later
score (time spent freezing) across the three CSs was calcula-
ted (CSavg). In order to distinguish and isolate the freezing
induced by the CS from the freezing induced by the context,
Brains were sliced at -20 ºC on a cryostat until the BLA
we took the CSavg for each rat and divided it by the sum of
was reached. BLA tissues were collected with a hollow nee-
that rat’s pre-CS and CSavg freezing. This allowed us to isolate
dle and homogenized at 4 ºC using a Teflon tissue grinder in
each rat’s average freezing to the tone for each test, and to
lysis buffer consisting of 10 mM Hepes/1.0 mM EDTA/2 mM
factor out any contextual freezing (Figure 3). All statistics were
Synaptoneurosome preparation. Homogenates were passed
To determine that there were no significant differences
through two 100-μm-pore nylon mesh filters, then through a
between the propranolol and vehicle groups during reacti-
5-μm-pore filter. Filtered homogenates were centrifuged at
vation, an independent-samples t-test was conducted. The
3600 g for 10 min at 4°C. Resultant pellets were resuspended in
two groups demonstrated comparable freezing during reac-
20 μL boiling 1% SDS for 10 min and stored at -80°C.
tivation, as an independent-groups t-test, t(4) = -1.589, p >
Western Blot Analysis. Equal amounts of proteins (30 µg)
0.05, revealed freezing of animals in the vehicle group (M =
from each sample were boiled for 10 min in SDS electropho-
87.34, SEM = 5.67) was not significantly different than ani-
resis sample Laemmi buffer containing beta-mercaptoetha-
mals in the propranolol group (M = 73.40, SEM = 19.64). A
nol (Bio-Rad) and were run on a 8% SDS-polyacrylamide gel,
two-way mixed design ANOVA, with group (CS+P, CS+V) as
along with a molecular weight marker (BioRad), and transfer-
between-subjects factor and test (PR-STM, PR-LTM) as within-
red to PVDF membranes (Bio-rad, Hercules, CA). The mem-
subjects factor revealed non-significant results (F(1, 4) = 0.15,
branes were incubated overnight at 4°C in blocking solution
p > 0.05). However, it was observed; on the PR-LTM test, the
(0.1 % Tween 20 and 2% bovine serum albumin in TBS), and
propranolol rats froze less (M = 45.48, SEM = 14.03) than the
incubated for 2 hrs at room temperature with the anti-GluR1
antibody (Chemicon). After being washed in TBS, membra-
To further quantify the amnesia observed in the propra-
nes were incubated with the secondary fluorescent antibody
nolol group, we calculated the Amnesia Index for each group
(Figure 4) (Debiec, LeDoux & Nader, 2002). This was calcula-
GluR1 quantification. The membranes were scanned with
ted by dividing each rat’s freezing score during PR-LTM by
a Storm Laser scanner and the signals quantified.
its freezing score during reactivation. A t-test, t(4) = 0.66, p > 0.05, was conducted on the averaged values and indicated
no significant difference between the mean amnesia index of
the vehicle group (M = 93.13, SEM = 9.33) compared to that
The behavioural data was analyzed using independent-sam-
of the propranolol group (M = 68.98, SEM = 35.39). However,
ples t-tests or a two-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA),
the propranolol group did freeze 24.15% less than the vehicle
with testing interval as the within-subjects factor and group
group, indicating that propranolol treatment following reac-
as the between-subjects factor. The molecular data was analy-
March 2008 • Can fear memories be erased?
would be impaired at 24 hours, but not four hours, following
We divided the BLA synaptoneurosome GluR1 levels of each
rat by the average naïve value and ran the statistics on this
Another challenge to the observed amnesia resulting
normalized data (Figure 5). A one-way ANOVA, F (3, 8) = 4.52, p
from a reconsolidation blockade was advanced by Lattal &
< 0.05, revealed a main effect of group. A Tukey post-hoc test
Abel (2004), who suggest that the rats experience a transient
revealed a significant difference between the GluR1 levels of
impairment in the ability to retrieve the memory. Supporting
the naïve group (M = 100, SEM = 13.64) and the vehicle group
this view, they found that rats, when tested a day after recei-
(M = 160.72, SEM = 8.55; p < 0.05). The Tukey post-hoc test
ving anisomycin treatment following reactivation, were am-
also revealed lower levels of GluR1 in the propranolol group
nesic. However, when these animals were tested 21 days after
(M = 125.29, SEM = 8.20) as compared to the vehicle group
this manipulation, the anisomycin-infused rats froze similarly
(M = 160.72, SEM = 8.55), although these results were not sta-
to control rats, indicating that the fear memory spontaneously
tistically significant (p> 0.05). The non-reactivated proprano-
recovered over time. From these findings, they suggested the
lol group showed higher levels of GluR1 (M = 136.09, SEM =
fear memory remains intact following reconsolidation bloc-
15.30) than the propranolol group (M = 125.29, SEM = 8.20),
kade, and the amnesia observed after one day reflects a tran-
and lower levels than the vehicle group (= 160.72, SEM = 8.55),
sient inability to retrieve the memory (Lattal & Abel, 2004).
but not as low as the naïve group, all of which were non-signi-
The debate as to the nature of the observed amnesia
results from the use of a behavioural measure of memory
retention; when a rat does not exhibit fear responses fol-
lowing some manipulation, it is inferred that the rat is am-
Although not statistically significant, the results obtained de-
nesic for this memory. Since there is no valid molecular
monstrate trends in the direction of our hypotheses. With re-
measurement for the integrity of a memory, behaviour is
gards to the first hypothesis, we demonstrated that the propra-
the only way to assess memory retention. The present study,
nolol group demonstrated a non-significant decrease in freezing
however, provides preliminary evidence to suggest that the
on the PR-LTM test, thereby partially replicating Debiec and Le-
observed amnesia is directly attributable to a reduction of
Doux’s (2004) finding. The second hypothesis was supported;
GluR1, a molecular correlate of the memory. This therefore
trained rats that received a saline injection showed a significant
suggests that the amnesia following a reconsolidation bloc-
increase in synaptic GluR1 levels in the BLA compared to naïve
kade by propranolol may represent “true amnesia”, in that it
rats, which replicates the study by Yeh et al (2005). Interestin-
actually erases a component of the memory.
gly, the results of the present study are, to our knowledge, the
In light of the preliminary findings of the current study,
first demonstration that an increase in GluR1 can be detected
questions still remain as to how much of the memory is
three days after training, providing further evidence that GluR1
erased. A recent study conducted by Rose & Rankin (2006)
insertion in post-synaptic membranes can be viewed as a mo-
investigated reconsolidation in the nematode C. elegans
lecular component of the memory trace. The third hypothesis
for a nonassociative learning task called habituation. The C.
was partially supported; the propranolol group demonstrated
elegans were repeatedly presented with a habituation sti-
decreased freezing with a concomitant reduction in GluR1
mulus (a tap). Initially, the C. elegans swam in the opposite
compared to trained rats, but these results were non-signifi-
direction of the tap, but after repeated presentations, they
cant and thus only trends can be reported. Nonetheless, since
showed a decreased response to this stimulus. Twenty-four
propranolol does not affect LTM in the absence of reactivation,
hours after training, the habituation memory was reactiva-
it appears that the effect of propranolol on the fear memory is
ted by the presentation of several taps followed by the deli-
not confounded by any effects it may have on memory systems
very of a heat shock, which works like anisomycin to disrupt
altogether. As such. these results suggest that a blockade of re-
protein synthesis. When tested 24 hours after reactivation
consolidation by propranolol may reduce fear responses while
for the memory of the tap, these animals behaved like
reducing a molecular correlate of the memory.
controls, suggesting the heat shock successfully blocked
This molecular information helps clarify what molecu-
reconsolidation. Interestingly, this study also investigated
lar events account for the amnesia observed when reconso-
GluR1 levels in the control and the heat-shock group, and
lidation is blocked. Since behaviour is used as a measure of
found that when reconsolidation was blocked, the C. ele-
memory retention, there is some question as to the nature
gans not only behaved like controls, but their GluR1 levels
of the observed amnesia. Nader (2007) suggests reactivation
were equivalent to that of controls. This suggested that a
destabilizes a memory, and blocking its reconsolidation thus
reconsolidation blockade actually re-set the GluR1 levels of
interferes with its re-storage. Others suggest that the drug
the trained rats to that of the untrained controls.
administration following reactivation causes amnesia by da-
The present study, although examining rodents using a
maging the BLA. Specifically, Rudy, Biedenkapp, Moineau &
fear conditioning paradigm, supports the results obtained
Bolding (2006) cite studies showing that anisomycin can cau-
in the Rose and Rankin (2006) study. Interestingly, Rose and
se apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death. According to
Rankin (2006) additionally suggest that the memory trace
this view, the observed amnesia is not the result of deletion of
is not only reduced, but actually erased, to the point whe-
a fear memory, but rather from the destruction of the tissue
re the C. elegans have no molecular trace for the learning
that would normally store it. Typically, a PR-STM test is taken
of this task. This stands in contrast to the data obtained in
four hours after reactivation and drug infusion in order to
the present study, as we demonstrate trends suggesting
control for any nonspecific effects of the drug on the memory
that propranolol reduced synaptic GluR1 to the level of the
system altogether. This would seem to be a valid test for any
trained saline group but not to the level of the naïve rats.
lesion effects of a drug, and indeed with anisomycin, there are
Importantly, Rose and Rankin (2006) provides additional
no such observed deficits in freezing (Nader, 2000). However,
evidence that the amnesia induced by a reconsolidation
Rudy et al. (2006) argue that the lesion effect produced by
blockade actually decreases a molecular component of the
anisomycin could be delayed for several hours, so that a rat
MSURJ • Volume 3, Issue 1 Rachel Spevack , Cyrinne Ben Mamou, Karim Nader Figure 4 : Quantification of the amnesia induced by Propranolol as compared Figure 5 : GluR1 synaptoneurosome quantification in the BLA for each experi-
mental group (Naïve, CS+P, CS+V, no CS+P) normalized to the Naïve.
Beyond these theoretical implications, our study also
regions of interest, as done in the Nader et. Al (2000) study
supports the use of propranolol in clinical treatment for
with anisomycin. This raises the possibility that propranolol
PTSD. This is particularly significant because the most com-
may exert nonspecific effects on the memory system. Al-
mon treatment for PTSD is exposure-based psychotherapy,
though we included a control group that received propra-
a form of extinction involving a patient’s repeated expo-
nolol without memory reactivation, propranolol may cause
sure to the feared object or situation in the absence of any
some long-term permanent changes in fear expression by
overt danger. Although believed to attenuate the associa-
peripheral sites of action , producing amnesia-like beha-
ted emotional response, clinical experiments show it has a
viour. Murchison, Zhang, Zhan, Lee, and Thomas (2004)
poor long-term outcome (Davis, Myers, Chhatwal, Ressler,
addressed such a problem; prior to fear conditioning, rats
2006). It was initially believed that extinction represented
were given other β-adrenergic receptor antagonists such as
“unlearning” at the synaptic level, in that it simply reversed
nadolol and sotalol, which do not readily cross the blood-
the plasticity associated with acquisition. Such a theory
brain barrier, and found no effects on freezing. This suggests
does not reflect the literature, as extinction in both rats and
that the effects of propranolol are CNS-dependent, and the
humans is not long-lasting (Myers & Davis, 2002). As a result,
observed amnesia was not due to interference with fear me-
it is currently believed that extinction is a new and distinct
mory expression, but from its direct effects on the BLA. In ad-
form of learning, resulting in the formation of an inhibito-
dition, although in this study propranolol was administered
ry association between the CS and US that competes with
systemically, we detected a specific effect on synaptic GluR1
the original memory trace. This theory is more consistent
levels in the BLA, indicating the behavioral effect of the drug
with the literature, as the conditioned fear response often
was mediated at least partially via the BLA.
returns when the animals are tested in a different context,
Another limitation of the present study concerns the
re-exposure to the US prior to testing reinstates the fear
increase in GluR1. Although this study is the first to our
memory, and the fear responses to the CS spontaneously
knowledge that demonstrates that levels of GluR1 remain
recover over time (Myers & Davis, 2002).
elevated three days following the initial learning, this fin-
A recent study conducted by Mao, Hsaio, Ya-Hsin, Gean,
ding may be confounded by the test trials (reactivation, PR-
& Po-Wu (2006) using a light-shock conditioning paradigm,
STM, PT-LTM). It is possible that each test trial may reinstate
found that extinction applied 24 hours after training redu-
GluR1, helping to maintain elevated levels of GluR1 so that
ced fear-potentiated freezing without influencing surface
it can be detected three days after the initial learning. In or-
GluR1 levels. From this, it was proposed that although ex-
der to address this confound, a separate control group is re-
tinction reduced fear-potentiated freezing at a behavioural
quired where rats are conditioned and sacrificed three days
level, it may not affect the original memory trace at a mo-
later without any test trials. This would ensure that GluR1
lecular level, and this could explain why extinction training
levels remain high even without the reminder trials, further
is often short-lasting. In other words, this study suggests
confirming that GluR1 is a molecular correlate of the me-
that GluR1 might be responsible for the persistence of the
memory after extinction. Interestingly, when DCS, a partial
In conclusion, the preliminary results obtained in this ex-
agonist for the glycine site on NMDAr was used, the rats’
periment need to be replicated with a larger sample size in
fear-potentiated freezing was reduced, as was the condi-
order to statistically validate the observed trends. Also, the
tioning-induced increase in GluR1. From this, the authors
use of central infusions of both propranolol and anisomycin
suggested that extinction training with DCS may transform
into the BLA would provide further evidence that a blockade
the effect of light-alone trials from inhibitory learning (ex-
of reconsolidation actually reduces synaptic GluR1 in the BLA.
tinction) to erasure (reconsolidation blockade). The pre-
This would directly correlate the observed behaviour with
liminary results from our experiment further suggest that
BLA synaptic GluR1, providing firmer conclusions. Nonethe-
reconsolidation blockade may be an effective treatment for
less, the present study does demonstrate that propranolol in-
PTSD, as they indicate that a reconsolidation blockade may
jection following reactivation, at a behavioural level, reduces
actually decrease a portion of the emotional component of
fear expression and, at a molecular level, reduces a correlate
of long-term memory. These preliminary results suggest that
One limitation of the present study is that propranolol
a blockade of reconsolidation actually erases a component of
was administered systemically and not infused into brain
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