Prescott public schools

The Prescott Board of Education met in a regular session Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the high school lobby. Board members present:
Ms. Blake called the meeting to order and Willie Wilson offered the opening prayer.
Student Recognitions

Prescott Elementary School – Presenter(s): Donna Marlar, Angie and Eric Barbaree
recognized students in grades 3 and 4 who achieved an outstanding percentage grade on
the ITBS TEST. The students received a certificate for their accomplishment.
McRae Middle School – Presenter: Mrs. Jamye Barnes
Mrs. Barnes recognized students from the middle school for their high percentage scoring
on the ITBS Testing in the areas of Math, Reading/Language Arts and completion of
reading one (1) million words or more and completing 25 books in reading in the
America’s Choice program.
Prescott High School – Presenter(s): Mr. Willie Wilson and Mrs. Linda Benton
Mr. Wilson recognized Senior Karen Lee for being inducted into the Trio Hall of Fame.
Mrs. Benton recognized high school students in the following areas of achievement:
Prescott High School FCCLA chapter was represented at the 2005 State Meeting
by Amanda Smallwood and Yasmin Anthony.
Chapter Awards include:
Big 5 Award (increase in membership by five or more)
FCCLA C.AR.E.S. Community Service Award (for 252 hours of community service.)
Gold Star Chapter Award for oustanding participation the local, District, State and
National Projects.
Amanda Smallword recieved individual awards for Star Events Career Investigation
Gold and FCCLA C.A.R.E.S.

Prescott Public Schools
School Board Meeting
May 15, 2007
Educational Talent Search
The following PHS Talent Search students will travel to Walt Disney World as part of the
Intense Technology Summer Compontent in June: Jonathan Burks, Merlena Osborne,
Billy Stephens and Derrick Woodley.
The following ProStart Students won 3rd Place at the State Competition in March:
Yasmin Anthony, Daron Burks, Shemiah Latin, Karen Lee, Darmara Purifoy and
Dexter Sims.
Explore the Options for the September School Election

Mrs. Deon recommended that the Board review the options available on the refunding of
the bond issue for the 2007 School Election. Mrs. Deon asked the board to let her know
if they would like a meeting with Mr. Beardsley of First Security Beardsley Public
Finance to discuss each option and have questions answered to help render a decision
regarding the refunding of the bond. A decision will need to be made at the June Board
Approval of Minutes
Tom Cornelius made the motion to approve the minutes of the April 17, April 25 and
May 3, 2007 board meetings. Sandra Tatum seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Superintendent’s Reports
The board accepted the superintendent’s reports for the month of April.
Additional Agenda Items
No Child Left Behind Resolution
Tom Cornelius made the motion to adopt the ASBA recommended resolution in support
of House Bill #648 from Congressman Don Young for reauthorization of the No Child
Left Behind Act. Sandra Tatum seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.
School Choice Applications for 2007-2008
Mrs. Deon acknowledged the twelve (12) school choice applications that Prescott School
District received for children who live in another resident district to attend Prescott
Public Schools in the 07-08 school year.
Page 3 Prescott Public Schools School Board Meeting May 15, 2007 Executive Session


Mrs. Deon presented the following employment recommendation(s) for the 2007-2008
school year to the board for approval:
Kathryn Wiley - Prescott High School Business Teacher Marilyn Christie - Technology Coordinator Assistant
Shane Meador made the motion to approve the employment recommendations from Mrs.
Deon for hiring Kathryn Wiley in the position of high school business teacher, Marilyn
Christie as the Technology Coordinator Assistant and Pam Edmondson middle school
teacher for the 2007-2008 school year. Tom Cornelius seconded the motion. Motion
passed 5-0.
Index Amendment – Classified Salary

Mrs. Deon recommended amending the index of the classified salary schedule under the
Technology Department by adding .95% x # Days Worked for Microsoft Certification.
Shane Meador made the motion to approve the amendment of the index of the classified
salary schedule under the Technology Department. Tom Cornelius seconded the motion,
which passed 5-0.
Shane Meador made the motion to adjourn and Tom Cornelius seconded. Motion passed


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