Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
Mechanisms and abuse liability of the anti-histamine dimenhydrinate
Alison G. Halperta, Mary C. Olmsteada, Richard J. Beningera,b,*
aDepartment of Psychology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
bDepartment of Psychiatry, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Received 5 June 2001; revised 24 September 2001; accepted 25 September 2001
The over-the-counter anti-emetic dimenhydrinate (DMH) (Gravol or Dramamine) has been reported to be abused for non-medicinal
purposes. Street drug users abuse DMH for the acute effects of euphoric sensations and hallucinations, while psychiatric patients abuse DMH
for its anxiolytic or anti-cholinergic effects. DMH is an H1 histamine receptor antagonist, but it interacts either directly or indirectly with
other neurotransimitter systems, including those using acetylcholine, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, opioids or adenosine. Animal
behavioural studies, such as self-administration, conditioned place preference, drug discrimination, and modulation of operant responding,
show that anti-histamines have abuse potential. Further support comes from reports of acute and chronic abuse of DMH by humans.
Collectively, results con®rm the abuse liability of DMH. q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords: Dimenhydrinate; Diphenhydramine; 8-Chlorotheophylline; Drug abuse; Histamine; Anti-histamine; Review
Contents1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2. Behavioural and neurochemical effects of dimenhydrinate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.1. Dimenhydrinate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.2. Diphenhydramine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.3. 8-Chlorotheophylline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3. Evidence for abuse liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1. Animal studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2. Human studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3. Case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.4. Neurochemistry of abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
tripelennamine, a concoction known on the street as `T's
and Blues'. This drug combination creates a `rush' that is
Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are not always used for
indistinguishable from heroin [45]. Users of hallucinogens,
their intended purposes. Thus, anti-histamines may be
such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or marijuana will
administered for their reinforcing rather than their analphy-
substitute these drugs with large doses of OTC anti-
lactic effects. For example, heroin addicts will mix the
histamines to achieve euphoric tactile, visual or auditory
narcotic analgesic pentazocine with the anti-histamine
sensations [4,26]. These examples show that anti-histamines
In recent years, a number of case study reports indicate
* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Psychology, QueenõÂs
that dimenhydrinate (DMH), an OTC anti-histamine with
University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6. Tel.: 11-613-533-2486;
the trade name Gravol or Dramamine, has abuse potential.
E-mail address: (R.J. Beninger).
DMH is composed of the anti-histaminergic agent
0149-7634/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
A.G. Halpert et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
diphenhydramine (DP), sold under the trade name Benadryl,
that while DMH could alter vestibular functioning, neither
plus the methylxanthine, 8-chlorotheophylline, in equimolar
DP nor 8-chlorotheophylline had the same effect [20].
ratios [18,20]. At recommended doses DMH is used most
commonly as an anti-emetic, an effect that is attributed
generally to it's antagonism at the H1 receptor [23,55].
Both acute and chronic abuse of DMH have been reported.
DP, often identi®ed as the active component of DMH
In 1997, a series of case studies described DMH abuse by
[27], is a competitive antagonist at the H1 histamine receptor
adolescents who administered the drug for its hallucino-
[1]. Histamine exists in both the peripheral and central
genic and euphoric properties [41]. In large doses (more
nervous systems (CNS). In the CNS, it in¯uences neuroen-
than four times the recommended dose), DMH produces a
docrine system functions, ingestive behaviour, thermoregu-
`high' characterised by hallucinations, excitement, incoor-
lation, cardiovascular regulation, and arousal [5,39]. The
dination, and disorientation [2,4,9,18,26]. These cases of
neurotransmitter also affects motor activity in both humans
DMH abuse have been reported in individuals with a history
and laboratory animals. For example, histamine injections
into the lateral ventricles of rats produced a biphasic motor
Individuals with a history of a psychiatric disorder, such
response: decreased activity in the ®rst 20 min after the
as schizophrenia [2], depression, substance abuse, and
injection, followed by a period of hyperactivity. Pretreat-
personality disorders [9,18,35] may repeatedly administer
ment with an H1 receptor antagonist blocked both effects
DMH. In such cases, tolerance to the acute subjective effects
[24]. On the other hand, the anti-histamine DP has been
of the drug and symptoms of drug withdrawal can occur.
reported to induce motor excitation in monkeys [14].
Chronic consumption of DMH may be dif®cult to identify
Whether these differences in motor activation are related
because symptoms of the dependence resemble the symp-
to drug dose, route of administration, species, or some
toms of some psychiatric disorders such as major depression
other experimental variable is not clear at present, and
further studies are needed in this respect.
Many researchers suggest that DP, the anti-histaminergic
There is little disagreement that recommended doses of
component of DMH, is responsible for the reinforcing effect
OTC anti-histamines, known to block the H1 receptor,
of the drug [27]. This anti-histamine in¯uences neurotrans-
decrease activity levels in humans. For example, partici-
mitter systems either directly, by acting on receptors or
pants self-report signi®cantly greater feelings of sleepiness
transporters, or indirectly, by modulating their in¯uence.
after administration of DP than after placebo administration
The neurotransmitter systems that have been implicated in
the behavioural effects of DMH include those using dopa-
Anti-histamines also have been reported to act like
mine [53], acetylcholine [9], serotonin [8], norepinephrine
anti-depressants in laboratory tests [39] or to have anxiolytic
[22] and opioids [51]. The neural mechanisms underlying
effects in psychiatric patients [18]. This suggests that the
the abuse potential of DMH are not yet established,
pharmacological effects of these agents may not be limited
however, and evidence for the abuse potential of DMH in
to the histamine system. Indeed, there is evidence that
particular, and of anti-histamines in general, underscores the
anti-histamines can interact with acetylcholine, serotonin,
norepinephrine, dopamine, and opioid systems, and this
may explain their effects on depression and anxiety.
Acetylcholine: Histamine and acetylcholine have a
2. Behavioural and neurochemical effects of
number of similar characteristics: the regional distribution
of the two neurotransmitters within the CNS is similar; both
increase intra-cellular levels of cyclic guanasine mono-
phosphate in the post-synaptic neuron; the long-term de-
sensitisation pro®les of histamine and acetylcholine
The effectiveness of DMH as an anti-emetic was ®rst
are comparable [39]. Furthermore, anti-histamine drug
reported in 1949, when it was found to aid in the prevention
administration produces effects that resemble those of
of both seasickness [19] and airsickness [50]. The anti-
anti-cholinergic drug administration, including thought
emetic properties of DMH are thought to be produced by
disorder, hallucinations, amnesia and delirium [9], as well
antagonism of H1 histamine receptors in the vestibular
as analgesia [39]. This may be due to an excitatory effect
system [23,46,55]. For example, electrophysiological
on ACh release that is modulated by H1 receptor activity [5].
studies have shown that both DMH and DP can suppress
Other classic anti-cholinergic effects, such as mydriasis, that
vestibular neuronal ®ring that is enhanced by angular or
are seen after anti-histamine administration may be the
linear acceleration motions [23]. This would suggest that
result of blockade of the muscarinic cholinergic receptor
the ability of DMH to reduce nausea is due to the DP
[34]. In line with these notions, schizophrenic patients
component of the drug. There may also be a synergistic
may be particularly susceptible to DMH abuse because of
effect with the addition of 8-chlorotheophylline [10]. A
its ability to relieve the extrapyramidal symptoms that
cold microcaloric test on normal human subjects found
are caused by anti-psychotic drugs and that are sensitive
A.G. Halpert et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
to anti-cholinergic treatment [2]. Taken together, this evi-
inhibitory effect on neural ®ring, and 8-chlorotheophylline
dence suggests that anti-histamines may directly affect cholin-
likely produces excitation by blockade of these receptors.
ergic neurotransmission or that there may be a functional
While 8-chlorotheophylline is generally not considered to
overlap between the cholinergic and histaminergic systems.
be a contributor to the behavioural effects of DMH [23],
Serotonin: Animal studies show that anti-histamine drugs
psychomotor stimulant effects following administration of
have the ability to block serotonin re-uptake [6], suggesting
the methylxanthine have been reported in animal studies.
that they may possess anti-depressant properties [39]. In
Snyder et al. [48] found a correlation between potencies of
humans, 77% of reactive depressive patients showed an
methylxanthines at competing for adenosine receptors and
improvement in mood after chronic DP consumption,
the subsequent locomotor stimulation. For example, adeno-
though this ®nding was not consistent [21].
sine inhibits dopamine systems and reducing the in¯uence
Norepinephrine: Potential anti-depressant effects of
of adenosine via receptor blockade would lead to an
anti-histamines also may be related to their ability to inhibit
increase in dopamine neurotransmission and a consequent
norepinephrine re-uptake [7]. Furthermore, the analgesic
increase in motor activity. Antagonism at the adenosine A2
effects of anti-histamine drug administration may, at least
receptor may be responsible for these stimulant effects of
partially, be explained by its interaction with the norepi-
methylxanthines [49]. It has been suggested that the amount
nephrine system [42], because increases in norepinephrine
of 8-chlorotheophylline in a standard DMH tablet may have
no signi®cant stimulatory effect [7], however, the beha-
Dopamine: Central administration of histamine increases
vioural effects of high doses of this methylxanthine have
the activity of the mesolimbic, but not the nigrostriatal,
dopamine system as measured by post-mortem analysis of
In conclusion, DMH interacts with a variety of neurotrans-
dopamine metabolite levels, and this effect is blocked by H1,
mitter systems, some of which are also in¯uenced by 8-
but not H2, receptor antagonists [16]. On the other hand,
chlorotheophylline. It is therefore likely that some of these
peripheral administration of anti-histamines increases in
interactions may account for its diverse behavioural effects.
vivo release of striatal dopamine, particularly in the nucleus
accumbens [13], and inhibits striatal dopamine uptake [8].
Behavioural studies have found that administration of the
D1-like dopamine receptor blocker SCH23390 abolishes the
potentiating effect of anti-histamines on the conditioned
place preference produced by the analgesic pentazocine
[52,53]. This result implicates D1 receptor activity in the
Animal experiments provide researchers with a method
reinforcing actions of anti-histamines. This apparent discre-
of assessing abuse liability of drugs in controlled settings.
pancy, that both histamine agonists and antagonists potenti-
To our knowledge, DMH itself has not been examined in
ate DA activity in the nucleus accumbens, may be related to
these studies (except in our own recent and as yet unpub-
in vivo versus ex vivo measurements and/or central versus
lished work, see below), although a number of behavioural
peripheral routes of administration. In any case, it is clear
paradigms have been used to evaluate the reinforcing effect
that histaminergic agents modulate dopaminergic activity.
of the components of DMH, i.e., the anti-histamine DP and
Histamine±dopamine interactions may be related to the
the methylxanthine 8-chlorotheophylline. These include
abuse potential of DMH and these are discussed below.
drug self-administration, conditioned place preference,
Opioid: To explain the reinforcing effects of the T's and
drug discrimination, and modulation of operant responding
Blues street drug (a combination of the narcotic pentazocine
maintained by other reinforcers (Table 1).
and the anti-histamine tripelennamine), researchers have
i. Self-administration: In line with some theories of drug
examined the drug interactions at the opioid receptor
addiction [40,58], the anti-histamines that have psychomo-
level. For example, Su [51] reported that it may be the
tor stimulant properties are likely to be self-administered
high binding af®nity of tripelennamine at these receptors
[14]. For example, DP, which produces motor excitation
that is responsible for potentiating the opioid-induced
in mice [6] and monkeys [14], will maintain self-injection
psychotomimetic effects. This suggests that anti-histamines
in baboons and squirrel monkeys when substituted for
may directly stimulate opioid receptors.
cocaine [3,43]. Furthermore, both DP and another anti-
histamine tripelennamine maintained rates of responding
in a second-order ®xed-interval schedule of i.v. drug injec-
tions similar to those maintained by cocaine and d-amphe-
8-Chlorotheophylline is a methylxathine drug related to
tamine under identical conditions [3]. These effects of DP
caffeine and theophylline. It produces a number of effects,
may not be mediated solely through the histamine system:
including nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, convulsions,
H1 antagonists maintain self-administration at doses greater
anxiety, headaches, and nausea [36,44]. The behavioural
than those necessary to saturate H1 receptors [3]. Whatever
effects of this agent are attributed primarily to its ability
the mechanism of its action, DP clearly has rewarding
to block adenosine receptors [49]. Adenosine has a general
effects in self-administration paradigms.
A.G. Halpert et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
Animal studies of the behavioural effects of DMH, DP or theophylline
DP or tripelennamine maintained self-administration rates similar to those seen with cocaine or
d-amphetamine when substituted for cocaine in monkeys
DP maintained responding when substituted for self-injected cocaine in baboons
Potentiation of pentazocin-induced place preference by tripelennamine
Potentiation of morphine-induced place preference by histamine antagonists
Injection of chlorpheniramine into nucleus basalis magnocellularis induced place preference
Injection of chlorpheniramine into nucleus accumbens induced place preference
Dose-dependent DMH-induced place preference in rats
Tripelleamine substituted for amphetamine in pigeons and monkeys
Chloropheniramine but not DP substituted for cocaine in rats
Theophylline was discriminated from saline; the behavioural effects were generalizable to caffeine
DP increased both suppressed and non-suppressed responding for food
Responding for food or shock termination showed a dose-dependent increase after H1 antagonist
Lesions to histamine system increase rates of self-stimulation
Theophylline increased schedule-controlled operant responding
Reinforcing effects of theophylline seen in operant responding are greater than those of caffeine
Methylxanthines produce dose-dependent increases in reinforcement threshold in intra-cranial self-
ii. Conditioned place preference: Anti-histamines
caffeine, another methylxanthine, is substituted for the theo-
potentiate place preferences induced by the sigma receptor
phylline [7]. The cue effect of theophylline experienced by
ligand pentazocine [53] and by morphine [54]. While
rats appears to be similar to the cue effect of caffeine. As a
Suzuki et al. [53] reported that the anti-histamine tripelan-
methylxanthine, 8-chlorotheophylline appears to have beha-
namine (2.5 mg/kg) did not produce a conditioned place
vioural effects similar to those of caffeine.
preference, rats that were given the anti-histamine chlorphe-
iv. Modulation of operant responding: Anti-histamines,
niramine directly into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis
including DP, increase responding for food on a second
[38] or into the nucleus accumbens [60] showed a signi®cant
order schedule of reinforcement [3,28]. DP also increases
preference for the drug-paired location. Recent as yet
the responding of squirrel monkeys that is suppressed by
unpublished research from our own laboratory reveals a
an aversive stimulus [3]. Responding for food or shock
dose-dependent preference for a compartment paired with
termination showed a dose-dependent increase when H1
DMH (no effect with systemically administered 25 or
antagonists were administered prior to the test [28,29].
40 mg/kg of DMH, but signi®cant preference with 50 and
Results show that operant responding maintained by food
60 mg/kg). Further experiments are being performed to
reward is modulated by DP and other anti-histamines.
determine the relative contributions of DP and
Placing lesions in parts of the histamine system will
8-chlorotheophylline to this reinforcing effect. Results
also enhance operant responding. Following destruction
show that anti-histamines have rewarding effects in the
of the rostroventral part of the tuberomammillary
nucleus, a hypothalamic region that is a source of
iii. Drug discrimination: Monkeys, but not pigeons,
brain histamine, rates of self-stimulation increased.
trained to discriminate amphetamine from saline, will not
Histamine may have an inhibitory roll in the neuronal
generalize the cue effect of DP from amphetamine when the
anti-histamine is substituted for the psyhocomotor stimu-
Theophylline increases schedule-controlled responding
lant. Another anti-histamine, tripellenamine, completely
in operant conditioning experiments [49]. When McKim
substituted for amphetamine in both species [14]. When
[30] compared the effects of theophylline with caffeine on
anti-histamines are substituted for cocaine in rats, chlorphe-
the food-reinforced operant responding of mice, the
niramine mimicks the cocaine stimulus, while DP produces
response-rate enhancing effects of theophylline actually
responses predominantly associated with the saline lever
exceeded those of caf®ene. On the other hand, methyl-
[47]. While DP appears discriminable from both cocaine
xanthines, including 8-chlorotheophylline, produce dose-
and amphetamine, not all anti-histamines follow this
dependent increases in the reinforcement threshold in
pattern. This may suggest that anti-histamines have a roll
intra-cranial self-stimulation paradigms [31]. It is unclear
in the neuronal reward system that is similar to the actions of
whether the effects of anti-histamines and theophylline on
psychomotor stimulants. Further studies are needed.
operant responding are due to an in¯uence on reinforcement
Rats can be trained to discriminate theophylline from
systems or simply a consequence of their actions on the
saline. Furthermore, the responding is maintained when
A.G. Halpert et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
some patients report taking up to 5000 mg of DMH per
day, more than 12 times the recommended daily dose of
i. DMH: While there are reports of anti-histamines having
400 mg [4]. During periods of abstinence, patients exhibit
stimulant effects in animal subjects [14], DMH is described
withdrawal symptoms including depressed affect, lethargy,
as a depressant by human participants [27,33]. One sign of
irritability, loss of appetite and amnesia. In more severe
this action is lethargy reported by participants in self assess-
cases of withdrawl, abusers experience agitation, hostility,
ment reports [27]. At the recommended therapeutic dose
clumsiness, and nausea [2,9]. Craving between doses also
(100 mg), DMH increases ratings of drowsiness, sluggish-
occurs [2]. A history of psychiatric problems is often
ness, silence, and depression [57]. Participants in this study
evident in individuals who chronically abuse DMH. Many
also felt less energetic, effective, decisive, and con®dent.
of the reported case studies involve patients with clinical
Thus, at recommended doses, DMH appears to produce
diagnoses of schizophrenia [2], depression, panic attacks,
psychomotor depressant effects in humans.
personality disorder or substance abuse [9,18,35].
ii. DP: A high dose of DP (400 mg) increased subjective
DP may be recommended to patients with chronic
ratings on scales associated with drug abuse, such as `drug
illnesses to help alleviate some of the aversive effects of
liking' and `willingness to take the drug again' in patients
the illness. Dinndorf et al. [12] reported several cases of
with a history of barbituate abuse [37]. At the same time,
chronically ill children and adolescents exhibiting drug
however, self-ratings of negative side effects of DP admin-
seeking behaviour after extended exposure to DP. Psychia-
istration, including `dif®culty concentrating', `light-headed/
tric patients, and in particular those with schizophrenia
dizzy', and `bad effects', also increased. A later study
receiving neuroleptic treatment, may self-administer DP
reported that DP may serve as a reinforcer for individuals
for its potential to reduce extrapyramidal symptoms caused
with a history of sedative abuse; the participants rated the
direct measures of drug reinforcement, such as `liking' and
We know of no case studies describing abuse of
`good effects', as well as the indirect measures of drug
8-chlorotheophylline, suggesting that the abuse potential
reinforcement, such as desire to take the drug again, esti-
of DMH is dependent on the anti-histamine component of
mates of the amount of money the drug would be worth on
the drug. On the other hand, the methylxanthine may inter-
the street, and the amount of money participants would
act synergistically with DP to produce a greater reinforcing
personally be willing to pay for the drug, higher for DP
effect, which could explain anecdotal evidence suggesting
than for the placebo [32]. As in previous studies, DP use
that patients have a tendency to abuse Gravol (DMH)
also resulted in signi®cantly higher peak ratings of bad
effects. These aversive side effects may deter potential
abusers from using anti-histamines for a `high' [32].
Although the data are limited, the studies cited above
suggest that DP may be more reinforcing than DMH in
The abuse potential of DMH may be related to an
humans. The problem with this interpretation is that DMH
interaction with the dopamine system, which has been
was administered in recommended doses, whereas the admi-
implicated in the reinforcing value of most drugs of abuse
nistered dose of DP was large enough to induce intoxication
[15,25,40,59]. For example, the reinforcing effects of
and aversive side effects. It is interesting to note that the
amphetamine and cocaine depend critically on dopamine
quantity of DMH required to deliver 400 mg of DP is
release in the nucleus accumbens [59] and some anti-hista-
approximately 750 mg which is the amount of DMH
mines substitute for the psychomotor stimulants in the self-
reported to induce intoxication. Further studies are needed
administration paradigm [3,43]. Neurochemical evidence,
to compare the subjective effects of DP to DMH.
such as the H1 antagonist-induced increase in dopamine
levels in the nucleus accumbens [13], and the inhibition of
re-uptake of dopamine in the striatum [8] support this
notion. In addition, the dopamine D1 receptor blocker
i. Acute intoxication: DMH intoxication occurs when an
SCH 23390 abolishes the potentiating effect of anti-hista-
individual ingests anywhere from 750 mg (15 tablets) to
mines on the conditioned place preference produced by
1250 mg (25 tablets) on a single occasion [4,41]. At doses
opioids [52,53]. Therefore, although DMH has a diverse
close to 800 mg, patients reported hallucinations, pleasant
range of physiological and behavioural effects, abuse poten-
and euphoric tactile and visual sensations, and excitement
tial of this drug may be related to the reinforcing effects
[2,9,18]; at larger doses (i.e., 1250 mg), some patients
produced by its interaction with the mesolimbic dopamine
became confused and violent [7]. DMH intoxication can
be seen when someone with a history of using illicit
drugs, especially marijuana or LSD [25,40], wants a
ii. Chronic use: When DMH is abused chronically,
This review emphasizes the abuse potential of anti-
tolerance to the subjective effects of the drug develops;
histamines, and in particular DMH and DP; anti-histamines
A.G. Halpert et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002) 61±67
are reinforcing in animal paradigms, and humans report
desirable subjective effects following the drugs' administra-
tion. Animal studies describe the ability of anti-histamines,
[1] Babe KS, Sera®in WE. Histamine, bradykinin, and their antagonists.
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[6] Carlsson A, Lindqvist M. Central and peripheral monoaminergic
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to 800 mg of DMH, is understood to be the standard dose
[8] Coyle JT, Snyder SH. Antiparkinsonian drugs: inhibition of dopamine
for a `high' [18]. Both DMH and DP have the potential
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Selecting CFD Software A. Selecting CFD Software A.1 Preamble This appendix outlines the procedure that was undertaken in selecting a suitable A.2 Specification of the CFD Package A list of desired features was compiled after consulting various publications (e.g. Jones and Whittle (1992), Fawcett (1991), and Shaw (1992)) and holding conversations with experienced CFD users. The f
Biogene Amine in Lebensmitteln und Biogene Amin-Intoleranz 1. Gliederung 1. Gliederung.1 2. Definition von biogenen Aminen.1 3. Vorkommen und Entstehung von biogenen Aminen.1 4. Wirkung von biogenen Aminen.1 4.1. Entstehung von Biogener Amin-Intoleranz .1 4.2. Biogene Amin-Intoleranz und Medikamente .1 5. Mögliche Ursachen für eine Überbelastung mit biogenen Aminen