Microsoft word - health survey _2_.doc

Select Surgical Center at Kennedy
Health Survey
We at the Select Surgical Center welcome you to participate in your surgical care. While all patients requiring services of the Department of Anesthesiology will be seen personally prior to surgery, this Health Survey allows us to
better identify those patients who may need specialized instruction. We depend on this survey along with the
information provided by your surgeon to provide you with the appropriate care.
Thank you for your help.
Name:_________________________________ Date of Birth:____________ Height:______Weight: ______
Two phone numbers where we can reach you: 1.______________________ 2. _________________________
Can we leave a message if we do not reach you? NO YES
May we speak to another person concerning your care? NO YES and name of person_______________________
Can you walk up a flight of stairs without Getting short of breath Do you have diabetes Do you have weakness of or paralysis Of your arms or legs Do you have any implanted devices such As a pacemaker or defibrillator Complete other side please
Have you ever had a problem with anesthesia other than vomiting Has anyone in your family had a problem with anesthesia Do you smoke presently, if yes, how much Do you have any loose, false, capped or bonded teeth Do you have any problems with your neck or opening your mouth Do you take any of the following medications or herbal supplements for prostate, urinary or high blood pressure problems such as: Saw Palmentto, Flomax (tamsulosin), Uroxatrol (alsuzosin), Doxazosin, Hytrin (terazosin), prazosin or minipress
List ALL medications (including strengths and doses) you are taking –including herbal
List all previous surgeries____________________________________________________________________________________________
List all drug and food allergies_________________________________________________________________________________________
Latex Allergy: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have anything specific you want to discuss with the anesthesiologist?
Signature________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________

I certify that I have had nothing to eat or drink since___________am/pm
Patient Signature: __________________________________________ Date_________ Time __________
Name of Person who will driving me home ________________________________ Phone # _________________
Please print Parent/Guardian of children 18 years of age and under must remain in the facility until patient is discharged. Reviewed by: ________________________________________ Date_____________ Time: ___________


Chapter 12 col.p65

Natasha Menon (MA, MSW) El Dr. Michael Sherraden Washington University en St. Louis, EEUU. principal del Global Service Institute delsignificativas para el desarrollo de becasmentor del concepto de políticas contra lade servicio. Su investigación y sus interesespobreza basadas en los recursos propios. académicos incluyen el desarrollo social yDesde hace varias décadas public

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