Assistant Professor, St. Jerome’s University Mathematics Department Cross-appointed, University of Waterloo Pure Mathematics Department Affiliate, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Mathematics Department,St. Jerome’s University, 290 Westmount Rd N, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G3.
geometric analysis, differential and algebraic geometry, gauge theory, mathematical physics.
1. (2013, physics of glass) Dimensional dependence of the Stokes–Einstein relation and its violation, with P. Charbonneau, Y. Jin, G. Parisi, and F. Zamponi, Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 164502 (2013).
2. (2013, physics of glass) Geometrical frustration and static correlations in hard-sphere Glass formers, with P. Charbonneau, and G. Tarjus, Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 12A515 (2013). 3. (2012, physics of glass) Geometrical frustration and static correlations in a simple glass former, with P. Charbonneau, and G. Tarjus, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 035701. 4. (2011, gauge theory) Singular Hermitian–Einstein monopoles on the product of a circle and a Riemann surface, with J. Hurtubise, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2011 (1): 175–216. 5. (2010, gauge theory) with J. Hurtubise, in 6. (2010, probability) Convergence in the Prokhorov metric of weak methods for stochastic differential equa- tions, with Y. Svyrydov and P.F. Tupper, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 30(2): 579–594.
7. (2009, physics of glass) Hard sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension, with J.A. van Meel, A. Fortini, and P. Charbonneau, Phys. Rev. E 80, 061110. 8. (2009, statistics) Bayesian optimal design for changepoint problems, second author, with J. K. Atherton, D.
Wolfson, L. Joseph, X. Zhou, and A. C. Vandal, Canadian Journal of Statistics. 9. (2008, gauge theory) Calorons, Nahm’s equations on S1 and bundles over 10. (2006, gauge theory) From spatially periodic instantons to singular monopoles, 11. (2011, gauge theory) Asymptotic Hodge Theory of Vector Bundles, with M. Stern. 1. National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery grant, Geometry of vector bundles and moduli spaces of instantons, $70,000, May 2011–April 2016.
2. Canadian Mathematical Society Endowment Grant for the outreach project Bridge lecture series, $2100, Jan- 3. St. Jerome’s University Faculty Research Grant, Analytic and algebraic aspects of periodic instantons, $4600, 4. University of Waterloo Mathematics Endowment Fund, Bridges Lecture Series, $4520, May 2012–April 2011.
5. St. Jerome’s University Faculty Research Grant, A simple perspective on bond-order invariants, $3026, May 6. St. Jerome’s University Faculty Research Grant, Nahm transform of spatially periodic instantons and asymp- totic Hodge theory, $4040, May 2011–April 2012.
7. St. Jerome’s University Faculty Research Grant, Periodic instantons and geometry of vector bundles, $3300, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Ph.D. in Mathematics, September 2004.
Supervised by Tomasz Mrowka.
eal (UQAM), M.Sc. in Mathematics, September 1999.
eal (UQAM), B.Sc. in Mathematics, June 1998.
With citation for academic excellence.
Assistant Professor, St. Jerome’s University, current position, since 2010.
cross-appointed, University of Waterloo Pure Mathematics Department affiliate, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Visiting Assistant Professor, Duke University, 2007–2010.
Postdoctoral research fellow (NSERC 2005–2007) and lecturer, McGill University, 2004–2007.
Lecturer, UQAM, Fall 2004 and Winter 2007.
1. Dr. Aaron Smith, Waterloo, 2011–2013 (co-supervised with Spiro Karigiannis).
2. Matthew Beckett, MMATH Waterloo, 2013–2014. Supported by NSERC-CGA-M (ongoing).
anis Lazovskis, MMATH Waterloo, 2013–2014 (co-supervised with Spiro Karigiannis, ongoing).
4. Matthew Beckett, Waterloo, Spring 2013. Supported by NSERC-USRA.
5. Artane Siad, Waterloo, Spring 2013. Supported by NSERC-USRA.
6. Xiang (Eddy) Liu, Waterloo, Winter 2013. Supported by NSERC-USRA.
7. Yossef Musleh, Waterloo, Spring 2012.
8. Jordan Rose, Waterloo, Spring 2012.
9. Matthew Beckett, Waterloo, Spring 2012. Supported by NSERC-USRA.
10. Chen Fei Du, Waterloo, Winter 2012.
12. Benjamin Horowitz, Waterloo, Fall 2010.
13. Shreyas S. Tikare, Enloe High School, NC, Summer 2009.
14. Yuriy Svyrydov, McGill, (co-supervised with Paul Tupper, resulted in publication Summer 2006. Sup- 16. Collin Dillard, MIT, Summer 2004.
17. Russell A. Moriarty, MIT, Summer 2001.
18. Stergios Alexandris, MIT, Summer 2001.
1. Moduli spaces and their invariants in mathematical physics conference, CRM, Montr´ 2. Loughborough Analysis seminar, Loughborough, UK, May 2013.
ebre, dynamique et topologie, Universit´ e d’Aix-Marseille, France, May 2013.
4. KCL/UCL Geometry seminar, London, UK, April 2013.
5. Duke Geometry and Topology seminar, Durham NC, March 2013.
6. Rutgers-New Brunswick University Seminar on geometry, symmetry, and physics, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 7. CMS Winter Meeting, session on Differential Geometry, Toronto, Canada, December 10–12, 2011.
8. Gauge theory and complex geometry (week 1 of conference), Leeds, England, July 4–23, 2011.
9. Gauge theory and complex geometry (week 2 of conference), Leeds, England, July 4–23, 2011.
10. CMS Summer Meeting, session on Geometry and Physics, Edmonton, Canada, June 3–5, 2011.
11. Columbia University Geometry and Analysis seminar, New York, NY, April 2011.
12. University of Waterloo Differential Geometry seminar, Waterloo, Canada, April 2011.
13. McMaster University Geometry and Topology seminar, Hamilton, Canada, March 2011.
14. UQAM Geometry and Topology seminar, Montr´ 15. Southeast Geometry Conference, Charleston, SC, April 2010.
16. Columbia University Geometry and Analysis seminar, New York, NY, April 2010.
17. University of Pennsylvania Geometry and Topology seminar, Philadelphia, PA, April 2010.
18. University of Waterloo Pure Math colloquium, Waterloo, Canada, March 2010.
19. College of Charleston colloquium, Charleston, SC, March 2010.
20. Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada, March 2010.
21. CMS-SMM Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, August 2009.
22. Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, July 2009.
24. University of Waterloo Differential Geometry seminar, Waterloo, Canada, March 2009.
25. University of Toronto Differential Geometry seminar, Toronto, Canada, March 2009.
26. Wake Forest University colloquium, Winston-Salem, NC, October 2008.
27. BIRS: Special structures in Riemannian geometry, Banff, Canada, February 2008 28. UQAM Geometry and Topology seminar, Montr´ 29. Boston University geometry seminar, Boston MA, December 2006.
31. Duke Geometry and Topology seminar, Durham NC, October 2006.
32. International Conference on Global Differential Geometry, M¨ unster, Germany, August 14–19, 2006.
ao Paulo, Brazil, February 13–15, 2006.
34. CMS Winter Meeting, session on Special Structures in Differential Geometry, Montr´ 35. UQAM Geometry and Topology seminar, Montr´ St. Jerome’s University: calculus 1 (F10,F11), calculus 2 (W11), linear algebra (W11), combinatorics(F11), differential geometry (W12).
Duke University: multivariable calculus (F07,F07,W08,W08,W09); ordinary and partial differential equa-tions (F08,F08,F09); abstract algebra (F09); honours multivariable calculus (W07); probability (W10).
McGill University: complex variables (W05); differential geometry (F05); ordinary differential equationsand linear algebra (F06); vectors, matrices, and geometry (W07).
UQAM: linear algebra (F04); differential geometry (W10).
Duke University: topics course on gauge theory (W09) Service (institutional and national level) Faculty representative, St. Jerome’s University Board of Governors, since July 2013 (ongoing, elected posi-tion).
Academic Advisor, St. Jerome’s University, since Fall 2010 (ongoing).
Member, St. Jerome’s University committee on Research and Scholarship, 2012 (Elected position).
Member, St. Jerome’s University 150th anniversary committee, 2011–2012.
St. Jerome’s University Representative, Faculty of Mathematics Standings and Promotions committee, Uni-versity of Waterloo, 2011–2012.
Member, Canadian Mathematical Society board, 1998–2001 (Elected position).
Founding member, Canadian Math Society student committee, 1998–2001.
Member, UQAM Mathematics Program Committee, 1995–1998 (Elected position).
President, Association of students in math at UQAM, 1997–1998 (Elected position).
Member, M.Sc. evaluation scholarship, Fonds qu´ ecois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies Member, multidisciplinary team research projects evaluation committee PR-C, Fonds qu´ sur la nature et les technologies (FQRNT), Winter 2011.
Reviewer, 10 reviews since 2007 (ongoing).
Associate Editor, MIT Undergraduate Journal of Mathematics Volume 4, MIT, 2001–2002.
Service (conferences and seminars organization) Organizer, special session Differential Geometry, CMS Winter meeting, Toronto, December 2011.
Coordinator, Bridges Lecture Series, since Winter 2011 (ongoing).
Organizer, Geometry/Topology seminar at the University of Waterloo, since Fall 2010 (ongoing).
Organizer, Waterloo Working Geometry seminar, since Fall 2010 (ongoing).
Organizer, Geometry/Topology seminar at Duke University, Fall 2008 – Spring 2010.
Organizer, Geometry Festival, Duke University, April 2007.
Organizer, workshop Non-linear integral transforms: Fourier–Mukai and Nahm, Centre de Recherches Math´ e, Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference Operations Manual.
Organizer, ISM Annual Quebec Graduate Students Conference, Montreal, May 1999.
Organizer, Seminar for the Student Association at UQAM, Fall 1996 to Winter 1999.
NSERC, Canada, Postdoctoral Fellowship with tenure at McGill University, 2005–2007.
Saint-Hyacinthe, Honoris Causa Laurel, 2000.
MIT, Rosenblith Fellowship, 1999–2000.
NSERC, Canada, Postgraduate Study Scholarship (PS A-B) with tenure abroad at MIT, 1999–2002.
NSERC, Canada, Postgraduate Study Scholarship (PS A) with tenure at UQAM, 1998–1999.
ebec, Masters Scholarship (B1) (ranked 3rd of 61 awarded, declined), 1998.



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