ORTHOPAEDIC INFECTIONS Condition Useful information First line Second line Duration EITHER Teicoplanin ω IV Acute Septic Benzylpenicillin IV Arthritis PLUS Flucloxacillin IV 800mg) 12hourly for 3 Osteomyelitis PLUS EITHERSodium OR Doxycycline PO fusidateΩ tablets PO ORRifampicinΩ PO PLUS EITHER Sodium fusidateΩ tablets PO
500mg 8hourly ORRifampicinΩ PO 300–600mg 12hourly
Difficult to treat with antibiotics alone.
Choice and route of antibiotics will depend on microbiology results and advice.
Teicoplaninω IV 10mg/kg Discitis Flucloxacillin 2g IV PLUS EITHERSodium 12hourly for 3 doses then Epidural fusidateΩ PO 500mg PLUS EITHERSodium ORRifampicinΩ PO fusidateΩ PO 500mg ORRifampicinΩ PO If Gram-negative infection suspected: ADD Gentamicin* IV 5mg/kg 24hourly
ω See Teicoplanin guidelines. Dose on actual body weight. Monitoring is required in renal failure and 10mg/kg dosing
Ω Monitor liver function tests at least weekly Produced by the Antimicrobial Management Team 2012. These guidelines are not comprehensive – consult a Microbiologist if advice required. For dosing in renal / hepatic failure, seek advice from a pharmacist Page 1 of 3 ORTHOPAEDIC INFECTIONS Condition Useful information First line Second line Duration Flucloxacillin IV 1-2g Clindamycin¥ § IV 600mg fractures /Major trauma fractures:
as possible ideally PLUS Metronidazole Grade II and III wounds: within 3 hours of PLUS Gentamicin* IV Grade I: open Grade II and III wounds: PLUS Gentamicin* IV 5mg/kg Grade III wounds: continue Grade II: open Grade III: either open
an open fracture with extensive soft tissue damage or a traumatic amputation
Flucloxacillin IV 2g Teicoplanin ω IV Bursitis ≥70Kg weight:600mg PLUSClindamycin¥ § <70 Kg weight: 400mg
doses then 24hourly CONSIDER ADDING Sodium fusidateΩ PO 500mg 8hourly
ω See Teicoplanin guidelines. Dose on actual body weight. Monitoring is required in renal failure and 10mg/kg dosing
Ω Monitor liver function tests at least weekly Produced by the Antimicrobial Management Team 2012. These guidelines are not comprehensive – consult a Microbiologist if advice required. For dosing in renal / hepatic failure, seek advice from a pharmacist Page 2 of 3 ORTHOPAEDIC INFECTIONS Condition Useful information First line Second line Duration Prosthetic ALL patients require Joint Infection deep tissue samples Antibiotics should Discuss with NOT be given until microbiology samples have been
therapy unless taken unless patient is septic Two Stage Teicoplanin ω IV Procedure Debride- PLUS Gentamicin* IV retention (DAIR): up Stop Gentamicin after Teicoplanin until final
seek advice from Microbiology Switch to oral according to microbiology results
ω See Teicoplanin guidelines. Dose on actual body weight. Monitoring is required in renal failure and 10mg/kg dosing
Ω Monitor liver function tests at least weekly Produced by the Antimicrobial Management Team 2012. These guidelines are not comprehensive – consult a Microbiologist if advice required. For dosing in renal / hepatic failure, seek advice from a pharmacist Page 3 of 3
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Chest Syndrome in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Chest Syndrome in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a serious and potentially life threatening complication of sickle cell disease. Clinical progression can be rapid, leading to respiratory failure.
Abschlußarbeit zur Grundausbildung bzw. Diplom in existenzanalytisch- logotherapeutischer Beratung und Begleitung Existenzanalytische Lebensbegleitung bei Schizophrenie Existenzanalytische Lebensbegleitung bei Schizophrenie Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Möglichkeiten der existenzanalytischen Lebensbegleitung bei Schizophrenie. Nach einer allgemeinen Einleitung wird