Microsoft word - 2012 product summary list

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Aloe Bitters – an internal tick repel ent. Not recommended for horses with suspected ulcers, or for
pregnant mares.
Bone and Tendon Repair - for increased circulation and healthy bone, tendon and ligament
development. Contains: Nettle, Rosehip, Dandelion, Comfrey, Deep Sea Kelp, Yarrow and Horsetail.

Brewer’s Yeast - Helps improve skin, coat and hoof condition; Helps to promote efficient metabolism;
Helps to relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes in the respiratory system; Increases appetite;
May help to reduce excitability and nervousness.
Cardiosvacular Tonic - herbal blend for dogs and cats, to support circulation, regulate blood pressure
and prevent fluid retention.Contains: Hawthorn, Dandelion, Yarrow and Gingko.
Chastetree Berries - a hormone balancing herb. In most cases though, Hormon'Ease or Moody Mare
would be a more suitable and complete solution.

Colour’Brush - is a blend containing herbs that are traditional y used in order to enhance and deepen
the intensity of your horse’s natural coat colour. Suitable for al coat colours, including silvers, as it wil
increase contrast afennd darken points. Designed to be used in combination with Fenu'shine. Contains:
Paprika, Rosehip, Nettle, Burdock root, Dandelion, Rosemary and Deep Sea Kelp.

COPD/Cough Relief Blend - helps to expel mucus and relieves inflammation of the mucous
membranes. Contains: Garlic, Aniseed, Liquorice root, Marshmal ow root and leaves, Comfrey leaf and
Milk thistle seed.

Cushing’s Blend - for endocrine, circulatory, immune, and liver and kidney support. Contains: Chaste
Tree berries, Milk Thistle Seed, Kelp, Golden Rod, Dandelion leaf, Garlic flakes, Nettle and Rosehips.

Devil’s Claw -
An aid to the nutritional management of: Arthritis; Joint disorders; Muscle stiffness;
Appetite loss.
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EMS blend - helps regulate blood sugar levels, increases insulin sensitivity and metabolism and
promote circulation. Contains: Ginger, Fenugreek seed, Rosehips, Siberian ginseng, Comfrey leaf,
Plantain leaf, Chamomile flos, Nettle and Garlic Flakes.

Fenu’shine Show Conditioner: Increases weight; Enriches coats with a deep and lustrous gloss and
encourages dappling; Strengthens and stimulates healthy hoof growth. (Contains: Fenugreek seed,
Garlic, Deep Sea Kelp, Rosehip and Nettle).

Fenugreek Seed - Increases body weight condition; Increases appetite; Helps to relieve gastric ulcers;
Increases fertility and milk production; Serves as a natural mild laxative.
Garlic - Helps to strengthen the immune system; Helps to increase fertility; Improves circulation; Helps
to detoxify the body; Helps to prevent mucus build-up in the respiratory system.
Gastric Ulcer Treatment/Prevention - acts as a natural antacid and mild calmer, poultices intestinal
wal s and aids the healing of gastric ulcers. Contains: Slippery Elm bark, Comfrey leaf, Marshmal ow
root, Meadowsweet herb, Chamomile flowers, Vervain herb, Milk Thistle seed and Fenugreek seed.

Geriatric Support - a blend containing herbs which are traditional y used in order to maintain the health
and condition of the older horse. Contains: Fenugreek seed, Brewer’s yeast, Deep Sea Kelp, Garlic,
Devil’s claw, Siberian ginseng, Celery seed, Nettle, Rosehips and Meadowsweet.

Hayfever Blend – a pure herbal antihistamine and immune support blend for relief from headshaking
that is related to seasonal al ergies/al ergic rhinitis. It relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes,
and strengthens the immune system. Contains: Aniseed, Garlic Flakes, Comfrey leaf, Eyebright,
Marshmal ow leaf, Nettle and Siberian Ginseng.

HealthGuard - is a blend for dogs and cats containing herbs that are nutritive and anti-oxidant, and is
recommended for improving and maintaining overal wel ness. They are: Deep Sea Kelp, Brewer’s
yeast, Dandelion leaf, Rosehip, Fenugreek seed, Garlic, Alfalfa, Nettle, Rosemary and Turmeric.
Herbal Dewormer - mainly effective against roundworms, also helps to prevent infestation of hookworm
and tapeworm. Not suitable for pregnant mares. Recommended for use on a once quarterly routine, but
may also be used on a once monthly basis. Contains: Cinnamon, Clivers, Fennel seed, Garden Thyme,
Slippery Elm bark, Black Mustard seed, Wormwood, Quassia, Cayenne, Garlic and Aloe bitters.

Hoof Grow - to improve circulation and to stimulate strong and healthy hoof growth. Contains:
Hawthorn berries and leaves, Nettle, Comfrey leaf, Fenugreek seed, Garlic, Rosehip and Deep Sea
Hormon’Ease - is a blend containing herbs that are traditional y used for hormone balancing and
calming, and contains no banned substances. Contains: Chastetree berries, Raspberry leaf,
Chamomile, Passiflora, Hops and Rosehips.

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Immu’Boost - to stimulate and support the immune system. Contains: Garlic, Rosehip, Nettle,
Liquorice root, Siberian ginseng, Echinacea root and leaf.

Joint Blend
- is 100% pure herbs, and it contains rosehips, nettle, comfrey celery seed, meadowsweet,
kelp and turmeric. These herbs are a combination of joint nutritives, circulatory stimulants and are
highly antioxidant, so the blend protects and improves joint mobility and integrity. Contains: Rosehips,
Nettle, Comfrey, Celery seed, Meadowsweet, Deep Sea Kelp and Turmeric.

Lamin’Ease - relieves inflammation, stimulates circulation, supports the kidneys, and improves hoof
quality. Contains: Devil’s claw, Garlic, Nettle, Comfrey leaf, Clivers, Hawthorn leaves and berries.

Liver & Blood Tonic
- for anemia, muscle wastage, liver disease. Contains: Milk Thistle seed,
Dandelion, Nettle, Vervain and Rosehips.

Lymphangitis Blend - Circulatory Stimulant, anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system and lymph
drainage, and supports the liver. Recommended to use in combination with Devil’s Claw or Reflex for
acute cases. Contains: Hawthorn leaves and berries, Nettle, Dandelion leaf, Meadowsweet, Milk
Thistle seed, Clivers, Calendula petals, Celery seed, Echinacea root and leaf and Garlic.

Metaboost - for improving energy levels of lazy, overweight horses with sluggish metabolisms.
Contains: Gotu kola, Siberian ginseng, Liquorice root, Gingko, Ginger root, Nettle and Cayenne.

Moody Mare Blend - for hormone balancing and calming. Also suitable for aggressive stal ions.
Contains: Chastetree berries, Vervain, Valerian, Chamomile, Hops and Brewer’s yeast.

Natrogel ic Breathe-Easy Gel: helps to relieve congestion of sinuses

Natrogel ic Joint Gel
: for removing inflammation of joints, windgal s or other soft swel ings.

Natrogel ic Muscle-Up Gel
: an external gel to warm up and encourage healing of injured muscles.

Natrogel ic Sweet-Itch Gel
: a topical gel for the relief of sweet-itch of horses or eczema in dogs.
Rebound Arthritis Relief (Dogs) used in order to relieve inflammation and pain in joints and to improve
circulation. Contains: Devil’s claw, Deep Sea Kelp, Meadowsweet, Gingko leaf, Gotu Kola, MSM and
Glucosamine HCl.

Reflex Arthritis Relief (Horses): Reflex is our version of a herbal bute, as it contains a lot of the anti-
inflammatory and circulatory stimulant herbs, plus MSM and Glucosamine HCl. Ideal as an arthritis
treatment. Contains: Devil’s claw, Rosehips, Nettle, Comfrey leaf, Celery seed, Meadowsweet, MSM
and Glucosamine HCl.

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Rosehips - As a rich and natural source of Vitamin C; Strengthening the immune system; as a
treatment and preventative of arthritis; Increases circulation; Encourages strong and healthy hoof
growth; Helps to relieve scouring and diarrhoea; As a spring tonic, especial y for horses recovering
from il ness.
Rosi'Flex - is our most popular joint support formula for hardworking competitive horses. Rosi’Flex is a
highly effective combination of joint nutritive and antioxidants which help protect joint integrity and
mobility. Contains: Glucosamine HCl, MSM, Rosehips, Nettle and Deep Sea Kelp.
Sarcoid Blend - an anti-viral, anti-tumour and astringent herbal blend. We have received several
testimonies of the Sarcoids spontaneously dropping off horses completely after being on this blend for
a while. Contains: Echinacea root and leaf, Clivers, Nettle, Yarrow, Wormwood, Fenugreek seed,
Rosehips, Calendula petals, Burdock root and Garlic.

Serenity Karma - a blend containing herbs traditional y used for calming horses. Contains: Vervain
herb, Valerian root, Chamomile flowers, Hops flowers, Passiflora and Brewer’s yeast.

Skin Itch Relief - to relieve seasonal or chronic itchiness, and to gently detoxify the liver. Contains:
Chamomile flowers, Burdock root, Nettle and Garlic.

TB/Race Calmer –
a calming blend for highly-strung horses which contains no banned substances.
Contains: Vervain, Hops, Chamomile, Mugwort, Passiflora and Rosehips.

Urinary Tonic
- herbal blend for dogs and cats, for the relief of kidney crystals, bladder stones and
urinary tract infections. Contains: Dandelion leaf, Nettle, Rosehips, Marsmal ow root, Plantain, Gingko
leaf, Echinacea and Garlic.

Vitality Mix - A nutritive blend of Brewer’s Yeast, Kelp and Garlic.
Yard Mix - a herbal nutritive blend recommended for general health maintenance, including for the
coats, hooves and immune support. Contains: Deep Sea Kelp, Garlic, Fenugreek seed and Brewer’s

Yard Mix + Rosehips – as above, but with the further enhancement of rosehips. Contains: Deep Sea
Kelp, Garlic, Fenugreek seed, Rosehips and Brewer’s Yeast.

Yarrow - Anti-inflammatory; Encourages healing of wounds and burst blood vessels (useful for the
treatment of epistaxis); Improves peripheral circulation (useful for navicular syndrome and
rheumatism); Increases appetite and stimulates digestion; Astringent – make a strong tea, chil and
apply to wounds to help staunch bleeding.
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Derniers refuges

La nature près de chez nous Derniers refuges La plaine de Hesbaye est là, mollement ondulée et captive d’un regard qui avale une infinité de champs, à peine ponctués de bâtisses, jetées de plus en plus loin des centres villageois. Que de changements ces dernières années! Dans «Un temps que les moins de 20 ans ne peuvent pas connaître», nos campagnes étaient tout autr

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