Microsoft word - medical_release_minor_revised_2008[1].doc
Family Name____________________ Date Form Completed____________ CPLC PERMISSION SLIP/EMERGENCY RELEASE FORM Youth’s Name:___________________________________ Grade______________ DOB__________ Male/Female_______ Address___________________________City__________St/Zip__________ School_________________Parent (s)/Guardian Name_____________________________________ Home Phone___________________ Work Phone__________________ Other___________ Physician’s Name______________________________ Phone____________ Hospitalization Company___________________________ Member SS #_____________________ Policy # (if different)___________ Group #_________________ Phone #____________________ Pertinent Medical Information (including drug allergies, chronic conditions, current medications, other) __________________________________________________________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: Name:________________________ Relationship: ________________ Phone:__________________ Name:________________________ Relationship: ________________ Phone:__________________ Name:________________________ Relationship: ________________ Phone:__________________ PERMISSION TO TRAVEL AND PARTICIPATE / LIABILITY RELEASE:
I/We, ________________________________the parent (s)/guardians of _____________________, a minor, do hereby give him/her permission to travel with the youth group of Catholic Pro-Life Committee and to participate in all youth activities and functions. We understand that our child may be traveling via public or private transportation (for example: car, bus, boat, van, plane). We hereby recognize the inherent risk associated with the various youth activities and forms of travel, and agree to save and hold harmless Catholic Pro-Life Committee and their employees, volunteers, and agents from any liability or expense that may arise from my child’s participation in youth events and any travel related incidents going to and from such event. *Signature of Parent/Guardian__________________________________ Date________________ *Signature of Parent/Guardian__________________________________ Date________________ PERMISSION TO DISPENSE OVER THE COUNTER MEDS AND FIRST AID:
I/We, _____________________________the parent (s)/guardians of _______________________, a minor, do hereby give my son/daughter permission to take the following “over the counter” medications as needed for minor aches and pains, under the supervision of church personnel. Circle any and all that apply --Immodium *Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________ Date_______________ *Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________ Date_______________
Permission Slip and Medical Release for Minor
I/We, ______________________________the parent (s)/guardians of ______________________, a minor, do hereby authorize Catholic Pro-Life Committee youth ministry leaders, servants, employees, officers and adult volunteers as agent(s) for the undersigned to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or specific supervision of any physician or surgeon licensed under the provision of the Medical Practice Act, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at a hospital. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific treatment or diagnosis, but is given to provide authority and power of treatment, or hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of best judgment may deem advisable. This authorization is given pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 32 of the Texas Family Code. This authorization shall remain effective for up to one year from the date of completion of this form, unless sooner revoked in writing delivered to said agent(s). Release of Liability: _________________________(Parent’s name) shall indemnify, hold free and harmless, assume liability for, and defend Catholic Pro-Life Committee, its agents, servants, employees, officers, and directors from any and all costs and expenses including but not limited to, medical fees, attorney’s fees, discovery costs, court costs, and all other sums associated with any claim or action founded thereon, including those arising or alleged to have arisen out of treatment of aforementioned minor. We also release Catholic Pro- Life and any agents of the committee of any liability incurred due to aforementioned minor’s use of real or personal property belonging to Catholic Pro-Life Committee its agents, employees, or volunteers. Media Release:
We also release for ourselves (and or children) all rights and claims to all photographic images and video or audio recordings of ourselves or our children.
___________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian’s Printed Name SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this _______ day of _________, 20__. ___________________________________ Notary Public
Permission Slip and Medical Release for Minor
Lecture: Plants Of The Palomar College Arboretum W. P. Armstrong & Tony Rangel, April 2011 If You Get Lost In Wayne's Word Pages, Find This Page Again At The Top Of Brief Summary Of The Palomar College Arboretum By 1970, campus horticulturist Bob Kelly had already begun planting trees in an undeveloped area east of campus (near the Perimeter Road). ASG President Brian Hawthorne be
Assistant Professor, St. Jerome’s University Mathematics DepartmentCross-appointed, University of Waterloo Pure Mathematics DepartmentAffiliate, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsMathematics Department,St. Jerome’s University,290 Westmount Rd N, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G3. geometric analysis, differential and algebraic geometry, gauge theory, mathematical physics. 1. (201