SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT
In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek
medical advice immediately (show the label
PURPOSE: Fumigant for insect control. NOTE: Do not wear open top gloves or boots – see COMPANY IDENTIFICATION: section 8 skin protection 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS: Ingredient 4. FIRST AID: Consult the Poisons Information Centre (Australia 131126) or a doctor in every case of suspected chemical poisoning. Never give fluids or induce vomiting if a patient is unconscious or convulsing regardless of cause of injury. If breathing difficulties occur seek medical attention immediately. EYE: In case of contact by the liquid, immediately flush 2. HAZARDOUS IDENTIFICATION:
eyes with water; remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue flushing eyes for at least 15
minutes. Obtain medical attention promptly preferably from
Classified as hazardous sccording to the criteria of SKIN: If shoes, gloves, or clothing covering skin become Classified as Dangerous Goods for Land Transport
wet with sulfuryl fluoride, immediately apply water to
contaminated clothing before removing. Once area has
Potential Health Effects: Toxic liquid under pressure –
thawed, remove contaminated items covering skin. Wash
forms gas on release. High concentrations of gas can be
fatal. Lower concentrations can be irritating to other
respiratory system and lungs. Escaping liquid and gas
INGESTION: If swallowed, seek medical attention Do not
induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical
Gas is toxic by inhalation and liquid is toxic if
INHALATION: Move person to fresh air. If not breathing,
give artificial respiration; if by mouth to mouth use rescuer
protection (pocket mask, etc). If breathing is difficult,
oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Call
R37 (gas): Irritating to respiratory system.
a physician or transport to a medical facility. If person is not
breathing and has no pulse, consider cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR); use pocket resuscitation mask, bag
Keep locked up and out of reach of children.
valve mask, etc., to avoid risk of poisoning rescuer. To
prevent pulmonary oedema have the person inhale 5 shots
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT
of an aerosol corticosteroid metered dose inhaler (if
hydrofluoric acid and sulfur dioxide, which may be formed
available), such as beclomethasone or fluticasone, etc.,
by decomposition of the product in a fire.
every 10 minutes until the person is evaluated by a
FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Cylinders exposed to
fire may vent and release toxic gas through melted fusible
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Sulfuryl fluoride is a gas, which has
plugs on cylinders. Although sulfuryl fluoride is not
no warning properties such as odour or eye irritation. The
combustible, in temperatures exceeding 400°C, it will
prediction of possible human effects is based in part on
degrade to form hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide.
observations made on laboratory animals. Treat frostbite if
present (eyes, skin) with gentle re-warming by water
FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Wear positive-pressure,
irrigation for at least 15 minutes. It is predicted that persons
self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective
exposed to sulfuryl fluoride will show little evidence of
clothing. When fighting fires in atmospheres containing
intoxication at first, unless the concentration is very high
potentially high concentrations of sulfuryl fluoride,
(>400 ppm). Early symptoms of exposure to sulfuryl fluoride
encapsulating protective suits should be worn due to
are respiratory irritation and central nervous system
possible formation of hydrofluoric acid. Protective suit
depression. Excitation may follow. Slowed movement,
material should be compatible with exposure to hydrofluoric
reduced awareness, and slow or garbled speech may be
noted. It is essential to keep such an individual at bed rest
for at least 24 hours. Clinical observations should be
directed at the pulmonary, hepatic, and renal systems.
Prolonged exposure can produce lung irritation, pulmonary oedema, nausea, and abdominal pain. Repeated exposure
to high concentrations can result in significant lung and
kidney damage. Convulsions may ensue with respiratory
arrest being the terminal event. Assisted respiration may be
immediate area if cylinder begins to leak. Use approved
necessary. Clinical observation is essential. There is no
positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus
known antidote for over-exposure to sulfuryl fluoride.
(SCBA) or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator, such
Consider administering a complete aerosol corticosteroid
as manufactured by Ranger, Survivair, Scott, or MSA, for
metered dose inhaler (100 – 150 shots) or equivalent as
entry into affected areas to correct problem. For leaking
initial preventive treatment for incipient pulmonary oedema.
cylinders occurring near structure being fumigated, place
Consider administering 250 – 1,000 mg prednisolone IV on
the cylinder inside the designated structure if it can be done
the first day of treatment. No specific antidote. Treatment of
safely. If leaking cylinder occurs elsewhere, move leaking
exposure should be directed at the control of symptoms
or damaged cylinder outdoors or to an isolated location,
and the clinical condition of the patient.
observing strict safety precautions. Work upwind if possible.
Do not permit entry into leakage area by unprotected persons until concentration of fumigant is determined to be
1 ppm or less, as determined by a detection device with sufficient sensitivity such as an INTERSCAN or MIRAN gas
FLASH POINT: Not applicable – Not combustible.
analyzer. For detailed information on the source and use of
air monitoring devices or respirators, consult Dow
combustible. However, if cylinders are in a fire area, water
should be used to keep them cool to help prevent discharge of product caused by melted fusible plugs on the cylinders.
Use of water will also help to scrub out part of any
HANDLING: Keep out of reach of children. Do not breathe gas. Keep all unnecessary people and pets out of area containing sulfuryl fluoride gas.
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT
STORAGE: Store in original container away from heat and APPLICATORS AND ALL OTHER HANDLERS: Refer to
the product label for personal protective clothing and
These precautions are suggested for conditions where the potential for exposure exists. Emergency conditions may
BOILING POINT: -55°C VAPOUR PRESSURE: 15.2 atmospheres @ 20°C VAPOUR DENSITY: 4.3 g/L @ 20°C EXPOSURE GUIDELINES: Sulfuryl fluoride: ACGIH and SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Practically insoluble
the Australian NOHSC TLV is 5 ppm (21 mg/m3) TWA, 10
SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.35 @ 20°C APPEARANCE: Colourless ODOR: Odourless compressed gas Based on monitoring data from mills the Australian Office of Chemical Safety has recommended an air level below 3 ppm as a safe re-entry level after 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY: fumigation. STABILITY: (conditions to avoid) Cylinders may leak or
rupture in a fire. Stable under normal storage conditions.
ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Provide general and/or local
exhaust ventilation to control airborne levels below the
INCOMPATIBILITY: (specific materials to avoid) Strong
exposure guidelines. Lethal concentrations may exist in
dioxide and hydrogen fluoride under fire conditions in the
COMMERCIAL BLENDING, AND PACKAGING WORKERS: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Not known to occur. EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Use a face shield or chemical 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: SKIN PROTECTION: Skin contact with the liquid may cause freeze injury if the liquid is confined to the skin. The POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: This section includes
use of protective clothing that may entrap the liquid next to
possible adverse effects, which could occur if this material
the skin (e.g. unsealed encapsulating suits, exposed open
is not handled in the recommended manner.
topped boots or open-cuffed gloves) must be avoided.
EYE: Liquid will cause severe eye damage due to its very RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should
cold temperature when released. The gas is non-irritating to
be maintained below exposure guidelines. When respiratory
protection is required, use an approved self-contained
breathing apparatus or positive-pressure airline with
SKIN: Liquid may cause frostbite. The gas is non-irritating
auxiliary self-contained air supply. For emergency and other
to skin. No adverse effects anticipated by skin absorption.
conditions where the exposure guideline may be exceeded,
use an approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing
INGESTION: Moderate toxicity if swallowed. The oral LD50
apparatus or positive pressure airline with auxiliary self-
for rats is 100 mg/kg. Swallowing is unlikely because of the
contained air supply. In confined or poorly ventilated areas,
use an approved self-contained breathing apparatus or
positive pressure airline with auxiliary self-contained air
INHALATION: Vapour concentrations that are fatal with a
single exposure can be attained. Excessive exposure may
cause severe irritation to upper respiratory tract (nose and
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT
throat) and lungs. The LC50 for a 4-hour exposure for rats is
be disposed of according to the product label directions,
animals, effects have been reported on the following
disposal of this material must be in accordance with your
organs: brain, central nervous system, kidney, lung,
local or area regulations. This information presented below
respiratory tract and thyroid gland. Observations in animals
only applies to the material as supplied. The identification
include convulsions and tremors. May cause fluorosis of
based on characteristic(s) or listing may not apply if the
material has been used or otherwise contaminated. It is the
responsibility of the waste generator to determine the
CANCER INFORMATION: Did not cause cancer in
toxicity and physical properties of the material generated to
determine the proper waste identification and disposal
methods in compliance with applicable regulations. If the
material as supplied becomes a waste, follow all applicable
unlikely. Exposures having no effect on the mother should
regional, national and local laws and regulations.
have no effect on the foetus. Did not cause birth defects in
animals; other effects were seen in the foetus only at doses
which caused toxic effects to the mother.
Classified as dangerous goods under the ADG 7.
SEA AND AIR TRANSPORT: Classified as dangerous MUTAGENICITY:In-vitro and animal genetic toxicity
goods for transport by sea and air in accordance with the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) and
the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulation.
12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: UN No: UN2191 Class: 2.3 MOVEMENT & PARTITIONING: Bioconcentration potential Packing group: Not applicable SHIPPING NAME: SULPHURYL FLUORIDE Marine
Potential for mobility in soil is very high (soil organic
carbon/water partition coefficient (Koc) estimated to be
6.124). Moderately volatile in water based on Henry's Law Constant
(H) estimated to be 3.28E-02 atm-m3/mole.
POISON SCHEDULE: S6 DEGRADATION & PERSISTENCE: The hydrolysis half-life is 18 minutes to 3 days. Expected to biodegrade readily 16. OTHER INFORMATION:
based on a Log octanol/water partition coefficient (Log Pow) estimated using a structural fragment method of 0.41.
Glossary ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial ECOTOXICOLOGY: Material is highly toxic to aquatic AIHA WEEL: American Industrial Hygiene Association’s
Workplace Environmental Exposure Level. ASCC: Australian Safety and Compensation Commission. BCF: Bioconcentration Factor - a measure for the characterization of the accumulation of a chemical in an organism. It is defined as the concentration of a chemical in
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT
an organism (plants, microorganisms, animals) divided by
TWA - Time Weighted Average. The average
the concentration in a reference compartment (e.g. food,
concentration of a chemical in air over the total exposure
Dow AgroSciences Industrial Hygiene Guideline: An References
internal company standard based on an 8 hour TWA.
AS/NZS 1715-1994 Selection Use and Maintenance of
EC50: median effective concentration. Statistically derived
concentration of a substance in an environmental medium
ASNZS 1716 - 1994 Respiratory protective devices.
expected to produce a certain effect in 50% of test
organisms in a given population under a defined set of
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous
Explosive Limits - The range of concentrations (% by
volume in air) of a flammable gas or vapour that can result
NOHSC Hazardous Substances Information System.
in an explosion for ignition in a confined space.
Koc - the organic carbon partition coefficient (mL soil water VERSION CONTROL
/g organic carbon). Replaces version dated: 1 December 2007 LC50 - Lethal Concentration 50%. A concentration of Sections amended: 2, 6, 14
chemical in air or water that will kill 50% of the test
Formulation Number: NA LD50 - Lethal Dose-50%. The dose of a chemical that will FOR FURTHER PRODUCT INFORMATION CALL DOW
kill 50% of the test animals receiving it.
Commission of Australia now the Office of the Australian
BUSINESS HOURS. OSHA: American Occupational Safety and Health Dow AgroSciences (Australia) Ltd.urges each customer or recipient of this (M)SDS to study it carefully and consult PEL: Permissible Exposure Level, a maximum allowable appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and understand the data contained in this pH - Measure of how acidic or alkaline a material is using a (M)SDS and any hazards associated with the product. The
1 - 14 scale. pH 1 is strongly acidic and pH 14 strongly
information herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown above. Polymerisation - a chemical reaction in which small However, no warranty, express or implied, is given.
molecules 9monomers) combine to form much larger
Regulatory requirements are subject to change and may
molecules (polymers). A hazardous polymerisation reaction
differ between various locations. It is the buyer’s/user’s
is one that occurs at a fast rate and releases large amounts
responsibility to ensure that his activities comply with all federal, state, provincial or local laws. The information Pow - The octanol-water partition coefficient is the ratio of presented here pertains only to the product as shipped.
the concentration of a chemical in octanol and in water at
Since conditions for use of the product are not under the
equilibrium and at a specified temperature. Octanol is an
control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer’s/user’s duty to
organic solvent that is used as a surrogate for natural
determine the conditions necessary for the safe use of this
organic matter. This parameter is used in many
product.Due to the proliferation of sources for information
environmental studies to help determine the fate of
such as manufacturer-specific (M)SDSs, we are not and cannot be responsible for (M)SDSs obtained from any STEL: Short-Term Exposure Limit. A term used to source other than ourselves. If you have obtained an
indicate the maximum average concentration allowed for a
(M)SDS from another source or if you are not sure that the (M)SDS you have is current, please contact us for the most TLV: Threshold Limit Value, an exposure limit set by a
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
SESIÓN DE LA COMISIÓN DE CARRERAS DEL DÍA 10 DE ENERO DE 2013 Res. 29: Visto lo informado por el Centro de Investigación y Control del Doping de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, con relación al análisis químico del S.P.C. “BESSON” que l egara segundo en la 6ta. carrera del día 20 de diciembre pasado, ejemplar al cuidado del Entrenador Dn. ARIEL H. GARCIA , mediante el cual
WasteSafe 2013 3rd International Conference on Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries 10–12 February 2013 in Khulna, Bangladesh Conference Program Day I: 10 February 2013, SUNDAY 13:00–Onward : Registration & Help Desk (Lawn of CE Building, KUET) 15:00 - 16:00: Inauguration Ceremony at the Auditorium of KUET • Welcome Address: Prof. Dr. Muh